1,371 research outputs found

    La lexicografía bilingüe italoespañola: traducción de algunos elementos culturales

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    Fuentes para la historia de las cooperativas agrarias en España : los archivos empresariales

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    Desde que en los años 70 del siglo XX la cuestión de los archivos de empresa comenzara a tomar forma en España, varios han sido las empresas que han organizado su documentación y diversos los estudios que han tratado este tema. Aunque de manera mucho más tardía que otros países que presentan una muy superior tradición en este aspecto, tales como Alemania, Inglaterra, Francia, Italia o los Estados Unidos. En España la organización de estos archivos empresariales como centros de investigación histórica aún es escasa, y si analizamos los casos existentes comprobaremos que es una práctica que se circunscribe únicamente a empresas de gran tamaño localizadas en sectores determinados, tales como el público, bancario, minero-metalúrgico, energético, ferroviario, naval, algo del sector alimentario (tabacos, bodegas vinícolas jerezanas), etc

    New trends in world wine consumption and its impact on the Spanish wineries during the second half of the twentieth century

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    The main goal of this research is explain the impact of the new trends of wine consumption, and the way these enterprises adapted to the circumstances. The hypothesis is that the Spanish companies had to start a deep and traumatic restructuring process, with the aim of surviving adequately in the changeable wine national and international markets. Heavy technological investments were made, with serious finance problems, during the eighties and nineties. We will see this from two specific cases, the Cooperatives "San Isidro" and "Rosario", located in the Region of Murcia, in the Spanish southeast

    3D human pose estimation from depth maps using a deep combination of poses

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    Many real-world applications require the estimation of human body joints for higher-level tasks as, for example, human behaviour understanding. In recent years, depth sensors have become a popular approach to obtain three-dimensional information. The depth maps generated by these sensors provide information that can be employed to disambiguate the poses observed in two-dimensional images. This work addresses the problem of 3D human pose estimation from depth maps employing a Deep Learning approach. We propose a model, named Deep Depth Pose (DDP), which receives a depth map containing a person and a set of predefined 3D prototype poses and returns the 3D position of the body joints of the person. In particular, DDP is defined as a ConvNet that computes the specific weights needed to linearly combine the prototypes for the given input. We have thoroughly evaluated DDP on the challenging 'ITOP' and 'UBC3V' datasets, which respectively depict realistic and synthetic samples, defining a new state-of-the-art on them.Comment: Accepted for publication at "Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

    Las Bodegas españolas y su adaptación a los cambios del mercado a finales del siglo XX : análisis lingüístico de la publicidad

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    El sector vitivinícola español ha experimentado una serie de transformaciones en los últimos años, especialmente derivada de la caída del consumo interno y la creciente competencia en los mercados. Esto ha provocado que las bodegas españolas tuvieran que adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias mediante la aplicación de modernas políticas de marketing. El objetivo principal del estudio es conocer el grado de aplicación de éstas, mediante la comparación y el análisis lingüístico de distintos tipos de incursiones publicitarias en medios impresos especializados, tratando aspectos como la frecuencia específica, la variación léxica, las categorías semánticas y las familias de palabras más utilizadas. La principal conclusión es que las bodegas españolas emprendieron un proceso de adaptación tardía, pasando de mensajes sencillos, sin imagen y relacionados con el sistema productivo, a otros mucho más elaborados, con imagen y nuevos términos que pretenden transmitir que estamos ante un producto de calidad

    Testicular development in migrant and spawning bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus (L.)) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean

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    Testis histological structure was studied in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean during the reproductive season (from late April to early June). Testicular maturation was investigated by comparing samples from bluefin tuna caught on their eastward reproductive migration off Barbate (Strait of Gibraltar area) with samples of bluefin tuna fished in spawning grounds around the Balearic Islands. Histological evaluations of cross sections showed that the testis consists of two structurally different regions, an outer proliferative region where germ cells develop synchronously in cysts, and a central region made up of a well-developed system of ducts that convey the spermatozoa produced in the proliferative region to the main sperm duct. Ultrastructural features of the different stages of the male germ cell line are very similar to those described in other teleost species. The bluefin tuna testis is of the unrestricted spermatogonial testicular type, where primary spermatogonia are present all along the germinative portion of the lobules. All stages of spermatogenesis were present in the gonad tissue of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna, although spermatids were more abundant in spawning fish. The testis size was found to increase by a factor of four (on average) during migration to the Mediterranean spawning grounds, whereas the fat bodies (mesenteric lipid stores associated with the gonads) became reduced to half their weight, and the liver mass did not change significantly with sexual maturation. Linear regression analysis of the pooled data of migrant and spawning bluefin tuna revealed a significant negative correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the fat tissue index (IF), and a weaker positive correlation between the gonad index (IG) and the liver index (IL). Our analyses indicate that the liver does not play a significant role in the storage of lipids and that mesenteric lipid reserves constitute an important energy source for gametogenesis in bluefin tuna

    Evolution and recent developments of Spanish wine sector, 1950-2008

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    Since the 1980s the traditional European winegrowing regions have been carrying out deep changes in response to the onslaught of winegrowers in the New World. In recent years Spanish regions have been foremost in Europe in terms of change in areas turned over to wine production and distribution. This study analyses the main sequences of changes the Spanish wine industry has undergone: the evolution of consumption through the changes in consumer drinking habits; the leading role of exports in international markets; the spread of different types of marketing and business organization; the distribution in large and small sellers, and the main factors that have been involved in the chain of production and in the modernization of the wineries

    Las bodegas españolas y su adaptación a los cambios del mercado a finales del siglo XX: Análisis lingüístico de la publicidad

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    El sector vitivinícola español ha experimentado una serie de transformaciones en los últimos años, especialmente derivada de la caída del consumo interno y la creciente competencia en los mercados. Esto ha provocado que las bodegas españolas tuvieran que adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias mediante la aplicación de modernas políticas de marketing. El objetivo principal del estudio es conocer el grado de aplicación de éstas, mediante la comparación y el análisis lingüístico de distintos tipos de incursiones publicitarias en medios impresos especializados, tratando aspectos como la frecuencia específica, la variación léxica, las categorías semánticas y las familias de palabras más utilizadas. La principal conclusión es que las bodegas españolas emprendieron un proceso de adaptación tardía, pasando de mensajes sencillos, sin imagen y relacionados con el sistema productivo, a otros mucho más elaborados, con imagen y nuevos términos que pretenden transmitir que estamos ante un producto de calidad.vino, consumo, bodegas, marketing, publicidad, análisis lingüístico,España

    Model and neural control of the depth of anesthesia during surgery

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    At present, the experimentation of anesthetic drugs on patients requires a regulation protocol, and the response of each patient to several doses of entry drug must be well known. Therefore, the development of pharmacological dose control systems is a promising field of research in anesthesiology. In this paper it has been developed a non-linear compartmental pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamical model which describes the anesthesia depth effect on a sufficiently reliable way over a set of patients with the depth effect quantified by the Bi-Spectral Index. Afterwards, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) predictive controller has been designed based on the depth of anesthesia model so as to keep the patient on the optimum condition while he undergoes surgical treatment. For the purpose of quantifying the efficiency of the neural predictive controller, a classical proportional-integral-derivative controller has also been developed to compare both strategies. Results show the superior performance of predictive neural controller during Bi- Spectral Index reference tracking.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech