46 research outputs found

    The transcriptional network activated by Cln3 cyclin at the G1-to-S transition of the yeast cell cycle

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    Background: The G1-to-S transition of the cell cycle in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae involves an extensive transcriptional program driven by transcription factors SBF (Swi4-Swi6) and MBF (Mbp1-Swi6). Activation of these factors ultimately depends on the G1 cyclin Cln3. Results: To determine the transcriptional targets of Cln3 and their dependence on SBF or MBF, we first have used DNA microarrays to interrogate gene expression upon Cln3 overexpression in synchronized cultures of strains lacking components of SBF and/or MBF. Secondly, we have integrated this expression dataset together with other heterogeneous data sources into a single probabilistic model based on Bayesian statistics. Our analysis has produced more than 200 transcription factor-target assignments, validated by ChIP assays and by functional enrichment. Our predictions show higher internal coherence and predictive power than previous classifications. Our results support a model whereby SBF and MBF may be differentially activated by Cln3. Conclusions: Integration of heterogeneous genome-wide datasets is key to building accurate transcriptional networks. By such integration, we provide here a reliable transcriptional network at the G1-to-S transition in the budding yeast cell cycle. Our results suggest that to improve the reliability of predictions we need to feed our models with more informative experimental data

    Cth2 protein mediates early adaptation of yeast cells to oxidative stress conditions

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    Cth2 is an mRNA-binding protein that participates in remodeling yeast cell metabolism in iron starvation conditions by promoting decay of the targeted molecules, in order to avoid excess iron consumption. This study shows that in the absence of Cth2 immediate upregulation of expression of several of the iron regulon genes (involved in high affinity iron uptake and intracellular iron redistribution) upon oxidative stress by hydroperoxide is more intense than in wild type conditions where Cth2 is present. The oxidative stress provokes a temporary increase in the levels of Cth2 (itself a member of the iron regulon). In such conditions Cth2 molecules accumulate at P bodies-like structures when the constitutive mRNA decay machinery is compromised. In addition, a null Δcth2 mutant shows defects, in comparison to CTH2 wild type cells, in exit from α factor-induced arrest at the G1 stage of the cell cycle when hydroperoxide treatment is applied. The cell cycle defects are rescued in conditions that compromise uptake of external iron into the cytosol. The observations support a role of Cth2 in modulating expression of diverse iron regulon genes, excluding those specifically involved in the reductive branch of the high-affinity transport. This would result in immediate adaptation of the yeast cells to an oxidative stress, by controlling uptake of oxidant-promoting iron cations.This study was supported by grant BFU2010-17656 from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (www.mineco.gob.es)

    The Cell Cycle–Regulated Genes of Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    Many genes are regulated as an innate part of the eukaryotic cell cycle, and a complex transcriptional network helps enable the cyclic behavior of dividing cells. This transcriptional network has been studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (budding yeast) and elsewhere. To provide more perspective on these regulatory mechanisms, we have used microarrays to measure gene expression through the cell cycle of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast). The 750 genes with the most significant oscillations were identified and analyzed. There were two broad waves of cell cycle transcription, one in early/mid G2 phase, and the other near the G2/M transition. The early/mid G2 wave included many genes involved in ribosome biogenesis, possibly explaining the cell cycle oscillation in protein synthesis in S. pombe. The G2/M wave included at least three distinctly regulated clusters of genes: one large cluster including mitosis, mitotic exit, and cell separation functions, one small cluster dedicated to DNA replication, and another small cluster dedicated to cytokinesis and division. S. pombe cell cycle genes have relatively long, complex promoters containing groups of multiple DNA sequence motifs, often of two, three, or more different kinds. Many of the genes, transcription factors, and regulatory mechanisms are conserved between S. pombe and S. cerevisiae. Finally, we found preliminary evidence for a nearly genome-wide oscillation in gene expression: 2,000 or more genes undergo slight oscillations in expression as a function of the cell cycle, although whether this is adaptive, or incidental to other events in the cell, such as chromatin condensation, we do not know

    Cytoplasmic cyclin D1 regulates cell invasion and metastasis through the phosphorylation of paxillin

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    Cyclin D1 (Ccnd1) together with its binding partner Cdk4 act as a transcriptional regulator to control cell proliferation and migration, and abnormal Ccnd1 . Cdk4 expression promotes tumour growth and metastasis. While different nuclear Ccnd1 . Cdk4 targets participating in cell proliferation and tissue development have been identified, little is known about how Ccnd1 . Cdk4 controls cell adherence and invasion. Here, we show that the focal adhesion component paxillin is a cytoplasmic substrate of Ccnd1 . Cdk4. This complex phosphorylates a fraction of paxillin specifically associated to the cell membrane, and promotes Rac1 activation, thereby triggering membrane ruffling and cell invasion in both normal fibroblasts and tumour cells. Our results demonstrate that localization of Ccnd1 . Cdk4 to the cytoplasm does not simply act to restrain cell proliferation, but constitutes a functionally relevant mechanism operating under normal and pathological conditions to control cell adhesion, migration and metastasis through activation of a Ccnd1 . Cdk4-paxillin-Rac1 axis

    Antitumor Effects of Ral-GTPases Downregulation in Glioblastoma.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common tumor in the central nervous system in adults. This neoplasia shows a high capacity of growth and spreading to the surrounding brain tissue, hindering its complete surgical resection. Therefore, the finding of new antitumor therapies for GBM treatment is a priority. We have previously described that cyclin D1-CDK4 promotes GBM dissemination through the activation of the small GTPases RalA and RalB. In this paper, we show that RalB GTPase is upregulated in primary GBM cells. We found that the downregulation of Ral GTPases, mainly RalB, prevents the proliferation of primary GBM cells and triggers a senescence-like response. Moreover, downregulation of RalA and RalB reduces the viability of GBM cells growing as tumorspheres, suggesting a possible role of these GTPases in the survival of GBM stem cells. By using mouse subcutaneous xenografts, we have corroborated the role of RalB in GBM growth in vivo. Finally, we have observed that the knockdown of RalB also inhibits cell growth in temozolomide-resistant GBM cells. Overall, our work shows that GBM cells are especially sensitive to Ral-GTPase availability. Therefore, we propose that the inactivation of Ral-GTPases may be a reliable therapeutic approach to prevent GBM progression and recurrence.This work was funded by the Catalan Government—AGAUR (2017 SGR-569), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciön (PID2019-104859GB-I00; RTI2018-094739-B-I00; PID2019-104734RB-I00), and by the Xarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya sponsored by Pla Director d’Oncologia de Catalunya (XBTC). T Cemeli (FPU13/06590), M.Guasch (FPU17/00229), R. Navaridas (FPU18/04480), and M. Ribes (TALENT-IRBLleida) were supported by a pre-doctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, and from Diputació de Lleida