11,968 research outputs found

    O programa nacional de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar no Brasil: uma análise sobre a distribuição regional e setorial dos recursos.

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    No Brasil, as políticas públicas para o espaço rural sempre tenderam a priorizar a agricultura patronal, em detrimento dos agricultores familiares. Todavia, os estudos realizados pelos órgãos FAO - INCRA deram subsídio para a criação do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF), resultando em um novo direcionamento dos investimentos públicos, os quais passaram a contemplar o segmento dos agricultores familiares. Entende-se o PRONAF como uma política não-compensatória, que, apesar de seus problemas, tem contribuído de fato para mudanças e melhorias no espaço agrário brasileiro. Desde sua criação no final da década de 1990, o PRONAF passou por várias mudanças em sua estrutura administrativa e operacional, a fim de alcançar seus objetivos e adequar-se face a complexa realidade social agrária brasileira. Sendo assim, o presente estudo visa discutir as ações do Estado por meio desse Programa, a partir de suas linhas de atuação, bem como analisar a distribuição de suas concessões de crédito regional e setorialmente. Assim, os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados para a realização deste trabalho compreendem pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de pesquisa em fontes secundárias, no intuito de obter dados e informações relevantes para a análise das relações sociais estabelecidas em meio a esse processo de concretização e espacialização desse Programa. Dentre as implicações do PRONAF pode-se notar em âmbito nacional, uma diminuição da disparidade regional brasileira, bem como a preocupação que o Programa tem demonstrado com os aspectos socioculturais locais e regionais, como forma de garantir que seus investimentos perpassem a dimensão econômica, mas valorize outras dimensões, a exemplo dos elementos culturais

    Exactly solvable interacting vertex models

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    We introduce and solvev a special family of integrable interacting vertex models that generalizes the well known six-vertex model. In addition to the usual nearest-neighbor interactions among the vertices, there exist extra hard-core interactions among pair of vertices at larger distances.The associated row-to-row transfer matrices are diagonalized by using the recently introduced matrix product {\it ansatz}. Similarly as the relation of the six-vertex model with the XXZ quantum chain, the row-to-row transfer matrices of these new models are also the generating functions of an infinite set of commuting conserved charges. Among these charges we identify the integrable generalization of the XXZ chain that contains hard-core exclusion interactions among the spins. These quantum chains already appeared in the literature. The present paper explains their integrability.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Diacritical study of light, electrons, and sound scattering by particles and holes

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    We discuss the differences and similarities in the interaction of scalar and vector wave-fields with particles and holes. Analytical results are provided for the transmission of isolated and arrayed small holes as well as surface modes in hole arrays for light, electrons, and sound. In contrast to the optical case, small-hole arrays in perforated perfect screens cannot produce acoustic or electronic surface-bound states. However, unlike electrons and light, sound is transmitted through individual holes approximately in proportion to their area, regardless their size. We discuss these issues with a systematic analysis that allows exploring both common properties and unique behavior in wave phenomena for different material realizations.Comment: 3 figure

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Nasionalisasi Pertanahan

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    Evaluasi terhadap implementasi UU No.1/2003 di Timor Leste. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan, mengevaluasi dan menganalisis proses nasionalisasi eks-tanah dan bangunan yang ditinggalkan oleh pemiliknya dan pemerintahan Indonesia dan Portugis yang berkaitan dengan hak kepemilikan. Sebagai akibat adanya sertifikat hak atas tanah yang telah diterbitkan oleh dua pemerintahan yang berbeda dapat menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan di masyarakat setelah kemerdekaannya. Oleh karena itu pemerintah Timor Leste segera merumuskan suatu kebijakan yang dimanifestasikan dalam bentuk undang-undang yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan UU No.1/2003. Pemberlakuan UU No.1/2003 ini pada dasarnya mengatur 3 ketentuan hukum prioritas: pertama, kepentingan umum (negara); kedua, kepentingan bekas pemegang hak, dan; ketiga pemanfaatkan tanah atau bangunan oleh masyarakat. metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. DNTPSC sebagai badan pelaksana telah memaksimalkan seluruh unit kerja yang ada di struktur baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah. Dalam Implementasi kebijakan pemerintah ini dengan kontribusi yang signifikan dari berbagai pihak. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian menunjukkan telah terdaftarnya 12943 pengaduan atau klaim dengan pemanfaatannya sebesar 11343 sedangkan 1927 sebagai Asset Milik Negara (AMN) telah dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Implementasi kebijakan nasionalisasi telah mencapai target, hal ini tidak terlepas dari koordinasi antar institusi pemerintah yang baik, adanya aturan hukum yang jelas, dukungan donator Internasional, partisipasi masyarakat dan sarana prasarana. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi Kebijakan, Nasionalisas

    Conformal invariance and its breaking in a stochastic model of a fluctuating interface

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    Using Monte-Carlo simulations on large lattices, we study the effects of changing the parameter uu (the ratio of the adsorption and desorption rates) of the raise and peel model. This is a nonlocal stochastic model of a fluctuating interface. We show that for 0<u<10<u<1 the system is massive, for u=1u=1 it is massless and conformal invariant. For u>1u>1 the conformal invariance is broken. The system is in a scale invariant but not conformal invariant phase. As far as we know it is the first example of a system which shows such a behavior. Moreover in the broken phase, the critical exponents vary continuously with the parameter uu. This stays true also for the critical exponent Ï„\tau which characterizes the probability distribution function of avalanches (the critical exponent DD staying unchanged).Comment: 22 pages and 20 figure

    Exciton Optical Absorption in Self-Similar Aperiodic Lattices

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    Exciton optical absorption in self-similar aperiodic one-dimensional systems is considered, focusing our attention on Thue-Morse and Fibonacci lattices as canonical examples. The absorption line shape is evaluated by solving the microscopic equations of motion of the Frenkel-exciton problem on the lattice, in which on-site energies take on two values, according to the Thue-Morse or Fibonacci sequences. Results are compared to those obtained in random lattices with the same stechiometry and size. We find that aperiodic order causes the occurrence of well-defined characteristic features in the absorption spectra which clearly differ from the case of random systems, indicating a most peculiar exciton dynamics. We successfully explain the obtained spectra in terms of the two-center problem. This allows us to establish the origin of all the absorption lines by considering the self-similar aperiodic lattices as composed of two-center blocks, within the same spirit of the renormalization group ideas.Comment: 16 pages in REVTeX 3.0. 2 figures on request to F. D-A ([email protected]

    Fluorescence decay in aperiodic Frenkel lattices

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    We study motion and capture of excitons in self-similar linear systems in which interstitial traps are arranged according to an aperiodic sequence, focusing our attention on Fibonacci and Thue-Morse systems as canonical examples. The decay of the fluorescence intensity following a broadband pulse excitation is evaluated by solving the microscopic equations of motion of the Frenkel exciton problem. We find that the average decay is exponential and depends only on the concentration of traps and the trapping rate. In addition, we observe small-amplitude oscillations coming from the coupling between the low-lying mode and a few high-lying modes through the topology of the lattice. These oscillations are characteristic of each particular arrangement of traps and they are directly related to the Fourier transform of the underlying lattice. Our predictions can be then used to determine experimentally the ordering of traps.Comment: REVTeX 3.0 + 3PostScript Figures + epsf.sty (uuencoded). To appear in Physical Review

    Antioxidant activity, photosynthetic rate, and Spectral mass in bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Response to Stress Defense Activators

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    An increase in antioxidant activity is a common response in plants as a defense mechanism against biotic and abiotic stress factors, such response is also generated with the exogenous application of "defense activators", which have negative effects on plant metabolism. In this work, bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. Pinto Nacional were treated with jasmonic acid (0.5 mM), salicylic acid (2 mM), Trichoderma asperellum (105 spores/ml), and Bacillus pumilus (105 CFU / mL), in order to determine the level of structural and metabolic response of the plants. On the seventh day after the application of the treatments, it was measured the enzymatic activity of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). In addition, leaf impressions were taken to measure the stomatal opening and conductance, photosynthetic rate, and the mass spectrum (mass/charge, m/z). The antioxidant activity increased in plants treated with jasmonic acid and T. asperellum, which in turn significantly increased the stomatal opening and conductance, and photosynthetic rate. The mass profile showed that the plants treated with T. asperellum have a greater quantity of masses/charge, of which some had statistically highly significant difference according to the means test Tukey (

    From conformal invariance to quasistationary states

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    In a conformal invariant one-dimensional stochastic model, a certain non-local perturbation takes the system to a new massless phase of a special kind. The ground-state of the system is an adsorptive state. Part of the finite-size scaling spectrum of the evolution Hamiltonian stays unchanged but some levels go exponentially to zero for large lattice sizes becoming degenerate with the ground-state. As a consequence one observes the appearance of quasistationary states which have a relaxation time which grows exponentially with the size of the system. Several initial conditions have singled out a quasistationary state which has in the finite-size scaling limit the same properties as the stationary state of the conformal invariant model.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure

    Intracellular DNA replication and differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi is asynchronous within individual host cells in vivo at all stages of infection.

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    Investigations into intracellular replication and differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi within the mammalian host have been restricted by limitations in our ability to detect parasitized cells throughout the course of infection. We have overcome this problem by generating genetically modified parasites that express a bioluminescent/fluorescent fusion protein. By combining in vivo imaging and confocal microscopy, this has enabled us to routinely visualise murine infections at the level of individual host cells. These studies reveal that intracellular parasite replication is an asynchronous process, irrespective of tissue location or disease stage. Furthermore, using TUNEL assays and EdU labelling, we demonstrate that within individual infected cells, replication of both mitochondrial (kDNA) and nuclear genomes is not co-ordinated within the parasite population, and that replicating amastigotes and non-replicating trypomastigotes can co-exist in the same cell. Finally, we report the presence of distinct non-canonical morphological forms of T. cruzi in the mammalian host. These appear to represent transitional forms in the amastigote to trypomastigote differentiation process. Therefore, the intracellular life-cycle of T. cruzi in vivo is more complex than previously realised, with potential implications for our understanding of disease pathogenesis, immune evasion and drug development. Dissecting the mechanisms involved will be an important experimental challenge
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