71 research outputs found

    Java Simulations of Embedded Control Systems

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    This paper introduces a new Open Source Java library suited for the simulation of embedded control systems. The library is based on the ideas and architecture of TrueTime, a toolbox of Matlab devoted to this topic, and allows Java programmers to simulate the performance of control processes which run in a real time environment. Such simulations can improve considerably the learning and design of multitasking real-time systems. The choice of Java increases considerably the usability of our library, because many educators program already in this language. But also because the library can be easily used by Easy Java Simulations (EJS), a popular modeling and authoring tool that is increasingly used in the field of Control Education. EJS allows instructors, students, and researchers with less programming capabilities to create advanced interactive simulations in Java. The paper describes the ideas, implementation, and sample use of the new library both for pure Java programmers and for EJS users. The JTT library and some examples are online available on http://lab.dia.uned.es/jtt

    A Supervised ML Biometric Continuous Authentication System for Industry 4.0

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    Continuous authentication (CA) is a promising approach to authenticate workers and avoid security breaches in the industry, especially in Industry 4.0, where most interaction between workers and devices takes place. However, introducing CA in industries raises the following unsolved questions regarding machine learning (ML) models: its precision and performance; its robustness; and the issue about if or when to retrain the models. To answer these questions, this article explores these issues with a proposed supervised versus nonsupervised ML-based CA system that uses sensors, applications statistics, or speaker data collected by the operator’s devices. Experiments show supervised models with equal error rates of 7.28% using sensors data, 9.29% with statistics, and 0.31% with voice, a significant improvement of 71.97, 62.14, and 97.08%, respectively, over unsupervised models. Voice is the most robust dimension when adding new workers, with less than 2% of false acceptance rate even if workforce size is doubled

    La Torreta - El Monastil (Elda, Alicante): a new chalcolithic settlement in the Vinalopó river basin

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    Con el presente artículo se da a conocer un nuevo yacimiento arqueológico calcolítico documentado como consecuencia de la construcción de un polígono industrial en una de las terrazas del río Vinalopó, a los pies de la sierra de la Torreta (Elda). En buena parte del área ocupada por el yacimiento no se pudo realizar una actuación arqueológica planificada con anterioridad al inicio de las obras del polígono, como tampoco se pudieron excavar parte de las estructuras detectadas.Nous découvrons un nouveau site archéologique chalcolithique documenté grâce à la construction d’un polygone industriel sur l’une des terrasse fluviales de la rivière Vinalopó, aux pieds de la Sierra de la Torreta (Elda). Une grande partie de l’aire occupée par le site n’a pas pu être l’objet d’une intervention archéologique planifiée avant le commencement des travaux de construction de ce polygone, ainsi même on ne put fouiller una partie des structures détectées

    Using Augmented Reality in Remote Laboratories

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    This paper introduces the concept of “augmented reality” as a novel way to enhance visualization in remote laboratories for engineering education. In a typical remote experimentation session, students get access to a remote real plant located at the laboratory to carry out their assignments. Usually, the graphical user interface allows users to watch the equipment by video stream in live. However, in some cases, visual feedback by video stream could be enhanced by means of augmented reality techniques, which mix together in one image, the video stream and computer generated data. Such mixture produces an added value to remote experimentation, increasing the sense of presence and reality, and helping to understand much better the concepts under study. In this work, a Java-based approach to be used in the remote experimentation context for pedagogical purposes is presented. Firstly, a pure Java example is given to readers (including the source code) and then, a more sophisticated example using a Java-based open source tool known as Easy Java Simulations is introduced. This latter option takes advantage of a new developed component, called camimage, which is an easy-to-use visual element that allows authors to capture video stream from IP cameras in order to mix real images with computer generated graphics

    Controlled and Secure Access to Promote the Industrial Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) aims at facilitating access to all devices that are connected to the internet, both wired and wireless. This scenario can initially seem interesting. Nevertheless, it has a lack of privacy and danger of malicious interaction with the devices. Therefore, IoT, as it stands, is not suitable for companies to make their data and devices accessible through the internet, since they could find an untidy cloud, made up of devices without the necessary control of use. This paper proposes the use of the cloud computing advantages to develop a secure access global system based on a cloud. The company will decide the controlled access to the chosen devices and data, both by employees and external people. The developed system can be used from different scenarios such as: a public cloud; an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); and a private cloud. To illustrate the operation of the developed system, a representative network of heterogeneous multiprotocol devices has been designed

    Web-Enabled Remote Scientific Environments

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    A new approach to developing Web-enabled environments for remote diagnostics, maintenance, and experimentation in engineering is based on a middleware layer that uses a Java-Internet-Labview server to provide communication between Java programs and Labview virtual instruments. The authors illustrate their technique by applying it to the development of a complete Web-enabled application for remote control of a thermal process