128 research outputs found

    PCDD/F formation from chlorophenols by lignin and manganese peroxidases

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    Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) formation was studied, in vitro, with two different chlorophenol mixtures (group “di+tri” 2,4-dichlorophenol; 2,3,4-, 2,3,5-, and 3,4,5-trichlorophenols and group “tri+tetra+penta” with 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol and pentachlorophenol) and two different lignolytic enzymes, lignin and manganese peroxidase (LiP and MnP respectively), which can be found during the composting process of sewage sludge. The concentrations of PCDD/F in final samples are compared to the PCDD/F content of the control samples containing the chlorophenols. High increases were observed for experiments with MnP and phosphate buffer. Experiments that contained tri-, tetra- and pentachlorophenol with MnP resulted in more than 8 · 108 ng of OCDD kg−1 chlorophenol which was much higher than the initial amount (1 · 107 ng OCDD kg−1 chlorophenol). In relation to LiP experiments, only those at 37 °C showed a moderate increase (from 1.3 · 107 to 2.6 · 107 ng of OCDD kg−1 chlorophenol). The results agree with the literature in which high amounts of HpCDD and OCDD were found after a composting process and could explain the biogenic formation suggested by others, but the incidence on the total toxicity is less than that expected.The authors want to thank the University of Alicante for their economic support to perform this research and the project CTQ 2008-05520 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Prometeo 2009/043/FEDER of the Valencian Community of Spain

    Assessing the relevance of higher education courses

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    The establishment of the European Higher Education Area has involved specifying lists of professional competencies that programs are expected to develop, and with this the need for procedures to measure how every course within a higher education program is aligned with the program’s competencies. We propose an instrument for characterizing this alignment, a process that we call assessing the relevance of a course. Using information from the course syllabus (objectives, contents and assessment scheme), our instrument produces indicators for characterizing the syllabus in terms of a competence list and for assessing its coherence. Because assessment involves quality, the results obtained can also be used to revise and improve the course syllabus. We illustrate this process with an example of a methods course from a mathematics teacher education program at a Spanish university

    Analysis of the vaporization process in TG apparatus and its incidence in pyrolysis

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    An analysis of the evaporation process of n-hexadecane in a thermogravimetric apparatus was carried out. n-Hexadecane represents a typical example of a high boiling point compound and its study is interesting for understanding those processes where vaporization takes place in parallel with pyrolysis during thermal treatment. The process has been studied under different operating conditions: nitrogen and air atmospheres, and isothermal and dynamic runs with three different heating rates from 5 K/min to 20 K/min. The experimental data were satisfactorily correlated to a n-order model with zero process order and the same apparent activation energy for all runs, but the exponential factors of the different runs depended on the initial mass and the heating rate. The experimental results were compared with those predicted considering the diffusion process inside the crucible, taking into account the vapor pressure and the diffusion coefficient of n-hexadecane. A parameter, product of these two variables, can be estimated from a single TG run, so the vaporization process in other equipment and/or operating conditions can also be estimated.Support for this work was provided by PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER and ACOMP2010/075 of Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and CTQ2008-05520 (Spanish MCI/research)

    O cesto dos tesouros: uma proposta pedagógica para a creche

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    Durante os primeiros anos as crianças são aprendizes sensoriomotores, isto é, aprendem através dos cinco sentidos e do movimento, explorando aquilo que as rodeia. A função do educador é proporcionar tempo, espaço e materiais interessantes e desafiantes, garantindo que as crianças têm experiências diversificadas. O estudo apresentado no presente relatório, realizado ao longo da prática educativa em creche, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, visa dar a conhecer o Cesto dos Tesouros, uma proposta pedagógica que potencia a aprendizagem ativa, criando oportunidade para que as crianças explorem autonomamente uma diversidade de objetos não estruturados, apelativos aos sentidos. Assim, realizaram-se três sessões de Cesto dos Tesouros, com crianças que tinham entre 10 e 18 meses. A análise dessas sessões permitiu compreender o processo de aprendizagem das crianças, bem como comprovar o potencial desta proposta, que proporcionou experiências de exploração diversificadas e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de diversas competências, tendo cada criança agido ao seu ritmo e de acordo com os seus interesses

    Gestión de la prevención de riesgos laborales: Legislación, elementos, de OHSAS 18001 a ISO 45001

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    Presentación sobre sistemas de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Incluye la legislación básica, los elementos que deben conformar el sistema, algunas pinceladas sobre el estándar OHSAS 18001 que han aplicado numerosas empresas a nivel mundial y requisitos de la nueva norma ISO 45001 que ha surgido a partir de OHSAS

    Manganese and zinc in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain: Distribution and phytoavailability prediction with chemical extraction tests

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    The extractability and distribution of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were evaluated in acidic agricultural soils from Central Spain. Both single (0.1 M hydrochloride [HCl] and 0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetate [EDTA]) and sequential extraction procedures (SEP) (modified Tessier procedure and Community Bureau of Reference [BCR] protocol) were applied to 29 representative soils that belong to the Alfisol, Inceptisol, and Entisol orders. Average relative Mn extractabilities with respect to the total content (16.6% for HCl and 31.9% for EDTA) were higher than those of Zn (7.7% for HCl and 6.5% for EDTA). Manganese was mainly released in the oxide-bound phase of both SEP (33.1% for modified Tessier and 48.9% for BCR), whereas Zn was predominantly found in the residual fraction (49.1% for modified Tessier and 31.4% for BCR). Significant correlations were only found between the amounts of extractable Zn and the oxide-bound fraction in both SEP. Few relationships were established between Zn fractions extracted by the BCR procedure and those obtained with the Tessier method. Both metal concentrations in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L., cv Beka) grown in 11 selected soils and the calculated soil/plant transfer coefficients (soil/plant concentration factor (CF), mean values of 31.2 for Mn and 196 for Zn) were poorly (or not at all) correlated with the different extracted soil fractions (single and sequential). A number of empirical equations have been obtained by regression analyses to predict the Mn and Zn uptake by barley, with soil metal forms and some soil characteristics as components (pH for Mn and organic matter for Zn). Values of R2 in the equations were relatively low (<68%). Single-extraction techniques produced worse results than SEP for the evaluation of Mn phytoavailability. The modified Tessier procedure provided better predictions of Zn uptake by plants than BCR, but not better than those obtained with the HCl extraction method

    Characterization of lorry washing sludge

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    The sludge generated by washing lorry refuse and some fractions of municipal solid waste have been studied, to justify that washing sludge presents no danger and can therefore be managed adequately in a landfill, as well as other municipal solid waste fractions. One problem attributed to this type of sludge is its high level of sulfide content, which causes this waste to be considered hazardous. The determination of sulfide content in the studied samples was carried out according to environmental protection agency methods 9030B and 9034, and the results show that the sulfide concentration in the sludge is less than other fractions of the municipal solid waste treatment plants, which can properly composted, in which sulfides are oxidized to sulfates. Lorry washing sludge could therefore be managed in a municipal solid waste treatment plant

    Dechlorination of polyvinyl chloride electric wires by hydrothermal treatment using K2CO3 in subcritical water

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    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste generation has significantly increased in recent years and their disposal is considered a major environmental concern. Removal techniques of chlorine from PVC waste are being studied to minimize a negative environmental impact. In this work, the use of K2CO3 as an alkaline additive to improve the dechlorination efficiency (DE) in the hydrothermal degradation of PVC wires was studied. Different experiments were carried out varying both temperature (175, 200, 225, 235 and 250 °C) and K2CO3 concentration (0.025, 0.050 and 0.125 M), using a solid/liquid ratio of 1:5 in order to determine the evolution of the dechlorination efficiency with time. About 4.66, 21.1, 24.4, 45.7 and 92.6 wt% of chlorine in PVC wire was removed during hydrothermal dechlorination (HTD) with an additive/chlorine ratio of 1:25 (K2CO3 solution of 0.050 M) at 175, 200, 225, 235 and 250 °C, respectively. Optimal additive/chlorine ratio decreased to 1:50 (K2CO3 solution of 0.025 M) at 250 °C, obtaining a dechlorination degree of 99.1% after 4 h without the need of metallic catalysts. Concerning the solid phase behavior during dechlorination, a linear correlation between the DE reached and the weight loss of PVC was found.Support for this work was provided by the CTQ2016-76608-R project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness (Spain)

    Debromination and Reusable Glass Fiber Recovery from Large Waste Circuit Board Pieces in Subcritical Water Treatment

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    The great economic, social, and environmental interest that favors an effective management of the recycling of waste printed circuit boards (WCBs) encourages research on the improvement of processes capable of mitigating their harmful effects. In this work, the debromination of large WCBs was first performed through a hydrothermal process employing potassium carbonate as an additive. A total of 32 runs were carried out at 225 °C, various CO32–/Br– anionic ratios of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and 6:1, treatment times from 30 to 360 min, proportion of submerged WCBs in the liquid of 100, 50, and 25% that corresponded with the use of three WCB sizes of 20 mm × 16.5 mm, 20 mm × 33 mm, and 80 mm × 33 mm, respectively, and solid/liquid ratios of 1:2 and 1:1 g/mL without other metallic catalysts. A debromination efficiency of 50 wt % was reached at only 225 °C (limited by mechanical reasons) and 360 min, using a CO32–/Br– anionic ratio of 4:1 and a solid/liquid ratio of 1:2 for a large WCB with only 25% of its volume submerged in the liquid. This means conservation of water and energy compared to previous studies. A muffle furnace was used later to thermally treat a total of 101 debrominated samples, at constant temperature or following a temperature scaling program. An estimated decrease in resistance to rupture of glass fibers of only around 50% was accomplished by following a temperature scaling program up to 475 °C, obtaining clean glass fibers of large size. The simple techniques proposed to obtain reusable glass fibers from WCBs as large as the size of the reactor allows (as it might be in their original size) could significantly improve interest in the industry.Support for this work was granted by the PID2019-105359RB-I00 project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and project UAUSTI20-05 from the University of Alicante