239 research outputs found

    Evaluation of resampling applied to UAV imagery for weed detection using OBIA

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    Los vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs) son una tecnología emergente en el estudio de parámetros agrícolas por sus características y por portar sensores en diferente rango espectral. En este trabajo se ha detectado y cartografiado rodales de malas hierbas en fase temprana mediante análisis OBIA para elaborar mapas que optimicen el tratamiento herbicida localizado. Se ha aplicado resampling (resampleo) sobre imágenes tomadas en campo desde un UAV (UAV-I) para crear una nueva imagen con distinta resolución espacial. A las imágenes resampleadas (RS-I) se les evaluó la calidad espacial y espectral y la eficacia de nuestro análisis en la detección de malas hierbas. Los resultados de las imágenes RS-I muestran una precisión similar a las imágenes UAV-I siendo factible su utilización en tecnologías de manejo localizado de malas hierbas. Se discuten las ventajas del uso de la técnica de resampling en imágenes UAV.Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are an emerging technology for the study of agriculture parameters due to its characteristics and the availability of embedding sensors with different spectral range. In our study, the detection and mapping of weeds in early phenological stage allowed to design a strategy for the optimizing of herbicide treatment. In this work, resampling is used to create a new version of an image with a different spatial resolution, using real UAV imagery. A spatial and spectral quality evaluation was carried out to resampled images (RS-I), and then, our workflow for weed detection applied. The results showed that RS-I and UAV-I showed similar accuracy on weed detection and thus could be used for site-specific weed management achieving a percentage of savings in the herbicide. Opportunities of using RS-I are discussed

    El programa informático “Clustering Assessment IDL.IAS.1” para el agrupamiento e integración de píxeles contiguos en imágenes remotas

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    Contiene 7 documentos (1. Objetivos, alcance y publicaciones. 2. Registro y código) y 5 con el softwareA research group of the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (CSIC, Cordoba, Spain) has developed a procedure to spatially assess key agronomic and environmental characteristics of tree orchards from remote sensing images through the software named Clustering Assessment® (CLUAS).In the attached paper the CLUAS software development and the information generated by for selected olive orchards and its validation with ground-truth data is shown. CLUAS works as an add-on of ENVI®, and operates integrating the digital values (DV) of the neighboring pixels within a defined range of DV. In the orchards plots trees, other vegetation cover and bare soil were the land uses considered and the range of digital values (BDV) which best define each of them determined. CLUAS provides parameters of each tree, such as the geometric centre, the number of pixels or area, and the integrated digital values or relative potential yield. CLUAS also characterizes key parameters of tree groves, such as the total area and the number, area and the relative potential productivity of the whole trees; and similarly for the other land uses such as vegetation cover and bare soil. Remote images with spatial resolution from 0.25 to 1.5m were suitable for olive grove characterization.CLUAS can contribute to the site-specific management of tree groves, providing quantitative information on each tree, small areas of an orchard, or whole orchards.Peer reviewe

    Optimizing algorithms for thresholding segmentation applied to weed detection on UAV remote images.

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    En este trabajo se ha buscado la implementación de una alternativa al método de Otsu (1979) desarrollada por Hui-Fuang Ng (2006), el cual maximiza la diferencia entre varianzas espectrales y realiza una búsqueda multiumbral. En el estudio se emplearon imágenes procedentes de vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs) tomadas en cultivos de maíz y girasol. Con una única ejecución del algoritmo en un entorno de análisis orientado a objetos, se discriminan aquellos objetos correspondientes a la fracción vegetal del suelo desnudo y se estima un umbral diferenciador entre cultivo y malas hierbas que contribuya a un subsiguiente proceso de clasificación. La técnica de Hui-Fuang detectó un mayor porcentaje de vegetación en todos los casos estudiados, oscilando el incremento entre un 3% y un 20%.This works aimed to implement an alternative to Otsu’s method (1979) developed by Hui- Fuang Ng (2006), which maximizes the difference between spectral variances and performs a multithreshold seeking. Unmanned aerial images taken in maize and sunflower crops were used in the research. In a single algorithm execution applied to an Object Based Image Analysis environment, the objects corresponding to both the vegetation fraction and bare soil are discriminated and a threshold to separate crop from weeds was also estimated, making easier a subsequent classification process. Fui-Huang’s technique provides a higher percentage of vegetation detection in all the cases, with an improvement which ranges from 3% to 20%

    Applying Neural Networks to Hyperspectral and Multispectral Field Data for Discrimination of Cruciferous Weeds in Winter Crops

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    In the context of detection of weeds in crops for site-specific weed control, on-ground spectral reflectance measurements are the first step to determine the potential of remote spectral data to classify weeds and crops. Field studies were conducted for four years at different locations in Spain. We aimed to distinguish cruciferous weeds in wheat and broad bean crops, using hyperspectral and multispectral readings in the visible and near-infrared spectrum. To identify differences in reflectance between cruciferous weeds, we applied three classification methods: stepwise discriminant (STEPDISC) analysis and two neural networks, specifically, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF). Hyperspectral and multispectral signatures of cruciferous weeds, and wheat and broad bean crops can be classified using STEPDISC analysis, and MLP and RBF neural networks with different success, being the MLP model the most accurate with 100%, or higher than 98.1%, of classification performance for all the years. Classification accuracy from hyperspectral signatures was similar to that from multispectral and spectral indices, suggesting that little advantage would be obtained by using more expensive airborne hyperspectral imagery. Therefore, for next investigations, we recommend using multispectral remote imagery to explore whether they can potentially discriminate these weeds and crops

    A weed monitoring system using UAV-imagery and the Hough transform

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    Usually, crops require the use of herbicides as a useful manner of controlling the quality and quantity of crop production. Although there are weed-free areas, the most common approach is to broadcast herbicides entirely over crop fields, resulting in a reduction of profits and increase in environmental risks. Recently, patch spraying has allowed the use of site-specific weed management, allowing precise and timely weed maps at very early phenological stage, either by ground sampling or remote analysis. Remote imagery from piloted planes and satellites are not suitable for this purpose given their low spatial and temporal resolutions, however, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) represent an excellent alternative. This paper presents a new classification framework for weed monitoring via UAV showing promising results and accurate generalisation in different scenariosLos cultivos precisan del uso de herbicidas para controlar la calidad y cantidad de producción. A pesar de que las malas hierbas se distribuyen en rodales, la práctica más extendida es la fumigación de herbicidas en todo el cultivo, resultando en un aumento del coste y de riesgos mediambientales. La pulvericación por parches ha dado lugar al auge de otras técnicas de manejo de malas hierbas, permitiendo su tratamiento en un estado fenológico temprano. Las imágenes remotas de aviones pilotados o satélites no son útiles en este caso debido a su baja resolución espacial y temporal. Sin embargo, este no es el caso de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados. Este artículo presenta un nuevo método para monitorización de malas hierbas usando este tipo de vehículos, mostrando resultados prometedore

    Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crop with Machine Learning Methods

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    The strategic management of agricultural lands involves crop field monitoring each year. Crop discrimination via remote sensing is a complex task, especially if different crops have a similar spectral response and cropping pattern. In such cases, crop identification could be improved by combining object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods. In this investigation, we evaluated the C4.5 decision tree, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network methods, both as single classifiers and combined in a hierarchical classification, for the mapping of nine major summer crops (both woody and herbaceous) from ASTER satellite images captured in two different dates. Each method was built with different combinations of spectral and textural features obtained after the segmentation of the remote images in an object-based framework. As single classifiers, MLP and SVM obtained maximum overall accuracy of 88%, slightly higher than LR (86%) and notably higher than C4.5 (79%). The SVM+SVM classifier (best method) improved these results to 89%. In most cases, the hierarchical classifiers considerably increased the accuracy of the most poorly classified class (minimum sensitivity). The SVM+SVM method offered a significant improvement in classification accuracy for all of the studied crops compared to the conventional decision tree classifier, ranging between 4% for safflower and 29% for corn, which suggests the application of object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods in complex crop classification tasks.This research was partly financed by the TIN2011-22794 project of the Spanish Ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (MICYT), FEDER funds, the P2011-TIC-7508 project of the “Junta de Andalucía” (Spain) and the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science (USA). The research of Peña was co-financed by the Fulbright-MEC postdoctoral program, financed by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, and by the JAEDoc Program, supported by CSIC and FEDER funds. ASTER data were available to us through a NASA EOS scientific investigator affiliation.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer Reviewe

    Spatial Quality Evaluation of Resampled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Imagery for Weed Mapping

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) combined with different spectral range sensors are an emerging technology for providing early weed maps for optimizing herbicide applications. Considering that weeds, at very early phenological stages, are similar spectrally and in appearance, three major components are relevant: spatial resolution, type of sensor and classification algorithm. Resampling is a technique to create a new version of an image with a different width and/or height in pixels, and it has been used in satellite imagery with different spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper, the efficiency of resampled-images (RS-images) created from real UAV-images (UAV-images; the UAVs were equipped with two types of sensors, i.e., visible and visible plus near-infrared spectra) captured at different altitudes is examined to test the quality of the RS-image output. The performance of the object-based-image-analysis (OBIA) implemented for the early weed mapping using different weed thresholds was also evaluated. Our results showed that resampling accurately extracted the spectral values from high spatial resolution UAV-images at an altitude of 30 m and the RS-image data at altitudes of 60 and 100 m, was able to provide accurate weed cover and herbicide application maps compared with UAV-images from real flights

    Object-Based Image Classification of Summer Crops with Machine Learning Methods

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    The strategic management of agricultural lands involves crop field monitoring each year. Crop discrimination via remote sensing is a complex task, especially if different crops have a similar spectral response and cropping pattern. In such cases, crop identification could be improved by combining object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods. In this investigation, we evaluated the C4.5 decision tree, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network methods, both as single classifiers and combined in a hierarchical classification, for the mapping of nine major summer crops (both woody and herbaceous) from ASTER satellite images captured in two different dates. Each method was built with different combinations of spectral and textural features obtained after the segmentation of the remote images in an object-based framework. As single classifiers, MLP and SVM obtained maximum overall accuracy of 88%, slightly higher than LR (86%) and notably higher than C4.5 (79%). The SVM+SVM classifier (best method) improved these results to 89%. In most cases, the hierarchical classifiers considerably increased the accuracy of the most poorly classified class (minimum sensitivity). The SVM+SVM method offered a significant improvement in classification accuracy for all of the studied crops compared to the conventional decision tree classifier, ranging between 4% for safflower and 29% for corn, which suggests the application of object-based image analysis and advanced machine learning methods in complex crop classification task

    Selecting patterns and features for between- and within- crop-row weed mapping using UAV-imagery

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    This paper approaches the problem of weed mapping for precision agriculture, using imagery provided by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from sun ower and maize crops. Precision agriculture referred to weed control is mainly based on the design of early post-emergence site-speci c control treatments according to weed coverage, where one of the most important challenges is the spectral similarity of crop and weed pixels in early growth stages. Our work tackles this problem in the context of object-based image analysis (OBIA) by means of supervised machine learning methods combined with pattern and feature selection techniques, devising a strategy for alleviating the user intervention in the system while not compromising the accuracy. This work rstly proposes a method for choosing a set of training patterns via clustering techniques so as to consider a representative set of the whole eld data spectrum for the classi cation method. Furthermore, a feature selection method is used to obtain the best discriminating features from a set of several statistics and measures of di erent nature. Results from this research show that the proposed method for pattern selection is suitable and leads to the construction of robust sets of data. The exploitation of di erent statistical, spatial and texture metrics represents a new avenue with huge potential for between and within crop-row weed mapping via UAV-imagery and shows good synergy when complemented with OBIA. Finally, there are some measures (specially those linked to vegetation indexes) that are of great in uence for weed mapping in both sun ower and maize crop