4,336 research outputs found

    Losing control:the case for emergent software systems using autonomous assembly, perception and learning

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    Architectural self-organisation, in which different configurations of software modules are dynamically assembled based on the current context, has been shown to be an effective way for software to self-optimise over time. Current approaches to this rely heavily on human-led definitions: models, policies and processes to control how self-organisation works. We present the case for a paradigm shift to fully emergent computer software which places the burden of understanding entirely into the hands of software itself. These systems are autonomously assembled at runtime from discovered constituent parts and their internal health and external deployment environment continually monitored. An online, unsupervised learning system then uses runtime adaptation to explore alternative system assemblies and locate optimal solutions. Based on our experience to date, we define the problem space of emergent software, and we present a working case study of an emergent web server. Our results demonstrate two aspects of the problem space for this case study: that different assemblies of behaviour are optimal in different deployment environment conditions; and that these assemblies can be autonomously learned from generalised perception data while the system is online

    Complete mitochondrial genome of six Cheilinusundulatus (Napoleon Wrasse): an endangeredmarine fish species from Sabah, Malaysia

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    We report here the complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of six individuals of Cheilinus undulatus (Napoleon Wrasse), an endangered marine fish species. The six mt DNA sequences had an average size of 17,000 kb and encoded 22 tRNA, two sRNA, 13 highly conserved protein coding genes and a control region. The polymorphic variation (control region) in these six individuals suggests their potential use as a specific marker for phylogeographic conservation. Moreover, the sequence polymorphism within the control region (D-loop) suggests that this locus can be applied for phylogenetic studies

    Modelling election poll data using time series analysis

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    There is much interest in election forecasting in the UK. On election night, fore­casts are made and revised as the night progresses and seats declare results. We propose a new time series model which may be used in this context. Firstly, we have statistical models for the polls conducted in a run-up to the election; the model produces the distribution of voting amongst the parties. The key here is the use of modelling the probability of voting each poll as latent variables. Secondly, we use this information in the forecasting of the inevitable outcome, continually revising our forecasts as the actual declarations are made, until we can actually determine what we believe the final outcome to be, before it actually happens. We outline the nature and history of elections in the UK, and provide an account of time series analysis. These tools, as well as the theoretical basis of our method, the h-likelihood, are then applied to the creation of each of our models proposed. We study simulations of the models and then fit the models to actual data to assess forecasting accuracy, using existing models for comparison

    Genotyping of Salmonella spp. on the basis of CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)

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    Aims: The CRISPR locus in Salmonella genome is comprised of three main components which are the (CRISPR-associated) cas genes, an AT-rich leader sequence and the CRISPR array. The length of CRISPR array is determined by the number of spacers within it and varies not only among different organisms but also varies among the bacterial serotypes and strains. This present study aimed at determining if the CRISPR array in Salmonella spp. could be applied to establish a correlation between serogroup type and the fingerprint generated by CRISPR typing. Methodology and results: A total of 30 Salmonella samples were obtained from the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Salmonella serogroup was determined using the slide agglutination test. Four different serogroups were identified which were serogroup B, C, D, and E. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using primers which were designed to amplify the CRISPR array in Salmonella genome. Our results indicate that there is a positive correlation between serogroup results obtained using slide agglutination test and the profile generated by CRISPR typing. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: CRISPR typing has the potential to be applied for the genotyping of Salmonella bacteria

    REX:a development platform and online learning approach for Runtime emergent software systems

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    Conventional approaches to self-adaptive software architectures require human experts to specify models, policies and processes by which software can adapt to its environment. We present REX, a complete platform and online learning approach for runtime emergent software systems, in which all decisions about the assembly and adaptation of software are machine-derived. REX is built with three major, integrated layers: (i) a novel component-based programming language called Dana, enabling discovered assembly of systems and very low cost adaptation of those systems for dynamic re-assembly; (ii) a perception, assembly and learning framework (PAL) built on Dana, which abstracts emergent software into configurations and perception streams; and (iii) an online learning implementation based on a linear bandit model, which helps solve the search space explosion problem inherent in runtime emergent software. Using an emergent web server as a case study, we show how software can be autonomously self-assembled from discovered parts, and continually optimized over time (by using alternative parts) as it is subjected to different deployment conditions. Our system begins with no knowledge that it is specifically assembling a web server, nor with knowledge of the deployment conditions that may occur at runtime

    Asymptotically stable particle-in-cell methods for the Vlasov-Poisson system with a strong external magnetic field

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the numerical resolution of the Vlasov-Poissonsystem with a strong external magnetic field by Particle-In-Cell(PIC) methods. In this regime, classical PIC methods are subject tostability constraints on the time and space steps related to the smallLarmor radius and plasma frequency. Here, we propose anasymptotic-preserving PIC scheme which is not subjected to theselimitations. Our approach is based on first and higher order semi-implicit numericalschemes already validated on dissipative systems. Additionally, when the magnitude of the external magneticfield becomes large, this method provides a consistent PICdiscretization of the guiding-center equation, that is, incompressibleEuler equation in vorticity form. We propose several numerical experiments which provide a solid validation of the method and its underlying concepts

    Genetic Identification and Mass Propagation of Economically Important Seaweeds

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    Seaweeds are a primary source of hydrocolloids, which can be processed into various food additives, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. The inability of current commercial seaweed farming projects to meet industrial demands is underscored by a plethora of challenges, which include the lack of high-quality germplasm with the desired cultural characteristics. This chapter describes the current trends in commercial seaweed production and the potential technological advances in production methods and genetic selection strategies, which can be applied to raise the productivity of seaweed farms. Molecular markers have become increasingly relevant to the selection of a diverse range of wild varieties for domestication, and this augurs well for strain identification. The development of high-density linkage maps based on molecular markers offers an avenue for the implementation of molecular breeding strategies based on quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Concurrently, productivity of existing varieties can be enhanced by the analysis of exogenous factors known to affect the growth and survival of tissue-cultured seedlings. The application of photobioreactors for tissue culture is another important development, which will be digressed upon. In addition to this, quality control which focuses on the comparison of chemical and physical qualities of the tissue-cultured and conventional cultivated seaweeds will become increasingly relevant to the development of industry standards for sustainable seaweed production to fulfill the increasing demands of seaweed-related industries

    Promoção da empatia, autoconceito e valores básicos: uma intervenção no cárcere feminino

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    Incarceration of women is permeated by countless structural problems and inefficiency in guaranteeing fundamental rights and psychological assistance to women. In this article, the effects of intervention workshops aimed to promote self-concept, empathy, and basic values for incarcerated women are reviewed. The study comprised 56 women aged between 18 and 63 years, incarcerated in a Public Prison (M = 32.23; SD = 9.25). Fifteen of these women participated in the intervention program, while the remaining sample comprised the control group. Both groups were evaluated in the pre- and post-intervention period, using the Self-Concept Scale, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index and the Basic Values Questionnaire. During the meetings field notes and participant observations were used to describe meaningful experiences. No statistically significant variations were found in the scores of the scales used, which may be related to the need to adapt these instruments to groups with low levels of education. On the other hand, the study found that the use of workshops enabled the construction of a pedagogical space, with very different contingencies compared to the prison environment, in which women were encouraged to experience their emotions and feelings.El encarcelamiento femenino es permeado por muchas problemáticas estructurales y por la falta de eficacia en la garantía de los derechos fundamentales y la asistencia psicológica a las mujeres. En este artículo se analizan los efectos que tiene los talleres de intervención para la promoción del autoconcepto, de la empatía y de los valores básicos en mujeres encarceladas. Participaron del estudio 56 mujeres, en una cárcel pública, con edades entre de 18 a 63 años (M = 32.23; DE = 9.25). Quince de estas mujeres participaron del programa de intervención, las demás de la muestra compusieron el grupo control. Ambos grupos fueron evaluados en el período de pre y posintervención por medio de la Escala de Autoconcepto, el Interpersonal Reactivity Index y el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos. Las notas de campo y la observación participante fueron utilizadas para describir experiencias significativas vividas durante los encuentros. No fueron encontradas variaciones estadísticamente significativas en los resultados de las escalas empleadas, lo que puede estar relacionado a la necesidad de adecuación de esos instrumentos para públicos con baja escolarización. En cambio, se evalúa que el uso de talleres posibilitó la construcción de un espacio pedagógico con contingencias muy distintas al ambiente carcelario, en el cual las mujeres fueron estimuladas a experimentar sus emociones y sentimientos.O encarceramento feminino é permeado por inúmeras problemáticas estruturais e pela ineficiência na garantia de direitos fundamentais e assistência psicológica às mulheres. Neste artigo, analisam-se os efeitos de oficinas de intervenção para a promoção do autoconceito, da empatia e de valores básicos em mulheres encarceradas. Participaram do estudo 56 mulheres, em uma Cadeia Pública, com idades entre 18 e 63 anos (M = 32,23; DP = 9,25). Quinze destas mulheres participaram do programa de intervenção, enquanto que o restante da amostra compôs o grupo controle. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados no período pré e pós-intervenção, por meio da Escala de Autoconceito, o Interpersonal Reactivity Index e o Questionário de Valores Básicos. Notas de campo e a observação participante foram utilizadas para descrever experiências significativas vivenciadas durante os encontros. Não foram encontradas variações estatisticamente significativas nos escores das escalas empregadas, o que pode estar relacionado à necessidade de adequação desses instrumentos para públicos com baixa escolarização. Em contrapartida, avalia-se que o uso de oficinas possibilitou a construção de um espaço pedagógico, com contingências muito distintas do ambiente carcerário, no qual as mulheres foram estimuladas a experimentar suas emoções e sentimentos

    Quantitative real-time PCR for determination of Transgene in Callus of Jatropha curcas

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    Jatropha curcas is an important plant belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae which is a potential candidate for biofuel production. Genetic transformation protocol for J. curcas callus mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens were optimized using a pCAMBIA1303 plasmid which carries green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene as a reporter. Results obtained were based on the highest percentage of GFP expression which was observed three days post-transformation. Immersion of callus into 1×105 cfu ml-1 (OD600nm 0.6) of A. tumefaciens LBA4404 with addition of 300 µM of acetosyringone for 45 min, two days of pre-culture and three days of co-cultivation periods were determined to be ideal for J. curcas callus transformation. Putative transformants were selected in the presence of 25 mg/l hygromycin. Surviving calli were transferred into proliferation media (MS with 1 mg/l NAA and 1 mg/l BAP) to proliferate the callus for further molecular analyses and to confirm the presence of the target GFP transgene in the putative transformants. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out using a 35S specific primer pair confirmed the presence of the 454 bp of 35S promoter region from the transformed callus. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried out to demonstrate the integration and copy number of the 35S promoter in the putative tranformants. The 35S promoter gene (178 bp) as a target gene and J. curcas actin gene (179 bp) which functions as reference gene was designed to detect the positive transformants and control sample in real-time PCR reaction analysis. The results indicated that the actin specific PCR product was present in both the control and transformed calli, however the 35S PCR product was found only in the positive transformants. The similarity in CT values confirmed that both the genes were present as single copy thus confirming a single integration event