2,182 research outputs found

    IceCube: Neutrinos Associated with Cosmic Rays

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    After a brief review of the status of the kilometer-scale neutrino observatory IceCube, we discuss the prospect that such detectors discover the still-enigmatic sources of cosmic rays. After all, this aspiration set the scale of the instrument. While only a smoking gun is missing for the case that the Galactic component of the cosmic-ray spectrum originates in supernova remnants, the origin of the extragalactic component remains as inscrutable as ever. We speculate on the role of the nearby active galaxies Centaurus A and M87.Comment: 9 pages, 6 .pdf figures, from a paper presented at CIPANP 09, Torrey Pines, San Diego, C

    "making elbow room for poetry and that last bus down sergeant"

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    Evaluation of a low-cost optical particle counter (Alphasense OPC-N2) for ambient air monitoring

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    A fast-growing area of research is the development of low-cost sensors for measuring air pollutants. The affordability and size of low-cost particle sensors makes them an attractive option for use in experiments requiring a number of instruments such as high-density spatial mapping. However, for these low-cost sensors to be useful for these types of studies their accuracy and precision need to be quantified. We evaluated the Alphasense OPC-N2, a promising low-cost miniature optical particle counter, for monitoring ambient airborne particles at typical urban background sites in the UK. The precision of the OPC-N2 was assessed by co-locating 14 instruments at a site to investigate the variation in measured concentrations. Comparison to two different reference optical particle counters as well as a TEOM-FDMS enabled the accuracy of the OPC-N2 to be evaluated. Comparison of the OPC-N2 to the reference optical instruments shows some limitations for measuring mass concentrations of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. The OPC-N2 demonstrated a significant positive artefact in measured particle mass during times of high ambient RH (>85%) and a calibration factor was developed based upon °-Köhler theory, using average bulk particle aerosol hygroscopicity. Application of this RH correction factor resulted in the OPC-N2 measurements being within 33% of the TEOM-FDMS, comparable to the agreement between a reference optical particle counter and the TEOM-FDMS (20%). Inter-unit precision for the 14 OPC-N2 sensors of 22±13% for PM10 mass concentrations was observed. Overall, the OPC-N2 was found to accurately measure ambient airborne particle mass concentration provided they are (i) correctly calibrated and (ii) corrected for ambient RH. The level of precision demonstrated between multiple OPC-N2s suggests that they would be suitable devices for applications where the spatial variability in particle concentration was to be determined

    Evaluation of a low-cost optical particle counter (Alphasense OPC-N2) for ambient air monitoring

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    A fast growing area of research is the development of low-cost sensors for measuring air pollutants. The affordability and size of low-cost particle sensors makes them an attractive option for use in experiments requiring a number of instruments such as high density spatial mapping. However, for these low-cost sensors to be useful for these types of studies their accuracy and precision needs to be quantified. We evaluated the Alphasense OPC-N2, a promising low-cost miniature optical particle counter, for monitoring ambient airborne particles at typical urban background sites in the UK. The precision of the OPC-N2 was assessed by co-locating 14 instruments at a site to investigate the variation in measured concentrations. Comparison to two different reference optical particle counters as well as a TEOM-FDMS enabled the accuracy of the OPC-N2 to be evaluated. Comparison of the OPC-N2 to the reference optical instruments demonstrated reasonable agreement for the measured mass concentrations of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. However, the OPC-N2 demonstrated a significant positive artefact in measured particle mass during times of high ambient RH (> 85 %) and a calibration factor was developed based upon κ-Kohler theory, using average bulk particle aerosol hygroscopicity. Application of this RH correction factor resulted in the OPC-N2 measurements being within 33 % of the TEOM-FDMS, comparable to the agreement between a reference optical particle counter and the TEOM-FDMS (20 %). Reasonable inter-unit precision for the 14 OPC-N2 sensors was observed. Overall, the OPC-N2 was found to accurately measure ambient airborne particle mass concentration provided they are i) correctly calibrated and ii) corrected for ambient RH. The reasonable level of precision demonstrated between multiple OPC-N2 suggests that they would be suitable device for applications where the spatial variability in particle concentration was to be determined

    Watt-class CMOS-compatible power amplifier

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    Power amplifier is becoming a critical component for integrated photonics as the integrated devices try to carve out a niche in the world of real-world applications of photonics. That is because the signal generated from an integrated device severely lacks in power which is due mainly to the small size which, although gives size and weight advantage, limits the energy storage capacity of an integrated device due to the small volume, causing it to rely on its bench-top counterpart for signal amplification downstream. Therefore, an integrated high-power signal booster can play a major role by replacing these large solid-state and fiber-based benchtop systems. For decades, large mode area (LMA) technology has played a disruptive role by increasing the signal power and energy by orders of magnitude in the fiber-based lasers and amplifiers. Thanks to the capability of LMA fiber to support significantly larger optical modes the energy storage and handling capability has significantly increased. Such an LMA device on an integrated platform can play an important role for high power applications. In this work, we demonstrate LMA waveguide based CMOS compatible watt-class power amplifier with an on-chip output power reaching ~ 1W within a footprint of ~4mm2.The power achieved is comparable and even surpasses many fiber-based amplifiers. We believe this work opens up opportunities for integrated photonics to find real world application on-par with its benchtop counterpart

    Sistema informático de gestión, control y seguimiento del Plan Operativo Anual para la Secretaría de Planificación de la Universidad de El Salvador (SIGPOA)

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    La planificación operativa anual, se ha constituido como una herramienta esencial para el alcance de metas mediante el control oportuno de las actividades en cualquier tipo de organización, y es de vital importancia en las instituciones que dependen financieramente de un presupuesto estatal, ya que estas requieren especial cuidado en el manejo de sus recursos económicos. La Secretaría de Planificación y las Unidades de Planificación de la universidad de El Salvador, son las entidades responsables de la formulación de planes operativos anuales, las cuales por diferentes circunstancias no poseen una forma estándar para su elaboración, especialmente porque los encargados de realizar dicha actividad no están dedicados única y exclusivamente a esta actividad, mas bien esta pasa a ser una actividad secundaria para los responsables de la planificación. En tal sentido, la Secretaria de Planificación de la Universidad de El Salvador, vio con especial interés el desarrollo de una aplicación que le permitiera controlar la ejecución de las actividades de los planes operativos de forma centralizada, logrando a su vez la estandarización de dicho proceso en cada una de las unidades de planificación inmersas en la institución, es por esta razón que se desarrolla el SIGPOA, herramienta con la cual se logrará gestionar, controlar y dar seguimiento a las actividades y tareas asignadas a cada uno de los resultados operativos que cada unidad planifica realizar en un periodo determinad

    Sediment-Water Interactions Affecting Dissolved-Mercury Distributions in Camp Far West Reservoir, California

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    Field and laboratory studies were conducted in April and November 2002 to provide the first direct measurements of the benthic flux of dissolved (0.2-micrometer filtered) mercury species (total and methylated forms) between the bottom sediment and water column at three sampling locations within Camp Far West Reservoir, California: one near the Bear River inlet to the reservoir, a second at a mid-reservoir site of comparable depth to the inlet site, and the third at the deepest position in the reservoir near the dam (herein referred to as the inlet, midreservoir and near-dam sites, respectively; Background, Fig. 1). Because of interest in the effects of historic hydraulic mining and ore processing in the Sierra Nevada foothills just upstream of the reservoir, dissolved-mercury species and predominant ligands that often control the mercury speciation (represented by dissolved organic carbon, and sulfides) were the solutes of primary interest. Benthic flux, sometimes referred to as internal recycling, represents the transport of dissolved chemical species between the water column and the underlying sediment. Because of the affinity of mercury to adsorb onto particle surfaces and to form insoluble precipitates (particularly with sulfides), the mass transport of mercury in mining-affected watersheds is typically particle dominated. As these enriched particles accumulate at depositional sites such as reservoirs, benthic processes facilitate the repartitioning, transformation, and transport of mercury in dissolved, biologically reactive forms (dissolved methylmercury being the most bioavailable for trophic transfer). These are the forms of mercury examined in this study. In contrast to typical scientific manuscripts, this report is formatted in a pyramid-like structure to serve the needs of diverse groups who may be interested in reviewing or acquiring information at various levels of technical detail (Appendix 1). The report enables quick transitions between the initial summary information (figuratively at the top of the pyramid) and the later details of methods or results (figuratively towards the base of the pyramid) using hyperlinks to supporting figures and tables, and an electronically linked Table of Contents. During two sampling events, two replicate sediment cores (Coring methods; Fig. 2) from each of three reservoir locations (Fig. 1) were used in incubation experiments to provide flux estimates and benthic biological characterizations. Incubation of these cores provided “snapshots” of solute flux across the sediment-water interface in the reservoir, under benthic, environmental conditions representative of the time and place of collection. Ancillary data, including nutrient and ligand fluxes, were gathered to provide a water-quality framework from which to compare the results for mercury

    2009 Focused Update Incorporated Into the ACC/AHA 2005 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure in Adults A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Developed in Collaboration With the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation

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    Heart failure (HF) is a major and growing public health problem in the United States. Approximately 5 million patients in this country have HF, and over 550,000 patients are diagnosed with HF for the first time each year. The disorder is the primary reason for 12 to 15 million office visits and 6.5 million hospital days each year. From 1990 to 1999, the annual number of hospitalizations has increased from approximately 810,000 to over 1 million for HF as a primary diagnosis and from 2.4 to 3.6 million for HF as a primary or secondary diagnosis. In 2001, nearly 53 000 patients died of HF as a primary cause. The number of HF deaths has increased steadily despite advances in treatment, in part because of increasing numbers of patients with HF due to better treatment and “salvage” of patients with acute myocardial infarctions (MIs) earlier in life. Heart failure is primarily a condition of the elderly, and thus the widely recognized “aging of the population” also contributes to the increasing incidence of HF. The incidence of HF approaches 10 per 1000 population after age 65, and approximately 80% of patients hospitalized with HF are more than 65 years old. Heart failure is the most common Medicare diagnosis-related group (i.e., hospital discharge diagnosis), and more Medicare dollars are spent for the diagnosis and treatment of HF than for any other diagnosis. The total estimated direct and indirect costs for HF in 2005 were approximately 27.9billion.IntheUnitedStates,approximately27.9 billion. In the United States, approximately 2.9 billion annually is spent on drugs for the treatment of HF