316 research outputs found

    Flexible Coinduction in Agda

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    We provide an Agda library for inference systems, also supporting their recent generalization allowing flexible coinduction, that is, interpretations which are neither inductive, nor purely coinductive. A specific inference system can be obtained as an instance by writing a set of meta-rules, in an Agda format which closely resembles the usual one. In this way, the user gets for free the related properties, notably the inductive and coinductive intepretation and the corresponding proof principles. Moreover, a significant modularity is achieved. Indeed, rather than being defined from scratch and with a built-in interpretation, an inference system can also be obtained by composition operators, such as union and restriction to a smaller universe, and its semantics can be modularly chosen as well. In particular, flexible coinduction is obtained by composing in a certain way the interpretations of two inference systems. We illustrate the use of the library by several examples. The most significant one is a big-step semantics for the ?-calculus, where flexible coinduction allows to obtain a special result (?) for all and only the diverging computations, and the proof of equivalence with small-step semantics is carried out by relying on the proof principles offered by the library

    Modeling Infinite Behaviour by Corules

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    open3openDavide Ancona; Francesco Dagnino; Elena ZuccaAncona, Davide; Dagnino, Francesco; Zucca, Elen

    Effects of the restoration actions to combat desertification on soils: the practice project study site in Pula (Sardinia, Italy)

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    Land Degradation and Desertification affect much of the world’s drylands, resulting in a significant loss of biological and economic productivity. Responding to desertification by improving the efficiency of land and resource management represents a crucial step towards social welfare in drylands. However, the evaluation of the actions to combat desertification remains limited. The PRACTICE EC-FP7 project develops and tests integrated evaluation protocols to assess the effectiveness of restoration practices in a network of study sites distributed among the most LD affected regions of the world

    Sound Regular Corecursion in coFJ

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    The aim of the paper is to provide solid foundations for a programming paradigm natively supporting the creation and manipulation of cyclic data structures. To this end, we describe coFJ, a Java-like calculus where objects can be infinite and methods are equipped with a codefinition (an alternative body). We provide an abstract semantics of the calculus based on the framework of inference systems with corules. In coFJ with this semantics, FJ recursive methods on finite objects can be extended to infinite objects as well, and behave as desired by the programmer, by specifying a codefinition. We also describe an operational semantics which can be directly implemented in a programming language, and prove the soundness of such semantics with respect to the abstract one

    A Java-like Calculus with User-Defined Coeffects

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    We propose a Java-like calculus where declared variables can be annotated by coeffects specifying constraints on their use, such as linearity or privacy levels. Annotations are written in the language itself, as expressions of type Coeffect, a predefined class which can be extended by user-defined subclasses, modeling the coeffects desired for a specific application. We formalize the type system and prove subject reduction, which includes preservation of coeffects, and show several examples

    A Java-like calculus with heterogeneous coeffects

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    We propose a Java-like calculus where declared variables can be annotated by coeffects specifying constraints on their use, e.g., affinity or privacy levels. Such coeffects are heterogeneous, in the sense that different kinds of coeffects can be used in the same program; combining coeffects of different kinds leads to the trivial coeffect. We prove subject reduction, which includes preservation of coeffects, and show several examples. In a Java-like language, coeffects can be expressed in the language itself, as expressions of user-defined classes

    Multi-graded Featherweight Java

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    Resource-aware type systems statically approximate not only the expected result type of a program, but also the way external resources are used, e.g., how many times the value of a variable is needed. We extend the type system of Featherweight Java to be resource-aware, parametrically on an arbitrary grade algebra modeling a specific usage of resources. We prove that this type system is sound with respect to a resource-aware version of reduction, that is, a well-typed program has a reduction sequence which does not get stuck due to resource consumption. Moreover, we show that the available grades can be heterogeneous, that is, obtained by combining grades of different kinds, via a minimal collection of homomorphisms from one kind to another. Finally, we show how grade algebras and homomorphisms can be specified as Java classes, so that grade annotations in types can be written in the language itself

    HySenS data exploitation for urban land cover analysis

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    This paper addresses the use of HySenS airborne hyperspectral data for environmental urban monitoring. It is known that hyperspectral data can help to characterize some of the relations between soil composition, vegetation characteristics, and natural/artificial materials in urbanized areas. During the project we collected DAIS and ROSIS data over the urban test area of Pavia, Northern Italy, though due to a late delivery of ROSIS data only DAIS data was used in this work. Here we show results referring to an accurate characterization and classification of land cover/use, using different supervised approaches, exploiting spectral as well as spatial information. We demonstrate the possibility to extract from the hyperspectral data information which is very useful for environmental characterization of urban areas

    Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach

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    European Alpine glaciology has a long tradition of studies and activities, in which researchers have often relied on the field work of some specialized volunteer operators. Despite the remarkable results of this cooperation, some problems in field data harmonization and in covering the whole range of monitored glaciers are still present. Moreover, dynamics of reduction, fragmentation and decline, which in recent decades characterize Alpine glaciers, make more urgent the need to improve spatial and temporal monitoring, still maintaining adequate quality standards. Scientific field monitoring activities on Alpine glaciers run parallel to a number of initiatives by individuals and amateur associations, keepers of alternative, experiential and para-scientific knowledge of the glacial environment. Problems of harmonization, coordination, recruitment and updating can be addressed with the help of a collaborative approach—citizen science-like—in which the scientific coordination guarantees information quality and web 2.0 tools operate as mediators between expert glaciologists and non-expert contributors. This paper gives an overview of glaciological information currently produced in the European Alpine region, representing it in an organized structure, functional to the discussion. An empowering solution is then proposed, both methodological and technological, for the integration of multisource data. Its characteristics, potentials and problems are discussed
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