1,564 research outputs found

    La "Traditio Evangeliorum" nel catecumenato antico: Un rito per la nuova evangelizzazione?

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    El present article proposa una reflexió històrico-crítica sobre el ritu litúrgic de la Traditio Evange liorum en els sacramentaris romans, que es troba dins l’itinerari catecumenal. La presència d’aquest ritual evidencia la importància atorgada a la Paraula de Déu i la seva «celebració» litúrgica en la iniciació cristiana. El context històric en el qual es va establir aquest ritu estava sota la influència teològica del papa Gregori el Gran, i la seva dimensió simbòlica i celebrativa es pot inferir a partir del gènere bíblic - catequètic de les visions d’Ezequiel i de l’Apocalipsi. El passat sínode sobre la Paraula de Déu i l’últim Sínode, centrat en la nova evangelització, ofereixen el contrapunt a l’autor per a reconsiderar aquesta centralitat en els processos catequètics actuals. L’«entrega» litúrgica de l’Escriptura en les mans dels fidels és un acte de gran valor simbòlic que apropa la realitat de la Paraula a la comprensió eclesiàstica i profètica de la fe

    Pain perception and migraine

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    Background: It is well-known that both inter-and intra-individual differences exist in the perception of pain; this is especially true in migraine, an elusive pain disorder of the head. Although electrophysiology and neuroimaging techniques have greatly contributed to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in migraine during recent decades, the exact characteristics of pain threshold and pain intensity perception remain to be determined, and continue to be a matter of debate.Objective: The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of clinical, electrophysiological, and functional neuroimaging studies investigating changes during various phases of the so-called "migraine cycle" and in different migraine phenotypes, using pain threshold and pain intensity perception assessments.Methods: A systematic search for qualitative studies was conducted using search terms "migraine," "pain," "headache," "temporal summation," "quantitative sensory testing," and "threshold," alone and in combination (subject headings and keywords). The literature search was updated using the additional keywords "pain intensity," and "neuroimaging"to identify full-text papers written in English and published in peer-reviewed journals, using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. In addition, we manually searched the reference lists of all research articles and review articles.Conclusion: Consistent data indicate that pain threshold is lower during the ictal phase than during the interictal phase of migraine or healthy controls in response to pressure, cold and heat stimuli. There is evidence for preictal sub-allodynia, whereas interictal results are conflicting due to either reduced or no observed difference in pain threshold. On the other hand, despite methodological limitations, converging observations support the concept that migraine attacks may be characterized by an increased pain intensity perception, which normalizes between episodes. Nevertheless, future studies are required to longitudinally evaluate a large group of patients before and after pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to investigate phases of the migraine cycle, clinical parameters of disease severity and chronic medication usage

    Clinical evidences of urea at medium concentration.

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    Urea-based topical compounds at medium concentrations (15%-30%) represent useful dermatological agents for their humectant and keratolytic effects by enhancing stratum corneum hydration and by loosening epidermal keratin, respectively. The aim of this paper is to review the clinical evidences of the use of 15%-30% urea as single topical agent. Although limited evidence supports the use of these concentrations of urea in skin disorders characterised by xerosis and hyperkeratosis, in clinical practice they are largely used especially in xerosis of limited skin areas, in which the side effects are tolerable, or hyperkeratosis involving large or more sensitive (eg, face, genital region, etc) areas, in which higher concentration may be irritant. In addition, urea at medium concentrations is used in combination with other substances including topical antifungals as penetration enhancer

    Entanglement swapping with photons generated on-demand by a quantum dot

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    Photonic entanglement swapping, the procedure of entangling photons without any direct interaction, is a fundamental test of quantum mechanics and an essential resource to the realization of quantum networks. Probabilistic sources of non-classical light can be used for entanglement swapping, but quantum communication technologies with device-independent functionalities demand for push-button operation that, in principle, can be implemented using single quantum emitters. This, however, turned out to be an extraordinary challenge due to the stringent requirements on the efficiency and purity of generation of entangled states. Here we tackle this challenge and show that pairs of polarization-entangled photons generated on-demand by a GaAs quantum dot can be used to successfully demonstrate all-photonic entanglement swapping. Moreover, we develop a theoretical model that provides quantitative insight on the critical figures of merit for the performance of the swapping procedure. This work shows that solid-state quantum emitters are mature for quantum networking and indicates a path for scaling up.Comment: The first four authors contributed equally to this work. 17 pages, 3 figure

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis Overlap: A Case Report

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    The concurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) is extremely rare. We reported the case of a 33-year-old woman with a past history of paresthesias at the right hand, who developed progressive quadriparesis with muscular atrophy of limbs and, finally, bulbar signs and dyspnea. Clinical and neurophysiologic investigations revealed upper and lower motor neuron signs in the bulbar region and extremities, suggesting the diagnosis of ALS. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis demonstrated 3 periventricular and juxtacortical lesions, hyperintense in T2 and FLAIR sequences, and 3 liquoral immunoglobulin G (IgG) oligoclonal bands, consistent with diagnosis of primary progressive MS (PPMS). This unusual overlap of ALS and MS leads to the discussion of a hypothetical common pathological process of immunological dysfunction in these two disorders, although the role of immune response in ALS remains ambivalent and unclear

    Size-Based Effects of Anthropogenic Ultrafine Particles on Lysosomal TRPML1 Channel and Autophagy in Motoneuron-like Cells

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    An emerging body of evidence indicates an association between anthropogenic particulate matter (PM) and neurodegeneration. Although the historical focus of PM toxicity has been on the cardiopulmonary system, ultrafine PM particles can also exert detrimental effects in the brain. However, only a few studies are available on the harmful interaction between PM and CNS and on the putative pathomechanisms

    Development and validation of the ID-EC - The ITALIAN version of the identify chronic migraine

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    Background: Case-finding tools, such as the Identify Chronic Migraine (ID-CM) questionnaire, can improve detection of CM and alleviate its significant societal burden. We aimed to develop and validate the Italian version of the ID-CM (ID-EC) in paper and as a smart app version in a headache clinic-based setting. Methods: The study investigators translated and adapted to the Italian language the original ID-CM questionnaire (ID-EC) and further implemented it as a smart app. The ID-EC was tested in its paper and electronic version in consecutive patients referring to 9 Italian tertiary headache centers for their first in-person visit. The scoring algorithm of the ID-EC paper version was applied by the study investigators (case-finding) and by patients (self-diagnosis), while the smart app provided to patients automatically the diagnosis. Diagnostic accuracy of the ID-EC was assessed by matching the questionnaire results with the interview-based diagnoses performed by the headache specialists during the visit according to the criteria of International Classification of Headache Disorders, III edition, beta version. Results: We enrolled 531 patients in the test of the paper version of ID-EC and 427 in the validation study of the smart app. According to the clinical diagnosis 209 patients had CM in the paper version study and 202 had CM in the smart app study. 79.5% of patients returned valid paper questionnaires, while 100% of patients returned valid and complete smart app questionnaires. The paper questionnaire had a 81.5% sensitivity and a 81.1% specificity for case-finding and a 30.7% sensitivity and 90.7% specificity for self-diagnosis, while the smart app had a 64.9% sensitivity and 90.2% specificity. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the ID-EC, developed and validated in tertiary headache centers, is a valid case-finding tool for CM, with sensitivity and specificity values above 80% in paper form, while the ID-EC smart app is more useful to exclude CM diagnosis in case of a negative result. Further studies are warranted to assess the diagnostic accuracy of the ID-EC in general practice and population-based settings

    Reduced intracranial volume in Fabry Disease: Evidence of abnormal neurodevelopment?

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    Introduction: Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) are often characterized by abnormal brain development, reflected by a reduction of intracranial volume (ICV). The aim of our study was to perform a volumetric analysis of intracranial tissues in Fabry Disease (FD), investigating possible reductions of ICV as a potential expression of abnormal brain development in this condition. Materials and Methods: Forty-two FD patients (15males,mean age 43.3±13.0 years) were enrolled along with 38 healthy controls (HC) of comparable age and sex. Volumetric MRI data were segmented using SPM12 to obtain intracranial tissue volumes, from which ICV values were derived. Results: Mean ICV of FD patients was 8.1% smaller compared to the control group (p<5·10−5). Unlike what typically happens in neurodegenerative disorders, no significant differences emerged when comparing between the two groups the fractional volumes of gray matter, white matter and CSF (i.e., normalized by ICV), consistent with a harmonious volumetric reduction of intracranial structures. Discussion: The present results suggest that in FD patients an abnormality of brain development is present, expanding the current knowledge about central nervous system involvement in FD, further emphasizing the importance of an early diagnosis

    Diagnostic contribution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in an atypical presentation of Motor Neuron Disease

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    Motor neuron disease (MND) is a neurodegenerative disease determining progressive and relentless motor deterioration involving both upper and lower motor neurons (UMN and LMN); several variants at onset are described. Here we describe a case of MND presenting as pure spastic monoparesis in which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gave a substantial contribution in confirming the diagnosis and assessing the severity of UMN involvement. An isolated pyramidal syndrome, with complete absence of LMN signs, is a rare phenotype in the context of MND (less than 4% of total cases), especially if restricted to only one limb. Several other elements made this case an unusual presentation of MND: the late age of onset (8th decade), the subacute evolution of symptoms (raising the suspicion of an ischemic or inflammatory, rather than degenerative, etiology), the patient’s past medical history (achalasia, erythema nodosum), the increase of inflammatory indices. Conventional MRI showed no focal lesions that could explain the clinical features; therefore, we used advanced MR sequences. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) evaluation evidenced bilateral impairment of corticospinal tract (CST) diffusion metrics, with clear right-left asymmetry, pointing to a neurodegenerative etiology, which clinically appeared less likely at that time. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) showed a significant reduction of NAA/Cho + Cr ratio in the motor cortex (MC), further supporting the hypothesis of UMN degeneration. In conclusion, in this particular case of MND, whose nosographic framing has not been fully defined, advanced MRI techniques with DTI and MRS proved to be of great usefulness in confirming a diffuse UMN involvement, possibly at a more advanced stage than its clinical expression