11 research outputs found

    Results of the workshop on strategies and tools for administrators of the territory of the italian alpine space for the shallow geothermal systems - GRETA Project - Near-surface Geothermal Resources in the Territory of the Alpine Space

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    I sistemi a pompa di calore che utilizzano la geotermia di bassa profonditĂ  (altrimenti nota come a "bassa entalpia") per il riscaldamento ed il raffrescamento degli edifici rappresentano una tecnologia efficiente e vantaggiosa che puĂČ contribuire significativamente alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra. Nonostante le bassissime emissioni e i costi energetici significativamente ridotti rispetto all'impiego di combustibili fossili, la diffusione dei sistemi che sfruttano l'energia geotermica a bassa entalpia (profonditĂ  generalmente comprese tra i 30 e i 150 m dal piano campagna), Ăš ancora limitata da molteplici fattori. In questo ambito, gli amministratori del territorio esercitano un ruolo chiave in quanto, attraverso la predisposizione di strumenti di vario tipo (informativi, normativi e tecnici), essi possono imprimere un impulso importante allo sviluppo dei sistemi geotermici di bassa profonditĂ , ampliando cosĂŹ il ventaglio di tecnologie attualmente disponibili per lo sfruttamento delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili [...

    Ό-XANES mapping of buried interfaces: Pushing microbeam techniques to the nanoscale

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    A specific preparation procedure makes possible to obtain in one shot structural and compositional characterization of a buried interface at the nanometre scale using a micrometre scale probe. A specific example based on dispersive Ό-XAS, micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy, shows that nearly-atomic scale changes in local structure, composition, as well as local disorder are faithfully detected. The approach could in principle be applied to any probe with a micrometric resolution. © the Owner Societies

    micro-XANES mapping of buried interfaces: pushing microbeam techniques to the nanoscale

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    A specific preparation procedure makes possible to obtain in one shot structural and compositional characterization of a buried interface at the nanometre scale using a micrometre scale probe. A specific example based on dispersive l-XAS, micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy, shows that nearly-atomic scale changes in local structure, composition, as well as local disorder are faithfully detected. The approach could in principle be applied to any probe with a micrometric resolution

    Mechanisms of Reactions in the Solid State: (110) Al2O3 + (001) ZnOInterfacial Reaction

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    The mechanisms of the (110) Al2O3 + (001) ZnO interfacial reaction, that eventually yields the spine! ZnAl2O4, has been studied using a multitechnique approach involving local- and long-range structural probes (EXAFS,,mu-XANES, and XRPD) and a surface analytical probe such as SIMS. It is demonstrated that the reaction involves a series of different steps, where at least two different nonequilibrium compounds are formed and then transformed into the spine]. One of these compounds, playing a role similar to reactive intermediates in solution chemistry, has been trapped. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a kind of behavior has been demonstrated for a heterogeneous solid state reaction. It is argued that the critical step is a concerted, homogeneous movement of a set of atoms, rather than long-range diffusion. The implications of these findings for the fabrication of ceramic and nanoscale materials are discussed

    Role of Interfacial Energy and Crystallographic Orientation on the Mechanism of the ZnO + Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> → ZnAl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Solid-State Reaction: I. Reactivity of Films Deposited onto the Sapphire (110) and (012) Faces

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    The initial steps of the reaction between ZnO and Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> have been investigated with X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Zn–K edge starting from 45 nm thick zincite films deposited onto (110)- and (102)-oriented sapphire single crystals. The formation of nonequilibrium phase(s) has been detected for both orientations. For the (001)<sub>zincite</sub> ∄ (110)<sub>sapphire</sub> interface, the rate-determining step is the motion of the interface(s); the growth of the spinel layer is linear with time, with a rate constant <i>k</i> = 1.1(2) × 10<sup>–9</sup> cms<sup>–1</sup> at 1000 °C. At the (110)<sub>zincite</sub> ∄ (012)<sub>sapphire</sub> interface, the reaction shows dumped oscillations. The results are discussed along with a comparison with previous results on thinner films to clarify the role of interfacial free energy and crystallographic orientation

    Interpretare da e verso l’italiano: didattica e innovazione per la formazione dell’interprete

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    Il volume composto da 28 capitoli raccoglie l’esperienza di ricerca e di didattica dei docenti del Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione dell’UniversitĂ  di Bologna - Campus di ForlĂŹ - istituita nel 1989 e ufficialmente attiva dal 1990, come pure di suoi allievi ora docenti in altri atenei. Offre pertanto una variegata panoramica della riflessione, delle problematiche disciplinari e dell’impostazione pedagogica della “Scuola di Forlì”, arricchita anche dal contributo di “ospiti esterni” nazionali e internazionali che rappresentano indiscusse autoritĂ  negli Interpreting Studies sulle tematiche trasversali che qui affrontano. In questo Testo per la formazione dell’interprete emerge l’intento di conciliare tradizione e innovazione in una didattica che rivisita il processo interpretativo. Viene proposto un approccio contrastivo per evidenziare problematiche fonologiche, morfosintattiche, lessicali, semantiche, pragmatiche e culturali che potrebbero inficiare una rapida e corretta trasposizione tra l’italiano e, per la prima volta, in una pluralitĂ  di altre lingue. La didattica risulta innovativa anche perchĂ© accoglie i nuovi apporti tra cui, corpora di interpretazione, CAI tools, avanzate metodologie per la documentazione e gestione terminologica, didattica multimediale e a distanza, l’uso dell’attivitĂ  teatrale. Il volume si articola in quattro parti: (1) Aspetti teorici e metodologici; (2) Problemi, strategie ed esercitazioni per coppie di lingue: interpretare COME(BCMS/Cinese/Francese/Inglese/Polacco/Portoghese/Russo/Spagnolo/Tedesco - Italiano; (3) Ambiti professionali: interpretare PER CHI; (4) Aspetti generali.This volume, consisting of 28 chapters, brings together the research and teaching experience of the teachers of the Department of Interpretation and Translation of the University of Bologna - ForlĂŹ Campus - established in 1989 and officially active since 1990, as well as of its students now teaching at other universities. It therefore offers a varied overview of the thinking, disciplinary issues and pedagogical approach of the "ForlĂŹ School", enriched also by the contribution of national and international "external guests" who are undisputed authorities in Interpreting Studies on the cross-cutting issues addressed here. In this Text for Interpreter Training the intention emerges of reconciling tradition and innovation in a didactic that revisits the interpretative process. A contrastive approach is proposed in order to highlight phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical, semantic, pragmatic and cultural problems that could affect a rapid and correct transposition between Italian and, for the first time, in a plurality of other languages. The didactics is innovative also because it welcomes new features such as interpreting corpora, CAI tools, advanced methodologies for terminology documentation and management, multimedia and distance learning, the use of theatrical activity. The book is divided into four parts: (1) Theoretical and methodological aspects; (2) Problems, strategies and exercises for language pairs: interpreting HOW (BCMS/Chinese/French/English/Polish/Portuguese/Russian/Spanish/German - Italian; (3) Professional fields: interpreting FOR WHOM; (4) General aspects