475 research outputs found

    A targeted management of the nutrient solution in a soilless tomato crop according to plant needs

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    The adoption of closed soilless systems is useful in minimizing the environmental impact of the greenhouse crops. Instead, a significant problem in closed soilless systems is represented by the accumulation of ions in the recycled nutrient solution (NS), in particular the unabsorbed or poorly absorbed ones. To overcome such problem, we: (1) studied the effect of several values of the electrical conductivity (EC) of NS in a NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system on a cherry type tomato crop, and (2) define a NS (called recovery solution), based on the concept of uptake concentration and transpiration-biomass ratio, that fits the real needs of the plant with respect to water and nutrients. Three levels of EC set point (SP), above which the NS was completely replaced (SP5, SP7.5, and SP10 for the EC limit of 5, 7.5, and 10 dS m(-1), respectively), were established. The SP10 treatment yield was not different from other treatments, and it allowed a better quality of the berries (for dry matter and total soluble solids) and higher environmental sustainability due to a lower discharge of total nutrients into the environment (37 and 59% with respect to SP7.5 and SP5, respectively). The recovery solution used in the second trial allowed a more punctual NS management, by adapting to the real needs of the crop. Moreover, it allowed a lesser amount of water and nutrients to be discharged into the environment and a better use of brackish water, due to a more accurate management of the EC of the NS. The targeted management, based on transpirationbiomass ratio, indicates that, in some stages of the plant cycle, the NS used can be diluted, in order to save water and nutrients. With such management a closed cycle can be realized without affecting the yield, but improving the quality of the tomato berries

    A \textsf{C++} reasoner for the description logic \shdlssx (Extended Version)

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    We present an ongoing implementation of a \ke\space based reasoner for a decidable fragment of stratified elementary set theory expressing the description logic \dlssx (shortly \shdlssx). The reasoner checks the consistency of \shdlssx-knowledge bases (KBs) represented in set-theoretic terms. It is implemented in \textsf{C++} and supports \shdlssx-KBs serialized in the OWL/XML format. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to implement a reasoner for the consistency checking of a description logic represented via a fragment of set theory that can also classify standard OWL ontologies.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.03096, arXiv:1804.1122

    A set-based reasoner for the description logic \shdlssx (Extended Version)

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    We present a \ke-based implementation of a reasoner for a decidable fragment of (stratified) set theory expressing the description logic \dlssx (\shdlssx, for short). Our application solves the main TBox and ABox reasoning problems for \shdlssx. In particular, it solves the consistency problem for \shdlssx-knowledge bases represented in set-theoretic terms, and a generalization of the \emph{Conjunctive Query Answering} problem in which conjunctive queries with variables of three sorts are admitted. The reasoner, which extends and optimizes a previous prototype for the consistency checking of \shdlssx-knowledge bases (see \cite{cilc17}), is implemented in \textsf{C++}. It supports \shdlssx-knowledge bases serialized in the OWL/XML format, and it admits also rules expressed in SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.11222, arXiv:1707.07545, arXiv:1702.0309

    A set-theoretical approach for ABox reasoning services (Extended Version)

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    In this paper we consider the most common ABox reasoning services for the description logic DL4LQSR, ⁣×(D)\mathcal{DL}\langle \mathsf{4LQS^{R,\!\times}}\rangle(\mathbf{D}) (DLD4, ⁣×\mathcal{DL}_{\mathbf{D}}^{4,\!\times}, for short) and prove their decidability via a reduction to the satisfiability problem for the set-theoretic fragment \flqsr. The description logic DLD4, ⁣×\mathcal{DL}_{\mathbf{D}}^{4,\!\times} is very expressive, as it admits various concept and role constructs, and data types, that allow one to represent rule-based languages such as SWRL. Decidability results are achieved by defining a generalization of the conjunctive query answering problem, called HOCQA (Higher Order Conjunctive Query Answering), that can be instantiated to the most wide\-spread ABox reasoning tasks. We also present a \ke\space based procedure for calculating the answer set from DLD4, ⁣×\mathcal{DL}_{\mathbf{D}}^{4,\!\times} knowledge bases and higher order DLD4, ⁣×\mathcal{DL}_{\mathbf{D}}^{4,\!\times} conjunctive queries, thus providing means for reasoning on several well-known ABox reasoning tasks. Our calculus extends a previously introduced \ke\space based decision procedure for the CQA problem.Comment: 27 pages. Extended version for RR 2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.0733

    Geotropic tracers in turbulent flows: a proxy for fluid acceleration

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    We investigate the statistics of orientation of small, neutrally buoyant, spherical tracers whose center of mass is displaced from the geometrical center. If appropriate-sized particles are considered, a linear relation can be derived between the horizontal components of the orientation vector and the same components of acceleration. Direct numerical simulations are carried out, showing that such relation can be used to reconstruct the statistics of acceleration fluctuations up to the order of the gravitational acceleration. Based on such results, we suggest a novel method for the local experimental measurement of accelerations in turbulent flows.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Smart traffic management protocol based on VANET architecture

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    Nowadays one of the hottest theme in wireless environments research is the application of the newest technologies to road safety problems and traffic management exploiting the (VANET) architecture. In this work, a novel protocol that aims to achieve a better traffic management is proposed. The overal system is able to reduce traffic level inside the city exploiting inter-communication among vehicles and support infrastructures also known as (V2V) and (V2I) communications. We design a network protocol called (STMP) that takes advantages of IEEE 802.11p standard. On each road several sensors system are placed and they are responsible of monitoring. Gathered data are spread in the network exploiting ad-hoc protocol messages. The increasing knowledge about environment conditions make possible to take preventive actions. Moreover, having a realtime monitoring of the lanes it is possible to reveal roads and city blocks congestions in a shorter time. An external entity to the (VANET) is responsible to manage traffic and rearrange traffic along the lanes of the city avoiding huge traffic levels

    Transparent gap filler solution over a DVB-RCS2 satellite platform in a railway scenario: performance evaluation study

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    In this work, a performance study of a system equipped with a transparent Gap Filler solution in a DVB-RCS2 satellite platform has been provided. In particular, a simulation model based on a 3-state Markov chain, overcoming the blockage status through the introduction of a transparent Gap Filler (using devices on both tunnel sides) has been implemented. The handover time, due to switching mechanism between satellite and Gap Filler, has been taken into account. As reference scenario, the railway market has been considered, which is characterized by a N-LOS condition, due to service disruptions caused by tunnels, vegetation and buildings. The system performance, in terms of end-to-end delay, queue size and packet loss percentage, have been evaluated, in order to prove the goodness of communications in a real railroad path

    Semiconductor electrochemistry approach to passivity and passivity breakdown of metals and metallic alloys

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    A critical appraisal of the use of the theory of semiconductors in characterising passive films on metals and alloys is provided, with special emphasis on the use of Mott – Schottky theory for the location of characteristic energy levels of the passive film – electrolyte junction. Some inconsistencies between theory and experimental results in the case of thin passive films are discussed together with possible alternative ways for overcoming such problems. The role of semiconducting properties in determining the pitting behaviour of passive films on W in solutions containing halide is presented and discussed. The validity of a recently proposed correlation between the solid state properties of passive films and the pitting potential is critically reviewed

    Concentrated suspensions of Brownian beads in water: dynamic heterogeneities trough a simple experimental technique

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    Concentrated suspensions of Brownian hard-spheres in water are an epitome for understanding the glassy dynamics of both soft materials and supercooled molecular liquids. From an experimental point of view, such systems are especially suited to perform particle tracking easily, and, therefore, are a benchmark for novel optical techniques, applicable when primary particles cannot be resolved. Differential Variance Analysis (DVA) is one such novel technique that simplifies significantly the characterization of structural relaxation processes of soft glassy materials, since it is directly applicable to digital image sequences of the sample. DVA succeeds in monitoring not only the average dynamics, but also its spatio-temporal fluctuations, known as dynamic heterogeneities. In this work, we study the dynamics of dense suspensions of Brownian beads in water, imaged through digital video-microscopy, by using both DVA and single-particle tracking. We focus on two commonly used signatures of dynamic heterogeneities: the dynamic susceptibility, χ4\chi_4, and the non-Gaussian parameter, α2\alpha_2. By direct comparison of these two quantities, we are able to highlight similarities and differences. We do confirm that χ4\chi_4 and α2\alpha_2 provide qualitatively similar information, but we find quantitative discrepancies in the scalings of characteristic time and length scale on approaching the glass transition.Comment: The original publication is available at http://www.scichina.com and http://www.springerlink.com http://engine.scichina.com/publisher/scp/journal/SCPMA/doi/10.1007/s11433-019-9401-x?slug=abstrac