223 research outputs found

    Rapid Serial Visual Presentation. Degradation of inferential reading comprehension as a function of speed

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    There is increasing interest in the readability of text presented on small digital screens. Designers have come up with novel text presentation methods, such as moving text from right to left, line-stepping, or showing successive text segments such as phrases or single words in a RSVP format. Comparative studies have indicated that RSVP is perhaps the best method of presenting text in a limited space. We tested the method using 209 participants divided into six groups. The groups included traditional reading, and RSVP reading at rates of 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 wpm. No significant differences were found in comprehension for normal reading and RSVP reading at rates of 250, 300 and 350 wpm. However, higher rates produced significantly lower comprehension scores. It remains to be determined if, with additional practice and improved methods, good levels of reading comprehension at high rates can be achieved with RSV

    Does the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met human polymorphism in influence procrastination?

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    Genetic studies are enlightening how the expression of several genes influences neuronal activity and all facets of human normal and abnormal behaviour. Among these, a growing body of information shows that a few key genes regulating activity of central neurotransmitters have specific roles in cognitive and/or emotional processes, as ‘procrastination’. We investigated the association of the 5-HTTLPR and COMT Val158Met polymorphisms with students’ procrastination in an academic writing task. Results: showed no relationship between procrastination and the 5-HTT polymorphism but they revealed an association with the COMT Val158Met one. Particularly, the presence of the Met158 allele was found to be significantly associated with the tendency to initiate and complete the assigned task. We hypothesize that the role of central monoamines and of dopamine already identified in impulsive behaviour, extends to procrastination. Since the 158Met allele provides neurons with significantly higher basal dopamine levels when compared to the 158Val allele, our observation suggests that under normal conditions the 158Met allele provides carriers with increased inhibitory control, resulting in an increased tendency to adhere to a planned schedule and therefore reducing procrastination. On the other hand, the Val158 allele may result more effective in increasing carriers’ performances under stress conditions, namely when the schedule deadline is approaching, and dopamine release is increased. This would result in a higher tendency to procrastinate. This hypothesis can readily be tested by applying the experimental approach here employed to various samples of subjects belonging to different categories and extending the analysis to other putative neuron-expressed gene

    Can User Experience affect buying intention? A case study on the evaluation of exercise equipment.

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    Treadmills are increasingly loaded with digital technology for assisting the individual during the workout sessions by providing information for tracking relevant training parameters. Also, this technology makes exercise more pleasurable by keeping the user connected to her/his digital ecosystem (e.g. social networking, access to multimedia content). Although there is an increasing interest in digital technologies to be used in fitness, a cursory literature search shows that the interest towards gym equipment is currently limited to the hardware component, thus making biomechanics the focus of the investigation. Other types of contributions are very rare and mostly focused on the design of tools for special populations (e.g. elderly, disabilities) as well as for promoting physical activity monitoring (eHealth). In the present study information on the perceived usability of the interface was collected and analysed along with opinions about buying intention and estimated pricing. Twenty-three individuals were tested after using a treadmill (Technogym S.p.A.) equipped with an interface allowing equipment and training management, activity monitoring and user entertainment. Results indicated a significant influence of perceived usability of the interface on the intention of buying the whole system, thus suggesting the existence of a ROI of Human-Centred Design strategies

    A Simple(r) Tool For Examining Fixations

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    This short paper describes an update of A Simple Tool For Examining Fixations (ASTEF) developed for facilitating the examination of eye-tracking data and for computing a spatial statistics algorithm that has been validated as a measure of mental workload (namely, the Nearest Neighbor Index: NNI). The code is based on Matlab® 2013a and is currently distributed on the web as an open-source project. This implementation of ASTEF got rid of many functionalities included in the previous version that are not needed anymore considering the large availability of commercial and open-source software solutions for eye-tracking. That makes it very easy to compute the NNI on eye-tracking data without the hassle of learning complicated tools. The software also features an export function for creating the time series of the NNI values computed on each minute of the recording. This feature is crucial given that the spatial distribution of fixations must be used to test hypotheses about the time course of mental load

    Usable Security. A Systematic Literature Review

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    Usable security involves designing security measures that accommodate users’ needs and behaviors. Balancing usability and security poses challenges: the more secure the systems, the less usable they will be. On the contrary, more usable systems will be less secure. Numerous studies have addressed this balance. These studies, spanning psychology and computer science/engineering, contribute diverse perspectives, necessitating a systematic review to understand strategies and findings in this area. This systematic literature review examined articles on usable security from 2005 to 2022. A total of 55 research studies were selected after evaluation. The studies have been broadly categorized into four main clusters, each addressing different aspects: (1) usability of authentication methods, (2) helping security developers improve usability, (3) design strategies for influencing user security behavior, and (4) formal models for usable security evaluation. Based on this review, we report that the field’s current state reveals a certain immaturity, with studies tending toward system comparisons rather than establishing robust design guidelines based on a thorough analysis of user behavior. A common theoretical and methodological background is one of the main areas for improvement in this area of research. Moreover, the absence of requirements for Usable security in almost all development contexts greatly discourages implementing good practices since the earlier stages of development

    Ocular-based automatic summarization of documents: is re-reading informative about the importance of a sentence?

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    Automatic document summarization (ADS) has been introduced as a viable solution for reducing the time and the effort needed to read the ever-increasing textual content that is disseminated. However, a successful universal ADS algorithm has not yet been developed. Also, despite progress in the field, many ADS techniques do not take into account the needs of different readers, providing a summary without internal consistency and the consequent need to re-read the original document. The present study was aimed at investigating the usefulness of using eye tracking for increasing the quality of ADS. The general idea was of that of finding ocular behavioural indicators that could be easily implemented in ADS algorithms. For instance, the time spent in re-reading a sentence might reflect the relative importance of that sentence, thus providing a hint for the selection of text contributing to the summary. We have tested this hypothesis by comparing metrics based on the analysis of eye movements of 30 readers with the highlights they made afterward. Results showed that the time spent reading a sentence was not significantly related to its subjective value, thus frustrating our attempt. Results also showed that the length of a sentence is an unavoidable confounding because longer sentences have both the highest probability of containing units of text judged as important, and receive more fixations and re-fixations

    ASTEF: A Simple Tool for Examining Fixation

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    In human factors and ergonomics research, the analysis of eye movements has gained popularity as a method for obtaining information concerning the operator's cognitive strategies and for drawing inferences about the cognitive state of an individual. For example, recent studies have shown that the distribution of eye fixations is sensitive to variations in mental workload---dispersed when workload is high, and clustered when workload is low. Spatial statistics algorithms can be used to obtain information about the type of distribution and can be applied over fixations recorded during small epochs of time to assess online changes in the level of mental load experienced by the individuals. In order to ease the computation of the statistical index and to encourage research on the spatial properties of visual scanning, A Simple Tool for Examining Fixations has been developed. The software application implements functions for fixation visualization, management, and analysis, and includes a tool for fixation identification from raw gaze point data. Updated information can be obtained online at www.astef.info, where the installation package is freely downloadable

    PrOnto: an Ontology Driven Business Process Mining Tool

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    Abstract The main aim of data mining techniques and tools is that of identify and extract, from a set of (big) data, implicit patterns which can describe static or dynamic phenomena. Among these latter business processes are gaining more and more attention due to their crucial role in modern organizations and enterprises. Being able to identify and model processes inside organizations is for sure a key asset to discover their weak and strong points thus helping them in the improvement of their competitiveness. In this paper we describe a prototype system able to discover business processes from an event log and classify them with a suitable level of abstraction with reference to a related business ontology. The identified process, and its corresponding level of abstraction, depends on the knowledge encoded in the reference ontology which is dynamically exploited at runtime. The tool has been validated by considering examples and case studies from the literature on process mining

    The cybersecurity awareness Inventory (CAIN). Early phases of development of a tool for assessing cybersecurity knowledge based on the ISO/IEC 27032

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    Knowledge of possible cyber threats as well as awareness of appropriate security measures plays a crucial role in the ability of individuals to not only discriminate between an innocuous versus a dangerous cyber event, but more importantly to initiate appropriate cybersecurity behaviors. The purpose of this study was to construct a Cybersecurity Awareness INventory (CAIN) to be used as an instrument to assess users’ cybersecurity knowledge by providing a proficiency score that could be correlated with cyber security behaviors. A scale consisting of 46 items was derived from ISO/IEC 27032. The questionnaire was administered to a sample of college students (N = 277). Based on cybersecurity behaviors reported to the research team by the college’s IT department, each participant was divided into three groups according to the risk reports they received in the past nine months (no risk, low risk, and medium risk). The ANOVA results showed a statistically significant difference in CAIN scores between those in the no risk and medium-risk groups; as expected, CAIN scores were lower in the medium-risk group. The CAIN has the potential to be a useful assessment tool for cyber training programs as well as future studies investigating individuals’ vulnerability to cyberthreats

    Implementing dynamic changes in automation support using ocular-based metrics of mental workload: a laboratory study.

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    Adaptive Automation has been often invoked as a remedy to indiscriminate introduction of automation support. However, this form of automation is difficult to implement without a sensitive and reliable index of the Operator Functional State. In a series of studies we have showed the usefulness of the distribution of eye fixations as an index of mental workload to be used as a trigger of automation. Particularly, the distribution pattern was found to be sensitive to taskload variations and types, thus making it very appealing for designing adaptive systems. This approach seems to be valid and reliable, but a necessary step in this research program would be testing the effectiveness of automation driven by fixation distribution and its capability in reducing the workload. The present study is a first attempt to carry out such validation
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