73 research outputs found

    Consolidation and coating treatments for glass in the cultural heritage field: A review

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    Consolidation and coating treatments are two types of interventions that form part of the active con- servation actions developed for historical and archaeological glass over the years. While thermoplastic and thermosetting resins are widely adopted by conservators worldwide, issues related to the toxicity and the material compatibility of these products remains unsolved. To address these issues, effort s have been made to develop new formulations that can functionally replace or exhibit performance advantages with respect to these canonical polymeric materials. In this review, we discuss the main classes of ma- terials applied thus far for protection and consolidation aims in the cultural heritage glass field, starting from the beginning of the 19th century and continuing until present days. We also assess the potential of hybrid organic-inorganic materials and full inorganic materials as alternative solutions to the limita- tions of organic materials in application. Finally, we provide our perspectives on future directions for the development of consolidation products that meet the specific requirements of the cultural heritage field

    Sustainable intensification? Increased production diminishes omega-3 content of sheep milk

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    Intensifying agricultural production alters food composition, but this is often ignored when assessing system sustainability, yet it could compromise consumers’ health and the concept of ‘sustainable diets’. Here we consider milk composition from Mediterranean dairy sheep, finding inferior fatty acid (FA) profiles with respect to consumer health as a result of a more intensive system of production. Semi-intensive management did produce 57% more milk per ewe with 20% lower fat content, but inferior fat composition. Milk had a nutritionally poorer fatty acid (FA) profile, with 18% less omega-3 FA (n-3) (19% less long-chain n-3) and 7% less monounsaturated FA but 3% more saturated FA (9% higher in C14:0) concentrations compared with ewes under traditional, extensive management. Redundancy analysis identified close associations between fat composition and animal diets, particularly concentrate supplementation and grazing cultivated pasture - n-3 was associated with grazing diverse, native mountain pastures. The paper questions if identifying such key elements in traditional systems could be deployed for ‘sustainable intensification’ to maintain food quality whilst increasing output

    Compositional changes by SIMS and XPS analyses on fresh and aged Roman-like glass

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    This study reports important analytical evidence of an unusual non-uniform element distribution in the superficial layers of glass matrices (from few nm up to 1 µm). The unforeseen observation was made on silica-soda-lime glass mock-ups before and after their artificial ageing, using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) surface analysis techniques. The analyses showed a marked non-homogeneous element distribution at the glass surface. The results indicated a very low concentration of Na at the surface up to a depth of around 500 nm below the surface, where its concentration increases reaching a plateau. In addition, the profile distribution of H in the first 200 nm of the pristine glass surface indicated a diffusion of hydrogen from the surrounding environment to the glass network. Additional modifications during the glass ageing process related to external factors (such as temperature and humidity) were also identified in relation to sodium atoms, with atoms on the glass surface showing a different chemical state from those in the bulk. This study confirms that glass composition as well as glass alteration are non-homogeneous locally supporting the importance of studying glass surface as region of interaction with surrounding environment

    A New Green Coating for the Protection of Frescoes: From the Synthesis to the Performances Evaluation

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    This work presents the formulation and characterization of a new product for the protection of outdoor frescoes from aggressive environmental agents. The formulation is designed as an innovative green coating, prepared through a zero-waste one-pot-synthetic method to form silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) directly in a chitosan-based medium. The AgNPs are seeded and grown in a mixed hydrogel of chitosan, azelaic, and lactic acid, by the reduction of silver nitrate, and using calcium hydroxide as precipitating agent. The rheological properties of this coating base are optimized by the addition of a solvent mixture of glycerol and ethanol with a 1:1 volume ratio. The new formulation and two commercial products (Paraloid® B72 and Proconsol®) are then applied by brush to ad hoc mock-ups to be evaluated for chemical stability, color and gloss variations, morphological variation, hydrophobicity, and water vapor permeability via Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) in attenuated total reflection (ATR) mode, spectrophotometer analysis, stereomicroscope observations, UNI EN 15802, and UNI EN 15803, respectively. The results show that the application of the hybrid chitosan-AgNPs coating is promising for the protection of outdoor frescoes and that it can underpin the development of new products that address the lack of conservation strategies specifically designed for wall painting

    Characterisation of innovative mortar formulations for the restoration of Roman mosaics

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    This contribution is focused on the study of the workability and mechanical properties of innovative mortars previously developed for preservation of ancient mosaics. The new formulations are based on the study of the Vitruvian recipe for Roman mortars, respecting the compatibility criteria with the original material. Different additives in different concentrations have been added to the previous formulations with the aim of studying their role in improving the durability, physicochemical, and rheological properties of the consolidating formulations. Preliminary slump tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of the additives on the workability of designed limebased mortars. The achieved results highlighted the benefits of the use of plant-derived gel and inorganic nanoparticles in mortar mixtures, when added in suitable concentration. Considering these results, the best mortars formulations have been selected to examine in depth their mechanical properties

    First- and second-line treatment strategies for hormone-receptor (HR)-positive HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer: A real-world study

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    Background: Endocrine therapy (ET) plus cyclin-dependent-kinases 4/6 inhibitors (CDK4/6i) represents the standard treatment for luminal-metastatic breast cancer (MBC). However, prospective head-to-head comparisons are still lacking for 1st line (L) options, and it is still crucial to define the best strategy between 1st and 2nd L. Materials and methods: 717 consecutive luminal-MBC pts treated between 2008 and 2020 were analyzed at the Oncology Department of Aviano and Udine, Italy. Differences about survival outcomes (OS, PFS and PPS) were tested by log-rank test. The attrition rate (AR) between 1st and 2ndL was calculated. Results: At 1stL, pts were treated with ET (49%), chemotherapy (CT) (31%) and ET-CDKi (20%) while, at 2ndL, 33% received ET, 33% CT and 8% ET-CDKi. Overall AR was 10%, 7% for CT, 8% for ET and 17% for ET-CDKi. By multivariate analysis, 1stL ET-CDK4/6i showed a better mPFS1 and OS. Moreover, 2ndL ET-CDK4/6i demonstrated better mPFS2 compared to ET and CT. Notably, 1stL ET-CDKi resulted in higher mPFS than 2ndL ET-CDKi. Intriguingly, 1stL ET-CDK4/6i was associated with worse mPPS compared to CT and ET. Secondarily, 1stL ET-CDK4/6i followed by CT had worse OS compared to 1stL ET-CDK4/6i followed by ET. Notably, none of baseline characteristics at 2ndL influenced 2ndL treatment choice (ET vs. CT) after ET-CDKi. Conclusion: Our real-world data demonstrated that ET-CDKi represents the best option for 1stL luminal-MBC compared to ET and CT. Also, the present study pointed out that 2ndL ET, potentially combined with other molecules, could be a feasible option after CDK4/6i failure, postponing CT on later lines

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services