24 research outputs found

    Effects of sex hormones on bronchial reactivity during the menstrual cycle

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    Background: Many asthmatic women complain of symptom exacerbations in particular periods, i.e. during pregnancy and menstrual cycles (perimenstrual asthma: PMA)". The goal of this study was to study the effect of the luteal and follicular phases of the menstrual cycle on bronchial reactivity (BR) in a group of asthmatic women. Methods: For this purpose, 36 pre-menopausal women were enrolled and underwent testing for resting pulmonary function, measurement of the diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and airway responsiveness to methacholine in the follicular and luteal phases of their menstrual cycles. We also measured plasma hormone levels and levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP; a mediator of bronchial smooth muscle contraction) and testosterone in induced sputum samples. Results: Our study showed that about 30% of the asthmatic women had decreased PC20FEV1.0 in the follicular phase of menstrual cycle with a significant correlation between PC20FEV1.0 and serum testosterone levels. Moreover, marked increases in sputum testosterone levels (mean = 2.6-fold increase) together with significant increases in sputum cAMP concentrations (mean = 3.6-fold increases) were observed during the luteal phase of asthmatic patients, suggesting that testosterone contributes to the pathophysiology of PMA. We excluded the possibility that testosterone directly inhibits phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity as incubating PDE with testosterone in vitro did not reduce PDE catalytic activity. Conclusions: In conclusion, our data show that PC20FEV1.0 was decreased in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle in about 30% of women and was associated with lower cAMP levels in sputum samples, which may contribute to bronchoconstriction. Our results also suggest a link between PMA and testosterone levels. However, whether these findings are of clinical significance in terms of the management of asthma or asthma worsening during the menstrual cycle needs further investigation

    The burden of breast cancer in Italy: mastectomies and quadrantectomies performed between 2001 and 2008 based on nationwide hospital discharge records.

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    BACKGROUND: Where population coverage is limited, the exclusive use of Cancer Registries might limit ascertainment of incident cancer cases. We explored the potentials of Nationwide hospital discharge records (NHDRs) to capture incident breast cancer cases in Italy. METHODS: We analyzed NHDRs for mastectomies and quadrantectomies performed between 2001 and 2008. The average annual percentage change (AAPC) and related 95% Confidence Interval (CI) in the actual number of mastectomies and quadrantectomies performed during the study period were computed for the full sample and for subgroups defined by age, surgical procedure, macro-area and singular Region. Re-admissions of the same patients were separately presented. RESULTS: The overall number of mastectomies decreased, with an AAPC of -2.1% (-2.3 -1.8). This result was largely driven by the values observed for women in the 45 to 64 and 65 to 74 age subgroups (-3.0%, -3.4 -3.6 and -3.3%, -3.8 -2.8, respectively). We observed no significant reduction in mastectomies for women in the remaining age groups. Quadrantectomies showed an overall +4.7 AAPC (95%CI:4.5-4.9), with no substantial differences by age. Analyses by geographical area showed a remarkable decrease in mastectomies, with inter-regional discrepancies possibly depending upon variability in mammography screening coverage and adherence. Quadrantectomies significantly increased, with Southern Regions presenting the highest average rates. Data on repeat admissions within a year revealed a total number of 46,610 major breast surgeries between 2001 and 2008, with an overall +3.2% AAPC (95%CI:2.8-3.6). CONCLUSIONS: In Italy, NHDRs might represent a valuable supplemental data source to integrate Cancer Registries in cancer surveillance

    Contacts et acculturations en Méditerranée occidentale

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    La question des contacts entre les diffĂ©rents peuples qui bordent les rives de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord occidentale est l’un des sujets phares de la recherche archĂ©ologique de ces trente derniĂšres annĂ©es. Que l’on parle d’époque archaĂŻque et classique ou de Protohistoire et d’ñge du Fer, les Ă©changes et les processus d’acculturation de ces peuples qui entrĂšrent alors en contact les uns avec les autres : Grecs, Celtes, PhĂ©niciens, IbĂšres, Ligures, Étrusques, ont retenu l’attention des chercheurs travaillant sur l’expansion grecque dans ces rĂ©gions, sur les trafics commerciaux, sur les Ă©changes culturels. L’Ɠuvre de Michel Bats (Directeur de recherche honoraire du CNRS) traverse toutes ces thĂ©matiques : la prĂ©sence des PhocĂ©ens et des Étrusques dans le bassin occidental de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e, l’acculturation et les identitĂ©s ethno-culturelles, les recherches sur la cĂ©ramique et ses usages dans une perspective anthropologique, l’appropriation de l’écriture par les sociĂ©tĂ©s protohistoriques. Ses collĂšgues et amis, en organisant ce colloque et en participant Ă  ces actes, entendent lui tĂ©moigner leur amitiĂ© et leur dette intellectuelle. Ce volume rĂ©unit des articles des meilleurs spĂ©cialistes, actuels de la question - des chercheurs de toute la MĂ©diterranĂ©e - autour des quatre grands thĂšmes que nous venons d’évoquer afin tout Ă  la fois de dresser un bilan et de dĂ©finir de nouvelles perspectives. Cet ouvrage prĂ©sente donc aussi bien des synthĂšses - sur la prĂ©sence grecque en Espagne, sur l’origine de l’écriture, sur les pratiques funĂ©raires, sur les identitĂ©s culturelles et ethniques - que des dĂ©couvertes rĂ©centes concernant la thĂ©matique des contacts et de l’acculturation en MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord occidentale : l’agglomĂ©ration du Premier Ăąge du Fer de La Cougourlude (Lattes, HĂ©rault) fouillĂ©e durant l’étĂ© 2010 ; le sanctuaire hellĂ©nistique de Cumes et les fouilles rĂ©centes de Fratte en Italie ; les ateliers de potiers de Rosas en Espagne ; les derniĂšres dĂ©couvertes d’Olbia de Provence

    Grecs et indigĂšnes de la Catalogne Ă  la mer Noire

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    Le programme de travail qui aboutit Ă  ce livre s’inscrit dans le cadre du rĂ©seau d’excellence europĂ©en Ramses2, initiĂ© par la Maison mĂ©diterranĂ©enne des sciences de l’homme. Une demi-douzaine de tables rondes ont rĂ©uni entre 2006 et 2008, d’un bout Ă  l’autre de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e (Ă  EmpĂșries, Aix-en-Provence, Palerme, Naples, AthĂšnes), quelque soixante-dix chercheurs essentiellement français, italiens et espagnols, mais aussi anglais, grecs, bulgares, roumains, canadiens et russes. Il s’agissait d’étudier les rapports d’acculturation entre colons grecs et populations indigĂšnes, en tenant compte des diffĂ©rences gĂ©ographiques et chronologiques mais aussi de l’historiographie et des habitudes de recherche des diverses institutions. Les nombreuses communications qui ont jalonnĂ© les six tables rondes sont ici la plupart du temps prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es de textes introductifs. Une premiĂšre partie, consacrĂ©e aux approches rĂ©gionales, permet d’illustrer l’état de la recherche dans quelques rĂ©gions choisies (autour d’Empuries, d’HimĂšre, de Marseille, de VĂ©lia, en Thrace et en mer Noire). La seconde partie, thĂ©matique, aborde un certain nombre de thĂšmes de recherche dans les rĂ©gions prĂ©cĂ©dentes, mais aussi dans d’autres rĂ©gions du monde de la colonisation grecque. Le point de vue adoptĂ© dans ce livre est d’abord celui de la culture matĂ©rielle ; l’approche en est essentiellement archĂ©ologique. On se demandera par exemple quels sont les indices archĂ©ologiques qui permettent de dire si un site est habitĂ© par des Grecs, par des indigĂšnes ou par une population “mixte”, et comment ces indices ont Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ©s selon les pĂ©riodes et selon les rĂ©gions. Beaucoup de communications prĂ©sentent des synthĂšses rĂ©gionales ou thĂ©matiques, mais une large place est faite Ă©galement Ă  des sites inĂ©dits, pour lesquels on n’a pas hĂ©sitĂ© Ă  livrer une abondante documentation (plans, matĂ©riel de fouille). C’est en effet par le renouvellement de la documentation archĂ©ologique que nous pouvons espĂ©rer avancer dans la comprĂ©hension des rapports d’acculturation entre les colons grecs et les populations locales

    Uporaba spletne analitike za promocijo trĆŸne kampanje

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    The thesis project aims to highlight the transformation processes after digital technologies that characterize the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by Industry 4.0, born with the increasing integration of cyber-physical systems in industrial processes, digitization, and computerization of the production chain. In all sectors, the Internet is combined with intelligent machines that transform the entire production process into a huge information system. All technologies allow for much more efficient and effective industries and factories. Thanks to them, an entrepreneur, anywhere in the world, can have news about the production system. Today, both large and small entrepreneurs can have low-cost technologies that can generate a large amount of data that can bring great opportunities if handled in the right way. Technologies foster integration and cooperation between companies, bringing greater effectiveness and intelligence to different sectors of activity. The revolution is not only related to machines but is increasing with monitoring and control systems in order to highlight the plurality of resources. The objective of this work is to explore how companies can manage the digital transformation process, identifying the main elements of digital marketing that have had an impact on business models. The website and its measurement become a fundamental part of the business strategy, allowing growth, improvement in terms of efficiency and highlighting the negative aspects. In fact, the study considers all the business strategies related to the era of big data and the analysis useful for the creation of customized marketing campaigns for the user. It is thanks to the analysis of the data that it was possible to plan Opera Co-Pro\u27s marketing campaign, carried out during the internship period. The advertising and marketing campaigns were carried out with the aim of making known the potential of the start-up through social media. They were strategically designed with the main purpose of encouraging potential customers to buy one of the subscriptions that the platform makes available to users. Great importance has been given to the performing arts sector, in order to understand how it has adapted to the challenges posed by the market through co-production and collaboration in the realization of a common project, creating a collaborative community. Co-productions are also a meeting of partners who produce together in different regulatory, economic and cultural contexts. This implies work done together at a multisectoral and multifactorial level to achieve common goals. In order to investigate the relationships promoted within the Opera Co-Pro community, the co-production network analysis has been carried out using Social Network Analysis tools. In fact, understanding the links between the actors and knowing how information propagates in the network can help to improve the understanding of the audience and to optimize both the message and the sponsorship of the company

    Il quartiere Parioli, tra memorie cinematografiche, vita sociale e culturale

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    Sulla base di interviste e testimonianze agli abitanti del quartiere Parioli di Roma, il saggio ricostruisce i cinema attivi in quel quadrante della cittĂ  e le abitudini di consumo cinematografico tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta

    Archaeology, Geomorphology and Palaeosurfaces Studies: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Understanding the Ancient Laos Territory

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    This paper describes the results of the project ‘Landscape archaeology in the territory of ancient Laos’, a collaboration between the Superintendency of Calabria, the University of Paris 1 PanthĂ©on-Sorbonne, the Centre Jean BĂ©rard in Naples (USR 3133 CNRS – École Française de Rome) and the Department of Heritage Science of University of Salerno. The aim of the project, started in 2009, is to understand the ancient landscape dynamics in the coastal area of northern Calabria. In the last two centuries the landscape has been deeply modified by human contemporary activities. In this context many archaeological evidence persist in a chaotic framework. In such circumstances we defined a multidisciplinary research strategy. In particular a geomorphological and pedo-stratigraphical approach was applied to the archaeological survey. The information was used to build matrix-profiles aimed at the analysis of influencing factors regarding the presence of archaeological evidence on investigated surfaces

    Recumbent deoxygenation in mild/moderate liver cirrhosis: the “Clinodeoxia”. The ortho-clino paradigm

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    BACKGROUND: While the effects of postural change on arterial oxygenation have been well documented in normal subjects, and attributed to the relationship of closing volume (CV) to the tidal volume, in liver cirrhosis such postural changes have been evaluated mainly in a rare, peculiar clinical end-stage condition which is characterized by increased dyspnea shifting from supine to upright position ("platypnea"). The latter is associated with worsening of PaO2 ("orthodeoxia"). We evaluated the effects of postural changes on arterial oxygenation in patients affected by mild/moderate liver cirrhosis. METHODS: We performed pulmonary function tests and arterial blood gas evaluation in sitting and supine positions in 22 patients with mild/moderate liver cirrhosis, biopsy-proved, and 22 matched non-smokers control subjects. RESULTS: Recumbency elicited a decrease of PaO2 (Δ(sup-sit)PaO2) in 19 out of 22 controls and in all but one cirrhotics. The magnitude of this postural change was significantly (p = 0.04) greater in cirrhotics (9.6 ± 5.3%) compared to controls (6.7 ± 3.7%). In the subset of cirrhotics younger than 60 yrs and with PaO2 greater than 80 mmHg in sitting position, the Δ(sup-sit)PaO2 in recumbency further increased to 12 ± 5.8%, significantly (p = 0.014) greater than in same subgroup of controls (7.1 ± 3.8%). CONCLUSIONS: In mild/moderate liver cirrhosis the postural variations in PaO2 follow the normal trends, but are of greater magnitude probably as a consequence of hypoventilated units of lung for postural and disease-linked tidal airway closure, resulting in more pronounced recumbent hypoxemia ("clinodeoxia")