1,631 research outputs found

    Exposición al humo ambiental de tabaco en locales de hostelería de Barcelona: medición de partículas respirables

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    ResumenObjetivoMedir la concentración de partículas respirables de tamaño igual o menor que 2,5μm (PM2,5) como marcador del humo ambiental de tabaco (HAT) en locales de hostelería de Barcelona 2 años después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley 28/2005.MétodosSe trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio fueron 40 locales de la ciudad de Barcelona seleccionados por muestreo de ruta aleatoria con representación de los distintos tipos de regulación existentes tras la aplicación de la Ley (permitido fumar, prohibido fumar y locales con zonas para fumadores y no fumadores). El trabajo de campo se realizó entre octubre y diciembre de 2007. El HAT se cuantificó determinando las PM2,5 con un monitor con fotómetro láser (Side Pack AM 510 Personal Aerosol Monitor). Se realizaron mediciones iniciales de 5 minutos en el exterior del local y de 30 minutos en el interior. Además, se recogieron variables de tipo observacional relacionadas con las características del local y los signos de consumo tabaco.ResultadosLa concentración de PM2,5 en los locales donde se permite fumar es cinco veces más alta que en los que se ha prohibido (182μg/m3 y 34μg/m3, respectivamente), y supera la concentración establecida como perjudicial por la Environmental Protection Agency de Estados Unidos (35μg/m3). En aquellos locales en que se ha prohibido fumar, la concentración de PM2,5 no supera este estándar ni muestra diferencias significativas con la concentración en el exterior del local.ConclusionesDos años después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo, la exposición al HAT en los locales de hostelería donde se permitía fumar seguía siendo muy alta. Esto suponía un importante riesgo para la salud de los trabajadores de este sector.AbstractObjectivesTo quantify the concentration of respirable particles equal to or smaller than 2.5μm (PM2.5) as a marker of second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in a sample of hospitality venues in Barcelona 2 years after the Spanish smoking law came into effect.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional descriptive study from October to December 2007. The study population consisted of 40 hospitality venues in Barcelona selected by a random route sampling, with representation of the different types of smoking regulation included in the law (smoking allowed, smoking ban and venues with smoking areas). SHS levels were quantified by measuring PM2.5 concentrations, which were measured using a laser photometer (Side Pack AM 510 Personal Aerosol Monitor). The measurements were carried out for 5minutes outside the venue and for 30minutes inside the venue. In addition, observational variables related to the characteristics of the venue and signs of tobacco consumption were recorded.ResultsThe concentration of PM2.5 in venues where smoking was still allowed was five times higher than that in venues where smoking was banned (182μg/m3 and 34μg/m3, respectively) and exceeded the concentration established by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as harmful (35μg/m3). However, in venues where smoking was banned, the concentration was lower than the EPA standard and there were no significant differences with the outdoor PM2.5 concentration.ConclusionsTwo years after the introduction of the Spanish smoking law, SHS exposure in venues where smoking was allowed was q still very high, representing a significant health risk for hospitality workers

    Three-year follow-up of the poiba intervention on childhood obesity : A quasi-experimental study

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    Altres ajuts: Agència de Salut Pública de BarcelonaChildhood obesity has increased worldwide over the past four decades. This quasi-exper-imental study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a multicomponent and multilevel school-based intervention (POIBA) at 3 years of follow-up. The nutrition intervention focused on food groups, food pyramid, nutrients, portions, and balanced menus. In total, 3624 children participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements and information on food frequency and behavior, physical activity, and daily screen use were collected in the intervention (IG) and comparison group (CG). Positive unadjusted changes toward adherence to recommendations were found for water, meat, sweets, and fried potato consumption, proper breakfast, not having dinner in front of the TV, out-of-school physical activity, and daily screen use. Three scores were used to calculate the proportion of children making more than one change to improve healthy habits regarding physical activity (global Activity score), nutrition (global Nutrition score), and both (global score). Students exposed to the intervention had a significantly better global Activity score (16.2% IG vs. 11.9% CG; p = 0.012) and Global score (63.9% IG vs. 58.5% CG; p = 0.025). Intervention effects on obesity incidence at 3-year follow-up lost significance but maintained the positive trend. In conclusion, school-based interventions including a family component could be useful to address the childhood obesity problem

    Dating violence and associated factors among male and female adolescents in Spain

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    Background: Dating Violence (DV) is a public health problem that is on the rise. In this paper, we aim to analyse different factors associated with DV victimization among female and male adolescents in Spain, considering socioeconomic circumstances, sexual orientation and the presence of different attitudes and experiences related to violence. Methods: Cross-sectional data from a convenience sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13 to 17 at schools in the cities of Alicante (n = 359, 50.1% girls) and Terrassa (n = 281, 51.9%) in the context of an educational intervention to promote healthy relationships. We calculated the prevalence of different forms of DV (physical, sexual and control and fear) and carried out multivariate regression models by sex. Results: 5.5% of girls and 8.7% of boys declared having suffered lifetime physical and/or sexual violence, while 22% of girls and 20.5% of boys reported control and/or fear victimization. The likelihood of DV was higher among migrants and those with foreign-born parents (aPR girls = 2.1 CI95%: 1.1-3.9; aPR boys = 1.9: CI95%: 1.0-3.6); prior experiences of abuse (aPR girls = 1.6; CI95%: 1.0-2.6; aPR boys = 1.7; CI95%: 1.1-2.6); and those who showed higher levels of machismo (aPR girls = 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1; aPR boys = 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1). In girls, DV increased among those who reported lesbian/bisexual orientation and poor relationship with teachers. Conclusions: DV is socially patterned and increases among LGB adolescents (especially in the case of girls), migrants, and those with foreign-born parents, and adolescents who reported prior experiences of violence in childhood. Future DV prevention programs should consider social inequalities in the likelihood of DV and by reinforcing adolescents' abilities to recognize social support sources and reject machismo and violence.The project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Carlos III Institute (Ref. PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) in 2019 and 2021. This study has also been conducted within the grant received from Instituto de Salud Carlos III & FEDER of which VP is recipient of Predoctora Contract for Training in Health Research (PFIS) grant from European Social Found (FSE) (FI19/00201).S

    Dating Violence and Associated Factors Among Male and Female Adolescents in Spain

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    Background: Dating Violence (DV) is a public health problem that is on the rise. In this paper, we aim to analyse different factors associated with DV victimization among female and male adolescents in Spain, considering socioeconomic circumstances, sexual orientation and the presence of different attitudes and experiences related to violence. Methods: Cross-sectional data from a convenience sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13 to 17 at schools in the cities of Alicante (n=359, 50.1% girls) and Terrassa (n=281, 51.9%) in the context of an educational intervention to promote healthy relationships. We calculated the prevalence of different forms of DV (physical, sexual and control and fear) and carried out multivariate regression models by sex. Results: 5.5% of girls and 8.7% of boys declared having suffered lifetime physical and/or sexual violence, while 22% of girls and 20.5% of boys reported control and/or fear victimization. The likelihood of DV was higher among migrants and those with foreign-born parents (aPR girls=2.1 CI95%: 1.1-3.9; aPR boys= 1.9: CI95%: 1.0-3.6); prior experiences of abuse (aPR girls= 1.6; CI95%: 1.0-2.6; aPR boys= 1.7; CI95%: 1.1-2.6); and those who showed higher levels of machismo (aPR girls= 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1; aPR boys= 1.0; CI95%: 1.0-1.1). In girls, DV increased among those who reported lesbian/bisexual orientation and poor relationship with teachers. Conclusions: DV is socially patterned and increases among LGB adolescents, migrants, and those with foreign-born parents. Future DV prevention programs should reinforce adolescents’ abilities to recognize social support sources and reject machismo and violence.This study was funded by the multi-centre project "Promotion of Protective Assets Against Gender Violence in Adolescence and Preadolescence" (Ref. PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, as an intermediary body of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF)

    Sobrepeso y obesidad infantil según variables socioeconómicas en escolares de tercero de primaria de la ciudad de barcelona

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    childhood overweight and obesity have increased progressively in the last decades, especially in countries of Southern Europe. to analyze the association of overweight and obesity childhood in the city of Barcelona according to socioeconomic variables in schoolchildren in third grade primary school. transversal study. Study population: third grade primary school students in the city of Barcelona in year 2011 (n = 3,624). Body mass index was studied as the dependent variable, and sex, age, social class, parental status, origin, ownership school, neighborhood socioeconomic status of the school and district were studied as independent. Logistic regression models were analyzed, obtaining odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). The prevalence of overweight and obesity in childhood were 24.5% and 13.8%, respectively. The variables associated with obesity were: boy (OR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.02-1.57), low socioeconomic status (OR = 1.60; 95% CI = 1.16-2.20), single-parent family (OR = 1.35; 95% CI = 1.03-1.77), immigrant (OR = 1.68; 95% CI = 1.33-2.13) and living in one of the less favored districts of Barcelona. it is evident that social class, origin, family status and the district of residence play an important role in childhood obesity

    El efecto del capital social en la violencia en la pareja adolescente desde una perspectiva de interseccionalidad

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    Antecedentes: La violencia de pareja (VP) es un fenómeno social complejo ampliamente estudiado. Sin embargo, pocos de estos estudios consideran el capital social y la interseccionalidad. Nuestro objetivo fue describir el efecto del capital social en la victimización por VP entre estudiantes de secundaria, considerando tres factores de interseccionalidad (sexo asignado al nacer, orientación sexual y origen migratorio) en dos ciudades de España en 2019-2020. Métodos: Se analizó una muestra transversal de 640 adolescentes con pareja, de 13 a 16 años, de un programa de promoción de relaciones equitativas en Alicante y Terrassa. La variable resultado fue haber sufrido violencia en la pareja (control, miedo, física o sexual) en algún momento de la vida. Se utilizaron variables individuales y relacionales para calcular la razón de prevalencia ajustada (RPa) a partir de modelos multivariable construidos mediante regresión robusta de Poisson, y estratificados por sexo, orientación sexual y origen migratorio. Resultados: La mayor prevalencia de VP (56,25%) se encontró en adolescentes lesbianas, gays o bisexuales (LGB) sin actividad social. La orientación LGB se asoció significativamente con la victimización por VP en los adolescentes con origen en países de bajos ingresos (PBI) (aPR: 1,93) y en las chicas (aPR: 1,53). Por último, la procedencia de un PBI fue un determinante significativo de la VP en los chicos (aPR: 1,76) y en los estudiantes, independientemente de la orientación sexual. Una mayor actividad social mostró un efecto protector para los estudiantes de origen en países de altos ingresos (PAI) y de orientación sexual LGB, independientemente del sexo y la orientación sexual. Conclusiones: La actividad social se asocia de forma desigual con una menor victimización por violencia de la pareja en algún momento de la vida adolescente. La fuerte asociación del origen migratorio y la orientación sexual con la VPI refuerza el enfoque de su prevención en los adolescentes desde una perspectiva de interseccionalidad.Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex social phenomenon widely studied. However, few of these studies consider social capital and intersectionality. Our aim was to describe the effect of social capital in IPV victimisation among secondary students, considering three factors of intersectionality (sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation and migration background) in two cities of Spain in 2019-2020. Methods: We analysed a cross-sectional sample of 640 ever-partnered adolescents aged 13–16 years who had taken part in a programme for positive relationship. The main outcome was lifetime IPV (control, fear, physical or sexual violence). Individual and relational variables (bonding social capital) were used to calculate adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) from multivariate Robust Poisson regression models stratified by sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation and migration background (factors of intersectionality). Results: The highest IPV prevalence (56.25%) was found in lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) adolescents without social activity. LGB orientation was significantly associated with IPV victimisation in adolescents with low-income country (LIC) backgrounds (aPR: 1.93) and in girls (1.53). Finally, a LIC background was a significant determinant of IPV in boys (aPR: 1.76) and in students independently of sexual orientation. Higher social activity showed a protective effect for students with HIC backgrounds and LGB-sexual orientations. A possible protective effect of social support in HIC backgrounds and regardless of sex and sexual orientation must be considered. Conclusions: Social activity is unequally associated with less lifetime IPV. The strong association of migration background and sexual orientation with IPV reinforces the approach to its prevention in adolescents from an intersectionality perspective.This study was funded by the multi-centre project "Promotion of protective assets against gender violence in adolescence and preadolescence" (Grant reference PI18/00590 and PI18/00544) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, as an intermediary body of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). The project was also supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Epidemiología Salud Pública (CIBERESP) through the subprogramme on Prevention of Gender Violence of the Programme on Social Determinants of Health (no grant award number specified)

    Sexism and intimate partner violence in adolescents

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    Objetivo: A pesar de los esfuerzos para reducir la desigualdad de género, el sexismo persiste. Todavía son escasos los estudios sobre este fenómeno que contemplen variables como el deseo sexual o los antecedentes migratorios. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las circunstancias sociales (individuales y del contexto inmediato) asociadas al sexismo y su relación con la conducta violenta en la pareja en población adolescente. Método: Estudio transversal con 1421 estudiantes de 13 a 17 años de Alicante y Terrassa (2019-2020). El sexismo se midió mediante el Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, que valora el sexismo ambivalente, hostil y benevolente. Se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados estratificados por sexo para identificar variables asociadas al sexismo, y regresión logística para analizar la asociación del sexismo con la conducta violenta en la pareja. Resultados: La probabilidad de puntuar alto en sexismo ambivalente fue mayor en migrantes (chicas y chicos: p < 0,01) e hijos/as de migrantes (chicas: p < 0,01; chicos: p < 0,05). El deseo no heterosexual se asoció negativamente con el sexismo en chicas (benevolente: p < 0,01) y en chicos (ambivalente y hostil: p < 0,01; benevolente: p < 0,05). El sexismo hostil mostró asociación con cometer violencia de pareja, independientemente del resto de las variables, tanto en chicas (odds ratio [OR]: 1,07; intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: 1,00-1,14) como en chicos (OR: 1,11; IC95%: 1,03-1,20). Conclusiones: El sexismo está presente entre adolescentes y se confirma su relación con la conducta violenta en la pareja. El deseo sexual y los antecedentes migratorios son variables a tener en cuenta en su prevención.Objective: Despite the efforts to reduce gender inequality, sexism persists. There are still few studies on this matter that consider variables such as sexual desire or migration background. The aim of this study is to analyse the social circumstances (individual and from the immediate context) associated with sexism as well as its relationship with intimate partner violence perpetration amongst adolescents. Method: Cross-sectional study with 1421 students aged 13–17 from Alicante and Terrassa (2019–2021). Sexism was measured with the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, which assesses ambivalent, hostile and benevolent sexism. Generalized linear models were carried out and stratified by sex to identify variables associated with sexism. A logistic regression model was used to assess the association between sexism and intimate partner violence. Results: The likelihood of a high score in ambivalent sexism was higher in migrants (girls and boys: p < 0.01) and adolescents with migrant parents (girls: p < 0.01; boys: p < 0.05). Non-heterosexual desire was negatively associated with sexism in girls (benevolent: p < 0.01) and boys (ambivalent and hostile: p < 0.01; benevolent: p < 0.05). Hostile sexism showed association with intimate partner violence perpetration, independently of the rest of the adjustment variables included in the model, for both girls (odds ratio [OR]: 1.07; 95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 1.00–1.14) and boys (OR: 1.11; 95% CI: 1.03–1.20). Conclusions: Sexism is present amongst teenagers and its relationship with intimate partner violence is confirmed. Sexual desire and migration background should be taken into account for intimate partner violence prevention.Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FEDER y FSE al proyecto «Promoción de activos protectores de la violencia de género en la adolescencia y pre-adolescencia» (2019-2021) (PI18/00590 y PI18/00544)
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