236 research outputs found
Phase separation and collapse in Bose-Fermi mixtures with a Feshbach resonance
We consider a mixture of single-component bosonic and fermionic atoms with an
interspecies interaction that is varied using a Feshbach resonance. By
performing a mean-field analysis of a two-channel model, which describes both
narrow and broad Feshbach resonances, we find an unexpectedly rich phase
diagram at zero temperature: Bose-condensed and non-Bose-condensed phases form
a variety of phase-separated states that are accompanied by both critical and
tricritical points. We discuss the implications of our results for the
experimentally observed collapse of Bose-Fermi mixtures on the attractive side
of the Feshbach resonance, and we make predictions for future experiments on
Bose-Fermi mixtures close to a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Extended versio
Dipolar fermions in a multilayer geometry
We investigate the behavior of identical dipolar fermions with aligned dipole moments in two-dimensional multilayers at zero temperature. We consider density instabilities that are driven by the attractive part of the dipolar interaction and, for the case of bilayers, we elucidate the properties of the stripe phase recently predicted to exist in this interaction regime. When the number of layers is increased, we find that this "attractive" stripe phase exists for an increasingly larger range of dipole angles, and if the interlayer distance is sufficiently small, the stripe phase eventually spans the full range of angles, including the situation where the dipole moments are aligned perpendicular to the planes. However, in this regime, we expect the behavior to be strongly modified by the binding of dipoles between layers. In the limit of an infinite number of layers, we derive an analytic expression for the mean-field interlayer effects in the density-density response function and, using this result, we find that the stripe phase is replaced by a collapse of the dipolar syste
Early-time dynamics of Bose gases quenched into the strongly interacting regime
We study the early-time dynamics of a degenerate Bose gas after a sudden quench of the interaction strength, starting from a weakly interacting gas. By making use of a time-dependent generalization of the Nozières-Saint-James variational formalism, we describe the crossover of the early-time dynamics from shallow to deep interaction quenches. We analyze the coherent oscillations that characterize both the density of excited states and the Tan's contact as a function of the final scattering length. For shallow quenches, the oscillatory behavior is negligible and the dynamics is universally governed by the healing length and the mean-field interaction energy. By increasing the final scattering length to intermediate values, we reveal a universal regime where the period of the coherent atom-molecule oscillations is set by the molecule binding energy. For the largest scattering lengths we can numerically simulate in the unitary regime, we find a universal scaling behavior of the typical growth time of the momentum distribution in agreement with recent experimental observations [C. Eigen et al., Nature 563, 221 (2018)10.1038/s41586-018-0674-1
Crescent states in charge-imbalanced polariton condensates
Funding: AS acknowledges support from the EPSRC CM-CDT (EP/L015110/1) and a travel award from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance. AS, AHM and JK acknowledge financial support from a Royal Society International Exchange Award, IES\R2\170213. FMM acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project No. MAT2017-83772-R and the “MarĂa de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M). JK acknowledges financial support from EPSRC program “Hybrid Polaritonics” (EP/M025330/1). AHM acknowledges support from Army Research Office (ARO) Grant # W911NF-17-1-0312 (MURI). This work was performed in part at Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by National Science Foundation grant PHY-1607611 and partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation.We study two-dimensional charge-imbalanced electron-hole systems embedded in an optical microcavity. We find that strong coupling to photons favors states with pairing at zero or small center of mass momentum, leading to a condensed state with spontaneously broken time-reversal and rotational symmetry, and unpaired carriers that occupy an anisotropic crescent-shaped sliver of momentum space. The crescent state is favoured at moderate charge imbalance, while a Fulde–Ferrel–Larkin–Ovchinnikov-like state — with pairing at large center of mass momentum — occurs instead at strong imbalance. The crescent state stability results from long-range Coulomb interactions in combination with extremely long-range photon-mediated interactions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
Rydberg Exciton-Polaritons in a Magnetic Field
We theoretically investigate exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional (2D)
semiconductor heterostructure, where a static magnetic field is applied
perpendicular to the plane. To explore the interplay between magnetic field and
a strong light-matter coupling, we employ a fully microscopic theory that
explicitly incorporates electrons, holes and photons in a semiconductor
microcavity. Furthermore, we exploit a mapping between the 2D harmonic
oscillator and the 2D hydrogen atom that allows us to efficiently solve the
problem numerically for the entire Rydberg series as well as for the
ground-state exciton. In contrast to previous approaches, we can readily obtain
the real-space exciton wave functions and we show how they shrink in size with
increasing magnetic field, which mirrors their increasing interaction energy
and oscillator strength. We compare our theory with recent experiments on
exciton-polaritons in GaAs heterostructures in an external magnetic field and
we find excellent agreement with the measured polariton energies. Crucially, we
are able to capture the observed light-induced changes to the exciton in the
regime of very strong light-matter coupling where a perturbative coupled
oscillator description breaks down. Our work can guide future experimental
efforts to engineer and control Rydberg excitons and exciton-polaritons in a
range of 2D materials.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure
Rydberg exciton-polaritons in a magnetic field
We theoretically investigate exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor heterostructure, where a static magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the plane. To explore the interplay between the magnetic field and strong light-matter coupling, we employ a fully microscopic theory that explicitly incorporates electrons, holes, and photons in a semiconductor microcavity. Furthermore, we exploit a mapping between the 2D harmonic oscillator and the 2D hydrogen atom that allows us to efficiently solve the problem numerically for the entire Rydberg series as well as for the ground-state exciton. In contrast to previous approaches, we can readily obtain the real-space exciton wave functions and we show how they shrink in size with the increasing magnetic field, which mirrors their increasing interaction energy and oscillator strength. We compare our theory with recent experiments on exciton-polaritons in GaAs heterostructures in an external magnetic field and we find excellent agreement with the measured polariton energies. Crucially, we are able to capture the observed light-induced changes to the exciton in the regime of very strong light-matter coupling where a perturbative coupled oscillator description breaks down. Our work can guide future experimental efforts to engineer and control Rydberg excitons and exciton-polaritons in a range of 2D material
Non-invasive Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve Assessment Predicts Adverse Outcome In Women With unstable angina Without Obstructive Coronary Artery Stenosis
Background: Evaluation of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) is the physiological approach to assess the severity of coronary stenosis and microvascular dysfunction. Impaired CFVR occurs frequently in women with suspected or known coronary artery disease . The aim of this study was to assess the role of CFVR to predict long-term cardiovascular event rate in women with unstable angina (UA) without obstructive coronary artery stenosis.
Methods: CFVR in left anterior descending coronary artery was assessed by adenosine transthoracic echocardiograhy in 161 women admitted at our Department with UA and without obstructive coronary artery disease.
Results: During a mean FU of 32.5 ±19.6 months, 53 cardiac events occurred: 6 nonfatal acute myocardial infarction , 22 UA, 7 coronary revascularization by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, 1 coronary bypass surgery, 3 ischemic stroke and 8 episodes of congestive heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and 6 cardiac deaths. Using a ROC curve analysis, CFVR 2.14 was the best predictor of cardiac events and was considered as abnormal CFVR. Abnormal CFVR was associated with lower cardiac event-free survival (30% vs 80%, p<0.0001). During FU, 70% of women with reduced CFVR had cardiac events whereas only 20% with normal CFVR (p=0.0001). At multivariate Cox analysis, smoke habitus (p=0.003), metabolic syndrome (p=0.01), and CFVR (p<0.0001) were significantly associated with cardiac events at FU.
Conclusion: Noninvasive CFVR provides an independent predictor of cardiovascular prognosis information in women with UA without obstructive coronary artery disease whereas, impaired CFVR seems to be associated with higher CV events at FU
Il consumo di suolo in Italia - Edizione 2015
Nel nostro Paese si continua a consumare suolo e la seconda edizione del Rapporto ISPRA fornisce un quadro completo sull’avanzata della copertura artificiale del nostro territorio.
Il Rapporto sul consumo di suolo in Italia 2015 integra nuove informazioni, aggiorna le precedenti stime sulla base di dati a maggiore risoluzione e completa il quadro nazionale con specifici indicatori per regioni, province e comuni.
Sono, inoltre, approfonditi alcuni aspetti che caratterizzano le dinamiche di espansione urbana e di trasformazione del paesaggio a scala nazionale e locale con riferimento alla fascia costiera, alle aree montane, ai corpi idrici, alle aree protette, alle aree a pericolosità idraulica, all’uso del suolo, alle forme e alle densità di urbanizzazione, ai fenomeni dello sprawl urbano, della frammentazione, della dispersione e della diffusione insediativa
Carotid intima media thickness with no cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected patients correlates with a hyperactivated/pro-apoptotic T-cell phenotype
Background HIV-infected patients may be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and present higher carotid intima media thickness (IMT) compared with healthy controls. Besides clinical and metabolic factors, atherosclerosis in HIV is influenced by immune and inflammatory parameters. Given that T-cell activation correlates with CVD and HIV accounts for heightened T-cell hyperactivation, we hypothesized that early IMT increases associate to T-cell hyperactivation
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