75 research outputs found

    Predictive Response to Immunotherapy Score: A Useful Tool for Identifying Eligible Patients for Allergen Immunotherapy

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    A specific predictive tool of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) outcome has not been identified yet. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of a disease score referred to as Predictive Response to Immunotherapy Score (PRIS) to predict the response to AIT and identify eligible patients. A total of 110 patients diagnosed with allergic rhinitis with or without concomitant asthma were enrolled in this study. Before beginning sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), patients were evaluated by analyzing clinical and laboratory parameters. A specific rating was assigned to each parameter to be combined in a total score named PRIS. At baseline (T0) and follow-up [after 12 (T12) and 24 months (T24) of SLIT], a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used to calculate a mean symptom score (MSS). Finally, the percentage variation between the MSS at T0 and at T12 [ΔMSS-12(%)] and T24 [ΔMSS-24 (%)] was measured. We observed a significant improvement of symptoms at T12 and T24 compared to T0 in all groups undergoing SLIT. PRIS was effective in predicting ΔMSS-24 (%) in patients treated with single-allergen SLIT. In addition, PRIS was effective in predicting ΔMSS-24 (%) in both patients with only rhinitis and with concomitant asthma. PRIS assessment can represent a useful tool to individuate potential responders before SLIT prescription

    Neurodevelopmental Outcome and Neuroimaging of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from an Italian NICU Adopting the Family-Centered Care Model

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    Background: Improvements in perinatal care have substantially decreased mortality rates among preterm infants, yet their neurodevelopmental outcomes and quality of life persist as a pertinent public health concern. Family-centered care has emerged as a holistic philosophy that promotes effective alliances among patients, families, and healthcare providers to improve the quality of care. Aims: This longitudinal prospective study aims to evaluate the neurodevelopmental outcomes and brain MRI findings in a cohort of preterm newborns admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) adopting a family-centered care model. Methods: Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants admitted to the NICU of Modena between 2015 and 2020 were enrolled. Infants who underwent conventional brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at term-equivalent age were included. Neurodevelopmental follow-up was performed until the age of 24 months by a multidisciplinary team using the Amiel-Tison neurological assessment and the Griffiths Mental Developmental Scales (GMDS-R). Neurodevelopmental outcomes were classified as major sequelae (cerebral palsy, DQ ≤ 70, severe sensory impairment), minor sequelae (minor neurological signs such as clumsiness or DQ between 71 and 85), and normal outcomes (no neurological signs and DQ > 85). Risk factors for severe outcomes were assessed. Results: In total, 49 of the 356 infants (13.8%) died before hospital discharge, and 2 were excluded because of congenital disorders. Of the remaining 305 infants, 222 (72.8%) completed the 24 month follow-up and were included in the study. Neurodevelopmental outcomes were classified as normal (n = 173, 77.9%), minor (n = 34, 15.3%), and major sequelae (n = 15, 6.8%). Among 221 infants undergoing brain MRI, 76 (34.4%) had major lesions (intraventricular hemorrhage, hemorrhagic parenchymal infarction, periventricular leukomalacia, and large cerebellar hemorrhage). In the multivariate regression model, the retinopathy of prematurity (OR 1.8; p value 0.016) and periventricular–intraventricular hemorrhage (OR 5.6; p value < 0.004) were associated with major sequelae. Conclusions: We reported low rates of severe neurodevelopmental outcomes in VLBW infants born in an Italian NICU with FCC. Identifying the risk factors for severe outcomes can assist in tailoring and optimizing early interventions on an individual basis, both within the NICU and after discharge

    Multipotent adult rat, thyroid stem cells can be differentiated to follicular thyrocyte, and hepatocyte- like cells in 2D and 3D culture systems

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    We have recently characterized and differentiated towards endodermal and mesoder- mal lineages progenitor cells of the adult rat thyroid, expressing multipotency markers [1]. We have now assessed their clonogenicity, extent of side population, consistency of stem cell marker expression, and commitment to either follicular or hepatocyte-like lineages when in monolayer (2D), and suspension or Matrigel (3D). Colony forming unit (CFU)-like cultures were obtained by long-term subcultures of primary rat thyroid cells, under starvation conditions. CFU-like cultures seeded in Petri dishes by limiting dilution (1 cell / cm2) were observed to give rise to toluidine blue-positive, individual clones. In these cultures, quantitative densitometric analysis of immunoblotted Oct-3/4, Sca1, and GATA4 revealed an increase in stem cell markers ranging from 95% to 270% with respect to standard, primary thyroid cultures. In addition, using three different analytical techniques including DyeCycle Violet staining by flow cytometry, ABCG2 immunocytochemistry, and Hoechst 33342 histochemistry + the ABCG2 inhibitor, verapamil a side population involving 1-2% of CFU-like cultures was detected. Then, CFU-like cultures were differentiated using TSH, either in 2D or in 3D. Differentiated adherent cells resulted immunopositive for thyrocyte markers including thyroglobulin (TG), sodium-iodide symporter (NIS), and thyroperoxidase (TPO). Differentiation in suspension and in Matrigel gave rise to follicles with cells having ultrastructural features consistent with thyrocytes, and immunoreactivity (IR) for TG, NIS, and TPO. Finally, CFU-like cultures were differentiated in adherence to hepatocyte-like cells, resulting in pre-hepatocyte morphology, high periodic acid-Schiff reaction, and IR for α-fetoprotein and albumin. We conclude that our CFU-like thyroid cultures are enriched with a multipotent, stem cell population whose hepatic differentiation capacity has been revealed for the first time

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients with Non-Infectious Scleritis

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    Introduction This article points out the design, methods, development and deployment of the international registry promoted by the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) Network with the aim to define and assess paediatric and adult patients with immune-mediated scleritis. Methods This registry collects both retrospective and prospective real-world data from patients with non-infectious scleritis through the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool and aims to promote knowledge and real-life evidence from patients enrolled worldwide; the registry also allows the collection of standardised data, ensuring the highest levels of security and anonymity of patients' data and flexibility to change according to scientific acquisitions over time. The communication with other similar registries has been also ensured in order to pursue the sustainability of the project with respect to the adaptation of collected data to the most diverse research projects. Results Since the launch of the registry, 99 centres have been involved from 20 countries and four continents. Forty-eight of the centres have already obtained a formal approval from their local ethics committees. At present, the platform counts 259 users (95 principal investigators, 160 site investigators, 2 lead investigators, and 2 data managers); the platform collects baseline and follow-up data using 3683 fields organised into 13 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger or risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization. Conclusions The development of the AIDA International Registry for patients with non-infectious scleritis will allow solid research on this rare condition. Real-world evidence resulting from standardised real-life data will lead to the optimisation of routine clinical and therapeutic management, which are currently limited by the rarity of this ocular inflammatory condition

    Development and implementation of the AIDA International Registry for patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis syndrome

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    Objective: Aim of this paper is to illustrate the methodology, design, and development of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to patients with the Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Methods: This is a physician-driven, non-population- and electronic-based registry proposed to gather real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data from PFAPA patients. Data recruitment is realized through the on-line Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool. This registry is thought to collect standardized information for clinical research leading to solid real-life evidence. The international scope and the flexibility of the registry will facilitate the realization of cutting-edge study projects through the constant updating of variables and the possible merging and transfer of data between current and future PFAPA registries. Results: A total of 112 centers have already been involved from 23 countries and 4 continents starting from August 24th, 2021, to April 6th, 2022. In total 56/112 have already obtained the formal approval from their local Ethics Committees. The platform counts 321 users (113 principal investigators, 203 site investigators, two lead investigators, and three data managers). The registry collects retrospective and prospective data using 3,856 fields organized into 25 instruments, including PFAPA patient's demographics, medical histories, symptoms, triggers/risk factors, therapies, and impact on the healthcare systems. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for PFAPA patients will enable the on-line collection of standardized data prompting real-life studies through the connection of worldwide groups of physicians and researchers. This project can be found on NCT 05200715

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients with Non-Infectious Uveitis

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    Introduction: The aim of this paper is to point out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry for paediatric and adult patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods: This is a physician-driven, population- and electronic-based registry implemented for both retrospective and prospective collection of real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of patients with uveitis and other non-infectious inflammatory ocular diseases recruited through the AIDA Network. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is thought to collect standardised information for real-life research and has been developed to change over time according to future scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar instruments. Security, data quality and data governance are cornerstones of this platform. Results: Ninety-five centres have been involved from 19 countries and four continents from 24 March to 16 November 2021. Forty-eight out of 95 have already obtained the approval from their local ethics committees. At present, the platform counts 259 users (95 principal investigators, 160 site investigators, 2 lead investigators, and 2 data managers). The AIDA Registry collects baseline and follow-up data using 3943 fields organised into 13 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization for patients with NIU. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA Registry for patients with NIU will facilitate the collection of standardised data leading to real-world evidence and enabling international multicentre collaborative research through inclusion of patients and their families worldwide

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients With Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases

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    Objective: This paper points out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to pediatric and adult patients affected by Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (USAIDs). Methods: This is an electronic registry employed for real-world data collection about demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of USAIDs patients. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is designed to obtain standardized information for real-life research. The instrument is endowed with flexibility, and it could change over time according to the scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar tools; this platform ensures security, data quality and data governance. Results: The focus of the AIDA project is connecting physicians and researchers from all over the world to shed a new light on heterogeneous rare diseases. Since its birth, 110 centers from 23 countries and 4 continents have joined the AIDA project. Fifty-four centers have already obtained the approval from their local Ethics Committees. Currently, the platform counts 290 users (111 Principal Investigators, 179 Site Investigators, 2 Lead Investigators, and 2 data managers). The Registry is collecting baseline and follow-up data using 3,769 fields organized into 23 instruments, which include demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies, and healthcare information access for USAIDs patients. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for USAIDs patients will facilitate the online collection of real standardized data, connecting a worldwide group of researchers: the Registry constitutes an international multicentre observational groundwork aimed at increasing the patient cohort of USAIDs in order to improve our knowledge of this peculiar cluster of autoinflammatory diseases

    Risk for cancer development in familial Mediterranean fever and associated predisposing factors: an ambidirectional cohort study from the international AIDA Network registries

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    Objective: Inflammation has been associated with an increased risk for cancer development, while innate immune system activation could counteract the risk for malignancies. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a severe systemic inflammatory condition and also represents the archetype of innate immunity deregulation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the risk for cancer development in FMF. Methods: The risk ratio (RR) for malignancies was separately compared between FMF patients and fibromyalgia subjects, Still's disease patients and Behçet's disease patients. Clinical variables associated with cancer development in FMF patients were searched through binary logistic regression. Results: 580 FMF patients and 102 fibromyalgia subjects, 1012 Behçet's disease patients and 497 Still's disease patients were enrolled. The RR for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms was 0.26 (95% Confidence Interval [CI.] 0.10-0.73, p=0.006) in patients with FMF compared to fibromyalgia subjects; the RR for the occurrence of malignant cancer was 0.51 (95% CI. 0.23-1.16, p=0.10) in FMF compared to Still's disease and 0.60 (95% CI. 0.29-1.28, p=0.18) in FMF compared to Behçet's disease. At logistic regression, the risk of occurrence of malignant neoplasms in FMF patients was associated with the age at disease onset (β1 = 0.039, 95% CI. 0.001-0.071, p=0.02), the age at the diagnosis (β1 = 0.048, 95% CI. 0.039-0.085, p=0.006), the age at the enrolment (β1 = 0.05, 95% CI. 0.007-0.068, p=0.01), the number of attacks per year (β1 = 0.011, 95% CI. 0.001- 0.019, p=0.008), the use of biotechnological agents (β1 = 1.77, 95% CI. 0.43-3.19, p=0.009), the use of anti-IL-1 agents (β1 = 2.089, 95% CI. 0.7-3.5, p=0.002). Conclusions: The risk for cancer is reduced in Caucasic FMF patients; however, when malignant neoplasms occur, this is more frequent in FMF cases suffering from a severe disease phenotype and presenting a colchicine-resistant disease

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients With Still's Disease

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    Objective: Aim of this paper is to present the design, construction, and modalities of dissemination of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry for patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD), which are the pediatric and adult forms of the same autoinflammatory disorder. Methods: This Registry is a clinical, physician-driven, population- and electronic-based instrument implemented for the retrospective and prospective collection of real-world data. The collection of data is based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool and is intended to obtain evidence drawn from routine patients' management. The collection of standardized data is thought to bring knowledge about real-life clinical research and potentially communicate with other existing and future Registries dedicated to Still's disease. Moreover, it has been conceived to be flexible enough to easily change according to future scientific acquisitions. Results: Starting from June 30th to February 7th, 2022, 110 Centers from 23 Countries in 4 continents have been involved. Fifty-four of these have already obtained the approval from their local Ethics Committees. Currently, the platform counts 290 users (111 Principal Investigators, 175 Site Investigators, 2 Lead Investigators, and 2 data managers). The Registry collects baseline and follow-up data using 4449 fields organized into 14 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, clinical manifestations and symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies and healthcare access. Conclusions: This international Registry for patients with Still's disease will allow a robust clinical research through collection of standardized data, international consultation, dissemination of knowledge, and implementation of observational studies based on wide cohorts of patients followed-up for very long periods. Solid evidence drawn from "real-life " data represents the ultimate goal of this Registry, which has been implemented to significantly improve the overall management of patients with Still's disease. NCT 05200715 available at