42 research outputs found

    Osteoporosis guidelines from a rehabilitation perspective: systematic analysis and quality appraisal using AGREE II

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    Background: People affected by osteoporosis and fragility fractures often report disability and poor health-related quality of life. Albeit rehabilitation has a crucial role in older people, post-menopausal women and other subjects with high risk of fragility fractures, the rehabilitation perspective has been poorly investigated in the available guidelines for osteoporosis. Aim: To systematically evaluate the quality of guidelines for osteoporosis from a rehabilitation perspective. Design: Systematic analysis of guidelines. Setting: Not applicable. Population: Osteoporotic patients. Methods: On May 2020, we performed a systematic search on medical literature of all guidelines published in the last 10 years on PubMed, PEDro, and international guideline databases. The study selection was based on key terms "exercise", "physical activity" or "rehabilitation". All authors independently assessed the methodological quality through the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument, consisting of six domains (scope, stakeholder involvement, rigor and development, clarity of presentation, applicability, editorial independence). Results: Out of 331 documents retrieved, a total of 34 guidelines were selected after the screening phases. Twenty (58.8%) high quality guidelines were reported. According to AGREE II instrument, a mean score of 78.1±21.8% was reported for "scope and purpose" domain; for stakeholder involvement, the mean score was 58.1±22.1%; the rigor of development was good (mean score of 61.3±27.3%); for clarity of presentation the mean score was 79.4±20.3%; the applicability was poor (mean score of 30.9±25.2%); for editorial independence the mean score was 75.1±24.6%. Rehabilitation recommendations for osteoporotic patients were reported in 21 (61.8%) of the selected guidelines. Conclusions: This is the first systematic analysis evaluating quality of the guidelines for osteoporosis using AGREE II instrument. Starting from a state of the art of the currently available evidence, we could conclude that therapeutic exercise at moderate to high intensity is encouraged by several guidelines for the management of people with osteoporosis and fragility fractures. More than half of guidelines were of high-quality. However, most guidelines are lacking specific indications about exercise features. Clinical rehabilitation impact: This study might support the implementation of a rehabilitation perspective in the guidelines for osteoporotic patients

    Olive Tree in Circular Economy as a Source of Secondary Metabolites Active for Human and Animal Health Beyond Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

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    Abstract Extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) contains many bioactive compounds with multiple biological activities that make it one of the most important functional foods. Both the constituents of the lipid fraction and that of the unsaponifiable fraction show a clear action in reducing oxidative stress by acting on various body components, at concentrations established by the European Food Safety Authority’s claims. In addition to the main product obtained by the mechanical pressing of the fruit, i.e., the EVOO, the residual by-products of the process also contain significant amounts of antioxidant molecules, thus potentially making the Olea europea L. an excellent example of the circular economy. In fact, the olive mill wastewaters, the leaves, the pomace, and the pits discharged from the EVOO production process are partially recycled in the nutraceutical and cosmeceutical fields also because of their antioxidant effect. This work presents an overview of the biological activities of these by-products, as shown by in vitro and in vivo assays, and also from clinical trials, as well as their main formulations currently available on the market

    Sentiment Analysis: applicazione in un dominio psico-forense

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    Abstract English. This study aims to apply the sentiment analysis to a psycho-forensic context through the analysis of narrative transcriptions related to the crimes committed by violent detainees. We investigate the presence of psychopathy through the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R). Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is characterized by emotional detachment, the lack of empathy and it is often found in the prison population for the brutality of committed crimes. Our study explores possible associations between psychopathy and emotional content present in the narratives. Results show a neutral polarity for both psychopathic and not psychopaths offenders, however it is possible to identify significant emotional characteristics that diversify the narrative transcriptions. Italiano. Il presente studio ha l'obiettivo di applicare la sentiment analysis ad un contesto psico-forense attraverso l'analisi di resoconti narrativi relativi ai crimini commessi da detenuti, autori di reati violenti. Attraverso lo strumento Psycopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R),è stata indagata la presenza di psicopatia, disturbo di personalità che si caratterizza per il distacco emotivo, l'assenza di empatia e lo stile di vita antisociale riscontrabile nella popolazione carceraria per l'efferatezza dei crimini commessi, al fine di esplorare eventuali associazioni tra il disturbo e i contenuti emotivi presenti nelle narrazioni. Dai risultati emerge un tono affettivo neutro sia per gli offender psicopatici sia per gli offender non psicopatici, tuttaviaè possibile individuare peculiarità emotive significative che diversificano i resoconti narrativi. Introduzione La psicopatiaè un disturbo di personalità caratterizzato da deficit emotivi, stile di vita antisociale, mancanza di senso di colpa ed empatia. Negli psicopatici la coloritura affettiva che generalmente serve a differenziare gli eventi emotivi da quelli neutri non esiste nella stessa misura degli altri individui Gli psicopatici hanno un'attenuata risposta emotiva agli eventi di cui fanno esperienza e nei confronti delle persone con cui interagiscono. I tratti caratterizzanti la psicopatia, si riscontrano in alcuni offender detenuti L'incapacità nell'elaborare e nel fare esperienza del contenuto affettivo degli stimoli e degli eventi può avere delle conseguenze sulle capacità di memoria e quindi sulla possibilità di elaborare e di recuperare l'informazione emotiva relativa all'evento esperito. Evidenze empirich

    Systematic review of clinical practice guidelines for adults with fractures: identification of best evidence for rehabilitation to develop the WHO’s Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation

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    Background The identification of existing rehabilitation interventions and related evidence represents a crucial step along the development of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (PIR). The methods for such identification have been developed by the WHO Rehabilitation Programme and Cochrane Rehabilitation under the guidance of the WHO’s Guideline Review Committee secretariat. The aim of this paper is to report on the results of the systematic search for clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) relevant to the rehabilitation of adults with fractures and to present the current state of evidence available from the identified CPGs. Methods This paper is part of the Best Evidence for Rehabilitation (be4rehab) series, developed according to the methodology presented in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (PIR) introductory paper. It is a systematic review of existing CPGs on fractures in adult population published from 2009 to 2019. Results We identified 23 relevant CPGs after title and abstract screening. According to inclusion/exclusion criteria, we selected 13 CPGs. After checking for quality, publication time, multiprofessionality, and comprehensiveness, we finally included five CPGs dealing with rehabilitative management of fractures in adult population, two CPGs addressing treatment of distal radius fracture and three the treatment of femoral/hip fracture. Conclusion The selected CPGs on management of distal radius and femoral/hip fracture include few recommendations regarding rehabilitation, with overall low to very low quality of evidence and weak/conditional strength of recommendation. Moreover, several gaps in specific rehabilitative topics occur. Further high-quality trials are required to upgrade the quality of the available evidence

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil Extracts Modulate the Inflammatory Ability of Murine Dendritic Cells Based on Their Polyphenols Pattern: Correlation between Chemical Composition and Biological Function

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) represents one of the most important health-promoting foods whose antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities are mainly associated to its polyphenols content. To date, studies exploring the effect of EVOO polyphenols on dendritic cells (DCs), acting as a crosstalk between the innate and the adaptive immune response, are scanty. Therefore, we studied the ability of three EVOO extracts (cv. Coratina, Cima di Mola/Coratina, and Casaliva), characterized by different polyphenols amount, to regulate DCs maturation in resting conditions or after an inflammatory stimulus. Cima di Mola/Coratina and Casaliva extracts were demonstrated to be the most effective in modulating DCs toward an anti-inflammatory profile by reduction of TNF and IL-6 secretion and CD86 expression, along with a down-modulation of Il-1β and iNOS expression. From factorial analysis results, 9 polyphenols were tentatively established to play a synergistic role in modulating DCs inflammatory ability, thus reducing the risk of chronic inflammation

    Storie ad arte: racconti che diventano immagini, immagini che diventano racconti

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    Le forme della narrazione possono essere le più diverse: non solo parole, ma anche gesti e simboli, arte e poesia. I linguaggi dell’arte costituiscono da un punto di vista pedagogico un’area tematica importante che arricchisce ed amplia l’universo narrativo umano, in quanto permette di veicolare espressioni, sensazioni, significati e vissuti emotivi e, quindi, consente di imparare a “pensare coi propri sensi”. Nell’epoca della comunicazione digitale non si può prescindere dalla considerazione dei diversi medium attraverso cui i racconti sono prodotti, definendo nuove forme di narrazione, inedite costruzioni di significati, nuovi linguaggi che si contaminano a vicenda, ripercorrendo altresì le origini, attraverso l’utilizzo del segno. Il paper intende riportare un’esperienza laboratoriale il cui obiettivo principale è stato quello di fornire alle partecipanti un’esperienza di apprendimento e di espressione estetica, utilizzando tracce (da quella poetica a quella grafica a quella pittorica). The forms of narrative can be very different: not just words, but also gestures and symbols, art and poetry. From a pedagogical point of view, the languages of art represent an important issue, enriching and expanding human narrative universe, as they allow to convey expressions, feelings, emotional meanings and experiences and, consequently, lead to “think with our own senses”. In the age of digital communication, we cannot consider independently the different mediums through which tales are produced, defining new forms of storytelling, original constructions of meanings, new languages that mingle together, retracing the origins, through the use of the sign. This paper aims to bring a workshop experience, whose main objective was to provide the participants a learning experience and an aesthetic expression, using different traces (from poetry to graphics or painting)

    Sentiment Analysis: Applicazione in un dominio psico-forense

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    This study aims to apply the sentiment analysis to a psycho-forensic context through the analysis of narrative transcriptions related to the crimes committed by violent detainees. We investigate the presence of psychopathy through the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R). Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is characterized by emotional detachment, the lack of empathy and it is often found in the prison population for the brutality of committed crimes. Our study explores possible associations between psychopathy and emotional content present in the narratives. Results show a neutral polarity for both psychopathic and not psychopaths offenders, however it is possible to identify significant emotional characteristics that diversify the narrative transcriptions

    Fifty Shades of Unsaid: Women’s Explicit and Implicit Attitudes Towards Sexual Morality

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    The movie Fifty Shades of Grey has created a great deal of controversy which has reignited the debate on unusual and alternative sexual practices such as bondage. Erotophobic individuals have negative affect towards the type of sexual libertinism conveyed by the movie, while erotophilic persons have a positive attitude and emotional feelings towards this kind of sexual emancipation. Using the Implicit Association Test, this study aimed to explore the extent to which there is a difference in women's attitudes towards sexual morality on an explicit and implicit level. Our findings found that erotophobic and erotophilic women differed only on an explicit level of sex guilt and moral evaluation, while no difference in the implicit measure was found

    Elementi in comune ed aspetti locali. Ceramiche a solcature nel quadro delle evidenze dell\u2019Italia centro-meridionale

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    Attraverso il riesame di alcuni complessi ceramici dall\u2019Italia centro-meridionale, si propone un\u2019analisi degli aspetti a solcature riferibili alle fasi pi\uf9 antiche dell\u2019et\ue0 del Rame. Le recenti indagini di scavo condotte a Grotta San Biagio (Ostuni, BR), la cui frequentazione eneolitica copre le fasi antica e media, introducono il quadro degli aspetti riscontrabili in puglia, con particolare riferimento alle aree centrali e nord-orientali della regione. viene quindi analizzato un cospicuo numero di complessi fra calabria e campania, a testimonianza dell\u2019intensa circolazione di idee e modelli che caratterizzano i versanti ionico, tirrenico e adriatico tra IV e III millennio a.C.: una vivace rete di relazioni comprovata dalle rilevanti affinit\ue0 riscontrabili nelle evidenze di cultura materiale ed in particolare nel record ceramico. In conclusione, emerge chiaramente la presenza di direttrici privilegiate e di una fitta rete di percorsi che sembrano interessare le aree a ridosso delle coste e le contigue fasce rilevate, fra tirreno, ionio e adriatico, sino al subappennino dauno. Le evidenze a disposizione lasciano fra l\u2019altro intravedere la possibilit\ue0 di distinguere, in Puglia centrale, momenti diversi nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019eneolitico antico e medio, ben rappresentati dalla sequenza di Grotta San Biagio.Through the analysis of some relevant ceramic contexts from Central-Southern Italy, the work shows a pattern of the linear carved ceramic productions during the ancient phases of the Copper age. The recent excavations at Grotta San Biagio (Ostuni, BR), where the sequence covers the Early and Middle Eneolithic, are an introduction to analyze the situation in Apulia, in particular in the Central and North-Eastern areas of the region. A sample of complexes among Calabria and Campania shows well the intensive circulation of ideas and cultural models through the whole district during the IV and the III millennium BC: a lively net of relationships testified by relevant similarities in the artifacts and mostly in the ceramic productions. In conclusion, we observe the emergence of specific routes and of a dense network of trails along the coasts and the adjacent foothill areas, between the thyrrenian, the adriatic and the ionian seas, until the Daunian sub-appennines. In Central Apulia, during the Early and Middle Copper age, we may also assume, through the analysis of the archaeological record, different chronological phases, well represented by the sequence of Grotta San Biagio