147 research outputs found

    Spermatogenesis and sperm structure in the black-striped pipefish <i>Syngnathus abaster</i> (Teleostei, Syngnathidae) = Spermatogenesi e struttura degli spermatozoi in <i>Syngnathus abaster</i> (Teleostei, Synghathidae)

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    The gonads of adult males of the black-striped pipejish Syngnathus abaster were observed during the reproductive season to describe mature sperm both quantitativel/y and qualitatively. The results show that: a) the sperms number is always very low and, does not vary significantly during the reproductive season; b) all mature sperms observed may be assigned to the introsperm-like type. These data suggest that the unique and functional sperm of Syngnathids pertain to the introsperm type typical of internally fertilizing teleostean bony fishes

    A multi-layer parametric approach to maximize the access probability of mobile networks

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    Next-generation mobile networks (5G) are defined to provide access in the framework of heterogeneous systems where it is crucial to have “always on” and “everywhere connectivity” capabilities. This is of fundamental importance even in 4G mobile systems, down to 3G and also Wi-Fi and WiMAX. In order to guarantee access to users with handheld devices equipped with multiple radio interfaces, an automated and reconfigurable tool for selecting the best network to be connected with is needed. This should be achieved by avoiding service outages. Current vertical handovers, i.e., switching from a network to another, are essentially based on power received levels and often do not avoid temporary service outages. We propose in this paper a procedure to access mobile networks by sensing multiple performance parameters related to networks available in the considered area. We target at maximizing the probability of accessing the wireless medium despite the technology used. We develop an algorithm, based on dynamic programming, able to select the most suitable network. We present the performance of the proposed algorithm both on the basis of computer simulations and on tests performed in an Arduino-based hardware platform

    Adaptive data synchronization algorithm for IoT-oriented low-power wide-area networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is by now very close to be realized, leading the world towards a new technological era where people’s lives and habits will be definitively revolutionized. Furthermore, the incoming 5G technology promises significant enhancements concerning the Quality of Service (QoS) in mobile communications. Having billions of devices simultaneously connected has opened new challenges about network management and data exchange rules that need to be tailored to the characteristics of the considered scenario. A large part of the IoT market is pointing to Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) representing the infrastructure for several applications having energy saving as a mandatory goal besides other aspects of QoS. In this context, we propose a low-power IoT-oriented file synchronization protocol that, by dynamically optimizing the amount of data to be transferred, limits the device level of interaction within the network, therefore extending the battery life. This protocol can be adopted with different Layer 2 technologies and provides energy savings at the IoT device level that can be exploited by different applications

    Ricostruire L'Aquila. Edifici produttivi e servizi per il turismo a Sassa.

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    Fin dalle prime riflessioni effettuate sulle zone industriali oggetto di indagine è apparso evidente come l’area di Sassa non abbia trovato, nella vocazione industriale conferitagli dagli strumenti urbanistici, la sua miglior definizione. Le successive analisi non hanno fatto altro che confermare questa primitiva intuizione, soprattutto se si considera l’esiguo numero di attività operanti e la presenza, ad oggi decisamente importante , dell’attiguo Progetto C.A.S.E. di Sassa NSI. L’intuizione seguita per rispondere alle reali esigenze del luogo e del tempo è stata quella di coniugare il tema dello sviluppo industriale a piccola scala con il tema dell’abitare gli spazi, non solo quelli pieni, ma anche e soprattutto quelli vuoti. Il Rio Forcella, che scorre da Ovest ad Est lungo l’area, diventa l’elemento utile a raccordare tutti i temi: un parco fluviale che si sviluppa trasversalmente e che, come una spina dorsale, regge l’intero sistema. Il parco, quindi, accoglie un’area legata alle produzioni locali, una legata ai servizi al turismo, ed una dedicata ai servizi alla residenza

    Landrú y las mujeres: tres categorias mas una

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    This text contains fragments from Chapter II in Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014.Transcripción de fragmentos escogidos del capítulo II del libro Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014

    Landrú and women: not one three categories

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    Transcripción de fragmentos escogidos del capítulo II del libro Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014This text contains fragments from Chapter II in Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014.Dossier: Maneras trágicas de matar a una mujer - La sociedad del femicidioHospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Landrú and women: not one three categories

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    Transcripción de fragmentos escogidos del capítulo II del libro Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014This text contains fragments from Chapter II in Le cas Landru à la lumière de la psychanalyse. Francesca Biagi-Chai, Paris: Imago, 2014.Dossier: Maneras trágicas de matar a una mujer - La sociedad del femicidioHospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Boundary value problems associated with singular strongly nonlinear equations with functional terms

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    We study boundary value problems associated with singular, strongly nonlinear differential equations with functional terms of type (Φ(k(t)x(t)))+f(t,Gx(t))ρ(t,x(t))=0\big(\Phi(k(t)\,x'(t))\big)' + f(t,\mathcal{G}_x(t))\,\rho(t, x'(t)) = 0 on a compact interval [a,b][a,b]. These equations are quite general due to the presence of a strictly increasing homeomorphism Φ\Phi, the so-called Φ\Phi-Laplacian operator, of a nonnegative function kk, which may vanish on a set of null measure, and moreover of a functional term Gx\mathcal{G}_x. We look for solutions, in a suitable weak sense, which belong to the Sobolev space W1,1([a,b])W^{1,1}([a,b]). Under the assumptions of the existence of a well-ordered pair of upper and lower solutions and of a suitable Nagumo-type growth condition, we prove an existence result by means of fixed point arguments

    Cortical thickness of primary visual cortex correlates with motion deficits in periventricular leukomalacia

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    Abstract Impairments of visual motion perception and, in particular, of flow motion have been consistently observed in premature and very low birth weight subjects during infancy. Flow motion information is analyzed at various cortical levels along the dorsal pathways, with information mainly provided by primary and early visual cortex (V1, V2 and V3). We investigated the cortical stage of the visual processing that underlies these motion impairments, measuring Grey Matter Volume and Cortical Thickness in 13 children with Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). The cortical thickness, but not the grey matter volume of area V1, correlates negatively with motion coherence sensitivity, indicating that the thinner the cortex, the better the performance among the patients. However, we did not find any such association with either the thickness or volume of area MT, MST and areas of the IPS, suggesting damage at the level of primary visual cortex or along the optic radiation