42 research outputs found

    Skeletal muscle myopenia in mice model of bile duct ligation and carbon tetrachloride-induced liver cirrhosis

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    Skeletal muscle myopathy is universal in cirrhotic patients, however, little is known about the main mechanisms involved. The study aims to investigate skeletal muscle morphological, histological, and functional modifications in experimental models of cirrhosis and the principal molecular pathways responsible for skeletal muscle myopathy. Cirrhosis was induced by bile duct ligation (BDL) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) administration in mice. Control animals (CTR) underwent bile duct exposure or vehicle administration only. At sacrifice, peripheral muscles were dissected and weighed. Contractile properties of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were studied in vitro. Muscle samples were used for histological and molecular analysis. Quadriceps muscle histology revealed a significant reduction in cross-sectional area of muscle and muscle fibers in cirrhotic mice with respect to CTR. Kinetic properties of EDL in both BDL and CCl4 were reduced with respect to CTR; BDL mice also showed a reduction in muscle force and a decrease in the resistance to fatigue. Increase in myostatin expression associated with a decrease in AKT-mTOR expressions was observed in BDL mice, together with an increase in LC3 protein levels. Upregulation of the proinflammatory citochines TNF-a and IL6 and an increased expression of NF-kB and MuRF-1 were observed in CCl4 mice. In conclusion, skeletal muscle myopenia was present in experimental models of BDL and CCl4-induced cirrhosis. Moreover, reduction in protein synthesis and activation of protein degradation were the main mechanisms responsible for myopenia in BDL mice, while activation of ubiquitin-pathway through inflammatory cytokines seems to be the main potential mechanism involved in CCl4 mice

    Effects of IGF-1 isoforms on muscle growth and sarcopenia.

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    The decline in skeletal muscle mass and strength occurring in aging, referred as sarcopenia, is the result of many factors including an imbalance between protein synthesis and degradation, changes in metabolic/hormonal status, and in circulating levels of inflammatory mediators. Thus, factors that increase muscle mass and promote anabolic pathways might be of therapeutic benefit to counteract sarcopenia. Among these, the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has been implicated in many anabolic pathways in skeletal muscle. IGF-1 exists in different isoforms that might exert different role in skeletal muscle. Here we study the effects of two full propeptides IGF-1Ea and IGF-1Eb in skeletal muscle, with the aim to define whether and through which mechanisms their overexpression impacts muscle aging. We report that only IGF-1Ea expression promotes a pronounced hypertrophic phenotype in young mice, which is maintained in aged mice. Nevertheless, examination of aged transgenic mice revealed that the local expression of either IGF-1Ea or IGF-1Eb transgenes was protective against age-related loss of muscle mass and force. At molecular level, both isoforms activate the autophagy/lysosome system, normally altered during aging, and increase PGC1-α expression, modulating mitochondrial function, ROS detoxification, and the basal inflammatory state occurring at old age. Moreover, morphological integrity of neuromuscular junctions was maintained and preserved in both MLC/IGF-1Ea and MLC/IGF-1Eb mice during aging. These data suggest that IGF-1 is a promising therapeutic agent in staving off advancing muscle weakness


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    Biogenic amines (BAs) can be naturally present in several foods. They are mainly produced in large amounts by amino acid decarboxylases activity of bacteria. The BAs content has been associated to the quality of raw material and to fermentation or spoilage processes. The aim of the present study was to asses the content of BAs (single and total value) in the core and in the external part of a Tuscan traditional pecorino cheese. Sixteen "Pecorino del Parco di Migliarino-San Rossore" cheeses belonging to same batch were tested during ripening time, up to 5 months. BAs content was analyzed by an HPLC-UV method. The BAs content was significantly higher in the core than in the external part. Tyramine was the amine most frequently detected and largely quantized, followed by putrescine, histamine and cadaverine

    Effects of IGF\u20101 isoforms on muscle growth and sarcopenia

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    The decline in skeletal muscle mass and strength occurring in aging, referred as sar\u2010copenia, is the result of many factors including an imbalance between protein synthe\u2010sis and degradation, changes in metabolic/hormonal status, and in circulating levels of inflammatory mediators. Thus, factors that increase muscle mass and promote anabolic pathways might be of therapeutic benefit to counteract sarcopenia. Among these, the insulin\u2010like growth factor\u20101 (IGF\u20101) has been implicated in many anabolic pathways in skeletal muscle. IGF\u20101 exists in different isoforms that might exert differ\u2010ent role in skeletal muscle. Here we study the effects of two full propeptides IGF\u20101Ea and IGF\u20101Eb in skeletal muscle, with the aim to define whether and through which mechanisms their overexpression impacts muscle aging. We report that only IGF\u20101Ea expression promotes a pronounced hypertrophic phenotype in young mice, which is maintained in aged mice. Nevertheless, examination of aged transgenic mice revealed that the local expression of either IGF\u20101Ea or IGF\u20101Eb transgenes was protective against age\u2010related loss of muscle mass and force. At molecular level, both isoforms activate the autophagy/lysosome system, normally altered during aging, and increase P GC1\u2010\u3b1 expression, modulating mitochondrial function, ROS detoxification, and the basal inflammatory state occurring at old age. Moreover, morphological integrity of neuromuscular junctions was maintained and preserved in both MLC/IGF\u20101Ea and MLC/IGF\u20101Eb mice during aging. These data suggest that IGF\u20101 is a promising thera\u2010peutic agent in staving off advancing muscle weakness

    IL-10, IL-13, Eotaxin and IL-10/IL-6 ratio distinguish breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma from all types of benign late seromas

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    Breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BI-ALCL) is an uncommon peripheral T cell lymphoma usually presenting as a delayed peri-implant effusion. Chronic inflammation elicited by the implant has been implicated in its pathogenesis. Infection or implant rupture may also be responsible for late seromas. Cytomorphological examination coupled with CD30 immunostaining and eventual T-cell clonality assessment are essential for BI-ALCL diagnosis. However, some benign effusions may also contain an oligo/monoclonal expansion of CD30 + cells that can make the diagnosis challenging. Since cytokines are key mediators of inflammation, we applied a multiplexed immuno-based assay to BI-ALCL seromas and to different types of reactive seromas to look for a potential diagnostic BI-ALCL-associated cytokine profile. We found that BI-ALCL is characterized by a Th2-type cytokine milieu associated with significant high levels of IL-10, IL-13 and Eotaxin which discriminate BI-ALCL from all types of reactive seroma. Moreover, we found a cutoff of IL10/IL-6 ratio of 0.104 is associated with specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 83% in recognizing BI-ALCL effusions. This study identifies promising biomarkers for initial screening of late seromas that can facilitate early diagnosis of BI-ALCL

    Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la ‘Public History of Education’. Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive. Historical-educational heritage as a source of Public History of Education between good practices and new perspectives, Book of abstracts del III Congresso della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (Milano, 14-15 dicembre 2023) / Book of abstracts of III Congress of Società Italiana per lo Studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (Milan, 14th-15th December 2023)

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    Il Book of abstract raccoglie proposte che intendono offrire spunti di riflessione sulle possibili applicazioni delle pratiche della Public History al patrimonio storico-educativo. Gli abstracts sono organizzati in tre sezioni, nella prima sono avanzate riflessioni di carattere teorico e metolologico sul tema, nella seconda sono presentate esperienze didattiche e attività sul territorio, mentre la terza si sofferma sull’analisi e la narrazione delle fonti. Nel loro complesso gli abstracts offrono un interessante spaccato delle innumerevoli possibilità di approccio al patrimonio storico-educativo che permettono di uscire dai confini angusti del mondo accademico per interagire con la società civile, che in non pochi casi diviene co-costruttrice di contenuti e protagonista di percorsi di valorizzazione incentrati sui beni culturali di interesse storico-educativo.The Book of abstracts collects proposals that offer input on the possible applications of Public History practices to historical-educational heritage. The abstracts are organized into three sections. In the first, theoretical and methodological reflections are advanced. The second section presents educational experiences and activities in the field. The third section focuses on the analysis and narration of sources. All the abstracts offer an interesting cross-section of the innumerable possibilities of an approach to historical-educational heritage that allows us to leave the narrow confines of the academic world to interact with civil society which in many cases becomes co-constructor of contents and protagonist of paths of valorisation focused on historical-educational cultural goods

    Tetraploid cells produced by absence of substrate adhesion during cytokinesis are limited in their proliferation and enter senescence after DNA replication

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    <p>Tetraploidy has been proposed as an intermediate state in neoplastic transformation due to the intrinsic chromosome instability of tetraploid cells. Despite the identification of p53 as a major factor in growth arrest of tetraploid cells, it is still unclear whether the p53-dependent mechanism for proliferation restriction is intrinsic to the tetraploid status or dependent on the origin of tetraploidy. Substrate adherence is fundamental for cytokinesis completion in adherent untransformed cells. Here we show that untransformed fibroblast cells undergoing mitosis in suspension produce binucleated tetraploid cells due to defective cleavage furrow constriction that leads to incomplete cell abscission. Binucleated cells obtained after loss of substrate adhesion maintain an inactive p53 status and are able to progress into G1 and S phase. However, binucleated cells arrest in G2, accumulate p53 and are not able to enter mitosis as no tetraploid metaphases were recorded after one cell cycle time. In contrast, tetraploid metaphases were found following pharmacological inhibition of Chk1 kinase, suggesting the involvement of the ATR/Chk1 pathway in the G2 arrest of binucleated cells. Interestingly, after persistence in the G2 phase of the cell cycle, a large fraction of binucleated cells become senescent. These findings identify a new pathway of proliferation restriction for tetraploid untransformed cells that seems to be specific for loss of adhesion-dependent cytokinesis failure. This involves Chk1 and p53 activation during G2. Inhibition of growth and entrance into senescence after cytokinesis in suspension may represent an important mechanism to control tumor growth. In fact, anchorage independent growth is a hallmark of cancer and it has been demonstrated that binucleated transformed cells can enter a cycle of anchorage independent growth.</p

    Effect of inositol hexakisphosphate on the spectroscopic properties of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous horse and bovine hemoglobin

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    The effect of inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) on the spectroscopic (EPR and absorbance) properties of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous horse and bovine hemoglobin (Hb) has been investigated. In the absence of IHP, the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous horse Hb shows spectroscopic properties similar to those of the corresponding derivative of ferrous human Hb that are generally taken as typical of the high affinity state of tetrametric hemoproteins. Similar to human Hb, the addition of IHP to the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous horse Hb induces a transition toward a species characterized by spectral properties typical of the low affinity state of hemoglobins. Nevertheless, the equilibrium constant for IHP binding to the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous horse Hb (= 1.5 x 10(2) M-1) is much lower than that reported for the association of the polyphosphate to the same derivative of ferrous human Hb (greater than 3 x 10(5) M-1). Conversely, the spectroscopic properties of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous bovine Hb are characteristic of the low affinity state of tetrameric hemoproteins, both in the absence and in the presence of IHP. These results, taken together with the behavior of the nitric oxide derivative of ferrous human Hb, provide further evidence for the peculiar oxygen binding properties of horse and bovine Hb