42 research outputs found

    African chelonians from the Jurassic to the present: phases of development and preliminary catalogue of the fossil record

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    The five major phases in the palaeontological history of African chelonians are presented: 1) autochthonous development of the north Gondwanan pleurodires from a Pangean source group; 2) littoral expansion of a member of this group (Bothremydidae), accompanied by the arrival of Laurasian marine turtles; 3) in situ development of pleurodires and the immigration of Eurasian cryptodires (Oligo-Miocene) traversing the Tethys in several waves; 4) great diversification and endemism (Pliocene to Holocene); 5) important faunal reduction due to climatic changes at the end of Holocene times (cooling, aridification); elsewhere, great speciation and arrival during the Present of the last European immigrant in the north. Throughout the period under consideration there were several reductions in taxonomic diversity and emigrations from Africa. A preliminary catalogue of the fossil record of African chelonians is given, presented country by country followed by a taxonomic listing.THE COUNCIL’S RESEARCH COMMITTEE, UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND; NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (NRF

    Une nouvelle espĂšce de <i>Neochelys</i> (Chelonii, Podocnemididae) de l’YprĂ©sien (ÉocĂšne infĂ©rieur) du Sud de la France

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    Les premiers reprĂ©sentants europĂ©ens du groupe gondwanien des Podocnemididae datent de l’ÉocĂšne infĂ©rieur. Neochelys s’est rapidement diversifiĂ©, formant un composant de cette famille abondant en individus et en espĂšces pendant l’EocĂšne europĂ©en, de l’YprĂ©sien infĂ©rieur au Bartonien au moins. Toutefois, plusieurs de ses espĂšces sont peu connues, et les relations phylĂ©tiques interspĂ©cifiques non dĂ©terminĂ©es. Une carapace complĂšte, provenant de l’YprĂ©sien de l’HĂ©rault (dans le Sud de la France), est dĂ©crite ici. Elle est attribuĂ©e Ă  une nouvelle espĂšce, Neochelys liriae. La validitĂ© des caractĂšres de N. liriae est testĂ©e par comparaison avec les autres espĂšces europĂ©ennes, lesquelles apparaissent comme bien diversifiĂ©es, et particuliĂšrement avec les espĂšces voisines françaises N. eocaenica et N. laurenti, cette derniĂšre peu connue jusqu’à ce jour.The known European record of the Gondwanan group Podocnemididae begins in the Early Eocene. Neochelys underwent a rapid diversification and was an abundant and diverse representative of this group during the Eocene of Europe from the Early Ypresian to at least the Bartonian. However, several of its species are poorly known, and the phylogenetic relationships among them are poorly understood. A complete shell from the Ypresian of HĂ©rault (southern France) is described here. It is assigned to a new species, Neochelys liriae. The availability of characters of N. liriae is tested by comparison with the other European species, which appear to be well differentiated, and particularly with the neighbouring French taxa N. eocaenica and N. laurenti, of which the latter has been little known to this point.</p

    Un nouveau Shachemydinae (Chelonii, Cryptodira) du Crétacé inférieur du Laos : résultats préliminaires

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    Le Crétacé inférieur du Laos a livré des restes de tortues cryptodires d\u27eau douce comportant quelques fragments d\u27une forme affine de Xinjiangchelys et de Trionychoidea: Trionychidae, Carettochelyidae et une nouvelle espÚce de Shachemy s. Celle-ci, bien préservée, est définie, comparée et placée dans la famille des Adocidae. La famille est reconsidérée et la sous-famille des Shachemydinae est confirmée, répartie du Jurassique supérieur au Sénonien d\u27Asie. Sa bonne adaptation à la vie aquatique est montrée.The Lower Cretaceous of Laos produced remains of freshwater cryptodiran turtles including some elements of aff. Xinjiangchelys and of Trionychoidea: Trionychidae, Carettochelyidae and beautiful specimens of a new species of Shachemys . The latter is defined, compared and placed in the family Adocidae. The family is reconsidered and the subfamily Shachemydinae is confirmed; the latter ranges from the Upper Jurassic to the Senonian of Asia. Its good adaptation to aquatic life is asserted.</p

    Le groupe " Palaeochelys sensu lato Mauremys " dans le contexte systématique des Testudinoidea aquatiques du Tertiaire d'Europe occidentale (Apports à la biostratigraphie et à la paléobiogéographie)

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    Parmi les Testudinoidea (sensu Gaffney & Meylan, 1988 ; Chelonii, Cryptodira) aquatiques du Tertiaire d'Europe occidentale, le groupe " Palaeochelys sensu lato Mauremys " est dĂ©fini ainsi que celui des " Ptychogasteridae ", ces groupes sont replacĂ©es dans leur contexte palĂ©obiogĂ©ographique. Les taxons du complexe " Palaeochelys sensu lato Mauremys " auparavant rapportĂ©s Ă  Ocadia, Palaeochelys, Clemmys, Emys...sont redĂ©finis, de nouveaux taxons sont dĂ©crits ainsi que de nouveaux taxons de " Ptychogasteridae ". Le cadre systĂ©matique et phylogĂ©nĂ©tique des Testudinoidae est Ă©tudiĂ©, les diffĂ©rentes phylogĂ©nies proposĂ©es (Hirayama, 1985 ; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988) sont critiquĂ©es, des hypothĂšses sont envisagĂ©es. Deux analyses de parcimonie sont effectuĂ©es avec 30 taxons terminaux du groupe " Palaeochelys sensu lato Mauremys " et deux extra-groupes (Platysternon megacephalum et Elkemys australis) ; 54 caractĂšres anatomiques de la carapace sont dĂ©crits. Une hypothĂšse alternative de relations phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques (non informatisĂ©e) est proposĂ©e Ă  l'issu des rĂ©sultats obtenus pour ce groupe. Un catalogue actualisĂ© des gisements tertiaires français Ă  chĂ©loniens est donnĂ©. La rĂ©partition biostratigraphique et palĂ©obiogĂ©ographique des diffĂ©rents groupes de chĂ©loniens continentaux est Ă©tudiĂ©e montrant l'intĂ©rĂȘt palĂ©oenvironnemental et palĂ©oĂ©cologique de ceux-ci et leurs limites biostratigraphiques.Among freshwater Testudinoidea (sensu Gaffney & Meylan, 1988; Chelonii, Cryptodira) from the Tertiary of Western Europe, the "Palaeochelys sensu lato - Mauremys" group is defined, as is the "Ptychogasteridae " group, these groups are also re-considered in their paleobiogeographical context. Taxa from the "Palaeochelys sensu lato - Mauremys" complex, previously referred to Ocadia, Palaeochelys, Clemmys, Emys... are redefined, and new taxa are described as well as new taxa of "Ptychogasteridae". The systematics and phylogeny of the Testudinoidae are studied, various phylogenies (Hirayama, 1985; Gaffney & Meylan, 1988) are discussed, new hypotheses are suggested. Two analyses of parsimony are made with 30 terminal taxa for the "Palaeochelys sensu lato - Mauremys" group and two outgroups (Platysternon megacephalum and Elkemys australis); 54 anatomical characters are described. An alternative hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships (not computerized) is proposed. An updated catalogue of the French Tertiary localities bearing chelonians is provided. The biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographical distribution of the various continental chelonian groups is studied, showing the palaeoenvironnemental and paleoecological significance of chelonians and the limits of their biostratigraphic significance.PARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle (751052304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La faune de vertĂ©brĂ©s de l’ÉocĂšne moyen de la Formation d’Aridal dans la Sebkha de Gueran, sud-ouest du Maroc

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    La Formation Aridal de la Sebkha de Gueran, au sud du Maroc, a livrĂ© le plus riche assemblage de cĂ©tacĂ©s archĂ©ocĂštes bartoniens, comprenant Ă  la fois des protocĂ©tidĂ©s et des basilosauridĂ©s. Gueran a Ă©galement produit une autre faune de vertĂ©brĂ©s que nous dĂ©crivons ici en dĂ©tail. L’assemblage des douze espĂšces de chondrichtyens ressemble Ă  celui de la Formation de Midawara (Égypte). Les actinoptĂ©rygiens incluent des siluriformes, des percomorphes et des rostres de Cylindracanthus Leidy, 1856. Les tortues sont rapportĂ©es Ă  au moins trois taxons indĂ©terminĂ©s : deux cryptodires marins, un chĂ©loniidĂ© et un dermochĂ©lyidĂ©, et un possible pleurodire littoral, comme Ă  Ad-Dakhla (Maroc) et au Fayum (Égypte). Le matĂ©riel de crocodyliens permet de reconnaĂźtre au moins deux formes longirostrines, dont un gavialoĂŻde ressemblant Ă  Eogavialis africanum Andrews, 1901 de l’ÉocĂšne supĂ©rieur-OligocĂšne infĂ©rieur d’Égypte. Les fossiles de la deuxiĂšme forme sont trĂšs fragmentaires et sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme Crocodyliformes indet. Certaines vertĂšbres de serpent appartiennent au Palaeophiidae Pterosphenus cf. schweinfurthi Andrews, 1901. D’autres, incomplĂštes, appartiennent vraisemblablement aussi Ă  un palaeophiidĂ©. Les restes d’oiseaux marins appartiennent Ă  un gigantesque oiseau Ă  pseudo-dents (Pelagornithidae), et constituent la premiĂšre occurrence du genre Pelagornis Lartet, 1857, ce qui recule l’apparition de ce taxon d’au moins 10 millions d’annĂ©es. À partir de leur microstructure d’émail, des fragments dentaires de proboscidien sont attribuĂ©s au genre ?Barytherium sp. D’aprĂšs l’assemblage d’Archaeoceti, l’ñge de cette faune est bartonien, ce qui est confirmĂ© par les chondrichtyens. Les affinitĂ©s de la faune de Gueran avec celles d’autres gisements, notamment celles de l’ÉocĂšne moyen et supĂ©rieur d’Afrique du Nord, sont analysĂ©es.In the Sahara Desert of southwestern Morocco, the Aridal Formation of Gueran is known for the world’s richest Bartonian archaic whale assemblage, which includes both protocetids and basilosaurids. Gueran has also yielded another rich and diverse vertebrate fauna described in detail herein —The chondrichthyan assemblage of twelve species is quite similar to that of the Midawara Formation (Egypt). Actinopterygians include Siluriformes, Percomorpha and rostra of Cylindracanthus Leidy, 1856. Turtles are attributed to at least three indetermined species: two marine cryptodires – a cheloniid and a dermochelyid, and a possible littoral pleurodire, as found in Ad-Dakhla (Morocco) and Fayum (Egypt). The crocodylians comprise at least two longirostrine taxa, including a gavialoid that resembles the late Eocene-early Oligocene Eogavialis africanum Andrews, 1901 from Egypt. The second form is too fragmentary to be identified more precisely than Crocodyliformes indet. Two snake vertebrae belong to Pterosphenus cf. schweinfurthi Andrews, 1901. Two other incomplete snake vertebrae probably belong to Paleophiidae as well. Seabird remains belong to a gigantic soaring pseudo-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae) and constitute the earliest occurrence of the genus Pelagornis sp. Lartet, 1857. This material extends the fossil record of Pelagornis back in time by at least 10 million years. Based on their size and enamel microstructure, mammal dental fragments are attributed to the proboscidean ?Barytherium sp. The Bartonian age of the fauna, initially based on an archaeocete cetacean assemblage, is also supported by chondrichthyans. Affinities of the Gueran faunal assemblage are analyzed in comparison with those from other middle and upper Eocene deposits of North Africa and elsewhere.</p

    Eocene chelid turtles from Redbank Plains, Southeast Queensland, Australia

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    Lapparent de Broin, France, Molnar, Ralph (2001): Eocene chelid turtles from Redbank Plains, Southeast Queensland, Australia. Geodiversitas 23 (1): 41-79, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.537274

    A miniature notosuchian with multicuspid teeth from the Cretaceous of Morocco

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    International audienceNotosuchians from Cretaceous continental environments of Gondwana have developed an unexpected array of morphologies comparable to mammals and their extinct relatives. However, this exceptional diversity is unbalanced, with South America holding nearly three times the generic diversity of Africa-Madagascar. With the exception of the triconodonts and of a very specialized group, the Gondwanatheria, in none of these landmasses do mammals dominate, and as a result, the low notosuchian diversity in Africa-Madagascar appears to be an artifact of sampling. Here, we describe a new miniature notosuchian from the Albian-Cenomanian Kem-Kem Beds of Morocco filling this gap. Lavocatchampsa sigogneaurussellae, gen. et sp. nov., exhibits a new type of heterodonty with absence of maxillary and dentary caniniform dentitions and teeth that gradually become massive posteriorly, and possess a sharp elongate median carina flanked by two multicusped cingula. The occlusion pattern is revealed by computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and shows that the main component of jaw closure is vertical, and not horizontal as has been proposed in closely related forms. Phylogenetic analysis recovers the new taxon as part of a basal stock of Gondwanan ziphosuchians with close affinities to Candidodon itapecuruense, Malawisuchus mwakasyungutiensis, and Pakasuchus kapilimai. We revise the diagnosis of Candidodontidae, a clade characterized by a particular heterodont dentition recalling that of triconodont mammals. The recognition of this new clade confirms previous hypotheses of a vicariant vertebrate assemblage present on a continuous South American–African landmass