42 research outputs found

    Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) ā€“ novi rod i vrsta za faunu ravnokrilaca Hrvatske i prvi nalaz vrste nakon njena opisivanja

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    This paper presents the first data on the presence of the genus Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996, species Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Croatia. The species was recorded on Dinara Mountain (south-eastern Croatia, middle Dalmatia) near Duler (1250 a.s.l.) on August 7th, 2012. This is also the first record since the description of the species near Vaganj pass on the same mountain, Bosnia and Herzegovina.U radu se navodi prvi nalaz roda Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996 s vrstom Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je pronađena 7. kolovoza 2012. godine nedaleko lokaliteta Duler na 1250 metara nadmorske visine na Dinari (jugoistočna Hrvatska, srednja Dalmacija). To je također prvi nalaz nakon opisa vrste pokraj prijevoja Vaganj na istoj planini, ali u Bosni i Hercegovini

    Zoogeographical characteristics of bush cricket genus Barbitistes (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) in Croatia

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    U Hrvatskoj su do danas zabilježene četiri vrste konjica roda Barbitistes ā€“ B. kaltenbachi, B. ocskayi, B. serricauda i B. yersini, čija je rasprostranjenost na ovome prostoru do sada bila poznata samo iz pojedinačnih literaturnih podataka. U ovome radu objedinjeni su svi dostupni podaci iz literature, kao i do sada neobjavljeni muzejski i terenski podaci, u svrhu dobivanja Å”to potpunije slike o veličini i obliku areala ovih vrsta na prostoru Hrvatske. Dok su tri vrste roda Barbitistes ā€“ B. kaltenbachi, B. ocskayi i B. yersini, rasprostranjene prvenstveno uz obalu i na otocima, B. serricauda prisutan je isključivo u kontinentalnom dijelu zemlje. Od ukupno 125 različitih lokaliteta na kojima je zabilježena neka od vrsta roda Barbitistes, B. yersini je poznat s viÅ”e od 80, Å”to daje viÅ”e-manje cjelovitu sliku o rasprostranjenosti ove vrste duž jadranske obale, koja se daljnjim istraživanjima najvjerojatnije neće puno promijeniti. S druge strane, za B. kaltenbachi sa sigurnoŔću se može ustvrditi jedino prisutnost na otoku Hvaru, dok nekolicinu drugih nalaza tek treba potvrditi ili osporiti. Areal vrste B. ocskayi, koji se velikim dijelom preklapa s arealom B. yersini, prema dosadaÅ”njim je spoznajama disjunktan, s razmjerno velikom prazninom na području Dalmacije, čiji uzrok nije u potpunosti razjaÅ”njen, ali buduća istraživanja će vjerojatno pokazati realniju situaciju. Za razliku od prethodno navedenih vrsta, B. serricauda rasprostranjen je samo na području Kontinentalne Hrvatske, s najviÅ”e nalaza na prostoru Slavonije, no njegov cjeloviti areal tek treba biti utvrđen.There are four bush cricket species of the genus Barbitistes presently recorded in Croatia ā€“ B. kaltenbachi, B. ocskayi, B. serricauda and B. yersini, distribution of which is known only from separate literature data. This paper includes all available literature data combined with new, previously unpublished data from several museum collections and fieldworks, with an aim of obtaining a clearer picture of these species' area of distribution in Croatia. While three species of this genus ā€“ B. kaltenbachi, B. ocskayi and B. yersini, are primarily distributed along the Adriatic coast and on the islands, B. serricauda can be found exclusively in the continental part of the country. From a total of 125 different localities on which any of the Barbitistes species was recorded, B. yersini is known from more than 80, which makes its distribution more or less well known and not very likely to significantly change with further investigations. On the other hand, there is a single confirmed locality for B. kaltenbachi, namely the island of Hvar, while its presence on several other localities still has to be confirmed or disputed. The distribution of B. ocskayi, which greatly overlaps with the one of B. yersini, nevertheless includes a rather significant gap in the Dalmatian region, the cause of which is not quite clear, but could be illuminated by future investigations. In contrast to above mentioned species, B. serricauda is distributed only in the continental part of Croatia, with most findings in the Slavonian region, but its complete distribution still has to be ascertained

    Jesu li vrste Empusa pennata i Bolivaria brachyptera doista prisutne u Hrvatskoj? Odgovor Kranjčevu (2013) s kritičkim osvrtom na vrste bogomoljki prisutne u Hrvatskoj

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    Radovan Kranjčev (2013) published a paper on Croatian Mantodea containing a considerable number of data that need to be discussed. In this reply corrections of mantid misidentifications, as well as of some given statements, are presented, certain doubtful records are discussed and comments on a number of overlooked papers are given. Also, a critical review of some further problems concerning Croatian Mantodea fauna is presented, as well as a rather short historical overview of investigations of this insect order in Croatia.Radovan Kranjčev (2013) objavio je rad o bogomoljkama Hrvatske u kojem je iznesen znatan broj podataka koje je potrebno raspraviti. U ovom odgovoru doneseni su ispravci determinacija nekih bogomoljki, kao i određenih navoda, raspravljeni su neki upitni nalazi i dani su komentari na neke previđene radove. Također, predstavljen je osvrt na tekuće probleme vezane uz faunu bogomoljki Hrvatske, kao i vrlo kratki povijesni pregled istraživanja ovog reda kukaca u Hrvatskoj

    Jesu li vrste Empusa pennata i Bolivaria brachyptera doista prisutne u Hrvatskoj? Odgovor Kranjčevu (2013) s kritičkim osvrtom na vrste bogomoljki prisutne u Hrvatskoj

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    Radovan Kranjčev (2013) published a paper on Croatian Mantodea containing a considerable number of data that need to be discussed. In this reply corrections of mantid misidentifications, as well as of some given statements, are presented, certain doubtful records are discussed and comments on a number of overlooked papers are given. Also, a critical review of some further problems concerning Croatian Mantodea fauna is presented, as well as a rather short historical overview of investigations of this insect order in Croatia.Radovan Kranjčev (2013) objavio je rad o bogomoljkama Hrvatske u kojem je iznesen znatan broj podataka koje je potrebno raspraviti. U ovom odgovoru doneseni su ispravci determinacija nekih bogomoljki, kao i određenih navoda, raspravljeni su neki upitni nalazi i dani su komentari na neke previđene radove. Također, predstavljen je osvrt na tekuće probleme vezane uz faunu bogomoljki Hrvatske, kao i vrlo kratki povijesni pregled istraživanja ovog reda kukaca u Hrvatskoj

    Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) ā€“ novi rod i vrsta za faunu ravnokrilaca Hrvatske i prvi nalaz vrste nakon njena opisivanja

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    This paper presents the first data on the presence of the genus Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996, species Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Croatia. The species was recorded on Dinara Mountain (south-eastern Croatia, middle Dalmatia) near Duler (1250 a.s.l.) on August 7th, 2012. This is also the first record since the description of the species near Vaganj pass on the same mountain, Bosnia and Herzegovina.U radu se navodi prvi nalaz roda Rammeihippus Woznessenskij, 1996 s vrstom Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je pronađena 7. kolovoza 2012. godine nedaleko lokaliteta Duler na 1250 metara nadmorske visine na Dinari (jugoistočna Hrvatska, srednja Dalmacija). To je također prvi nalaz nakon opisa vrste pokraj prijevoja Vaganj na istoj planini, ali u Bosni i Hercegovini

    Prvi nalaz stepskog rovca Gryllotalpa stepposa (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) u Hrvatskoj.

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    First finding of Gryllotalpa stepposa Zhantiev, 1991, a species typical of lowland steppe area of Eastern Europe, is documented for Croatia based on the shape of chitinized part of the epiphallus and the density of stridulatory teeth on male tegmen. All specimens from Valpovo, Podravina sample were brachypterous, which is usual for this species, morphologically very similar to the continental species G. gryllotalpa. Unusual variability is found in the appearance of veins on male tegmina, which should be investigated on a larger sample. This finding should encourage further research on mole crickets in Croatia, which will result in better understanding of their distribution and biogeography of this part of Europe in general.Na temelju oblika hitiniziranog dijela kopulatornog organa te gustoće stridulacijskih zubića na pokrilju mužjaka, po prvi puta je u Hrvatskoj dokumentiran nalaz stepskog rovca Gryllotalpa stepposa Zhantiev, 1991, vrste karakteristične za nizinsko stepsko područje istočne Europe. Sve jedinke u uzorku iz Valpova u Podravini bile su kratkokrile, Å”to je česta pojava kod ove vrste koja je po morfoloÅ”kim karakteristikama vrlo slična kontinentalnoj vrsti G. gryllotalpa. U izgledu žila na pokrilju mužjaka zabilježena je netipična varijabilnost koju treba istražiti na većem broju uzoraka. Ovim nalazom potiču se daljnja istraživanja rovaca u Hrvatskoj koja će pridonijeti boljem poznavanju njihove rasprostranjenosti te biogeografije ovog dijela Europe

    Alpiscorpius liburnicus sp. n. with a note on the ā€œAlpiscorpius croaticus groupā€ (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) in Croatia

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    Alpiscorpius liburnicus sp. n. is described from Krk Island, Croatia, as the first cave dwelling scorpion species in the genus. Clear differences from the genetically closest epigean species were found in metasomal morphometry. Its delineation is supported phylogenetically based on mitochondrial (COI and 16S rRNA) and nuclear (ITS1) markers. In the barcode fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI), the uncorrected pairwise genetic distances to other known taxa in ā€œAlpiscorpius croaticus groupā€ range between 4.2 and 4.8 %. The first molecular evidence of the speciesā€™ presence on the coastal part of Mt. Velebit implies its potential distribution in the whole of the eastern Adriatic coastal area, roughly from Rijeka City area to the source of the Zrmanja River. The new species is sympatric with common epigean taxa of the ā€œEuscorpius tergestinus groupā€ and with the synanthropic E. italicus in Mediterranean habitats. The phylogenetic relationships within the ā€œA. croaticus groupā€ are estimated. Localities of epigean A. croaticus are restricted to the continental side of southern and southeastern parts of Mt. Velebit. There it is sympatric and syntopic with the smaller A. omega in karst beech forests, with an extrazonal enclave in the Velika Paklenica canyon area on the southern slopes of the mountain. The third taxon in the group is known at the moment from a single locality in the middle part of Mt. Velebit, where it is also syntopic with A. omega in a beech forest near limestone cliffs

    Dinaric karst intermittent rivers harbour some rare mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera)

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    While investigating the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of four intermittent Dinaric karst rivers in Croatia, we confirmed or recorded new distribution data and ecological features for several mayfly species rare in Croatian freshwater habitats: Nigrobaetis niger (Linnaeus, 1761), Procloeon pennulatum (Eaton, 1870) and Paraleptophlebia werneri Ulmer, 1920. To our knowledge, this is the first record of N. niger in intermittent lotic habitats. We discuss their substrate preferences in the studied habitats as well as their relationships with measured physico-chemical water parameters. The newly obtained results confirm that our knowledge about Croatian mayfly fauna and species ecological requirements in intermittent Mediterranean rivers is still incomplete and is increasing with systematic studies

    Distribution and ecology of the predatory katydid Saga pedo (Pallas, 1771) in Croatia with the first record in the continental region

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    Until now, Saga pedo (Pallas, 1771) was known to occur in Croatia only in the Mediterranean biogeographical region and on the southern slopes of the Dinaric Alps in the Alpine region. Here we give the first record of the species\u27 presence deep inside what is officially called the Alpine region and in the Peripannonian area in the Continental region of the country. Along with all known specimens and observation records, our results represent the updated distribution of S. pedo in Croatia. Some notes on ecology, field observations, and discussion about habitat preferences are also given