14 research outputs found

    Open-end Investment Funds in Croatia

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    This work discusses investment funds in Croatia, with a particular emphasis on openend investment funds. After a short review of the development of the funds, the perception of the funds is analysed, as are the trends in total assets and in average yields. The degree of concentration of open-end investment funds is shown with statistical measures of concentration (the Gini Coefficient, the Lorenz Curve and concentration ratios). All these indicators show that the concentration is moderate to strong. The greatest yields are given by the equity funds, but these are also the most risky

    Changing the Market Position of Public Television ā€“ Case of Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary

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    The market position of public television channels has been changing over the last three decades. From monopolists, public televisions have become just one of the players on the television market. This paper analyses the position of public television in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. These neighbouring countries are similar but have different market power of public TV. Croatia has a strong public television, Hungary has very week public television, and Slovenia is in the middle. The aim of this paper is to show how the audience of public TV channels has been changing and based on this data, the author will estimate regression models for future forecasting of audience share for public TV channels in all three countries. This will enable the analysis of the market position of the whole group of public TV channels in each country

    Changing the Market Position of Public Television ā€“ Case of Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary

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    The market position of public television channels has been changing over the last three decades. From monopolists, public televisions have become just one of the players on the television market. This paper analyses the position of public television in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary. These neighbouring countries are similar but have different market power of public TV. Croatia has a strong public television, Hungary has very week public television, and Slovenia is in the middle. The aim of this paper is to show how the audience of public TV channels has been changing and based on this data, the author will estimate regression models for future forecasting of audience share for public TV channels in all three countries. This will enable the analysis of the market position of the whole group of public TV channels in each country

    Debt crisis and fiscal consolidation in Spain

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    This paper analyses the start of the debt crisis in Europe and in Spain, which increased inflation, unemployment and public debt. Although Spanish banking system was considered one of the best, the growing debt brought Spain into one of the worst affected countries in financial crisis. Because of this, Spain was faced to the fiscal consolidation as the imperative for further development. The strength of the crisis in Spain can be seen from main economic indicators. Budget deficit in Spain was almost 12% just two years after it went into surplus for the first time in 30 year period. Public debt has started to rise from 2007 and in 2013 it overcomes 90% of GDP. The rate of unemployment also started to rise from 2007 and in 2013 it is higher than 25%. This paper analyses also Phillips curve in Spain using the actual data after the start of fiscal consolidation.peer-reviewe

    Anketno istraživanje o znanju i percepciji stranih jezika studenata Ekonomskog fakulteta Zagreb

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    Ovaj rad temelji se na istraživanju o znanju stranih jezika studenata Ekonomskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Cilj istraživanja je analizirati koliko se studenti služe stranim jezicima, te kakvi su njihovi stavovi o važnosti učenja stranih jezika. Istraživanje pokazuje kako većina studenata govori engleski jezik, a slijede ga njemački i talijanski. Ispitanici smatraju kako bi prosječan hrvatski građanin trebao govoriti dva strana jezika, a prosječan hrvatski ekonomist tri. Kao najvažnije jezike za hrvatske ekonomiste, ispitanici ističu engleski, njemački i talijanski. Većina ispitanika namjerava u budućnosti učiti joÅ” neki strani jezik, a najpopularniji su talijanski, Å”panjolski, francuski i njemačk

    Otvoreni investicijski fondovi u Hrvatskoj

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    Ovaj rad obrađuje investicijske fondove u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim naglaskom na otvorene investicijske fondove. Nakon kratkog pregleda razvoja fondova analizira se percepcija fondova te kretanje ukupne imovine, kao i kretanje prosječnih prinosa. Kolika je koncentracija otvorenih investicijskih fondova, predočeno je statističkim mjerama koncentracije (Ginijevim koeficijentom, Lorenzovom krivuljom i koncentracijskim omjerima). Svi ti pokazatelji govore o umjereno jakoj koncentraciji. Najveći prinos nude dionički fondovi, ali oni su i najrizičniji

    Media control: a case for privatization in transitional economies

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    The television market can be one of the most dynamic industries if country-specific regulations allow for private competitors to enter the market. The entry of competition changes the market from monopolistic to oligopolistic, which has positive performance implications for the industry. Our research analyzes the development of the Croatian TV market from the monopolistic stage to the current oligopolistic stage. Econometric models in this article aim to estimate the current trend of market concentration and its future potential. The authorsā€™ research focusing on the industry from a market concentration perspective provides guidance for the practitioner in regard to profitable investment opportunities. They also illustrate for other transitional economies that to move toward a ā€œfreeā€ society, media must be free from government control which will evolve rapidly once privatized. Ā© 2016 Taylor & Francis


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    Public television is present in every European country, and it position on the market has been changing during the process of transition from monopoly to oligopoly and further towards monopolistic competition market. In most transition countries of the European Union, this process started in early 1990s and today public television represents only one player on the market. This paper analyzes the position of public television in 8 countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia for the period from 1995 till 2019. The goal of this research is to analyze the changes in the market share of public television, as well as to compare public television position in these 8 countries. This will be done by applying descriptive statistic methods on the data about audience. The audience represents the market share, and it is analyzed on the level of each public TV channel. Countries are further divided into three groups, those with strong, middle and weak position of public television. Additionally, concentration analysis based on HHI will show how similar or different these markets are. The results show that the market power of public television has fallen in the analyzed period. Despite of that, in the majority of the 8 analyzed countries, public television still plays an important role on the market.Javna televizija prisutna je u svakoj europskoj zemlji i njezin se položaj na tržiÅ”tu mijenjao tijekom procesa tranzicije iz monopola u oligopol, te dalje prema tržiÅ”tu monopolističke konkurencije. U većini tranzicijskih zemalja Europske unije taj je proces započeo početkom 1990-ih, a danas javna televizija predstavlja samo jednog igrača na tržiÅ”tu. Ovaj rad analizira položaj javne televizije u 8 zemalja: Bugarskoj, Hrvatskoj, ČeÅ”koj, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Rumunjskoj, Slovačkoj i Sloveniji za razdoblje od 1995. do 2019. godine. Cilj je analizirati promjene u udjelu koji javna televizija ima u tim zemljama, kao i usporediti položaj javne televizije u ovih 8 zemalja. To se analizira pomoću deskriptivne statistike primijenjene na podatke o gledanosti. Gledanost predstavlja tržiÅ”ni udio i analizira se na razini pojedinog javnog TV kanala. Zemlje su dalje podijeljene u tri skupine, one s jakom, srednje jakom i slabom javnom televizijom. Uz to, analiza koncentracije na temelju HHI pokazat će koliko su slična ili različita analizirana tržiÅ”ta. Rezultati pokazuju da je tržiÅ”na moć javne televizije pala u promatranom razdoblju. Unatoč tome, u većini od 8 analiziranih zemalja javna televizija i dalje ima značajnu ulogu na tržiÅ”tu