57 research outputs found

    Spectral statistics for the discrete Anderson model in the localized regime

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    We report on recent results on the spectral statistics of the discrete Anderson model in the localized phase. Our results show, in particular, that, for the discrete Anderson Hamiltonian with smoothly distributed random potential at sufficiently large coupling, the limit of the level spacing distribution is that of i.i.d. random variables distributed according to the density of states of the random Hamiltonian. This text is a contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Spectra of Random Operators and Related Topics" held at Kyoto University, 02-04/12/09 organized by N. Minami and N. Ueki

    Lifshitz tails estimate for the density of states of the Anderson model

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    We prove an upper bound for the (differentiated) density of states of the Anderson model at the bottom of the spectrum. The density of states is shown to exhibit the same Lifshitz tails upper bound as the integrated density of states

    Enhanced Wegner and Minami estimates and eigenvalue statistics of random Anderson models at spectral edges

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    We consider the discrete Anderson model and prove enhanced Wegner and Minami estimates where the interval length is replaced by the IDS computed on the interval. We use these estimates to improve on the description of finite volume eigenvalues and eigenfunctions obtained in a previous paper. As a consequence of the improved description of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, we revisit a number of results on the spectral statistics in the localized regime and extend their domain of validity, namely : - the local spectral statistics for the unfolded eigenvalues; - the local asymptotic ergodicity of the unfolded eigenvalues; In dimension 1, for the standard Anderson model, the improvement enables us to obtain the local spectral statistics at band edge, that is in the Lifshitz tail regime. In higher dimensions, this works for modified Anderson models