789 research outputs found

    Self-avoiding Tethered Membranes at the Tricritical Point

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    The scaling properties of self-avoiding tethered membranes at the tricritical point (theta-point) are studied by perturbative renormalization group methods. To treat the 3-body repulsive interaction (known to be relevant for polymers), new analytical and numerical tools are developped and applied to 1-loop calculations. These technics are a prerequisite to higher order calculations for self-avoiding membranes. The cross-over between the 3-body interaction and the modified 2-body interaction, attractive at long range, is studied through a new double epsilon-expansion. It is shown that the latter interaction is relevant for 2-dimensional membranes at the theta-point.Comment: 57 pages, gz-compressed ps-fil

    Large Orders for Self-Avoiding Membranes

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    We derive the large order behavior of the perturbative expansion for the continuous model of tethered self-avoiding membranes. It is controlled by a classical configuration for an effective potential in bulk space, which is the analog of the Lipatov instanton, solution of a highly non-local equation. The n-th order is shown to have factorial growth as (-cst)^n (n!)^(1-epsilon/D), where D is the `internal' dimension of the membrane and epsilon the engineering dimension of the coupling constant for self-avoidance. The instanton is calculated within a variational approximation, which is shown to become exact in the limit of large dimension d of bulk space. This is the starting point of a systematic 1/d expansion. As a consequence, the epsilon-expansion of self-avoiding membranes has a factorial growth, like the epsilon-expansion of polymers and standard critical phenomena, suggesting Borel summability. Consequences for the applicability of the 2-loop calculations are examined.Comment: 40 pages Latex, 32 eps-files included in the tex

    Photons as a 21st century reagent

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    A pharmaceutical industry viewpoint on how the fundamental laws of photochemistry are used to identify the parameters required to implement photochemistry from lab to scale. Parameters such as photon stoichiometry and light intensity are highlighted within to inform future publications

    Renormalization and Hyperscaling for Self-Avoiding Manifold Models

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    The renormalizability of the self-avoiding manifold (SAM) Edwards model is established. We use a new short distance multilocal operator product expansion (MOPE), which extends methods of local field theories to a large class of models with non-local singular interactions. This validates the direct renormalization method introduced before, as well as scaling laws. A new general hyperscaling relation for the configuration exponent gamma is derived. Manifolds at the Theta-point, and long range Coulomb interactions are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages + 1 figure, TeX + harvmac & epsf (uuencoded file), SPhT/93-07

    Renormalization of Crumpled Manifolds

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    We consider a model of D-dimensional tethered manifold interacting by excluded volume in R^d with a single point. By use of intrinsic distance geometry, we first provide a rigorous definition of the analytic continuation of its perturbative expansion for arbitrary D, 0 < D < 2. We then construct explicitly a renormalization operation, ensuring renormalizability to all orders. This is the first example of mathematical construction and renormalization for an interacting extended object with continuous internal dimension, encompassing field theory.Comment: 10 pages (1 figure, included), harvmac, SPhT/92-15

    Effects of Landscape Structure on Movement Patterns of the Flightless Bush Cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera

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    Because the viability of a population may depend on whether individuals can disperse, it is important for conservation planning to understand how landscape structure affects movement behavior. Some species occur in a wide range of landscapes differing greatly in structure, and the question arises of whether these species are particularly versatile in their dispersal or whether they are composed of genetically distinct populations adapted to contrasting landscapes. We performed a capture-mark-resight experiment to study movement patterns of the flightless bush cricket Pholidoptera griseoaptera (De Geer 1773) in two contrasting agricultural landscapes in France and Switzerland. The mean daily movement of P. griseoaptera was significantly higher in the landscape with patchily distributed habitat (Switzerland) than in the landscape with greater habitat connectivity (France). Net displacement rate did not differ between the two landscapes, which we attributed to the presence of more linear elements in the connected landscape, resulting in a more directed pattern of movement by P. griseoaptera. Significant differences in the movement patterns between landscapes with contrasting structure suggest important effects of landscape structure on movement and dispersal success. The possibility of varying dispersal ability within the same species needs to be studied in more detail because this may provide important information for sustainable landscape planning aimed at maintaining viable metapopulations, especially in formerly well-connected landscape

    Renormalization Theory for Interacting Crumpled Manifolds

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    We consider a continuous model of D-dimensional elastic (polymerized) manifold fluctuating in d-dimensional Euclidean space, interacting with a single impurity via an attractive or repulsive delta-potential (but without self-avoidance interactions). Except for D=1 (the polymer case), this model cannot be mapped onto a local field theory. We show that the use of intrinsic distance geometry allows for a rigorous construction of the high-temperature perturbative expansion and for analytic continuation in the manifold dimension D. We study the renormalization properties of the model for 0<D<2, and show that for d<d* where d*=2D/(2-D) is the upper critical dimension, the perturbative expansion is UV finite, while UV divergences occur as poles at d=d*. The standard proof of perturbative renormalizability for local field theories (the BPH theorem) does not apply to this model. We prove perturbative renormalizability to all orders by constructing a subtraction operator based on a generalization of the Zimmermann forests formalism, and which makes the theory finite at d=d*. This subtraction operation corresponds to a renormalization of the coupling constant of the model (strength of the interaction with the impurity). The existence of a Wilson function, of an epsilon-expansion around the critical dimension, of scaling laws for d<d* in the repulsive case, and of non-trivial critical exponents of the delocalization transition for d>d* in the attractive case is thus established. To our knowledge, this provides the first proof of renormalizability for a model of extended objects, and should be applicable to the study of self-avoidance interactions for random manifolds.Comment: 126 pages (+ 24 figures not included available upon request), harvmac, SPhT/92/12

    Effective ecosystem monitoring requires a multi-scaled approach

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    Ecosystem monitoring is fundamental to our understanding of how ecosystem change is impacting our natural resources and is vital for developing evidence-based policy and management. However, the different types of ecosystem monitoring, along with their recommended applications, are often poorly understood and contentious. Varying definitions and strict adherence to a specific monitoring type can inhibit effective ecosystem monitoring, leading to poor program development, implementation and outcomes. In an effort to develop a more consistent and clear understanding of ecosystem monitoring programs, we here review the main types of monitoring and recommend the widespread adoption of three classifications of monitoring, namely, targeted, surveillance and landscape monitoring. Landscape monitoring is conducted over large areas, provides spatial data, and enables questions relating to where and when ecosystem change is occurring to be addressed. Surveillance monitoring uses standardised field methods to inform on what is changing in our environments and the direction and magnitude of that change, whilst targeted monitoring is designed around testable hypotheses over defined areas and is the best approach for determining the causes of ecosystem change. The classification system is flexible and can incorporate different interests, objectives, targets and characteristics as well as different spatial scales and temporal frequencies, while also providing valuable structure and consistency across distinct ecosystem monitoring programs. To support our argument, we examine the ability of each monitoring type to inform on six key types of questions that are routinely posed for ecosystem monitoring programs, such as where and when change is occurring, what is the magnitude of change, and how can the change be managed? As we demonstrate, each type of ecosystem monitoring has its own strengths and weaknesses, which should be carefully considered relative to the desired results. Using this scheme, scientists and land managers can design programs best suited to their needs. Finally, we assert that for our most serious environmental challenges, it is essential that we include information from each of these monitoring scales to inform on all facets of ecosystem change, and this is best achieved through close collaboration between the scales. With a renewed understanding of the importance of each monitoring type, along with greater commitment to monitor cooperatively, we will be well placed to address some of our greatest environmental challenges