20 research outputs found

    Theatre is a valid add-on therapeutic intervention for emotional rehabilitation of parkinson's disease patients

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    Conventional medical treatments of Parkinson's disease (PD) are effective on motor disturbances but may have little impact on nonmotor symptoms, especially psychiatric ones. Thus, even when motor symptomatology improves, patients might experience deterioration in their quality of life. We have shown that 3 years of active theatre is a valid complementary intervention for PD as it significantly improves the well-being of patients in comparison to patients undergoing conventional physiotherapy. Our aim was to replicate these findings while improving the efficacy of the treatment. We ran a single-blinded pilot study lasting 15 months on 24 subjects with moderate idiopathic PD. 12 were assigned to a theatre program in which patients underwent "emotional" training. The other 12 underwent group physiotherapy. Patients were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of their treatments, using a battery of eight clinical and five neuropsychological scales. We found that the emotional theatre training improved the emotional well-being of patients, whereas physiotherapy did not. Interestingly, neither of the groups showed improvements in either motor symptoms or cognitive abilities tested by the neuropsychological battery. We confirmed that theatre therapy might be helpful in improving emotional well-being in PD

    An Italian Online Survey Regarding the Use of Hyaluronidase in Previously Hyaluronic Acid-Injected Noses Looking for Surgical Rhinoplasty

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    Background: Nonsurgical nasal reshaping (nSNR) with hyaluronic acid (HA) filler is a well-established procedure performed to ameliorate nasal appearance and is considered a valid alternative to surgical rhinoplasty in selected patients. Objectives: The aim of our study is to evaluate the decision-making process and management of patients undergoing rhinoplasty, with previous HA filler injection, and evaluate if consensus could be achieved to recommend guidelines. Methods: Between April and May 2021, an online survey was sent to 402 Italian surgeons of different specialties. The survey collected information regarding the types of treatment of patients who have previously undergone nSNR, who should undergo surgical rhinoplasty. For those surgeons using hyaluronidase, an additional information was collected. Results: In a range of time of 2 months (April and May 2021), a total of 72 surgeons replied and completed the survey: out of the 402 questionnaires sent, the response rate was approximately 18%. The majority of respondents (61.5%) replied to inject hyaluronidase (HYAL) in patients who had to undergo a rhinoplasty but reported previous nSNR. Of the surgeons who use HYAL, 70% performed rhinoplasty after a waiting time of 3 to 4 weeks. Conclusions: Either direct surgical approach or hyaluronidase injection first seems to be a viable options. The use of HYAL before surgery is the choice with the broadest consensus in our survey. However, a larger case-control study with long follow-ups is necessary to understand if in patient seeking surgical rhinoplasty who already received nSNR, the injection of hyaluronidase before surgery is mandatory, recommended, or not

    Modulation of arm reaching movements during processing of arm/hand-related action verbs with and without emotional connotation

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    The theory of embodied language states that language comprehension relies on an internal reenactment of the sensorimotor experience associated with the processed word or sentence. Most evidence in support of this hypothesis had been collected using linguistic material without any emotional connotation. For instance, it had been shown that processing of arm-related verbs, but not of those leg-related verbs, affects the planning and execution of reaching movements; however, at present it is unknown whether this effect is further modulated by verbs evoking an emotional experience. Showing such a modulation might shed light on a very debated issue, i.e. the way in which the emotional meaning of a word is processed. To this end, we assessed whether processing arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with negative connotations (e.g. to stab) affects reaching movements differently from arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with neutral connotation (e.g. to comb). We exploited a go/no-go paradigm in which healthy participants were required to perform arm-reaching movements toward a target when verbs expressing emotional hand actions, neutral hand actions or foot actions were shown, and to refrain from moving when no-effector-related verbs were presented. Reaction times and percentages of errors increased when the verb involved the same effector as used to give the response. However, we also found that the size of this interference decreased when the arm/hand-related verbs had a negative emotional connotation. Crucially, we show that such modulation only occurred when the verb semantics had to be retrieved. These results suggest that the comprehension of negatively valenced verbs might require the simultaneous reenactment of the neural circuitry associated with the processing of the emotion evoked by their meaning and of the neural circuitry associated with their motor features

    Modulation of arm reaching movements during processing of arm/hand-related action verbs with and without emotional connotation

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    The theory of embodied language states that language comprehension relies on an internal reenactment of the sensorimotor experience associated with the processed word or sentence. Most evidence in support of this hypothesis had been collected using linguistic material without any emotional connotation. For instance, it had been shown that processing of arm-related verbs, but not of those leg-related verbs, affects the planning and execution of reaching movements; however, at present it is unknown whether this effect is further modulated by verbs evoking an emotional experience. Showing such a modulation might shed light on a very debated issue, i.e. the way in which the emotional meaning of a word is processed. To this end, we assessed whether processing arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with negative connotations (e.g. to stab) affects reaching movements differently from arm/hand-related verbs describing actions with neutral connotation (e.g. to comb). We exploited a go/no-go paradigm in which healthy participants were required to perform arm-reaching movements toward a target when verbs expressing emotional hand actions, neutral hand actions or foot actions were shown, and to refrain from moving when no-effector-related verbs were presented. Reaction times and percentages of errors increased when the verb involved the same effector as used to give the response. However, we also found that the size of this interference decreased when the arm/hand-related verbs had a negative emotional connotation. Crucially, we show that such modulation only occurred when the verb semantics had to be retrieved. These results suggest that the comprehension of negatively valenced verbs might require the simultaneous reenactment of the neural circuitry associated with the processing of the emotion evoked by their meaning and of the neural circuitry associated with their motor features

    Inhibitory control is not lateralized in Parkinson's patients

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is often characterized by asymmetrical symptoms, which are more prominent on the side of the body contralateral to the most extensively affected brain hemisphere. Therefore, lateralized PD presents an opportunity to examine the effects of asymmetric subcortical dopamine deficiencies on cognitive functioning. As it has been hypothesized that inhibitory control relies upon a right-lateralized pathway, we tested whether left-dominant PD (LPD) patients suffered from a more severe deficit in this key executive function than right-dominant PD patients (RPD). To this end, via a countermanding task, we assessed both proactive and reactive inhibition in 20 LPD and 20 RPD patients, and in 20 age-matched healthy subjects. As expected, we found that PD patients were significantly more impaired in both forms of inhibitory control than healthy subjects. However, there were no differences either in reactive or proactive inhibition between LPD and RPD patients. All in all, these data support the idea that brain regions affected by PD play a fundamental role in subserving inhibitory function, but do not sustain the hypothesis according to which this executive function is predominantly or solely computed by the brain regions of the right hemispher

    Schematic representation of control tasks. (A) Color discrimination task.

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    <p>Each trial started with the presentation of a red central target that participants had to touch and hold for a variable period. After a variable SOA a peripheral target appeared and participants were asked either to touch it if it was a real word (go-trials) or to stay still if it was a pseudo-word (no-go trials; see Methods for more details). <b>(B) Lexical task.</b> Each trial started with the presentation of a grey central target that participants had to touch and hold for a variable period. After a variable delay (stimulus onset asynchrony; SOA) a peripheral target appeared and participants were asked either to touch it, if it was printed in green (go-trials) or to stay still if it was printed in red (no-go trials; see Methods for more details).</p

    Properties of stimuli used in color discrimination task.

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    <p>For each item the number of letters, number of syllables, lexical frequency, imageability, arousal and English translation are given. Mean number of letters, syllables, lexical frequency, imageability, arousal, valence, and arm/hand vs. leg/foot (A/H vs L/F) relatedness (±SEM) are reported separately for each verb category.</p

    Effect of verb category on arm reaching movements in a semantics task.

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    <p>Average values of RTs (A) and mean percentage of errors (B) recorded when participants responded after reading neutral or negative valence arm/hand-related verbs, and neutral leg/foot-related verbs at a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 53.2 ms or 332.5 ms (see text for details of statistical analysis). Ranking of the mean RTs for each neutral or negative valence arm/hand-related and foot-related verb at a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 53.2 ms (C) and at an SOA of 332.5 m at each SOA (D).</p

    Summary of semantics task results.

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    <p>Mean (SEM) values of reaction times (RTs) and of rate of errors (% Errors) are reported for each verb category.</p

    Schematic representation of semantic task.

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    <p>Each trial started with the presentation of a central red circle that participants had to touch and hold for a variable period. Then, a verb was shown above the central stimulus. After a variable delay (stimulus onset asynchrony; SOA) a peripheral target appeared. Participants were asked either to touch it, if the meaning of the verb referred to a concrete action (go-trials), or to refrain from moving if it had a content which did not clearly involve movement of the effectors (no-go trials; see Methods for more details).</p