943 research outputs found

    Using social network sites in higher education: an experience in business studies

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    [SPA]En los últimos años, el impacto de la Web 2.0. Entre las nuevas generaciones ha sido remarcadamente significativo (Pew Research Center, 2010). Este trabajo muestra los resultados de una experiencia innovadora basada en el uso de una Red Social para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias básicas y la implicación activa de los estudiantes en la asignatura. En opinión de los alumnos, la experiencia ha sido valorada muy positivamente. La experiencia contribuyó a una mayor implicación en la asignatura y a una mejor colaboración con los compañeros y con el profesorado. Como consecuencia la mayoría de los estudiantes optarían por el uso de la Red Social como soporte básico si tuviesen que matricularse de nuevo en la asignatura. Sobre la relación entre rendimiento y uso de la Red, se identificaron dos perfiles de acuerdo a los patrones de uso. Los estudiantes con un perfil de uso más intensivo mostraron rendimientos más altos que aquellos con perfil de uso bajo. [ENG]In the past 5 years the impact of the Web 2.0 in new generations has been remarkably significant (Pew Research Center, 2010). This paper reports on an experience in the use of Social Network Sites (SNS) to support student involvement with the subject and to develop basic skills. According to students’ opinion, the experience was deemed as positive. They considered that the experience contributed to a higher engagement with the subject and a deeper collaboration with other students and teaching staff. As a result, the majority of students would prefer the use of SNS as a first option if they had to enrol again in the subject. Regarding the relationships between academic performance and use of the SNS, two different student profiles were identified based on usage patterns of the platform. Students with a more intensive use of the site showed a significantly better performance than students with a low usage profile.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    The Atmospheric Monitoring System of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission

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    An Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) is a mandatory and key device of a space-based mission which aims to detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and Extremely-High Energy Cosmic Rays (EHECR) from Space. JEM-EUSO has a dedicated atmospheric monitoring system that plays a fundamental role in our understanding of the atmospheric conditions in the Field of View (FoV) of the telescope. Our AMS consists of a very challenging space infrared camera and a LIDAR device, that are being fully designed with space qualification to fulfil the scientific requirements of this space mission. The AMS will provide information of the cloud cover in the FoV of JEM-EUSO, as well as measurements of the cloud top altitudes with an accuracy of 500 m and the optical depth profile of the atmosphere transmittance in the direction of each air shower with an accuracy of 0.15 degree and a resolution of 500 m. This will ensure that the energy of the primary UHECR and the depth of maximum development of the EAS ( Extensive Air Shower) are measured with an accuracy better than 30\% primary energy and 120 g/cm2g/cm^2 depth of maximum development for EAS occurring either in clear sky or with the EAS depth of maximum development above optically thick cloud layers. Moreover a very novel radiometric retrieval technique considering the LIDAR shots as calibration points, that seems to be the most promising retrieval algorithm is under development to infer the Cloud Top Height (CTH) of all kind of clouds, thick and thin clouds in the FoV of the JEM-EUSO space telescope

    Thin and thick cloud top height retrieval algorithm with the Infrared Camera and LIDAR of the JEM-EUSO Space Mission

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    The origin of cosmic rays have remained a mistery for more than a century. JEM-EUSO is a pioneer space-based telescope that will be located at the International Space Station (ISS) and its aim is to detect Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays (EHECR) by observing the atmosphere. Unlike ground-based telescopes, JEM-EUSO will observe from upwards, and therefore, for a properly UHECR reconstruction under cloudy conditions, a key element of JEM-EUSO is an Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS). This AMS consists of a space qualified bi-spectral Infrared Camera, that will provide the cloud coverage and cloud top height in the JEM-EUSO Field of View (FoV) and a LIDAR, that will measure the atmospheric optical depth in the direction it has been shot. In this paper we will explain the effects of clouds for the determination of the UHECR arrival direction. Moreover, since the cloud top height retrieval is crucial to analyze the UHECR and EHECR events under cloudy conditions, the retrieval algorithm that fulfills the technical requierements of the Infrared Camera of JEM-EUSO to reconstruct the cloud top height is presently reported.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Atmohead Conference 201

    Affine convex body semigroups

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    In this paper we present a new kind of semigroups called convex body semigroups which are generated by convex bodies of R^k. They generalize to arbitrary dimension the concept of proportionally modular numerical semigroup of [7]. Several properties of these semigroups are proven. Affine convex body semigroups obtained from circles and polygons of R^2 are characterized. The algorithms for computing minimal system of generators of these semigroups are given. We provide the implementation of some of them

    The Effect Of Residents' Place Attachment On Their Attitude Towards Development Of Religious Tourism: The Moderating Effect Of Personal Benefit

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    Residents’ attitude towards tourism development in religious tourism destinations is especially relevant for tourism planning. Nevertheless, there are few studies that analyse how residents’ attitude towards development of religious tourism is formed. This paper analyses the effect of residents’ place attachment on their attitudes towards development of religious tourism, considering perceived impacts of tourism as mediator and the personal benefit derived from tourism as moderating effect. On the basis of a sample of 410 residents of Montecristi, a religious tourism destination of Ecuador, and using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the results show that place attachment directly influences the attitude towards development of religious tourism, but mainly through the perceived impacts of tourism. Moreover, this paper finds that the influence of the perceived impacts on the support for the development of religious tourism is higher in residents with a lower personal benefit than in residents with a higher personal benefit. These findings enable a series of recommendations to be made to the agents concerned regarding the development of religious tourism in sacred destinations

    Detección precoz de patologías y atención temprana desde neonatología, un trabajo interdisciplinario

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    El nacimiento de un niño es un acontecimiento importante en la vida de cualquier serhumano, que introducirá grandes cambios en una familia. Ese niño se convertirá en elcentro de atención de la familia y será el receptor de amor y cuidados para que puedacrecer y desarrollarse felizmente. Ahora bien, ¿qué pasará cuando el niño nace conalgún tipo de dificultad de adaptación al medio?, pues este niño necesita de técnicas deestimulación adecuada para su supervivencia. El propósito del estudio, fue indagarsobre las Prácticas de Estimulación o Técnicas de abordaje adecuadas realizadas enlos diferentes Centros asistenciales (públicos y privados) de la provincia de San Juan ydar a conocer las ventajas del trabajo interdisciplinario con la inclusión de la familia delniño.El diseño de la investigación fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal y observacional,utilizando como principal instrumento una entrevista cerrada a familiares y profesionalesque trabajan en Terapias intensivas Neonatales
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