57 research outputs found

    FARGO3D: A new GPU-oriented MHD code

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    We present the FARGO3D code, recently publicly released. It is a magnetohydrodynamics code developed with special emphasis on the physics of protoplanetary disks and planet-disk interactions, and parallelized with MPI. The hydrodynamics algorithms are based on finite-difference upwind, dimensionally split methods. The magnetohydrodynamics algorithms consist of the constrained transport method to preserve the divergence-free property of the magnetic field to machine accuracy, coupled to a method of characteristics for the evaluation of electromotive forces and Lorentz forces. Orbital advection is implemented, and an N-body solver is included to simulate planets or stars interacting with the gas. We present our implementation in detail and present a number of widely known tests for comparison purposes. One strength of FARGO3D is that it can run on either graphical processing units (GPUs) or central processing units (CPUs), achieving large speed-up with respect to CPU cores. We describe our implementation choices, which allow a user with no prior knowledge of GPU programming to develop new routines for CPUs, and have them translated automatically for GPUs.Fil: Benítez Llambay, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Masset, Frédéric S.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    A Shallow Water Analogue of the Standing Accretion Shock Instability: Experimental Demonstration and Two-Dimensional Model

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    Despite the sphericity of the collapsing stellar core, the birth conditions of neutron stars can be highly non spherical due to a hydrodynamical instability of the shocked accretion flow. Here we report the first laboratory experiment of a shallow water analogue, based on the physics of hydraulic jumps. Both the experiment and its shallow water modeling demonstrate a robust linear instability and nonlinear properties of symmetry breaking, in a system which is one million times smaller and about hundred times slower than its astrophysical analogue.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letters. Supplementary Material (6 movies) available at http://irfu.cea.fr/Projets/SN2NS/outreach.htm

    Long range outward migration of giant planets, with application to Fomalhaut b

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    Recent observations of exoplanets by direct imaging, reveal that giant planets orbit at a few dozens to more than a hundred of AU from their central star. The question of the origin of these planets challenges the standard theories of planet formation. We propose a new way of obtaining such far planets, by outward migration of a pair of planets formed in the 10 AU region. Two giant planets in mean motion resonance in a common gap in the protoplanetary disk migrate outwards, if the inner one is significantly more massive than the outer one. Using hydrodynamical simulations, we show that their semi major axes can increase by almost one order of magnitude. In a flared disk, the pair of planets should reach an asymptotic radius. This mechanism could account for the presence of Fomalhaut b ; then, a second, more massive planet, should be orbiting Fomalhaut at about 75 AU.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ Letter

    Planet heating prevents inward migration of planetary cores

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    Planetary systems are born in the disks of gas, dust and rocky fragments that surround newly formed stars. Solid content assembles into ever-larger rocky fragments that eventually become planetary embryos. These then continue their growth by accreting leftover material in the disc. Concurrently, tidal effects in the disc cause a radial drift in the embryo orbits, a process known as migration. Fast inward migration is predicted by theory for embryos smaller than three to five Earth masses. With only inward migration, these embryos can only rarely become giant planets located at Earth's distance from the Sun and beyond, in contrast with observations. Here we report that asymmetries in the temperature rise associated with accreting infalling material produce a force (which gives rise to an effect that we call "heating torque") that counteracts inward migration. This provides a channel for the formation of giant planets and also explains the strong planet-metallicity correlation found between the incidence of giant planets and the heavy-element abundance of the host stars.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    No snow-plough mechanism during the rapid hardening of supermassive black hole binaries

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    We present two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the tidal interaction between a supermassive black hole binary with moderate mass ratio, and the fossil gas disc where it is embedded. Our study extends previous one-dimensional height-integrated disc models, which predicted that the density of the gas disc between the primary and the secondary black holes should rise significantly during the ultimate stages of the binary's hardening driven by the gravitational radiation torque. This snow-plough mechanism, as we call it, would lead to an increase in the bolometric luminosity of the system prior to the binary merger, which could be detected in conjunction with the gravitational wave signal. We argue here that the snow-plough mechanism is unlikely to occur. In two-dimensions, when the binary's hardening timescale driven by gravitational radiation becomes shorter than the disc's viscous drift timescale, fluid elements in the inner disc get funneled to the outer disc through horseshoe trajectories with respect to the secondary. Mass leakage across the secondary's gap is thus found to be effective and, as a result, the predicted accretion disc luminosity will remain at roughly the same level prior to merger.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Long-term and large-scale hydrodynamical simulations of migrating planets

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    We present a new method that allows long-term and large-scale hydrodynamical simulations of migrating planets over a grid-based Eulerian code. This technique, which consists in a remapping of the disk by tracking the planetary migration, enables runs of migrating planets over a time comparable to the age of protoplanetary disks. This method also has the potential to address efficiently problems related with migration of multi-planet systems in gaseous disks, and to improve current results of migration of massive planets by including global viscous evolution as well as detailed studies of the co-orbital region during migration. We perform different tests using the public code FARGO3D to validate this method and compare its results with those obtained using a classical fixed grid.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. For a movie describing the method, see https://youtu.be/66o0Z2lX8N
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