1,618 research outputs found

    Beating of exciton-dressed states in a single semiconductor InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot

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    We report picosecond control of excitonic dressed states in a single semiconductor quantum dot. A strong laser pulse couples the exciton and biexciton states, to form an Autler-Townes doublet of the neutral exciton transition. The Rabi-splitting, and hence the admixture of the dressed states follows the envelope of the picosecond control laser. We create a superposition of dressed states, and observe the resulting beat: a direct measurement of a Rabi oscillation in time delay rather than the usual power domain

    Control of spontaneous emission from InP single quantum dots in GaInP photonic crystal nanocavities

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    We demonstrate semiconductor quantum dots coupled to photonic crystal cavity modes operating in the visible spectrum. We present the design, fabrication, and characterization of two dimensional photonic crystal cavities in GaInP and measure quality factors in excess of 7500 at 680 nm. We demonstrate full control over the spontaneous emission rate of InP quantum dots and by spectrally tuning the exciton emission energy into resonance with the fundamental cavity mode we observe a Purcell enhancement of similar to 8. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3510469

    On-chip quantum photonics using integrated quantum dot emitters

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    Solid‐state quantum emitters

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    This perspective gives a tutorial overview of the development of solid-state quantum emitters over the past three decades, focusing on the key parameters that are used to assess their performance for applications in quantum photonics. Specifically, it covers single-photon purity and indistinguishability, source brightness, and on-demand operation. The perspective includes a brief comparison of different material systems and concludes with a discussion of challenges that remain to be solved

    Challenging lanthanide relaxation theory: erbium and thulium complexes that show NMR relaxation rates faster than dysprosium and terbium analogues

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    Measurements of the proton NMR paramagnetic relaxation rates for several series of isostructural lanthanide(III) complexes have been performed in aqueous solution over the field range 1.0 to 16.5 Tesla. The field dependence has been modeled using Bloch–Redfield–Wangsness theory, allowing values for the electronic relaxation time, Tle and the magnetic susceptibility, μeff, to be estimated. Anomalous relaxation rate profiles were obtained, notably for erbium and thulium complexes of low symmetry 8-coordinate aza-phosphinate complexes. Such behaviour challenges accepted theory and can be interpreted in terms of changes in Tle values that are a function of the transient ligand field induced by solvent collision and vary considerably between Ln3+ ions, along with magnetic susceptibilities that deviate significantly from free-ion values

    Control of polarization and mode mapping of small volume high Q micropillars

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    We show that the polarization of the emission of a single quantum dot embedded within a microcavity pillar of elliptical cross section can be completely controlled and even switched between two orthogonal linear polarizations by changing the coupling of the dot emission with the polarized photonic modes. We also measure the spatial profle of the emission of a series of pillars with different ellipticities and show that the results can be well described by simple theoretical modeling of the modes of an infinite length elliptical cylinder

    International obligations through collective rights: Moving from foreign health assistance to global health governance

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    This article analyzes the growing chasm between international power and state responsibility in health rights, proposing an international legal framework for collective rights - rights that can reform international institutions and empower developing states to realize the determinants of health structured by global forces. With longstanding recognition that many developing state governments cannot realize the health of their peoples without international cooperation, scholars have increasingly sought to codify international obligations under the purview of an evolving human right to health, applying this rights-based approach as a foundational framework for reducing global health inequalities through foreign assistance. Yet the inherent limitations of the individual human rights framework stymie the right to health in impacting the global institutions that are most crucial for realizing underlying determinants of health through the strengthening of primary health care systems. Whereas the right to health has been advanced as an individual right to be realized by a state duty-bearer, the authors find that this limited, atomized right has proven insufficient to create accountability for international obligations in global health policy, enabling the deterioration of primary health care systems that lack the ability to address an expanding set of public health claims. For rights scholars to advance disease protection and health promotion through national primary health care systems - creating the international legal obligations necessary to spur development supportive of the public's health - the authors conclude that scholars must look beyond the individual right to health to create collective international legal obligations commensurate with a public health-centered approach to primary health care. Through the development and implementation of these collective health rights, states can address interconnected determinants of health within and across countries, obligating the international community to scale-up primary health care systems in the developing world and thereby reduce public health inequities through global health governance

    Monolithic integration of a quantum emitter with a compact on-chip beam-splitter

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    A fundamental component of an integrated quantum optical circuit is an on-chip beam-splitter operating at the single-photon level. Here, we demonstrate the monolithic integration of an on-demand quantum emitter in the form of a single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot (QD) with a compact (>10 μm), air clad, free standing directional coupler acting as a beam-splitter for anti-bunched light. The device was tested by using single photons emitted by a QD embedded in one of the input arms of the device. We verified the single-photon nature of the QD signal by performing Hanbury Brown-Twiss measurements and demonstrated single-photon beam splitting by cross-correlating the signal from the separate output ports of the directional coupler

    Advantageous use of metallic cobalt in the target for Pulsed Laser Deposition of cobalt-doped ZnO films

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    We investigate the magnetic properties of ZnCoO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) from targets made containing metallic Co or CoO precursors instead of the usual Co3O4. We find that the films grown from metallic Co precursors in an oxygen rich environment contain negligible amounts of Co metal, and have a large magnetization at room temperature. Structural analysis by X-ray diffraction and magneto-optical measurements indicate that the enhanced magnetism is due, in part, from Zn vacancies that partially compensate the naturally occurring n-type defects. We conclude that strongly magnetic films of Zn0.95Co0.05O that do not contain metallic cobalt can be grown by PLD from Co-metal-precursor targets if the films are grown in an oxygen atmosphere

    Path-dependent initialization of a single quantum dot exciton spin in a nanophotonic waveguide

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    We demonstrate a scheme for in-plane initialization of a single exciton spin in an InGaAs quantum dot (QD) coupled to a GaAs nanobeam waveguide. The chiral coupling of the QD and the optical mode of the nanobeam enables spin initialization fidelity approaching unity in magnetic field B=1 T and >0.9 without the field. We further show that this in-plane excitation scheme is independent of the incident excitation laser polarization and depends solely on the excitation direction. This scheme provides a robust in-plane spin excitation basis for a photon-mediated spin network for quantum information applications