48 research outputs found

    L'idée moderne du Droit

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    - Obra disponibilizada originalmente na Gallica (Biblioteca Nacional da França)

    Big data, small concepts:Histosophy as an approach to longue-durée history

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    In this essay, we sketch out a method, histosophy, which makes possible the study of intellectual history and conceptual genealogy both in depth and over long periods of time. Histosophy uses digital tools to survey ‘large issues within small compasses.’ A genealogy of signifiers, it considers metonymic parts of a problem in order to contribute precisely and coherently to a larger perspective. We outline the theoretical contours of our approach. We exemplify how it works in practice by looking at the signifier ‘esprit de corps’, the study of which is presented in detail in the histosophical book The Genealogy of Esprit de Corps(Edinburgh University Press, 2019). The phrase ‘esprit de corps’ has been widely used since the eighteenth century in different discourses (political, military, sociological, etc.), but it is sufficiently limited that its genealogy can be traced across centuries and nations with precision, coherence, clarity, and with the help of automated search engines. By contrast, related but bigger concepts like freedom, individualism or solidarity are part of dozens of disparate and fuzzy discourses, so often uttered that the analysis of modern uses is problematic. The histosophical methodology is applicable in six discrete stages, here outlined

    Tarih-i felsefe: kurun-ı vusta ve ahiri

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    Eserde "İstanbul Y. Öğretmen Okulu Kitaplığı", "İzmir Lisesi Kütübhanesi, 1922", "İzmir Mekteb-İ Sultanî Kütübhanesi" Ve "İzmir Mekteb-İ Sultanî Kütübhane Heyet-İ Müessesesi" " Mühürleri Vardır

    La pensée et les nouvelles écoles anti-intellectualiste

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    Kadın - erkek ırklar ruhiyatı

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    Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Konya Erkek Muallim Mektebi [Kütübhanesi]" Mühürleri Vardır

    Título: Filosofía Griega

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    T. 1: Filosofía Antigua ; Filosofía griega (221 p.). T. 2: Filosofía Cristiana ; Edad Media y Renacimiento ; Filosofía Moderna, 1ª parte (204 p.). T. 3: Filosofía Moderna, 2ª parte (177 p.). T. 4: Filosofía Contemporánea (190 p.

    Avrupa milletleri ruhiyatı

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    Eserde "İstanbul Eğitim Enstitüsü Kitaplığı" Ve "Konya Erkek Muallim Mektebi [Kütübhanesi]" Mühürleri Vardır


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    Fouillée Alfred. Pensée. In: Manuel général de l'instruction primaire : journal hebdomadaire des instituteurs. 65e année, tome 34, 1898. p. 463

    La morale, l'art et la réligion d'après Guyau

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    VII, 196 p. ; 23 c

    La science sociale contemporaine / par Alfred Fouillée

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    LA SCIENCE SOCIALE CONTEMPORAINE / PAR ALFRED FOUILLÉE La science sociale contemporaine / par Alfred Fouillée (1) Einband (1) Titelseite (9) Titelseite (10) Introduction (11) Livre Premier (16) Livre Deuxième (53) Livre Troisième (112) Livre Quatrième (145) Livre Cinquième (177) Conclusion (205) Table des matières (227