415 research outputs found

    The Poisson geometry of SU(1,1)

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    We study the natural Poisson structure on the Lie group SU(1,1) and related questions. In particular, we give an explicit description of the Ginzburg-Weinstein isomorphism for the sets of admissible elements. We also establish an analogue of Thompson's conjecture for this group.Comment: 11 pages, minor correction

    Preliminary Studies of the Moody and Galva Soil Series of Northwestern Iowa

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    Recent studies in the midwest have confirmed a relationship between the thickness and distribution of the loess and the morphological, chemical and physical properties of soils developed from loess. In southwestern Iowa studies by Hutton (2) and Ulrich (6) showed increased differentiation of soils as the distance from the loess source increased and the thickness of the loess decreased. Hunter (1) reported similar relationships between the properties of the loess and soils developed in southeastern Iowa. This paper presents the results of a preliminary study regarding the possibility of similar relationships in northwestern Iowa. Profile sites were selected on loess of varying thickness and samples were brought into the laboratory for analyses

    Novi aspekti u klasifikaciji kancerogena

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    The existing systems of classification of carcinogens should include a distinction between genotoxic and non-genotoxic chemicals. For non-genotoxic chemicals, permissible exposure levels can be derived at which no relevant human cancer risks are anticipated. While genotoxic carcinogens can induce chromosomal effects without mutagenic action, non-DNA-reactive genotoxins affecting topoisomerase or the spindle, or those having an exclusively aneugenic effect can be carcinogenic only at high, toxic doses. Specific mechanisms of clastogenicity and processes of carcinogenesis based on reactive oxygen have practical thresholds. Since reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generally genotoxic, the question is whether chemicals that increase ROS production will add to endogenously produced background levels and lead to nonlinear dose-effect relationships. Taking into account the presence of endogenous carcinogens, it is now becoming evident that carcinogenic risk extrapolation to low doses must be considered according to the mode of action.U postojećem sistemu klasifikacije kancerogenih tvari utvrđena je razlika između genotoksičnih i negenotoksičnih kemikalija. Za negenotoksične kemikallije mogu se izvesti pretpostavljeni stupnjevi izlaganja kod kojih ne postoji značajan rizik od pojave raka kod ljudi. Za genotoksične kancerogene mogući su na primjer inducirani kromosomski efekti bez početka procesa mutageneze, dok genotoksični toksini koji se ne vežu za DNA-molekulu, a djeluju na topoizomere ili diobeno vreteno ili su aneugeni, izazivaju kancerogene efekte jedino u visokim, toksičnim dozama. Za specifične mehanizme klastrogenog djelovanja i procesa kancerogeneze koji se baziraju na reaktivnom kisiku postoji prag početka procesa. Kako su vrste kemikalija reaktivne na kisik (ROS) u načelu genotoksične, pojavljuju se pitanja da li kemikalije koje povećavaju produkciju ROS-vrsta treba pridodati endogenim kancerogenima pozadinskog stupnja koji uzrokuju nelinearni odnos doze i učinka. Uzimajući u obzir rasprave o prisutnosti endogenih kancerogena, sada postaje jasno da se kancerogeni rizik od niskih doza mora uzeti u obzir sukladno načinu njihova djelovanja

    Activation of bicyclic nitro-drugs by a novel nitroreductase (NTR2) in <i>Leishmania</i>

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    Drug discovery pipelines for the "neglected diseases" are now heavily populated with nitroheterocyclic compounds. Recently, the bicyclic nitro-compounds (R)-PA-824, DNDI-VL-2098 and delamanid have been identified as potential candidates for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis. Using a combination of quantitative proteomics and whole genome sequencing of susceptible and drug-resistant parasites we identified a putative NAD(P)H oxidase as the activating nitroreductase (NTR2). Whole genome sequencing revealed that deletion of a single cytosine in the gene for NTR2 that is likely to result in the expression of a non-functional truncated protein. Susceptibility of leishmania was restored by reintroduction of the wild-type gene into the resistant line, which was accompanied by the ability to metabolise these compounds. Overexpression of NTR2 in wild-type parasites rendered cells hyper-sensitive to bicyclic nitro-compounds, but only marginally to the monocyclic nitro-drugs, nifurtimox and fexinidazole sulfone, known to be activated by a mitochondrial oxygen-insensitive nitroreductase (NTR1). Conversely, a double knockout NTR2 null cell line was completely resistant to bicyclic nitro-compounds and only marginally resistant to nifurtimox. Sensitivity was fully restored on expression of NTR2 in the null background. Thus, NTR2 is necessary and sufficient for activation of these bicyclic nitro-drugs. Recombinant NTR2 was capable of reducing bicyclic nitro-compounds in the same rank order as drug sensitivity in vitro. These findings may aid the future development of better, novel anti-leishmanial drugs. Moreover, the discovery of anti-leishmanial nitro-drugs with independent modes of activation and independent mechanisms of resistance alleviates many of the concerns over the continued development of these compound series

    Surface matters: Limitations of CALIPSO V3 aerosol typing in coastal regions

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    In the CALIPSO data analysis, surface type (land/ocean) is used to augment the aerosol characterization. However, this surface-dependent aerosol typing prohibits a correct classification of marine aerosol over land that is advected from ocean to land. This might result in a systematic overestimation of the particle extinction coefficient and of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) of up to a factor of 3.5 over land in coastal areas. We present a long-term comparison of CALIPSO and ground-based lidar observations of the aerosol conditions in the coastal environment of southern South America (Punta Arenas, Chile, 53° S), performed in December 2009–April 2010. Punta Arenas is almost entirely influenced by marine particles throughout the year, indicated by a rather low AOT of 0.02–0.04. However, we found an unexpectedly high fraction of continental aerosol in the aerosol types inferred by means of CALIOP observations and, correspondingly, too high values of particle extinction. Similar features of the CALIOP data analysis are presented for four other coastal areas around the world. Since CALIOP data serve as important input for global climate models, the influence of this systematic error was estimated by means of simplified radiative-transfer calculations

    Evaluation of micro rain radar-based precipitation classification algorithms to discriminate between stratiform and convective precipitation

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    In this paper, we present two micro rain radar-based approaches to discriminate between stratiform and convective precipitation. One is based on probability density functions (PDFs) in combination with a confidence function, and the other one is an artificial neural network (ANN) classification. Both methods use the maximum radar reflectivity per profile, the maximum of the observed mean Doppler velocity per profile and the maximum of the temporal standard deviation (±15 min) of the observed mean Doppler velocity per profile from a micro rain radar (MRR). Training and testing of the algorithms were performed using a 2-year data set from the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE). Both methods agree well, giving similar results. However, the results of the ANN are more decisive since it is also able to distinguish an inconclusive class, in turn making the stratiform and convective classes more reliable.</p

    The DACAPO-PESO campaign: Dynamics, Aerosol, Cloud and Precipitation Observations in the Pristine Environment of the Southern Ocean: An overview

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    This article gives an overview of the DACAPO-PESO field experiment, which has taken place in Punta Arenas, Chile, from November 2018 to November 2021, and showcases first exciting research results that have already emerged from it.In diesem Artikel wird ein Überblick über das DACAPO-PESO Experiment gegeben, welches von November 2018 bis November 2021 in Punta Arenas, Chile, stattgefunden hat. Außerdem werden erste spannende Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt, die bereits daraus gewonnen wurden

    Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase dentified as a key enzyme in erythrocytic Plasmodium falciparum carbon metabolism

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    Phospoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is absent from humans but encoded in thePlasmodium falciparum genome, suggesting that PEPC has a parasite-specific function. To investigate its importance in P. falciparum, we generated a pepc null mutant (D10Δpepc), which was only achievable when malate, a reduction product of oxaloacetate, was added to the growth medium. D10Δpepc had a severe growth defect in vitro, which was partially reversed by addition of malate or fumarate, suggesting that pepc may be essential in vivo. Targeted metabolomics using 13C-U-D-glucose and 13C-bicarbonate showed that the conversion of glycolytically-derived PEP into malate, fumarate, aspartate and citrate was abolished in D10Δpepc and that pentose phosphate pathway metabolites and glycerol 3-phosphate were present at increased levels. In contrast, metabolism of the carbon skeleton of 13C,15N-U-glutamine was similar in both parasite lines, although the flux was lower in D10Δpepc; it also confirmed the operation of a complete forward TCA cycle in the wild type parasite. Overall, these data confirm the CO2 fixing activity of PEPC and suggest that it provides metabolites essential for TCA cycle anaplerosis and the maintenance of cytosolic and mitochondrial redox balance. Moreover, these findings imply that PEPC may be an exploitable target for future drug discovery

    Biogenesis of the inner membrane complex is dependent on vesicular transport by the alveolate specific GTPase Rab11B

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    Apicomplexan parasites belong to a recently recognised group of protozoa referred to as Alveolata. These protists contain membranous sacs (alveoli) beneath the plasma membrane, termed the Inner Membrane Complex (IMC) in the case of Apicomplexa. During parasite replication the IMC is formed de novo within the mother cell in a process described as internal budding. We hypothesized that an alveolate specific factor is involved in the specific transport of vesicles from the Golgi to the IMC and identified the small GTPase Rab11B as an alveolate specific Rab-GTPase that localises to the growing end of the IMC during replication of Toxoplasma gondii. Conditional interference with Rab11B function leads to a profound defect in IMC biogenesis, indicating that Rab11B is required for the transport of Golgi derived vesicles to the nascent IMC of the daughter cell. Curiously, a block in IMC biogenesis did not affect formation of sub-pellicular microtubules, indicating that IMC biogenesis and formation of sub-pellicular microtubules is not mechanistically linked. We propose a model where Rab11B specifically transports vesicles derived from the Golgi to the immature IMC of the growing daughter parasites