20 research outputs found

    Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae in Galactic Open Clusters: Providing additional data for the White Dwarf Initial-to-Final-Mass Relation

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    Accurate (<10%) distances of Galactic star clusters allow precise estimation of the physical parameters of any physically associated Planetary Nebula (PN) and also that of its central star (CSPN) and its progenitor. The progenitor's mass can be related to the PN's chemical characteristics and furthermore, provides additional data for the widely used white dwarf (WD) initial-to-final mass relation (IFMR) that is crucial for tracing the development of both carbon and nitrogen in entire galaxies. To date there is only one PN (PHR1315- 6555) confirmed to be physically associated with a Galactic open cluster (ESO 96 -SC04) that has a turn-off mass \sim2 M_{\odot}. Our deep HST photometry was used for the search of the CSPN of this currently unique PN. In this work, we present our results.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, IAU343 Synposiu

    A disk inside the bipolar planetary nebula M2-9

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    Bipolarity in proto-planetary and planetary nebulae is associated with events occurring in or around their cores. Past infrared observations have revealed the presence of dusty structures around the cores, many in the form of disks. Characterising those dusty disks provides invaluable constraints on the physical processes that govern the final mass expulsion of intermediate-mass stars. We focus this study on the famous M2-9 bipolar nebula, where the moving lighthouse beam pattern indicates the presence of a wide binary. The compact and dense dusty core in the center of the nebula can be studied by means of optical interferometry. M2-9 was observed with VLTI/MIDI at 39-47 m baselines with the UT2-UT3 and UT3-UT4 baseline configurations. These observations are interpreted using a dust radiative transfer Monte Carlo code. A disk-like structure is detected perpendicular to the lobes and a good fit is found with a stratified disk model composed of amorphous silicates. The disk is compact, 25×\times35 mas at 8μm\rm \mu m, and 37×\times46 mas at 13μm\rm \mu m. For the adopted distance of 1.2 kpc, the inner rim of the disk is \sim15 AU. The mass represents a few percent of the mass found in the lobes. The compactness of the disk puts strong constraints on the binary content of the system, given an estimated orbital period 90-120yr. We derive masses of the binary components between 0.6--1.0M_{\sun} for a white dwarf and 0.6--1.4M_{\sun} for an evolved star. We present different scenarios on the geometric structure of the disk accounting for the interactions of the binary system, which includes an accretion disk as well.Comment: 9 figures, A&A accepte

    MATISSE, the VLTI mid-infrared imaging spectro-interferometer

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    Context. Optical interferometry is at a key development stage. The Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) has established a stable, robust infrastructure for long-baseline interferometry that is usable by general astronomical observers. The present second-generation instruments offer a wide wavelength coverage and improved performance. Their sensitivity and measurement accuracy lead to data and images of high reliability. Aims: We have developed the Multi AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment (MATISSE) to access, for the first time, high resolution imaging in a wide spectral domain. Many front-line topics are explored with this new equipment, including: stellar activity and mass loss; planet formation and evolution in the gas and dust disks around young stars; and environment interaction and accretion processes around super massive black holes in active galactic nuclei. Methods: The instrument is a spectro-interferometric imager in the transmission windows called L, M, and N, from 2.8 to 13.0 microns, combining four optical beams from the VLTI's unit or auxiliary telescopes. Its concept, related observing procedure, data reduction, and calibration approach, is the product of 30 years of instrumental research and has benefitted from the expertise developed in the frame of the VLTI's first generation instruments. The instrument utilises a multi-axial beam combination that delivers spectrally dispersed fringes. The signal provides the following quantities at several spectral resolutions: photometric flux, coherent fluxes, visibilities, closure phases, wavelength differential visibilities and phases, and aperture-synthesis imaging. Results: This article provides an overview of the physical principle of the instrument and its functionalities. The motivation of the choice of the instrumental concept and the characteristics of the delivered signal are detailed with a description of the observing modes and of their performance limit. MATISSE offers four spectral resolutions in L&M bands, namely 30, 500, 1000 and 3400, and 30 and 220 in the N band, and it provides an angular resolution down to 3 mas for the shortest wavelengths. The MATISSE stand-alone sensitivity limits are 60 mJy in L and 300 mJy in N. The paper gives details of the sensitivity limits for the different measurables and their related precision criteria, considering telescope configurations and spectral resolutions. We also discuss the gain provided with the GRA4MAT fringe tracker. An ensemble of data and reconstructed images illustrate the first acquired key observations. Conclusions: The instrument has been in operation at Cerro Paranal, ESO, Chile, since 2018, and has been open for science use by the international community since April 2019. The first scientific results are being published now

    A close halo of large transparent grains around extreme red giant stars

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    Intermediate-mass stars end their lives by ejecting the bulk of their envelope via a slow dense wind back into the interstellar medium, to form the next generation of stars and planets. Stellar pulsations are thought to elevate gas to an altitude cool enough for the condensation of dust, which is then accelerated by radiation pressure from starlight, entraining the gas and driving the wind. However accounting for the mass loss has been a problem due to the difficulty in observing tenuous gas and dust tens of milliarcseconds from the star, and there is accordingly no consensus on the way sufficient momentum is transferred from the starlight to the outflow. Here, we present spatially-resolved, multi-wavelength observations of circumstellar dust shells of three stars on the asymptotic giant branch of the HR diagram. When imaged in scattered light, dust shells were found at remarkably small radii (<~ 2 stellar radii) and with unexpectedly large grains (~300 nm radius). This proximity to the photosphere argues for dust species that are transparent to starlight and therefore resistant to sublimation by the intense radiation field. While transparency usually implies insufficient radiative pressure to drive a wind, the radiation field can accelerate these large grains via photon scattering rather than absorption - a plausible mass-loss mechanism for lower-amplitude pulsating stars.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 6 figure

    The infrared view of dust and molecules around V4334 Sgr (Sakurai’s Object): a 20-year retrospective

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    Abstract We present an analysis of the evolution of circumstellar dust and molecules in the environment of the very late thermal pulse object V4334 Sgr (Sakurai’s Object) over a ∼20-year period, drawing on ground-, airborne- and space-based infrared photometry and spectroscopy. The dust emission, which started in 1997, resembles a blackbody that cooled from ∼1, 200 K in 1998 August to ∼ 180 K in 2016 July. The dust mass, assuming amorphous carbon, was ∼5 × 10−10 M⊙ in 1998 August, and we estimate that the total dust mass was ∼2 × 10−5 M⊙ by ∼2016. The appearance of a near-infrared excess in 2008 suggests a new episode of (or renewed) mass loss began then. We infer lower limits on the bolometric luminosity of the embedded star from that of the dust shell, which rose to ∼16, 000 L⊙ before declining to ∼3, 000 L⊙. There is evidence for weak 6–7μ\, \mum absorption, which we attribute to hydrogenated amorphous carbon formed in material ejected by Sakurai’s Object during a mass ejection phase that preceded the 1997 event. We detect small hydrocarbon and other molecules in the spectra, and trace the column densities in hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and acetylene (C2H2). We use the former to determine the 12C/13C ratio to be 6.4 ± 0.7, 14 times smaller than the Solar System value

    On the Age of Galactic Bulge CSPNe: Too Young and Complicated?

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    We present preliminary results of our study of a small sample of planetary nebulae in the Galactic Bulge for which high-angular resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging is available. From this and from archival spectroscopy, we were able to calculate temperatures and luminosities for their central stars. These were then correlated to up-to-date evolutionary tracks found in the literature to help us estimate stellar masses and therefore ages for the central stars. Our current analysis indicates that our sample appears to represent a somewhat mixed population of planetary nebulae central stars, while at least one of the nebulae might have been formed by a more massive progenitor (i.e., M ZAMS &sim; 4 M ⊙ )