29,084 research outputs found

    Statelessness as a Human Rights Issue: A Concept Whose Time Has Come?

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    The protection of stateless persons has long been understood as a challenge for the international community, yet for many of the past sixty years a prioritised focus on refugees has dominated, indeed arguably eclipsed, the plight and protection needs of stateless persons. Guy Goodwin-Gill has long argued for a refocus of international attention and effort on the plight, predicament and protection needs of stateless persons. In a seminal contribution over two decades ago he observed that at that time, statelessness was perceived by many as a mere ‘technical problem,’ yet ‘statelessness is indeed a broad human rights issue, even as it retains a distinct technical dimension.’ In this contribution, we examine the challenge set by Goodwin-Gill for the international community, namely, the need for greater recognition and protection of stateless persons, in light of developments over the more than two decades that have passed since his incisive analysis. We celebrate the positive developments and identify areas of ongoing challenge. We focus on the key initiatives he identified as requiring attention, and assess progress that has been made in relation to each, while concentrating predominantly on the need for closer attention to the relevance of developments in human rights law

    Self-discharge in bimetallic cells containing alkali metal

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    Theoretical analysis of thermally regenerative bimetallic cells with alkali metal anodes shows a relation between the current drawn and the rate of discharge under open-circuit conditions. The self-discharge rate of the cell is due to the dissolution and ionization of alkali metal atoms in the fused-salt electrolyt

    The curatorial consequences of being moved, moveable or portable: the case of carved stones

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    It matters whether a carved stone is moved, moveable or portable. This influences perceptions of significance and of form and nature – is it a monument or an artefact? This duality may in turn affect understanding and appreciation of the resource. It has implications for how and if carved stones can be legally protected, who owns them, where and how they are administered, and by whom. The complexities of the legislation mean that all too often this is also a grey area. This paper explores these curatorial issues and their impact

    Observer based feedback control of 3rd order LCC resonant converters

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    The paper considers specific issues related to the design and realisation of observer-based feedback of isolated output voltage for resonant power converters. To provide a focus to the study, a 3rd order LCC converter is employed as a candidate topology. It is shown that whilst resonant converters nominally operate at high switching frequencies to facilitate the use of small reactive components, by appropriate pre-conditioning of non-isolated resonant-tank voltages and currents, the resulting observer can be implemented at relatively low sampling frequencies, and hence, take advantage of low-cost digital hardware. Experimental results are used to demonstrate the accuracy of observer estimates under both transient and steady-state operating conditions, and to show operation of the observer as part of a closed-loop feedback system where the LCC resonant converter is used as a regulated power supply

    Lower Bounds on Mutual Information

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    We correct claims about lower bounds on mutual information (MI) between real-valued random variables made in A. Kraskov {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 69}, 066138 (2004). We show that non-trivial lower bounds on MI in terms of linear correlations depend on the marginal (single variable) distributions. This is so in spite of the invariance of MI under reparametrizations, because linear correlations are not invariant under them. The simplest bounds are obtained for Gaussians, but the most interesting ones for practical purposes are obtained for uniform marginal distributions. The latter can be enforced in general by using the ranks of the individual variables instead of their actual values, in which case one obtains bounds on MI in terms of Spearman correlation coefficients. We show with gene expression data that these bounds are in general non-trivial, and the degree of their (non-)saturation yields valuable insight.Comment: 4 page

    M-grid: Using Ubiquitous Web Technologies to create a Computational Grid

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    There are many potential users and uses for grid computing. However, the concept of sharing computing resources excites security concerns and, whilst being powerful and flexible, at least for novices, existing systems are complex to install and use. Together these represent a significant barrier to potential users who are interested to see what grid computing can do. This paper describes m-grid, a system for building a computational grid which can accept tasks from any user with access to a web browser and distribute them to almost any machine with access to the internet and manages to do this without the installation of additional software or interfering with existing security arrangements

    Strong field effects on binary systems in Einstein-aether theory

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    "Einstein-aether" theory is a generally covariant theory of gravity containing a dynamical preferred frame. This article continues an examination of effects on the motion of binary pulsar systems in this theory, by incorporating effects due to strong fields in the vicinity of neutron star pulsars. These effects are included through an effective approach, by treating the compact bodies as point particles with nonstandard, velocity dependent interactions parametrized by dimensionless "sensitivities". Effective post-Newtonian equations of motion for the bodies and the radiation damping rate are determined. More work is needed to calculate values of the sensitivities for a given fluid source, so precise constraints on the theory's coupling constants cannot yet be stated. It is shown, however, that strong field effects will be negligible given current observational uncertainties if the dimensionless couplings are less than roughly 0.01 and two conditions that match the PPN parameters to those of pure general relativity are imposed. In this case, weak field results suffice and imply one further condition on the couplings. Thus, there exists a one-parameter family of Einstein-aether theories with "small-enough" couplings that passes all current observational tests. No conclusion can yet be reached for large couplings.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure; v2: fixed error in Eqn. (70) and resulting bounds on c'
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