428 research outputs found

    Mrs. Jim F Foster to Mr. Meredith (2 October 1962)

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    Diameter graphs of polygons and the proof of a conjecture of Graham

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    AbstractWe show that for an n-gon with unit diameter to have maximum area, its diameter graph must contain a cycle, and we derive an isodiametric theorem for such n-gons in terms of the length of the cycle. We then apply this theorem to prove Graham's 1975 conjecture that the diameter graph of a maximal 2m-gon (m⩾3) must be a cycle of length 2m−1 with one additional edge attached to it

    Vol. 18, No. 4 (1998)

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    Unifying heterogeneous state-spaces with lenses

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    Most verification approaches embed a model of program state into their semantic treatment. Though a variety of heterogeneous state-space models exists,they all possess common theoretical properties one would like to capture abstractly,such as the common algebraic laws of programming. In this paper,we propose lenses as a universal state-space modelling solution. Lenses provide an abstract interface for manipulating data types through spatially-separated views. We define a lens algebra that enables their composition and comparison,and apply it to formally model variables and alphabets in Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP). The combination of lenses and relational algebra gives rise to a model for UTP in which its fundamental laws can be verified. Moreover,we illustrate how lenses can be used to model more complex state notions such as memory stores and parallel states. We provide a mechanisation in Isabelle/HOL that validates our theory,and facilitates its use in program verification

    Towards a UTP semantics for modelica

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    We describe our work on a UTP semantics for the dynamic systems modelling language Modelica. This is a language for modelling a system’s continuous behaviour using a combination of differential algebraic equations and an event-handling system. We develop a novel UTP theory of hybrid relations, inspired by Hybrid CSP and Duration Calculus, that is purely relational and provides uniform handling of continuous and discrete variables. This theory is mechanised in our Isabelle implementation of the UTP, Isabelle/UTP, with which we verify some algebraic properties. Finally, we show how a subset of Modelica models can be given semantics using our theory. When combined with the wealth of existing UTP theories for discrete system modelling, our work enables a sound approach to heterogeneous semantics for Cyber-Physical systems by leveraging the theory linking facilities of the UTP

    Automated verification of reactive and concurrent programs by calculation

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    Reactive programs combine traditional sequential programming constructs with primitives to allow communication with other concurrent agents. They are ubiquitous in modern applications, ranging from components systems and web services, to cyber-physical systems and autonomous robots. In this paper, we present an algebraic verification strategy for concurrent reactive programs, with a large or infinite state space. We define novel operators to characterise interactions and state updates, and an associated equational theory. With this we can calculate a reactive program's denotational semantics, and thereby facilitate automated proof. Of note is our reasoning support for iterative programs with reactive invariants, based on Kleene algebra, and for parallel composition. We illustrate our strategy by verifying a reactive buffer. Our laws and strategy are mechanised in Isabelle/UTP, our implementation of Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) framework, to provide soundness guarantees and practical verification support

    Heterogeneous Semantics and Unifying Theories

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    Model-driven development is being used increasingly in the development of modern computer-based systems. In the case of cyber-physical systems (including robotics and autonomous systems) no single modelling solution is adequate to cover all aspects of a system, such as discrete control, continuous dynamics, and communication networking. Instead, a heterogeneous modelling solution must be adopted. We propose a theory engineering technique involving Isabelle/HOL and Hoare & He’s Unifying Theories of Programming. We illustrate this approach with mechanised theories for building a contractual theory of sequential programming, a theory of pointer-based programs, and the reactive theory underpinning CSP’s process algebra. Galois connections provide the mechanism for linking these theories

    The Impact of Peer Support on Social Participation for Burn Survivors

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    In our study, we looked at six main areas of life (LIBRE domains) to see how people who received support from peers after a burn injury, compared to those who did not get such support. The standard score was determined to be 50, with 40 being one standard deviation below the norm and 60 being one standard deviation above the norm. Those who did not receive peer support had higher social participation scores than those who received peer support across all six domains. Though, those who did receive peer support and those who did not receive peer support both had low social participation scores overall compared to the LIBRE norm of 50. Researchers hypothesize this may be due to those who did not seek out peer support feeling they already have their needs met, or do not wish to revisit their prior burn trauma
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