1,412 research outputs found


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    vAkuntansi biaya memberikan data-data yang penting bagi para manajer untuk melakukan perencanaan dan pengendalian, serta perhitungan harga produk, jasa dan pelanggan. buku ini bertujuan untuk membuat manajer menggunakan akuntansi baiaya dalam membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Dalam mengfokuskan perhatian kita pada konsep dasar, analisis, kegunaan dan prosedur, dan bukan pada prosedur saja, kita mendapat akuntansi biaya sebagai perangkat manajerial untuk strategis bisnis dan implementasi. Buku karya Horngren juga istimewa karena memuat hasil survey atas hasil praktik-pratik perusahaan dilebih dari 15 negara seperti australia, Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Irlandia, Belanda, Jepan, India, dan lainnya. Hasil survey yang sangat luas membuktikan bahwa konsep-konsep yang dipelajari dalam buku ini telah digunakan secara luas diseluruh dunia

    Isolation by Distance Explains Genetic Structure of Buggy Creek Virus, a Bird-Associated Arbovirus

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    Many of the arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) show extensive genetic variability and are widely distributed over large geographic areas. Understanding how virus genetic structure varies in space may yield insight into how these pathogens are adapted to and dispersed by different hosts or vectors, the relative importance of mutation, drift, or selection in generating genetic variability, and where and when epidemics or epizootics are most likely to occur. However, because most arboviruses tend to be sampled opportunistically and often cannot be isolated in large numbers at a given locale, surprisingly little is known about their spatial genetic structure on the local scale at which host/vector/virus interactions typically occur. Here, we examine fine-scale spatial structure of two sympatric lineages of Buggy Creek virus (BCRV, Togaviridae), an alphavirus transmitted by the ectoparasitic swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) to colonially nesting cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and invasive house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in North America. Data from 377 BCRV isolates at cliff swallow colony sites in western Nebraska showed that both virus lineages were geographically structured. Most haplotypes were detected at a single colony or were shared among nearby colonies, and pair-wise genetic distance increased significantly with geographic distance between colony sites. Genetic structure of both lineages is consistent with isolation by distance. Sites with the most genetically distinct BCRV isolates were occupied by large numbers of house sparrows, suggesting that concentrations of invasive sparrows may represent foci for evolutionary change in BCRV. Our results show that bird-associated arboviruses can show genetic substructure over short geographic distances

    Isolation by Distance Explains Genetic Structure of Buggy Creek Virus, a Bird-Associated Arbovirus

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    Many of the arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) show extensive genetic variability and are widely distributed over large geographic areas. Understanding how virus genetic structure varies in space may yield insight into how these pathogens are adapted to and dispersed by different hosts or vectors, the relative importance of mutation, drift, or selection in generating genetic variability, and where and when epidemics or epizootics are most likely to occur. However, because most arboviruses tend to be sampled opportunistically and often cannot be isolated in large numbers at a given locale, surprisingly little is known about their spatial genetic structure on the local scale at which host/vector/virus interactions typically occur. Here, we examine fine-scale spatial structure of two sympatric lineages of Buggy Creek virus (BCRV, Togaviridae), an alphavirus transmitted by the ectoparasitic swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) to colonially nesting cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and invasive house sparrows (Passer domesticus) in North America. Data from 377 BCRV isolates at cliff swallow colony sites in western Nebraska showed that both virus lineages were geographically structured. Most haplotypes were detected at a single colony or were shared among nearby colonies, and pair-wise genetic distance increased significantly with geographic distance between colony sites. Genetic structure of both lineages is consistent with isolation by distance. Sites with the most genetically distinct BCRV isolates were occupied by large numbers of house sparrows, suggesting that concentrations of invasive sparrows may represent foci for evolutionary change in BCRV. Our results show that bird-associated arboviruses can show genetic substructure over short geographic distances

    ODAM Expression Inhibits Human Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis

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    We have posited that Odontogenic Ameloblast Associated Protein (ODAM) serves as a novel prognostic biomarker in breast cancer and now have investigated its potential role in regulating tumor growth and metastasis. Human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells were transfected with a recombinant ODAM plasmid construct (or, as a control, the plasmid vector alone). ODAM expression increased adhesion and apoptosis of the transfected MDA-MB-231 cells and suppressed their growth rate, migratory activity, and capability to invade extracellular matrix-coated membranes. Implantation of such cells into mouse mammary fat pads resulted in significantly smaller tumors than occurred in animals that received control cells; furthermore, ODAM-expressing cells, when injected intravenously into mice, failed to metastasize, whereas the control-transfected counterparts produced extensive lung lesions. Our finding that induction of ODAM expression in human breast cancer cells markedly inhibited their neoplastic properties provides further evidence for the regulatory role of this molecule in tumorigenesis and, consequently, is of potential clinical import

    Economic development, human development, and the pursuit of happiness, April 1, 2, and 3, 2004

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This was the Center's spring conference, which took place during April 1, 2, and 3, 2004.The conference asks the questions, how can we make sure that the benefits of economic growth flow into health, education, welfare, and other aspects of human development; and what is the relationship between human development and economic development? Speakers and participants discuss the role that culture, legal and political institutions, the UN Developmental Goals, the level of decision-making, and ethics, play in development

    Ecological divergence of two sympatric lineages of Buggy Creek virus, an arbovirus associated with birds

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    Most arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) show distinct serological subtypes or evolutionary lineages, with the evolution of different strains often assumed to reflect differences in ecological selection pressures. Buggy Creek virus (BCRV) is an unusual RNA virus (Togaviridae, Alphavirus) that is associated primarily with a cimicid swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius) as its vector and the Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and the introduced House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) as its amplifying hosts. There are two sympatric lineages of BCRV (lineages A and B) that differ from each other by .6% at the nucleotide level. Analysis of 385 BCRV isolates all collected from bug vectors at a study site in southwestern Nebraska, USA, showed that the lineages differed in their peak times of seasonal occurrence within a summer. Lineage A was more likely to be found at recently established colonies, at those in culverts (rather than on highway bridges), and at those with invasive House Sparrows, and in bugs on the outsides of nests. Genetic diversity of lineage A increased with bird colony size and at sites with House Sparrows, while that of lineage B decreased with colony size and was unaffected by House Sparrows. Lineage A was more cytopathic on mammalian cells than was lineage B. These two lineages have apparently diverged in their transmission dynamics, with lineage A possibly more dependent on birds and lineage B perhaps more a bug virus. The long-standing association between Cliff Swallows and BCRV may have selected for immunological resistance to the virus by swallows and thus promoted the evolution of the more bug-adapted lineage B. In contrast, the recent arrival of the introduced House Sparrow and its high competence as a BCRV amplifying host may be favoring the more bird-dependent lineage A

    The Fragile Fiber1 Kinesin Contributes to Cortical Microtubule-Mediated Trafficking of Cell Wall Components

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    The cell wall consists of cellulose microfibrils embedded within a matrix of hemicellulose and pectin. Cellulose microfibrils are synthesized at the plasma membrane, whereas matrix polysaccharides are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus and secreted. The trafficking of vesicles containing cell wall components is thought to depend on actin-myosin. Here, we implicate microtubules in this process through studies of the kinesin-4 family member, Fragile Fiber1 (FRA1). In an fra1-5 knockout mutant, the expansion rate of the inflorescence stem is halved compared with the wild type along with the thickness of both primary and secondary cell walls. Nevertheless, cell walls in fra1-5 have an essentially unaltered composition and ultrastructure. A functional triple green fluorescent protein-tagged FRA1 fusion protein moves processively along cortical microtubules, and its abundance and motile density correlate with growth rate. Motility of FRA1 and cellulose synthase complexes is independent, indicating that FRA1 is not directly involved in cellulose biosynthesis; however, the secretion rate of fucose-alkyne-labeled pectin is greatly decreased in fra1-5, and the mutant has Golgi bodies with fewer cisternae and enlarged vesicles. Based on our results, we propose that FRA1 contributes to cell wall production by transporting Golgi-derived vesicles along cortical microtubules for secretion