18 research outputs found

    Loddelarveundersøkelsene 1989 [HELP 26]

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    Loddelarver ble samlet inn i perioden 20-30 juni 1989. Loddelarvene var i år spredd ut over en stor del av det sørlige Barentshavet. Den høyeste konsentrasjonen som ble funnet var opp imot 500 pr. kvadratmeter overflate. Store områder med konsentrasjoner over 100 larver pr. kvadratmeter overflate ble kartlagt. Vi fikk en klar avgrensning på larvefordelingen i nord og vest, mens østgrensen ikke ble funnet. Loddelarvefordelingen, samt horisontalkart over 4 forskjellige lengdegrupper er vist. En totalindeks på 7.3x10*12 ble beregnet

    Loddelarveundersøkelsene 1990 [HELP 39]

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    Det ble samlet inn loddelarver på et tokt med F/F "Eldjarn" i perioden 16-27/6-1990. Loddelarvene var spredd utover en stor del av det sørrøstre Barentshavet i tildels høye tettheter. De høyeste tetthetene som ble funnet var på over 1000 pr m2 overflate. Larvene var fordelt noe lenger øst enn i 1989, og totalindeksen som ble beregnet var på 13x10¹², høyere enn noen måling på 80-tallet. Denne indeksen tilsvarer en økning på 56% i forhold til i 1989. Lengdemålingene viste imidlertid at larvene var noe kortere enn på samme tid i 1989. En studie av larvenes vertikalfordeling viste at de hovedsakelig oppholdt seg i dypet mellom 20 og 50 meter. Næringsforholdene viste seg bare å væere moderate med tettheter opp til 2.5 nauplier pr liter

    Loddelarveundersøkelsene 1990 [HELP 39]

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    Det ble samlet inn loddelarver på et tokt med F/F "Eldjarn" i perioden 16-27/6-1990. Loddelarvene var spredd utover en stor del av det sørrøstre Barentshavet i tildels høye tettheter. De høyeste tetthetene som ble funnet var på over 1000 pr m2 overflate. Larvene var fordelt noe lenger øst enn i 1989, og totalindeksen som ble beregnet var på 13x10¹², høyere enn noen måling på 80-tallet. Denne indeksen tilsvarer en økning på 56% i forhold til i 1989. Lengdemålingene viste imidlertid at larvene var noe kortere enn på samme tid i 1989. En studie av larvenes vertikalfordeling viste at de hovedsakelig oppholdt seg i dypet mellom 20 og 50 meter. Næringsforholdene viste seg bare å væere moderate med tettheter opp til 2.5 nauplier pr liter

    Toktrapport [14/6 - 21/6, 1992]

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    Toktrapport [16/10 - 9/11, 1986]

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    Yngelundersøkelser - 1985 [HELP 12]

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    The recruitment to the Norwegian spring-spawning herring have during the l a s t twenty years been on a very low level. However, the size of the spawning stock has increased in recent years and in 1983 a rich year class was produced. The increase of the stock as w e l l as development of new gears and methods was the background for a new project to study the recruitment mechanisms. The present report presents some preliminary resuits from a piolot study in April 1985. It deals with the horizontal and vertical distribution of herring larvae in relation to physical conditions as well as growth and diet

    Variability of the drift patterns of spring spawned herring larvae and the transport of water along the Norwegian shelf

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    Summary: A 3-dimensional baroclinic hydrodynamic model implemented for the North Sea, the Norwegian coast and part of the Norwegian and Barents Seas has been run for 18 years. This model has been used to study the Norwegian spring spawned herring larval transport from the main spawning areas at the coast of Norway. Currents from this model are fed into a Lagrangian particle tracking model to simulate the varying transports of larvae/juveniles. The simulations can explain much of the observed year to year variations in the distribution of herring larvae and juveniles, and significant larvae/juvenile transport into the Barents Sea seems to be a nessesary condition for good recruitment. In addition the model simulate a significant along-shelf larval mixing also observed in larval age investigations

    Sulfur-doped ordered mesoporous carbons: A stability-improving sulfur host for lithium-sulfur battery cathodes

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    We report on sulfur-functionalized ordered mesoporous carbons aimed for lithium-sulfur battery electrode applications with improved charge capacity retention. The carbons were obtained by a hard-template strategy using a mixture of furfuryl alcohol and furfuryl mercaptan. For the application as electrode material in lithium-sulfur batteries, the carbons were additionally loaded with sulfur following a traditional melt-diffusion approach. It was found that the sulfur interacts stronger with the sulfur-functionalized carbon matrix than with the non-functionalized material. Electrodes showed very high capacity in the second discharge-charge cycle amounting to approximately 1500, 1200 and 1400 mAh/g (sulfur) for carbon materials with no, medium and high degrees of sulfur functionalization, respectively. More importantly, the sulfur-functionalization of the carbon was found to increase the capacity retention after 50 discharge-charge cycles by 8 and 5% for the carbons with medium and high degrees of sulfur-functionalization, respectively, compared to carbon with no sulfur-functionalization. We attribute this significant improvement to the presence of covalently bound sulfur groups at the internal surface of the functionalized carbon providing efficient anchoring sites for catenation to the sulfur loaded into the pores of the carbons and provide experimental support for this in the form of results from cyclic voltammetry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Nurses' and patients' communication in smoking cessation at nurse-led COPD clinics in primary health care

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    Background: Smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have high nicotine dependence making it difficult to quit smoking. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a method that is used in stimulating motivation and behavioral changes. Objective: To describe smoking cessation communication between patients and registered nurses trained in MI in COPD nurse-led clinics in Swedish primary health care. Methods: A prospective observational study with structured quantitative content analyses of the communication between six nurses with basic education in MI and 13 patients in non-smoking consultations. Results: Only to a small extent did nurses’ evoke patients’ reasons for change, stimulate collaboration, and support patients’ autonomy. Nurses provided information, asked closed questions, and made simple reflections. Patients’ communication was mainly neutral and focusing on reasons for and against smoking. It was uncommon for patients to be committed and take steps toward smoking cessation. Conclusion: The nurses did not adhere to the principles of MI in smoking cessation, and the patients focused to a limited extent on how to quit smoking. Practice implications: To make patients more active, the nurses need more education and continuous training in motivational communication