140 research outputs found

    Greene County Health Literacy Addressing Infant Mortality (HL-AIM)

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    IMPACT. 1: Reduction of "no-shows" for appointments. -- 2. Decreased reported rates of tobacco and substance abuse during pregnancy. -- 3. Increased knowledge and self-sufficiency through educational sessions on nutrition, health insurance, community resources.OSU PARTNERS: College of Medicine Office for Diversity and Inclusion; Associate Director of Medical Education; Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Office for Diversity and Inclusion; OSU ExtensionCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Greene County Combined; Health DistrictPRIMARY CONTACT: Robyn Fosnaugh ([email protected]); Melanie Hart ([email protected])A collaborative approach is needed to address infant mortality issues. A literature review indicates that a multidisciplinary team is an ideal model to communicate and coordinate care of obstetric services to improve the outcomes of high-risk pregnancies. A trained Health Advocate will collect information from the mothers during their clinic visits and assess their knowledge and understanding of community health resources, assist their navigation of prenatal care, and track appointments through a "Pregnancy Passport.


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    The neighborhood N(T) of a tile T is the set of all tiles which meet T in at least one point. If for each tile T there is a different tile T1 such that N(T) N(T1) then we say the tiling has the neighborhood property (NEBP). Cm:inbaum and Shepard conjecture that it is impossible to have a monohedral tiling of the plane such that every tile T has two different tiles TI,T2 with N(T) N(T) N(T:z). If all tiles are convex we show this conjecture is true by characterizing the convex plane tilings with NEBP. More precisely we prove that a convex plane tiling with NEBP has only triangular tiles and each tile has a 3-valent vertex. Removing 3-valent vertices and the incident edges from such a tiling yields an edge-to-edge planar triangulation. Conversely, given any edge-to-edge planar triangulation followed by insertion of a vertex and three edges that triangulate each triangle yields a convex plane tiling with NEBP. We exhibit an infinite family of nonconvex monohedral plane tilings with NEBP. We briefly discuss tilings of R3 with NEBP and exhibit a monohedral tetrahedral tiling of R3 with NEBP

    Tilings with the neighborhood property

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    The neighborhood N(T) of a tile T is the set of all tiles which meet T in at least one point. If for each tile T there is a different tile T1 such that N(T)=N(T1) then we say the tiling has the neighborhood property (NEBP). Grünbaum and Shepard conjecture that it is impossible to have a monohedral tiling of the plane such that every tile T has two different tiles T1, T2 with N(T)=N(T1)=N(T2). If all tiles are convex we show this conjecture is true by characterizing the convex plane tilings with NEBP. More precisely we prove that a convex plane tiling with NEBP has only triangular tiles and each tile has a 3-valent vertex. Removing 3-valent vertices and the incident edges from such a tiling yields an edge-to-edge planar triangulation. Conversely, given any edge-to-edge planar triangulation followed by insertion of a vertex and three edges that triangulate each triangle yields a convex plane tiling with NEBP. We exhibit an infinite family of nonconvex monohedral plane tilings with NEBP. We briefly discuss tilings of R3 with NEBP and exhibit a monohedral tetrahedral tiling of R3 with NEBP

    Improved specificity of gene silencing by siRNAs containing unlocked nucleobase analogs

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    siRNAs confer sequence specific and robust silencing of mRNA. By virtue of these properties, siRNAs have become therapeutic candidates for disease intervention. However, their use as therapeutic agents can be hampered by unintended off-target effects by either or both strands of the siRNA duplex. We report here that unlocked nucleobase analogs (UNAs) confer desirable properties to siRNAs. Addition of a single UNA at the 5′-terminus of the passenger strand blocks participation of the passenger strand in RISC-mediated target down-regulation with a concomitant increase in guide strand activity. Placement of a UNA in the seed region of the guide strand prevents miRNA-like off-target silencing without compromising siRNA activity. Most significantly, combined substitution of UNA at the 3′-termini of both strands, the addition of a UNA at the 5′-terminus of the passenger strand, and a single UNA in the seed region of the guide strand, reduced the global off-target events by more than 10-fold compared to unmodified siRNA. The reduction in off-target events was specific to UNA placement in the siRNA, with no apparent new off-target events. Taken together, these results indicate that when strategically placed, UNA substitutions have important implications for the design of safe and effective siRNA-based therapeutics

    The transcription factor Spores Absent A is a PKA dependent inducer of Dictyostelium sporulation

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    Abstract Sporulation in Dictyostelium fruiting bodies evolved from amoebozoan encystation with both being induced by cAMP acting on PKA, but with downstream components still being unknown. Using tagged mutagenesis to find missing pathway components, we identified a sporeless mutant defective in a nuclear protein, SpaA. Expression of prespore genes was strongly reduced in spaA- cells, while expression of many spore stage genes was absent. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of a SpaA-YFP gene fusion showed that (pre)spore gene promoters bind directly to SpaA, identifying SpaA as a transcriptional regulator. SpaA dependent spore gene expression required PKA in vivo and was stimulated in vitro by the membrane-permeant PKA agonist 8Br-cAMP. The PKA agonist also promoted SpaA binding to (pre)spore promoters, placing SpaA downstream of PKA. Sequencing of SpaA-YFP ChIPed DNA fragments revealed that SpaA binds at least 117 (pre)spore promoters, including those of other transcription factors that activate some spore genes. These factors are not in turn required for spaA expression, identifying SpaA as the major trancriptional inducer of sporulation

    Methamphetamine induces endoplasmic reticulum stress related gene CHOP/Gadd153/ddit3 in dopaminergic cells

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    We examined the toxicity of methamphetamine and dopamine in CATH.a cells, which were derived from mouse dopamine-producing neural cells in the central nervous system. Use of the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that transcripts of the endoplasmic reticulum stress related gene (CHOP/Gadd153/ddit3) were considerably induced at 24–48 h after methamphetamine administration (but only under apoptotic conditions), whereas dopamine slightly induced CHOP/Gadd153/ddit3 transcripts at an early stage. We also found that dopamine and methamphetamine weakly induced transcripts for the glucose-regulated protein 78 gene (Grp78/Bip) at the early stage. Analysis by immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated an increase of CHOP/Gadd153/ddit3 and Grp78/Bip proteins at 24 h after methamphetamine administration. Treatment of CATH.a cells with methamphetamine caused a re-distribution of dopamine inside the cells, which mimicked the presynaptic activity of neurons with cell bodies located in the ventral tegmental area or the substantia nigra. Thus, we have demonstrated the existence of endoplasmic reticulum stress in a model of presynaptic dopaminergic neurons for the first time. Together with the recent evidence suggesting the importance of presynaptic toxicity, our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of dopamine toxicity, which might represent one of the most important mechanisms of methamphetamine toxicity and addiction

    The Circadian Response of Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells

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    Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) signal environmental light level to the central circadian clock and contribute to the pupil light reflex. It is unknown if ipRGC activity is subject to extrinsic (central) or intrinsic (retinal) network-mediated circadian modulation during light entrainment and phase shifting. Eleven younger persons (18–30 years) with no ophthalmological, medical or sleep disorders participated. The activity of the inner (ipRGC) and outer retina (cone photoreceptors) was assessed hourly using the pupil light reflex during a 24 h period of constant environmental illumination (10 lux). Exogenous circadian cues of activity, sleep, posture, caffeine, ambient temperature, caloric intake and ambient illumination were controlled. Dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) was determined from salivary melatonin assay at hourly intervals, and participant melatonin onset values were set to 14 h to adjust clock time to circadian time. Here we demonstrate in humans that the ipRGC controlled post-illumination pupil response has a circadian rhythm independent of external light cues. This circadian variation precedes melatonin onset and the minimum ipRGC driven pupil response occurs post melatonin onset. Outer retinal photoreceptor contributions to the inner retinal ipRGC driven post-illumination pupil response also show circadian variation whereas direct outer retinal cone inputs to the pupil light reflex do not, indicating that intrinsically photosensitive (melanopsin) retinal ganglion cells mediate this circadian variation

    Differential predictors of acute post-surgical pain intensity after abdominal hysterectomy and major joint arthroplasty

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    Author's personal copyBACKGROUND Psychological factors have a significant role in post-surgical pain, and their study can inform pain management. PURPOSE The aims of this study are to identify psychological predictors of post-surgical pain following abdominal hysterectomy (AH) and major joint arthroplasty (MJA) and to investigate differential predictors by type of surgery. METHOD One hundred forty-two women undergoing AH and 110 patients undergoing MJA were assessed 24 h before (T1) and 48 h after (T2) surgery. RESULTS A predictive post-surgical pain model was found for AH and MJA yielding pre-surgical pain experience and pain catastrophizing as significant predictors and a significant interaction of pre-surgical optimism and surgery type. Separate regression models by surgery type showed that pre-surgical optimism was the best predictor of post-surgical pain after MJA, but not after AH. CONCLUSIONS Findings highlight the relevance of psychological predictors for both surgeries and the value of targeting specific psychological factors by surgery type in order to effectively manage acute post-surgical pain.Supported by a project grant (PTDC/SAU-NEU/108557/2008) and by a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/36368/2007) from the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology, COMPETE, and FEDE

    Effects of Subthalamic Nucleus Lesions and Stimulation upon Corticostriatal Afferents in the 6-Hydroxydopamine-Lesioned Rat

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    Abnormalities of striatal glutamate neurotransmission may play a role in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and may respond to neurosurgical interventions, specifically stimulation or lesioning of the subthalamic nucleus (STN). The major glutamatergic afferent pathways to the striatum are from the cortex and thalamus, and are thus likely to be sources of striatal neuronally-released glutamate. Corticostriatal terminals can be distinguished within the striatum at the electron microscopic level as their synaptic vesicles contain the vesicular glutamate transporter, VGLUT1. The majority of terminals which are immunolabeled for glutamate but are not VGLUT1 positive are likely to be thalamostriatal afferents. We compared the effects of short term, high frequency, STN stimulation and lesioning in 6-hydroxydopamine (6OHDA)-lesioned rats upon striatal terminals immunolabeled for both presynaptic glutamate and VGLUT1. 6OHDA lesions resulted in a small but significant increase in the proportions of VGLUT1-labeled terminals making synapses on dendritic shafts rather than spines. STN stimulation for one hour, but not STN lesions, increased the proportion of synapses upon spines. The density of presynaptic glutamate immuno-gold labeling was unchanged in both VGLUT1-labeled and -unlabeled terminals in 6OHDA-lesioned rats compared to controls. Rats with 6OHDA lesions+STN stimulation showed a decrease in nerve terminal glutamate immuno-gold labeling in both VGLUT1-labeled and -unlabeled terminals. STN lesions resulted in a significant decrease in the density of presynaptic immuno-gold-labeled glutamate only in VGLUT1-labeled terminals. STN interventions may achieve at least part of their therapeutic effect in PD by normalizing the location of corticostriatal glutamatergic terminals and by altering striatal glutamatergic neurotransmission


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    The neighborhood N(T) of a tile T is the set of all tiles which meet T in at least one point. If for each tile T there is a different tile T1 such that N(T) N(T1) then we say the tiling has the neighborhood property (NEBP). Cm:inbaum and Shepard conjecture that it is impossible to have a monohedral tiling of the plane such that every tile T has two different tiles TI,T2 with N(T) N(T) N(T:z). If all tiles are convex we show this conjecture is true by characterizing the convex plane tilings with NEBP. More precisely we prove that a convex plane tiling with NEBP has only triangular tiles and each tile has a 3-valent vertex. Removing 3-valent vertices and the incident edges from such a tiling yields an edge-to-edge planar triangulation. Conversely, given any edge-to-edge planar triangulation followed by insertion of a vertex and three edges that triangulate each triangle yields a convex plane tiling with NEBP. We exhibit an infinite family of nonconvex monohedral plane tilings with NEBP. We briefly discuss tilings of R3 with NEBP and exhibit a monohedral tetrahedral tiling of R3 with NEBP