6,030 research outputs found

    Limit Cycles and Conformal Invariance

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    There is a widely held belief that conformal field theories (CFTs) require zero beta functions. Nevertheless, the work of Jack and Osborn implies that the beta functions are not actually the quantites that decide conformality, but until recently no such behavior had been exhibited. Our recent work has led to the discovery of CFTs with nonzero beta functions, more precisely CFTs that live on recurrent trajectories, e.g., limit cycles, of the beta-function vector field. To demonstrate this we study the S function of Jack and Osborn. We use Weyl consistency conditions to show that it vanishes at fixed points and agrees with the generator Q of limit cycles on them. Moreover, we compute S to third order in perturbation theory, and explicitly verify that it agrees with our previous determinations of Q. A byproduct of our analysis is that, in perturbation theory, unitarity and scale invariance imply conformal invariance in four-dimensional quantum field theories. Finally, we study some properties of these new, "cyclic" CFTs, and point out that the a-theorem still governs the asymptotic behavior of renormalization-group flows.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures. Expanded introduction to make clear that cycles discussed in this work are not associated with unitary theories that are scale but not conformally invarian

    Limit Cycles in Four Dimensions

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    We present an example of a limit cycle, i.e., a recurrent flow-line of the beta-function vector field, in a unitary four-dimensional gauge theory. We thus prove that beta functions of four-dimensional gauge theories do not produce gradient flows. The limit cycle is established in perturbation theory with a three-loop calculation which we describe in detail.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Significant revision of the interpretation of our result. Improved description of three-loop calculatio

    SM(2,4k) fermionic characters and restricted jagged partitions

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    A derivation of the basis of states for the SM(2,4k)SM(2,4k) superconformal minimal models is presented. It relies on a general hypothesis concerning the role of the null field of dimension 2k1/22k-1/2. The basis is expressed solely in terms of GrG_r modes and it takes the form of simple exclusion conditions (being thus a quasi-particle-type basis). Its elements are in correspondence with (2k1)(2k-1)-restricted jagged partitions. The generating functions of the latter provide novel fermionic forms for the characters of the irreducible representations in both Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors.Comment: 12 page

    Properties of Non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall States at Filling ν=kr\nu=\frac{k}{r}

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    We compute the physical properties of non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) states described by Jack polynomials at general filling ν=kr\nu=\frac{k}{r}. For r=2r=2, these states are identical to the ZkZ_k Read-Rezayi parafermions, whereas for r>2r>2 they represent new FQH states. The r=k+1r=k+1 states, multiplied by a Vandermonde determinant, are a non-Abelian alternative construction of states at fermionic filling 2/5,3/7,4/9...2/5, 3/7, 4/9.... We obtain the thermal Hall coefficient, the quantum dimensions, the electron scaling exponent, and show that the non-Abelian quasihole has a well-defined propagator falling off with the distance. The clustering properties of the Jack polynomials, provide a strong indication that the states with r>2r>2 can be obtained as correlators of fields of \emph{non-unitary} conformal field theories, but the CFT-FQH connection fails when invoked to compute physical properties such as thermal Hall coefficient or, more importantly, the quasihole propagator. The quasihole wavefuntion, when written as a coherent state representation of Jack polynomials, has an identical structure for \emph{all} non-Abelian states at filling ν=kr\nu=\frac{k}{r}.Comment: 2 figure

    Scale without Conformal Invariance at Three Loops

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    We carry out a three-loop computation that establishes the existence of scale without conformal invariance in dimensional regularization with the MS scheme in d=4-epsilon spacetime dimensions. We also comment on the effects of scheme changes in theories with many couplings, as well as in theories that live on non-conformal scale-invariant renormalization group trajectories. Stability properties of such trajectories are analyzed, revealing both attractive and repulsive directions in a specific example. We explain how our results are in accord with those of Jack & Osborn on a c-theorem in d=4 (and d=4-epsilon) dimensions. Finally, we point out that limit cycles with turning points are unlike limit cycles with continuous scale invariance.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, Erratum adde

    Neutron star radii and crusts: uncertainties and unified equations of state

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    The uncertainties in neutron star (NS) radii and crust properties due to our limited knowledge of the equation of state (EOS) are quantitatively analysed. We first demonstrate the importance of a unified microscopic description for the different baryonic densities of the star. If the pressure functional is obtained matching a crust and a core EOS based on models with different properties at nuclear matter saturation, the uncertainties can be as large as 30%\sim 30\% for the crust thickness and 4%4\% for the radius. Necessary conditions for causal and thermodynamically consistent matchings between the core and the crust are formulated and their consequences examined. A large set of unified EOS for purely nucleonic matter is obtained based on 24 Skyrme interactions and 9 relativistic mean-field nuclear parametrizations. In addition, for relativistic models 17 EOS including a transition to hyperonic matter at high density are presented. All these EOS have in common the property of describing a 2  M2\;M_\odot star and of being causal within stable NS. A span of 3\sim 3 km and 4\sim 4 km is obtained for the radius of, respectively, 1.0  M1.0\;M_\odot and 2.0  M2.0\;M_\odot star. Applying a set of nine further constraints from experiment and ab-initio calculations the uncertainty is reduced to 1\sim 1 km and 22 km, respectively. These residual uncertainties reflect lack of constraints at large densities and insufficient information on the density dependence of the EOS near the nuclear matter saturation point. The most important parameter to be constrained is shown to be the symmetry energy slope LL which exhibits a linear correlation with the stellar radius, particularly for masses 1.0  M\sim 1.0\;M_\odot. Potential constraints on LL, the NS radius and the EOS from observations of thermal states of NS are also discussed. [Abriged]Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C. Supplemental material not include

    The aa-theorem and the Asymptotics of 4D Quantum Field Theory

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    We study the possible IR and UV asymptotics of 4D Lorentz invariant unitary quantum field theory. Our main tool is a generalization of the Komargodski-Schwimmer proof for the aa-theorem. We use this to rule out a large class of renormalization group flows that do not asymptote to conformal field theories in the UV and IR. We show that if the IR (UV) asymptotics is described by perturbation theory, all beta functions must vanish faster than (1/lnμ)1/2(1/|\ln\mu|)^{1/2} as μ0\mu \to 0 (μ\mu \to \infty). This implies that the only possible asymptotics within perturbation theory is conformal field theory. In particular, it rules out perturbative theories with scale but not conformal invariance, which are equivalent to theories with renormalization group pseudocycles. Our arguments hold even for theories with gravitational anomalies. We also give a non-perturbative argument that excludes theories with scale but not conformal invariance. This argument holds for theories in which the stress-energy tensor is sufficiently nontrivial in a technical sense that we make precise.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures. v2: Arguments clarified, some side comments corrected, connection to previous work by Jack and Osborn described, conclusions unaffecte

    New path description for the M(k+1,2k+3) models and the dual Z_k graded parafermions

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    We present a new path description for the states of the non-unitary M(k+1,2k+3) models. This description differs from the one induced by the Forrester-Baxter solution, in terms of configuration sums, of their restricted-solid-on-solid model. The proposed path representation is actually very similar to the one underlying the unitary minimal models M(k+1,k+2), with an analogous Fermi-gas interpretation. This interpretation leads to fermionic expressions for the finitized M(k+1,2k+3) characters, whose infinite-length limit represent new fermionic characters for the irreducible modules. The M(k+1,2k+3) models are also shown to be related to the Z_k graded parafermions via a (q to 1/q) duality transformation.Comment: 43 pages (minor typo corrected and minor rewording in the introduction

    Interaction of a high-mass X-ray binary with the interstellar medium through stellar wind. The case of GX 301-2

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    GX 301-2 is a high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) with strong stellar outflows. The evolution of these binaries can be closely related with the interstellar environment due to strong wind interactions. We try to constrain the energy injected in the interstellar medium by GX 301-2 through stellar wind using HAWK-I and Herschel data. We analysed HAWK-I images in four different filters (Brγ\gamma, H2_2, J, and Ks) and tried to retrieve signatures of the impact of GX 301-2 on its environment. We used Herschel data to outline the interstellar medium and the Gaia DR3 catalogue to infer the proper motion of GX 301-2. Finally, we estimated the energy injected in the interstellar medium since the first supernova event of the HMXB. Using both HAWK-I and Herschel images, we deduce an approximation of the total mass injected from GX~301-2 in the interstellar medium of Minj=3.050.03+0.05102MM_{\rm inj} = 3.05 ^{+0.05}_{-0.03} 10^{-2} M_{\odot}.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure