453 research outputs found
The spatial damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves in a flowing partially ionised prominence plasma
Solar prominences are partially ionised plasmas displaying flows and
oscillations. These oscillations show time and spatial damping and, commonly,
have been explained in terms of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. We study the
spatial damping of linear non-adiabatic MHD waves in a flowing partially
ionised plasma, having prominence-like physical properties. We consider single
fluid equations for a partially ionised hydrogen plasma including in the energy
equation optically thin radiation, thermal conduction by electrons and
neutrals, and heating. Keeping the frequency real and fixed, we have solved the
obtained dispersion relations for the complex wavenumber, k, and have analysed
the behaviour of the damping length, wavelength and the ratio of the damping
length to the wavelength, versus period, for Alfven, fast, slow and thermal
waves.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure
High-overtone fits to numerical relativity ringdowns: beyond the dismissed n=8 special tone
In general relativity, the remnant object originating from an uncharged black hole merger is a Kerr black hole. The approach to this final state is reached through the emission of a late train of radiation known as the black hole ringdown. The ringdown morphology is described by a countably infinite set of damped sinusoids, whose complex frequencies are solely determined by the final black hole's mass and spin. Recent results advocate that ringdown waveforms from numerical relativity can be fully described from the peak of the strain onwards if quasi-normal mode models with overtones are used. In this work we extend this analysis to models with up to overtones by exploring the parameter bias on the final mass and final spin obtained by fitting the nonprecessing binary black hole simulations from the SXS catalogue. To this aim, we have computed the spin weight quasi-normal mode frequencies and angular separation constants for the special overtones for the Kerr spacetime. We find that a total of overtones are on average sufficient to model the ringdown starting at the peak of the strain, although about of the cases studied require at least overtones to reach a comparable accuracy on the final state parameters. Considering the waveforms from an earlier or later point in time, we find that a very similar maximum accuracy can be reached in each case, occurring at a different number of overtones . We provide new error estimates for the SXS waveforms based on the extrapolation and the resolution uncertainties of the gravitational wave strain. Finally, we observe substantial instabilities on the values of the best-fit amplitudes of the tones beyond the fundamental mode and the first overtone, that, nevertheless, do not impact significantly the mass and spin estimates
A novel ringdown amplitude-phase consistency test
The ringdown signal emitted during a binary black hole coalescence can be modeled as a linear superposition of the characteristic damped modes of the remnant black hole that get excited during the merger phase. While checking the consistency of the measured frequencies and damping times against the Kerr BH spectrum predicted by General Relativity~(GR) is a cornerstone of strong-field tests of gravity, the consistency of measured excitation amplitudes and phases have been largely left unexplored. For a nonprecessing, quasi-circular binary black hole merger, we find that GR predicts a narrow region in the space of mode amplitude ratio and phase difference, independently of the spin of the binary components. % Using this unexpected result, we develop a new null test of strong-field gravity which demands that the measured amplitudes and phases of different ringdown modes should lie within this narrow region predicted by GR. We call this the \emph{amplitude-phase consistency test} and introduce a procedure for performing it using information from the ringdown signal. Lastly, we apply this test to the GW190521 event, using the multimodal ringdown parameters inferred by Capano et al.~(2021)~\cite{Capano:2021etf}. While ringdown measurements errors for this event are large, we show that GW190521 is consistent with the amplitude-phase consistency test. Our test is particularly well suited for accommodating multiple loud ringdown detections as those expected in the near future, and can be used complementarily to standard black-hole spectroscopy as a proxy for modified gravity, compact objects other than black holes, and binary precession
Home i natura: els usos tradicionals del sòl i la pesca
Cabrera, lloc de pas de les antigues rutes marÃtimes de la mediterrà nia occidental, illa en els lÃmits de l'habitable, ha estat escassament poblada. La naturalesa, d'una banda, i els condicionants socials i històrics, de l'altra, s'han aliat per allunyar la societat. Aixà i tot, l'home ha utilitzat els recursos naturals de l'Arxipèlag. Les activitats ramadera, agrÃcola, forestal i pesquera es repeteixen al llarg de la història amb intensitat variable. D'altra banda, l'ús militar i, més modernament, el turÃstic, també han tingut repercussions sobre el paisatge. En aquest article feim un breu repà s de les activitats tradicionals de l'home a Cabrera, analitzant-les des de la perspectiva històrica.The harsh nature and social and historic constraints have made Cabrera be nearly always very scantly populated during all its history. The antique merchant ship routes have made use of the port of Cabrera, and the natural resources of the island have always been exploited (farming, livestock raising and fishing). In more recent times Cabrera has been used military and now days the most important usage of the archipelago is tourism. We discuss the traditional activities of man on Cabrera with a historical perspective
Ringdown overtones, black hole spectroscopy and, no-hair theorem tests
Validating the black-hole no-hair theorem with gravitational-wave observations of compact binary coalescences provide a compelling argument that the remnant object is indeed a black hole as described by the general theory of relativity. This requires performing a spectroscopic analysis of the post-merger signal and resolving the frequencies of either different angular modes or overtones (of the same angular mode). For a nearly-equal mass binary black-hole system, only the dominant angular mode () is sufficiently excited and the overtones are instrumental to perform this test. Here we investigate the robustness of modelling the post-merger signal of a binary black hole coalescence as a superposition of overtones. Further, we study the bias expected in the recovered frequencies as a function of the start time of a spectroscopic analysis and provide a computationally cheap procedure to choose it based on the interplay between the expected statistical error due to the detector noise and the systematic errors due to waveform modelling. Moreover, since the overtone frequencies are closely spaced, we find that resolving the overtones is particularly challenging and requires a loud ringdown signal. Rayleigh's resolvability criterion suggests that --~in an optimistic scenario~-- a ringdown signal-to-noise ratio larger than (achievable possibly with LIGO at design sensitivity and routinely with future interferometers such as Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer, and LISA) is necessary to resolve the overtone frequencies. We then conclude with discussions on some conceptual issues associated with black-hole spectroscopy with overtones
V12 248. Reemplazo de raÃz de aorta según técnica de david y de arco aórtico con injerto trifurcado, en un paciente diagnosticado de sÃndrome de loeys-dietz
IntroducciónSe describe la técnica quirúrgica de un paciente de 24 años de edad con sÃndrome de Loeys-Dietz. Se trata de una enfermedad hereditaria del tejido conectivo producida por la mutación del gen del receptor del factor de crecimiento transformante (TGF)-β;. Su caracterÃstica principal y condicionante del pronóstico es la dilatación del sistema vascular, principalmente la aorta.MétodoEl paciente presentaba dilatación aneurismática de la raÃz y del arco aórtico, con un diámetro máximo de 50 mm. TenÃa además historia familiar de muerte súbita de origen cardÃaco en tres familiares de primer grado a edades tempranas. Ante la indicación de tratamiento quirúrgico se procedió a realizar sustitución de los segmentos aneurismáticos. En la raÃz aórtica se realizó técnica de preservación valvular (técnica de David, modificación de Miller). La sustitución del arco aórtico se llevó a cabo mediante interposición de injerto trifurcado, en hipotermia moderada y con perfusión cerebral anterógrada.Resultado y conclusionesNo hubo complicaciones postoperatorias. El tratamiento quirúrgico precoz en los pacientes afectos de sÃndrome de Loeys-Dietz es imprescindible. La experiencia acumulada hasta el momento revela la agresividad de esta enfermedad. Por ello, es necesario un abordaje completo cuando existe afectación a distintos niveles. El empleo de técnicas de preservación valvular permite además disminuir la morbimortalidad asociada a las prótesis valvulares
Damping mechanisms for oscillations in solar prominences
Small amplitude oscillations are a commonly observed feature in
prominences/filaments. These oscillations appear to be of local nature, are
associated to the fine structure of prominence plasmas, and simultaneous flows
and counterflows are also present. The existing observational evidence reveals
that small amplitude oscillations, after excited, are damped in short spatial
and temporal scales by some as yet not well determined physical mechanism(s).
Commonly, these oscillations have been interpreted in terms of linear
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, and this paper reviews the theoretical damping
mechanisms that have been recently put forward in order to explain the observed
attenuation scales. These mechanisms include thermal effects, through
non-adiabatic processes, mass flows, resonant damping in non-uniform media, and
partial ionization effects. The relevance of each mechanism is assessed by
comparing the spatial and time scales produced by each of them with those
obtained from observations. Also, the application of the latest theoretical
results to perform prominence seismology is discussed, aiming to determine
physical parameters in prominence plasmas that are difficult to measure by
direct means.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figures, Space Science Reviews (accepted
Physics of Solar Prominences: II - Magnetic Structure and Dynamics
Observations and models of solar prominences are reviewed. We focus on
non-eruptive prominences, and describe recent progress in four areas of
prominence research: (1) magnetic structure deduced from observations and
models, (2) the dynamics of prominence plasmas (formation and flows), (3)
Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) waves in prominences and (4) the formation and
large-scale patterns of the filament channels in which prominences are located.
Finally, several outstanding issues in prominence research are discussed, along
with observations and models required to resolve them.Comment: 75 pages, 31 pictures, review pape
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