53 research outputs found

    Analysis of the PLL phase error in presence of simulated ionospheric scintillation events

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    Refractive scattering evidence from multifrequency scintillation spectra observed at auroral latitudes

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    Comparison of ionospheric scintillation models with experimental data for satellite navigation applications

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    A comparison between two of the most used scintillation models and experimental data is presented. The experimental
 data have been derived from a GPS scintillation monitor developed at Cornell University and placed in Tucuman
 (Argentina), under the peak of the anomaly. The models used (GISM and WBMOD) have been run for the
 geophysical conditions corresponding to the measurements. The comparison is done by subdividing the information
 on the basis of an ionospheric grid of 5°×5° surface square boxes. The comparison has been performed for
 several local times, from 18 LT until 04 LT. Here, only a few cases of particular interest are shown. The goal is to
 understand if the models are able to forecast actual scintillation morphology (from the satellite navigation systems
 point of view) and if they could be used to yield an estimate of scintillation effects on satellite navigation systems

    A virtual engine laboratory for teaching powertrain engineering

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    A virtual engine laboratory application for use in automotive engineering education is proposed to allow the practical teaching of powertrain calibration. The laboratory software is built as a flexible Matlab tool that can easily be transferred for applications in other disciplines and promotes the link between teaching and research

    Methodology to estimate ionospheric scintillation risk maps and their contribution to position dilution of precision on the ground

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    Satellite-based communications, navigation systems and many scientific instruments rely on observations of trans-ionospheric signals. The quality of these signals can be deteriorated by ionospheric scintillation which can have detrimental effects on the mentioned applications. Therefore, monitoring of ionospheric scintillation and quantifying its effect on the ground are of significant interest. In this work, we develop a methodology which estimates the scintillation induced ionospheric uncertainties in the sky and translates their impact to the end-users on the ground. First, by using the risk concept from decision theory and by exploiting the intensity and duration of scintillation events (as measured by the S4 index), we estimate ionospheric risk maps that could readily give an initial impression on the effects of scintillation on the satellite-receiver communication. However, to better understand the influence of scintillation on the positioning accuracy on the ground, we formulate a new weighted dilution of precision (WPDOP) measure that incorporates the ionospheric scintillation risks as weighting factors for the given satellite-receiver constellations. These weights depend implicitly on scintillation intensity and duration thresholds which can be specified by the end-user based on the sensitivity of the application, for example. We demonstrate our methodology by using scintillation data from South America, and produce ionospheric risk maps which illustrate broad scintillation activity, especially at the equatorial anomaly. Moreover, we construct ground maps of WPDOP over a grid of hypothetical receivers which reveal that ionospheric scintillation can also affect such regions of the continent that are not exactly under the observed ionospheric scintillation structures. Particularly, this is evident in cases when only the Global Positioning System (GPS) is available.Comment: Keywords: Ionospheric scintillation risk, dilution of precision, statistics error covariances, weights, South America, S4 index, GNSS positioning uncertaint

    A different approach to the analysis of GPS scintillation data

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    Amplitude scintillation data from GPS were analyzed. The objective is to estimate the impact of ionospheric scintillations at Satellite Based Augmentation Systems Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station (SBAS RIMS) level and at GPS user level. For this purpose, a new approach to the problem was considered. Data were studied from the point of view of the impact of scintillations on the calculation of VTEC at pierce points and ionospheric grid points. An ionospheric grid of 5° 5° surface squares was assumed. From geometrical considerations and
 taking into account the basic principle to compute VTEC at grid points, with the data analyzed it is shown that scintillations very seldom affect the calculation of a grid point VTEC. Data from all the RIMS and for the entire GPS satellites network must be analyzed simultaneously to describe a realistic scenario for the impact of scintillations on SBAS. Finally, GPS scintillation data were analyzed at user level: service availability problems were encountered

    Impact of Swarm GPS receiver updates on POD performance

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    The Swarm satellites are equipped with state-of-the-art Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, which are used for the precise geolocation of the magnetic and electric field instruments, as well as for the determination of the Earth’s gravity field, the total electron content and low-frequency thermospheric neutral densities. The onboard GPS receivers deliver high-quality data with an almost continuous data rate. However, the receivers show a slightly degraded performance when flying over the geomagnetic poles and the geomagnetic equator, due to ionospheric scintillation. Furthermore, with only eight channels available for dual-frequency tracking, the amount of collected GPS tracking data is relatively low compared with various other missions. Therefore, several modifications have been implemented to the Swarm GPS receivers. To optimise the amount of collected GPS data, the GPS antenna elevation mask has slowly been reduced from 10° to 2°. To improve the robustness against ionospheric scintillation, the bandwidths of the GPS receiver tracking loops have been widened. Because these modifications were first implemented on Swarm- C, their impact can be assessed by a comparison with the close flying Swarm-A satellite. This shows that both modifications have a positive impact on the GPS receiver performance. The reduced elevation mask increases the amount of GPS tracking data by more than 3 %, while the updated tracking loops lead to around 1.3 % more observations and a significant reduction in tracking losses due to severe equatorial scintillation. The additional observations at low elevation angles increase the average noise of the carrier phase observations, but nonetheless slightly improve the resulting reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbit accuracy as shown by independent satellite laser ranging (SLR) validation. The more robust tracking loops significantly reduce the large carrier phase observation errors at the geomagnetic poles and along the geomagnetic equator and do not degrade the observations at midlatitudes. SLR validation indicates that the updated tracking loops also improve the reduced-dynamic and kinematic orbit accuracy. It is expected that the Swarm gravity field recovery will benefit from the improved kinematic orbit quality and potentially also from the expected improvement of the kinematic baseline determination and the anticipated reduction in the systematic gravity field errors along the geomagnetic equator. Finally, other satellites that carry GPS receivers that encounter similar disturbances might also benefit from this analysis

    Identification of scintillation signatures on GPS signals originating from plasma structures detected with EISCAT incoherent scatter radar along the same line of sight

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    Ionospheric scintillation originates from the scattering of electromagnetic waves through spatial gradients in the plasma density distribution, drifting across a given propagation direction. Ionospheric scintillation represents a disruptive manifestation of adverse space weather conditions through degradation of the reliability and continuity of satellite telecommunication and navigation systems and services (e.g. EGNOS). The purpose of the experiment presented here was to determine the contribution of auroral ionisation structures to GPS scintillation. EISCAT measurements were obtained along the same line of sight of a given GPS satellite observed from Tromso and followed by means of the ESCAT UHF radar to causally identify plasma structures that give rise to scintillation on the co-aligned GPS radio link. Large-scale structures associated with the northern edge of the ionospheric trough, with auroral arcs in the nightside auroral oval and with particle precipitation at the onset of a substorm were indeed identified as responsible for enhanced phase scintillation at L band. For the first time it was observed that the observed large-scale structures did not cascade into smaller-scale structures, leading to enhanced phase scintillation without amplitude scintillation. More measurements and theory are necessary to understand the mechanism responsible for the inhibition of large-to-small scale energy cascade and to reproduce the observations. This aspect is fundamental to model the scattering of radio waves propagating through these ionisation structures. New insights from this experiment allow a better characterisation of the impact that space weather can have on satellite telecommunications and navigation services