5 research outputs found

    Växter och jord i urban miljö

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    Detta arbete består av två delar. En litteraturstudie med stort fokus på jorden och en praktisk undersökning av trädraden vid Västergatan i Eslöv där vegetationen består av Acer platanoides och Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa'. Litteraturstudien omfattar: • egenskaper man kan förvänta sig i en urban jord • markpackningens betydelse för jordens vattenhållande förmåga samt för växterna • vikten av lufttillgång för växternas rötter • hur markporförekomsten påverkar dräneringsförhållandena i jorden • kort om pH och näringsämnen • hur vägsaltning påverkar marken och växterna • vikten av etableringsskötsel, åtgärder vid slitage/sabotage • kort om ohyra och rotskador vid anläggningsarbete Fallstudien omfattar: • undersökning av träden genom − omkretsmätning av samtliga träd på den aktuella sträckan − årsringsmätning med hjälp av borrkärnsprover hos fem slumpmässigt valda träd − okulär analys • undersökning av marken genom − enkla jordanalyser med hjälp av agronomkäpp − att känna på marken med penetrometerkäpp − analys av en 94 cm djup provgrop, med dess fyra horisonter − bedömning av rotförekomst I min undersökning har träden varit svåra att analysera, eftersom de saknat bladmassa och grenverket sitter mycket högt. Jag tog borrkärnsprover ur veden för att bedöma årsringstillväxten, men dessa är för få för att jag ska kunna dra några pålitliga slutsatser ur dem och jag har enbart hittat borrkärnemätning på en lönn i litteraturen. Min slutsats är att marken är kompakterad till kraftigt kompakterad, beroende på djup. Stefanandra är intolerant mot salt och eftersom ett stort antal har gått bort, misstänker jag höga salthalter i jorden. Denna hypotes styrks av den frekventa vägsaltningen vintertid. Jag föreslår att matjorden byts ut, alven djupluckras och växtmaterialet byts ut mot ett bättre fungerande material för urban miljö. Man bör därefter övergå till att använda någon form av skydd mot den intensiva halkbekämpning som periodvis förekommer

    Midwives way to carry out the visit for the booking interviews

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    Bakgrund: Barnmorskor bör eftersträva en god vårdrelation för att överbrygga den sårbarhet och osäkerhet graviditeten skapar. Inskrivningsbesöken vid graviditet är omfattande, det är mycket information som ska hanteras, vilket försvårar möjligheten till en god vårdrelation. Syfte: Belysa hur barnmorskor vid mödrahälsovården genomför inskrivningsbesöken för att skapa en god vårdrelation. Metod: Datamaterial samlades in via intervjuer och analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Barnmorskorna beskriver vikten av att skapa balans mellan graviditeten i fokus och de medicinska riktlinjerna i inskrivningsbesöken. Graviditeten är den centrala anledningen till besöken så fokus behöver ägnas åt att stärka den gravida/partnern i övergången till föräldrablivandet. Inskrivningsbesöken innebär hantering av medicinska uppgifter, vilka är centrala för vårdplaneringen men kan försvåra den gravidas/partnerns fokus på graviditeten. Den gravidas/partnerns möjlighet till delaktighet vid inskrivningsbesöken beskrivs som central. Avgörande för delaktighet är möjligheten till berättande, kroppsspråk, miljön och stöd av metoder för att främja besökens genomförande. För att främja samtalet används olika former av mallar och fraser samt strategier kring hur dokumentationen handhas. Konklusion: Barnmorskorna beskriver strategier och metoder som centrala för att främja den gravidas/partnerns delaktighet i inskrivningsbesöken.Background: Midwives should strive for a secure care relationship to overcome the vulnerability of pregnancy. Booking interviews contains lot of information which makes it harder to accomplish a secure care relationship. Purpose: To illustrate how midwives at antenatal care conducts the booking interviews to create a secure care relationship. Method: The data was collected by interviews and analyzed by qualitative content analysis with inductive approach. Result: Midwives describe the importance to create balance between keeping the pregnancy in focus and the medical guidelines during the interviews. The pregnancy is the central reason for the interviews, thus the focus needs to be aimed strengthen the transition to parenthood. The booking interviews involve gathering medical information which is central for the care planning, but it can complicate the pregnant/partners focus on the pregnancy. It’s described as central that the pregnant/partner participates in the interviews. Crucial for participation is the possibility of narration, body language, the environment and support of methods to carrying through the visit. Various templates and phrases are used to help the conversation, and also various strategies how the documentation are handled. Conclusion: Midwives describe strategies and methods as central to promoting the pregnant/partners participation in the booking interviews

    Parents' experiences of recieving support through extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months : Phenomenographic interview study

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    Background: Parenting is life-changing, a stable and secure social network, and a well-functioning relationship contributes to a positive perceived parenting. It’s essential to be able to adapt parenting support and to discover parents with increased need for support early, in which home-visits can be an important part. This study describes parents' experiences of a care intervention that involves professional support in form of extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months of life. Aim: To describe parents' experiences of receiving support through extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months of life. Method: Qualitative study with inductive approach. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted. Phenomenographic method was used for data analysis. Results: Parents' experiences of receiving support through extended home-visits resulted in three categories: The place and form of the meeting are important for parents' sense of coherence; Home-visits promote parents' sense of security and strengthen the parental role; Home-visits promote parental involvement, integration and relationships. Parents described that everything fell into place and became more real when they received support at home. Conclusion: Home-visits and support in the home environment increased parents' sense of coherence, participation, sense of security and strengthened their role as parents

    Parents' experiences of recieving support through extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months : Phenomenographic interview study

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    Background: Parenting is life-changing, a stable and secure social network, and a well-functioning relationship contributes to a positive perceived parenting. It’s essential to be able to adapt parenting support and to discover parents with increased need for support early, in which home-visits can be an important part. This study describes parents' experiences of a care intervention that involves professional support in form of extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months of life. Aim: To describe parents' experiences of receiving support through extended home-visits during pregnancy and the child's first fifteen months of life. Method: Qualitative study with inductive approach. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted. Phenomenographic method was used for data analysis. Results: Parents' experiences of receiving support through extended home-visits resulted in three categories: The place and form of the meeting are important for parents' sense of coherence; Home-visits promote parents' sense of security and strengthen the parental role; Home-visits promote parental involvement, integration and relationships. Parents described that everything fell into place and became more real when they received support at home. Conclusion: Home-visits and support in the home environment increased parents' sense of coherence, participation, sense of security and strengthened their role as parents

    Parents' Experiences of Receiving Professional Support Through Extended Home Visits During Pregnancy and Early Childhood : A Phenomenographic Study

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    Background: While becoming a parent can be challenging for all, it can particularly be challenging for those parents and children who are in a vulnerable situation—e.g., in families whose members have problems related to health, relationships, or socioeconomic status. It is essential for health care professionals to identify the more vulnerable families at an early stage. Home visits are one cost-effective way of identifying and supporting such families. This study describes the parental experiences of an intervention that involves professional support in the form of extended home visits. The aim of the study is to describe the parents' understanding of their experiences of receiving professional support through extended home visits both during pregnancy and the first 15 months of their child's life. Methods/Design: A phenomenographic approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 parents who had received the intervention. The interviews were analyzed using the seven-step phenomenography model described by Sjöström and Dahlgren. Results: The following three descriptive categories emerged from the analysis: (1) conceptions concerning the meaning of the physical environment, (2) conceptions concerning extended home visits promoting feelings of self-confidence in the parental role, and (3) conceptions concerning extended home visits promoting parental participation and relations. Conclusion and Clinical Implications: Extended home visits as a form of professional support appear to promote parental self-confidence in parenting ability, giving parents a feeling of security that facilitates conversation with professionals. Children and their entire families had natural roles during home visits, which allowed the children to behave more characteristically. Furthermore, the home visits were understood to facilitate social support through social activities at the child health center as well as integration into Swedish society for migrant parents. Professional support should be adjusted to the unique individual needs of parents, which demands a variety of supportive interventions—for example, reorganizing one or two of the regular clinical visits currently being scheduled as home visits instead.CC BY 4.0© Copyright © 2021 Bäckström, Thorstensson, Pihlblad, Forsman and Larsson.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)Correspondence: Caroline Bäckström [email protected]</p