54 research outputs found

    Ouvrir et gérer un restaurant: mode d'emploi

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    Vous dĂ©sirez ouvrir votre restaurant mais ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ou par oĂč commencer ? Utilisez ce guide. En effet, aprĂšs plusieurs annĂ©es d’expĂ©riences enrichissantes dans le milieu de la restauration, j’ai dĂ©cidĂ© de reprendre des Ă©tudes d’économie d’entreprise Ă  la haute Ă©cole de gestion de GenĂšve. Toujours intĂ©ressĂ©e par ce domaine, j’ai pu constatĂ© que c’était effectivement un secteur attrayant auprĂšs des jeunes entrepreneurs. A priori, c’est un secteur dans lequel la communication et les relations humaines sont omniprĂ©sentes et le travail est souvent effectuĂ© dans la joie et la bonne humeur. Cette vision est exactement celle d’un non initiĂ©. En rĂ©alitĂ©, la vie quotidienne d’un restaurant n’est pas si simple que cela. C’est une activitĂ© qui demande Ă©normĂ©ment d’efforts qu’ils soient d’ordre physique ou mental. De ce fait, lancer son affaire peut s’avĂ©rer trĂšs compliquĂ© si on ne connait pas le domaine et, Ă  l’inverse, une personne issue de la restauration pourra Ă©galement rencontrer des problĂšmes de gestion, entre autres. Ce travail a pour vocation d’ĂȘtre votre guide pour rĂ©aliser votre projet de restaurant. Il Ă©nonce les Ă©tapes principales de crĂ©ation Ă  prendre en compte afin d’acquĂ©rir l’établissement souhaitĂ©, la mise en place nĂ©cessaire Ă  son ouverture ainsi que la gestion courante du restaurant. Bien sĂ»r, ce guide n’a pas pour but d’ĂȘtre exhaustif dans tous les aspects d’un tel projet. NĂ©anmoins, il met en avant les problĂ©matiques et les points critiques Ă  prendre en considĂ©ration et vous propose des outils afin d’approfondir les thĂšmes. Le guide est indissociable de ses annexes. Elles proposent des complĂ©ments d’informations sur les sujets traitĂ©s, ainsi que des documents utiles Ă  l’application des conseils donnĂ©s. L’investissement personnel dans un tel projet est grand et il est important de s’informer au mieux et sans cesse afin d’optimiser ses chances de rĂ©ussite et de garantir la pĂ©rennitĂ© de son entreprise. Soyez curieux et allez chercher toujours plus loin afin de parfaire vos connaissances et de vous construire un futur Ă  la hauteur de vos espĂ©rances

    IDIAP Demonstration Management

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    Management of demonstrations developed by different groups is one of the responsibilities of the IDIAP system group. As IDIAP's growing, more and more demonstrations are available to present projects achievement and research results. The demos are often associated with programs and multiple data sources, which are not structural data. Therefore, the demo management becomes a tedious data-management task. To make this management work more efficient and dynamic, we developed an automatic Web-based demonstration management system. By using this system, you can easily present, update and manage the demos through a Web-based interface

    The \u3ci\u3eTbx20\u3c/i\u3e Homologs \u3ci\u3emidline\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eH15\u3c/i\u3e Specify Ventral Fate in the \u3ci\u3eDrosophila melanogaster\u3c/i\u3e Leg

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    Regional fates in the developing limbs of Drosophila melanogaster are controlled by selector gene transcription factors. Ventral fate in the fly leg is specified by the expression of the ligand Wingless. We present evidence that midline and H15, members of the Tbx20 class of T-box transcription factors, are key mediators of the Wingless signal in the formation of the ventral region of the fly leg. midline and H15 are restricted to identical ventral domains of expression through activation by Wingless and repression by the dorsal signal Decapentaplegic. midline and H15 function redundantly and cell autonomously in the formation of ventral-specific structures. Conversely, midline is sufficient to induce ventral fate. Finally, the induction of ectopic ventral fate by mid is compromised when Wingless signaling is attenuated, suggesting that Wingless acts both upstream and in parallel with midline/H15 to specify ventral fate. Based on these results, we propose that midline and H15 may be considered as the selector genes for ventral leg fate

    Handwriting Recognition Demo

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    This report describes the handwriting recognition demo on Linux and Windows. In the demo, we develop a prototype system of office management that provides pen-driven access to IDIAP people information, such as names, telephone numbers and nationalities through a digital tablet or a standard mouse. The demo provides handwriting cursive recognition and digits recognition functions, which aims at presenting a state-of-the-art off-line handwriting recognition and SVM Light recognizer technology developed at IDIAP

    Dedicated breast computed-tomography in women with a personal history of breast cancer: A proof-of-concept study.

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    PURPOSE To compare the subjective image quality assessment using B-CT and digital mammography in women with personal history of breast cancer (PHBC). METHOD In this retrospective study 32 patients with PHBC were included. Each patient had undergone a B-CT examination and a previous mammogram in a time interval of less than 18 months between the two examinations. Two radiologists evaluated the two examinations independently with regard to the presence of lesions, BI-RADS classification, level of confidence for the overall exam interpretation, scar evaluation and image quality including image degradation due to clip artifacts. Level of confidence and image quality were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale. A p-value of less than 0.01 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS Thirty-seven operated and 27 non-operated breasts were included. Confidence for the overall interpretation with B-CT was equal or superior to mammography in 63 cases (98.4 %) for reader 1 and in 58 cases (90.6 %) for reader 2 (p <.001). Confidence for scar evaluation with B-CT was equal or superior to mammography in all cases for reader 1 and in 34 cases (91.9 %) for readers 2 (p <.001). One case with local recurrence in B-CT was identified by both readers and no false positive findings were reported. A moderate to high image degradation due to beam-hardening artifacts has been reported by both readers in 29.4 % of cases due to surgical clips in the B-CT volume. CONCLUSIONS B-CT in patients with PHBC provides high quality images that can be evaluated with confidence equal or superior to mammography
