525 research outputs found

    Radiation reaction enhancement in flying focus pulses

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    Radiation reaction (RR) is the oldest still-unsolved problem in electrodynamics. In addition to conceptual difficulties in its theoretical formulation, the requirement of exceedingly large charge accelerations has thus far prevented its unambiguous experimental identification. Here, we show how measurable RR effects in a laser-electron interaction can be achieved through the use of flying focus pulses (FFPs). By allowing the focus to counterpropagate with respect to the pulse phase velocity, a FFP overcomes the intrinsic limitation of a conventional laser Gaussian pulse (GP) that limits its focus to a Rayleigh range. For an electron initially also counterpropagating with respect to the pulse phase velocity, an extended interaction length with the laser peak intensity is achieved in a FFP. As a result, the same RR deceleration factors are obtained, but at FFP laser powers orders of magnitude lower than for ultrashort GPs with the same energy. This renders the proposed setup much more stable than those using GPs and allows for more accurate \emph{in situ} diagnostics. Using the Landau-Lifshitz equation of motion, we show numerically and analytically that the capability of emerging laser systems to deliver focused FFPs will allow for a clear experimental identification of RR

    Sub-wavelength surface IR imaging of soft-condensed matter

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    Outlined here is a technique for sub-wavelength infrared surface imaging performed using a phase matched optical parametric oscillator laser and an atomic force microscope as the detection mechanism. The technique uses a novel surface excitation illumination approach to perform simultaneously chemical mapping and AFM topography imaging with an image resolution of 200 nm. This method was demonstrated by imaging polystyrene micro-structures

    Somatostatin-receptor scintigraphy for staging and follow-up of patients with extraintestinal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of the mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)-type

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    The majority of lymphomas of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)-type arise in the stomach, but extragastric locations are also frequently encountered. Due to previous results indicating that somatostatin receptor (SSTR)-expression distinguishes between gastric and extragastric MALT-type lymphoma, we have initiated a study to evaluate the role of SSTR-scintigraphy for staging and follow-up of patients with extragastric manifestations of MALT-type lymphoma. A total of 30 consecutive patients, including 24 with primary extragastric MALT-type lymphoma, 5 patients with dissemination to extragastric sites (including colon, lung, parotid, ocular adnexa and breast) following an initial gastric MALT-lymphoma and one patient with spread to stomach, lung and lymph nodes following parotid lymphoma were prospectively studied. All patients had histologically verified MALT-type lymphoma: 2 patients had lymphoma presenting in the lung, 9 in the ocular adnexa, 7 had lymphomas in the parotid, 2 patients had disease located in the breast, 3 patients had lymph-node relapse following MALT-type lymphoma of the parotid, the lacrimal gland and the thyroid, and 1 had primary MALT-lymphoma of the liver. All patients underwent SSTR-scintigraphy using 111In-DTPA-D-Phe1-Octreotide (111In-OCT) before initiation of therapy, while 13 also had a second scan after treatment. The results of gamma camera imaging were compared to conventional staging. No positive scans could be obtained in patients with dissemination following gastric lymphoma, while all patients with primary extragastric lymphoma had positive scans at the site of histologically documented involvement before initiation of therapy. In addition, also the patient with secondary spread to stomach, lung and lymph nodes was positive in all documented lymphoma sites. In one patient, focal tracer uptake in projection to the maxillary sinus was documented, which was bioptically verified as inflammation. In the scans performed after therapy, focal tracer accumulation in the left orbit indicated persistance of disease following irradiation in one patient with otherwise negative work-up, which was verified by MRI and biopsy 6 months later. In another patient, a positive scan indicated disease relapse in the lacrimal gland 9 months before clinical verification by means of ultrasound. In one patient, a focus not present in the pretherapeutic scan was found in the ethmoidal sinus, corresponding to a hyperplastic polyp. Both SST-scan as well as CT indicated disease persistance in one case, while negative scans corresponding to complete remission as judged by conventional staging were obtained following therapy in the remaining patients, and absence of relapse has been confirmed for a median follow-up of 2 years. These results indicate that 111In-OCT is an excellent tool for staging and non-invasive therapy-monitoring in extragastric MALT-type lymphomas. These data further confirm our initial finding that gastric MALT-type lymphomas do not express relevant amounts of respective SSTR, and that SSTR-scanning is able to distinguish between gastric vs extragastric origin of MALT-type lymphoma irrespective of the site of presentation.© 2001 Cancer Research Campaign  http://www.bjcancer.co

    Nonlinear Thomson scattering with ponderomotive control

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    In nonlinear Thomson scattering, a relativistic electron reflects and re-radiates the photons of a laser pulse, converting optical light to x rays or beyond. While this extreme frequency conversion offers a promising source for probing high-energy-density materials and driving uncharted regimes of nonlinear quantum electrodynamics, conventional nonlinear Thomson scattering has inherent tradeoffs in its scaling with laser intensity. Here we discover that the ponderomotive control afforded by spatiotemporal pulse shaping enables novel regimes of nonlinear Thomson scattering that substantially enhance the scaling of the radiated power, emission angle, and frequency with laser intensity. By appropriately setting the velocity of the intensity peak, a spatiotemporally shaped pulse can increase the power radiated by orders of magnitude. The enhanced scaling with laser intensity allows for operation at significantly lower electron energies and can eliminate the need for a high-energy electron accelerator

    Defects in high temperature and high pressure processed Si:N revealed by deuterium plasma treatment

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    Deuterium is accumulated by defects in nitrogen-implanted silicon (Si:N). This effect is investigated for Si:N processed at HT ≤ 1400 K, also under enhanced hydrostatic pressure, HP ≤ 1.1 GPa. Si:N was prepared from Czochralski grown silicon by N₂⁺ implantation at E = 140 keV with nitrogen doses, DN = 1–1.8•10¹⁸ cm⁻². Si:N was subsequently processed in RF deuterium plasma to prepare Si:N,D. Si:N and Si:N,D were investigated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray and Secondary Ion Mass Spec- trometry (SIMS) methods, also after additional annealing at 723 K. In heavily implanted Si:N (DN = 1.8•1010¹⁸ cm⁻²), plasma treatment leads to deuterium pile up to сD1 = 2•10²¹ cm⁻³ at a depth, d = 50 nm, while, at d = 80–250 nm, deuterium concentration is practically constant with сD2 = 1•10²¹ cm⁻³. This suggests dominating accumulation of deuterium within the bubble-containing areas. Determination of deuterium depth profiles in Si:N,D can reveal implantation- and processing-induced defects.В работе рассмотрены эффекты влияния обработки температурным отжигом (до 1400 K) и гидростатическим давлением (до 1.1 GPa) на дефектный состав SOI-структур (silicon-on-insulator) на основе образцов Si:N – материала, широко используемого в полупроводниковых технологиях. Были получены новые данные, свидетельствующие об образовании скрытых дефектосодержащих слоев в образцах кремния, имплантированного азотом, и подвергнутых обработке высокими температурами и давлениями. Такие структуры становятся центрами абсорбции дейтерия из плазмы – его накопление и распределение внутри образца зависят от микроструктуры материала. Таким образом, показано, что обработка в дейтериевой плазме с дальнейшим определением концентрационных профилей по глубине образца может быть полезной для оценки микроструктурыУ роботі розглянуто ефекти впливу обробки температурним відпалом (до 1400 K) і гідростатичним тиском (до 1.1 GPa) на дефектний склад SOI-структур (silicon-oninsulator) на основі зразків Si:N – матеріалу, широко використовуваного в напівпровідникових технологіях. Було отримано нові дані, що свідчать про утворення прихованих дефектовміщуючих шарів в зразках кремнію, імплантованого азотом, підданих обробці високими температурами та тиском. Такі структури стають центрами абсорбції дейтерію з плазми – його накопичення і розподіл усередині зразка залежать від мікроструктури матеріалу. Таким чином, показано, що обробка в дейтерієвій плазмі з подальшим визначенням концентраційних профілів по глибині зразка може бути корисною для оцінки мікроструктури Si:N-зразка, особливо зважаючи на потенційну застосовність в SOI-технологіях

    Importance of extensive staging in patients with mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)-type lymphoma

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    Lymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type usually arises in MALT acquired through chronic antigenic stimulation triggered by persistent infection and/or autoimmune processes. Due to specific ligand–receptor interactions between lymphoid cells and high-endothelial venules of MALT, both normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells display a pronounced homing tendency to MALT throughout the body. In the case of neoplastic disease these homing properties may be responsible for lymphoma dissemination among various MALT-sites. According to this concept, we have standardized staging procedures in all patients diagnosed with MALT-type lymphoma. All patients with MALT-type lymphoma underwent standardized staging procedures before treatment. Staging included ophthalmologic examination, otolaryngologic investigation, gastroscopy with multiple biopsies, endosonography of the upper gastrointestinal tract, enteroclysis, colonoscopy, computed tomography of thorax and abdomen and bone marrow biopsy. Biopsy was performed in all lesions suggestive for lymphomatous involvement, and evaluation of all biopsy specimens was performed by a reference pathologist. 35 consecutive patients with histologically verified MALT-type lymphoma were admitted to our department. Twenty-four patients (68%) had primary involvement of the stomach, five (15%) had lymphoma of the ocular adnexa, three (8.5%) had lymphoma of the parotid, and three (8,5%) of the lung. Lymph-node involvement corresponding to stage EII disease was found in 13 patients (37%), only one patient with primary gastric lymphoma had local and supradiaphragmatic lymph-node involvement (stage EIII). Bone marrow biopsies were negative in all patients. Overall, eight of 35 patients (23%) had simultaneous biopsy-proven involvement of two MALT-sites: one patient each had lymphoma of parotid and lacrimal gland, conjunctiva and hypopharynx, conjunctiva and skin, lacrimal gland and lung, stomach and colon, and stomach and lung. The remaining two patients had bilateral parotideal lymphoma. Staging work-up was negative for lymph-node involvement in all of these eight patients. The importance of extensive staging in MALT-type lymphoma is emphasized by the demonstration of multiorgan involvement in almost a quarter of patients. In addition, our data suggest that extra-gastrointestinal MALT-type lymphoma more frequently occurs simultaneously at different anatomic sites than MALT-type lymphoma involving the GI-tract. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A three dimensional model of the photosynthetic membranes of Ectothiorhodospira halochloris

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    The three dimensional organization of the complete photosynthetic apparatus of the extremely halophilic, bacteriochlorophyll b containing Ectothiorhodospira halochloris has been elaborated by several techniques of electron microscopy. Essentially all thylakoidal sacs are disc shaped and connected to the cytoplasmic membrane by small membraneous ldquobridgesrdquo. In sum, the lumina of all thylakoids (intrathylakoidal space) form one common periplasmic space. Thin sections confirm a paracrystalline arrangement of the photosynthetic complexes in situ. The ontogenic development of the photosynthetic apparatus is discussed based on a structural model derived from serial thin sections