5,593 research outputs found

    The Disturbed 17 keV Cluster Associated with the Radio Galaxy 3C 438

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    We present results from a {\em Chandra} observation of the cluster gas associated with the FR II radio galaxy 3C 438. This radio galaxy is embedded within a massive cluster with gas temperature ∼\sim17 keV and bolometric luminosity of 6×1045\times10^{45} ergs s−1^{-1}. It is unclear if this high temperature represents the gravitational mass of the cluster, or if this is an already high (∼\sim 11 keV) temperature cluster that has been heated transiently. We detect a surface brightness discontinuity in the gas that extends ∼\sim600 kpc through the cluster. The radio galaxy 3C 438 is too small (∼\sim110 kpc across) and too weak to have created this large disturbance in the gas. The discontinuity must be the result of either an extremely powerful nuclear outburst or the major merger of two massive clusters. If the observed features are the result of a nuclear outburst, it must be from an earlier epoch of unusually energetic nuclear activity. However, the energy required (∼1063\sim10^{63} ergs) to move the gas on the observed spatial scales strongly supports the merger hypothesis. In either scenario, this is one of the most extreme events in the local Universe.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table - accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities at the sloshing cold fronts in the Virgo cluster as a measure for the effective ICM viscosity

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    Sloshing cold fronts (CFs) arise from minor merger triggered gas sloshing. Their detailed structure depends on the properties of the intra-cluster medium (ICM): hydrodynamical simulations predict the CFs to be distorted by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHIs), but aligned magnetic fields, viscosity, or thermal conduction can suppress the KHIs. Thus, observing the detailed structure of sloshing CFs can be used to constrain these ICM properties. Both smooth and distorted sloshing CFs have been observed, indicating that the KHI is suppressed in some clusters, but not in all. Consequently, we need to address at least some sloshing clusters individually before drawing general conclusions about the ICM properties. We present the first detailed attempt to constrain the ICM properties in a specific cluster from the structure of its sloshing CF. Proximity and brightness make the Virgo cluster an ideal target. We combine observations and Virgo-specific hydrodynamical sloshing simulations. Here we focus on a Spitzer-like temperature dependent viscosity as a mechanism to suppress the KHI, but discuss the alternative mechanisms in detail. We identify the CF at 90 kpc north and north-east of the Virgo center as the best location in the cluster to observe a possible KHI suppression. For viscosities ≳\gtrsim 10% of the Spitzer value KHIs at this CF are suppressed. We describe in detail the observable signatures at low and high viscosities, i.e. in the presence or absence of KHIs. We find indications for a low ICM viscosity in archival XMM-Newton data and demonstrate the detectability of the predicted features in deep Chandra observations.Comment: Accepted for ApJ; 15 pages, 11 figures. A movie can be found here: http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/DE/Ins/Per/Roediger/research.html#Virgo-viscou

    Dynamics of Triangulations

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    We study a few problems related to Markov processes of flipping triangulations of the sphere. We show that these processes are ergodic and mixing, but find a natural example which does not satisfy detailed balance. In this example, the expected distribution of the degrees of the nodes seems to follow the power law d−4d^{-4}

    Stripped elliptical galaxies as probes of ICM physics: I. Tails, wakes, and flow patterns in and around stripped ellipticals

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    Elliptical cluster galaxies are progressively stripped of their atmospheres due to their motion through the intra-cluster medium (ICM). Deep X-ray observations reveal the fine-structure of the galaxy's remnant atmosphere and its gas tail and wake. This fine-structure depends on dynamic conditions (galaxy potential, initial gas contents, orbit through the host cluster), orbital stage (early infall, pre-/post-pericenter passage), and ICM plasma properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity, magnetic field structure). We aim to disentangle dynamic and plasma effects in order to use stripped ellipticals as probes of ICM plasma properties. This first paper of a series investigates the hydrodynamics of progressive gas stripping by means of inviscid hydrodynamical simulations. We distinguish a long-lasting initial relaxation phase and a quasi-steady stripping phase. During quasi-steady stripping, the ICM flow around the remnant atmosphere resembles the flow around solid bodies, including a `deadwater' region in the near wake. Gas is stripped from the remnant atmosphere predominantly at its sides via Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. The downstream atmosphere is largely shielded from the ICM wind and thus shaped into a tail. Observationally, both, this `remnant tail' and the stripped gas in the wake can appear as a `tail', but only in the wake can galactic gas mix with the ambient ICM. While the qualitative results are generic, the simulations presented here are tailored to the Virgo elliptical galaxy M89 (NGC 4552) for the most direct comparison to observations. Papers II and III of this series describe the effect of viscosity and compare to Chandra and XMM-Newton observations, respectively.Comment: ApJ, in press. 19 pages, 13 figures. Clarifications added, text restructured. Conclusions unchange

    Stripped elliptical galaxies as probes of ICM physics: II. Stirred, but mixed? Viscous and inviscid gas stripping of the Virgo elliptical M89

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    Elliptical galaxies moving through the intra-cluster medium (ICM) are progressively stripped of their gaseous atmospheres. X-ray observations reveal the structure of galactic tails, wakes, and the interface between the galactic gas and the ICM. This fine-structure depends on dynamic conditions (galaxy potential, initial gas contents, orbit in the host cluster), orbital stage (early infall, pre-/post-pericenter passage), as well as on the still ill-constrained ICM plasma properties (thermal conductivity, viscosity, magnetic field structure). Paper I describes flow patterns and stages of inviscid gas stripping. Here we study the effect of a Spitzer-like temperature dependent viscosity corresponding to Reynolds numbers, Re, of 50 to 5000 with respect to the ICM flow around the remnant atmosphere. Global flow patterns are independent of viscosity in this Reynolds number range. Viscosity influences two aspects: In inviscid stripping, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHIs) at the sides of the remnant atmosphere lead to observable horns or wings. Increasing viscosity suppresses KHIs of increasing length scale, and thus observable horns and wings. Furthermore, in inviscid stripping, stripped galactic gas can mix with the ambient ICM in the galaxy's wake. This mixing is suppressed increasingly with increasing viscosity, such that viscously stripped galaxies have long X-ray bright, cool wakes. We provide mock X-ray images for different stripping stages and conditions. While these qualitative results are generic, we tailor our simulations to the Virgo galaxy M89 (NGC 4552), where Re~ 50 corresponds to a viscosity of 10% of the Spitzer level. Paper III compares new deep Chandra and archival XMM-Newton data to our simulations.Comment: ApJ in press. 16 pages, 16 figures. Text clarified, conclusions unchange

    Dark Matter Subhalos and the X-ray Morphology of the Coma Cluster

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    Structure formation models predict that clusters of galaxies contain numerous massive subhalos. The gravity of a subhalo in a cluster compresses the surrounding intracluster gas and enhances its X-ray emission. We present a simple model, which treats subhalos as slow moving and gasless, for computing this effect. Recent weak lensing measurements by Okabe et al. have determined masses of ~ 10^13 solar masses for three mass concentrations projected within 300 kpc of the center of the Coma Cluster, two of which are centered on the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 4889 and NGC 4874. Adopting a smooth spheroidal beta-model for the gas distribution in the unperturbed cluster, we model the effect of these subhalos on the X-ray morphology of the Coma Cluster, comparing our results to Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray data. The agreement between the models and the X-ray morphology of the central Coma Cluster is striking. With subhalo parameters from the lensing measurements, the distances of the three subhalos from the Coma Cluster midplane along our line of sight are all tightly constrained. Using the model to fit the subhalo masses for NGC 4889 and NGC 4874 gives 9.1 x 10^12 and 7.6 x 10^12 solar masses, respectively, in good agreement with the lensing masses. These results lend strong support to the argument that NGC 4889 and NGC 4874 are each associated with a subhalo that resides near the center of the Coma Cluster. In addition to constraining the masses and 3-d location of subhalos, the X-ray data show promise as a means of probing the structure of central subhalos.Comment: ApJ, in press. Matches the published versio

    The survival and destruction of X-ray coronae of early-type galaxies in the rich cluster environments: a case study of Abell 1367

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    A new Chandra observation of the northwest region of the galaxy cluster A1367 reveals four cool galaxy coronae (0.4 - 1.0 keV) embedded in the hot intracluster medium (ICM) (5 - 6 keV). While the large coronae of NGC 3842 and NGC 3837 appear symmetric and relaxed, the galaxy coronae of the \lsim L* galaxies (NGC 3841 and CGCG 97090) are disturbed and being stripped. Massive galaxies, with dense cooling cores, are better able to resist ram pressure stripping and survive in rich environments than \lsim L* galaxies whose galactic coronae are much less dense. The survival of these cool coronae implies that thermal conduction from the hot surrounding ICM has to be suppressed by a factor of at least 60, at the corona boundary. Within the galaxy coronae of NGC 3842 and NGC 3837, stellar mass loss or heat conduction with the Spitzer value may be sufficient to balance radiative cooling. Energy deposition at the ends of collimated jets may heat the outer coronae, but allow the survival of a small, dense gas core (e.g., NGC 3842 in A1367 and NGC 4874 in Coma). The survived X-ray coronae become significantly smaller and fainter with the increasing ambient pressure.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, emulateapj5, accepted by Ap

    A Chandra Study of the Lobe/ISM Interactions Around the Inner Radio Lobes of Centaurus A: Constraints on the Temperature Structure and Transport Processes

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    We present results from deeper {\em Chandra} observations of the southwest radio lobe of Centaurus A, first described by Kraft et al. (2003). We find that the sharp X-ray surface brightness discontinuity extends around ∼\sim75% of the periphery of the radio lobe, and detect significant temperature jumps in the brightest regions of this discontinuity nearest to the nucleus. This demonstrates that this discontinuity is indeed a strong shock which is the result of an overpressure which has built up in the entire lobe over time. Additionally, we demonstrate that if the mean free path for ions to transfer energy and momentum to the electrons behind the shock is as large as the Spitzer value, the electron and proton temperatures will not have equilibrated along the SW boundary of the radio lobe where the shock is strongest. Thus the proton temperature of the shocked gas could be considerably larger than the observed electron temperature, and the total energy of the outburst correspondingly larger as well. We investigate this using a simple one-dimensional shock model for a two-fluid (proton/electron) plasma. We find that for the thermodynamic parameters of the Cen A shock the electron temperature rises rapidly from ∼\sim0.29 keV (the temperature of the ambient ISM) to ∼\sim3.5 keV at which point heating from the protons is balanced by adiabatic losses. The proton and electron temperatures do not equilibrate in a timescale less than the age of the lobe. We note that the measured electron temperature of similar features in other nearby powerful radio galaxies in poor environments may considerably underestimate the strength and velocity of the shock.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables - accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Geochronology and Depositional History of the Sandy Springs Aeolian Landscape in the Unglaciated Upper Ohio River Valley, United States

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    The study of active and stabilized late Quaternary aeolian landforms provides important proxies for past climate events and environmental transitions. Despite an overall increase in the study of aeolian landforms in previously glaciated and coastal settings in eastern North America, the history of aeolian sedimentation in many unglaciated inland alluvial settings remain poorly understood. This study reports on the geochronology and depositional history of aeolian landforms and sediments in the unglaciated upper Ohio Valley at the Sandy Springs site. Aeolian landforms and sediments include complex, linear, barchan-like, and climbing dunes; an interdune sand sheet; and sandy loess that blankets high valley surfaces. At Sandy Springs, aeolian dune sands and sandy loess are restricted to intermediate (S2) and higher (S3) geomorphic surfaces. Eight optically stimulated luminescence age estimates constrain the initiation of aeolian processes on the S2 surface to sometime after 17 ka and episodic deposition on the S2 and S3 surfaces between 11 and 1.4 ka. The distribution of aeolian sediments at Sandy Springs is influenced by several past factors including local wind fetch potential, sediment availability, and underlying alluvial topography. Sediment availability is interpreted as the primary factor controlling aeolian processes and appear linked to several pan-regional paleoclimate events. Sandy loess deposition at ca. 8.2 ka on the S3 surface may reflect hydrologic variability and cooling, associated with the final pulse of meltwater into the North Atlantic from the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Dune reactivation and erosion at ca. 4.5 ka on the S2 surface indicate enhanced sediment availability possibly associated with drought conditions. These results illustrate that the deciphering the coupled fluvial-aeolian records in this catchment of the Ohio River provides new insight into the nature of changing surface processes against the backdrop of climate variability over the past ca. 20 ka
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