44 research outputs found

    Identification of factors affecting the predation exert by domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) in a rural area

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    La prédation exercée par le Chat domestique (Felis silvestris catus) joue un rôle majeur dans la conservation de certaines espèces proies et la prévention de zoonoses. L'objectif de cette étude était d'identifier les facteurs de variation de cette prédation en milieu rural. L'étude a été conduite dans les Ardennes. La population étudiée comptait 143 individus, dont 44 % de chats de propriétaire (nourris ad libitum, 80 % stérilisés) et 56 % de chats de ferme (peu nourris, non stérilisés). Le DNA metabarcoding et le génotypage ont permis de détecter la fréquence d'apparition des aliments dans des fèces collectées sur le terrain et d'attribuer ces fèces à l'une ou l'autre des catégories de chats. Des individus ont été équipés de colliers GPS et d'accéléromètres tridimensionnels. L'éthogramme accélérométrique d'une séquence de chasse a été construit afin de pouvoir, à terme, relever les événements de prédation et de consommation des proies des individus équipés. Enfin, des variables associées à la prédation ont été mise en relation avec leur sociabilité envers les humains. Les chats ont essentiellement consommé des rongeurs et des aliments d'origine anthropique. En été, les chats de propriétaire chassaient aussi fréquemment que les chats de ferme, tandis qu'en hiver ils chassaient beaucoup moins souvent que ces derniers. Les chats de propriétaire ont de plus petits domaines vitaux que les chats de ferme. Les deux catégories de chats ont un rayon d'action restreint lorsque la pluviométrie est élevée et ont pour proies principales Microtus arvalis et Arvicola terrestris. Le degré de sociabilité des chats vis-à-vis des humains semble affecter leur succès de capture diurne de proies.The predation exerted by the Domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is of special concerns for conservation and prevention of zoonosis issues. This study aims to identify the factors of variation of the predation exerted by cats in a rural landscape. It has been conducted in the Ardennes region. The population studied was composed of 143 individuals, including 44% of house cats (fed ad libitum, 80% sterilized) and 56% of farm cats (poorly fed, not sterilized). DNA metabarcoding and genotyping technics allowed to detect occurrences of food items in field-collected feces and to attribute those feces to one or the other cat categories. Some individuals were equipped with a collar composed by a GPS unit and a tri-axial accelerometer device. The ethogram of a hunting sequence based on accelerometry was constructed to gather information concerning the occurrences of predation and the consumption of the preys by the equipped individuals. Finally, some variables associated to the predation were put in relation with the sociability of cats towards humans. The cats essentially consumed rodents and anthropogenic food. During the summer, the house cats were hunting as frequently as the farm cats, whereas during the winter they were hunting a lot less comparing to the farm cats. Both cat categories have smaller daily movement range during high rainfall periods and their main preys are Microtus arvalis and Arvicola terrestris. The sociability degree of the cats towards humans seems to affect their diurnal stalk success

    Are They Really Trying to Save Their Buddy? The Anthropomorphism of Animal Epimeletic Behaviours

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    Simple Summary Anthropomorphism, defined as attributing human traits to animals and other entities, seems to have appeared during evolution to improve an individual’s understanding of other species (or indeed the world in general). Yet anthropomorphism can have beneficial or harmful consequences especially for animals, and there seems to be little interest in monitoring the potential danger of this approach. Few studies have focused on the factors affecting how we attribute intentions or beliefs to animals, and more quantitative studies are needed to identify how and why humans attribute mental states and cognitive abilities to other animals. In this study, participants answer questions about three videos in which an individual (a sparrow, an elephant and a macaque, respectively) displayed behaviours towards an inanimate conspecific that suddenly regained consciousness at the end of the footage. A fourth video showed a robot dog being kicked by an engineer to demonstrate its stability. These questions were designed to measure how far participants attribute humanlike intentions, beliefs or mental states to non-human animals and robots. Men and older participants are less likely to attribute humanlike mental states to animals. Similarly, people who work with animals or have at least one pet at home demonstrated less naïve anthropomorphism. Conversely, we found that members of animal protection associations showed more biophilia (affinity for other living organisms), attributed more intentions and mental states to animals and were further from biological reality (current scientific knowledge of each species) than non-members. Understanding the potential usefulness of these factors can lead to better relationships with animals and encourage human-robot interactions. Abstract Anthropomorphism is a natural tendency in humans, but it is also influenced by many characteristics of the observer (the human) and the observed entity (here, the animal species). This study asked participants to complete an online questionnaire about three videos showing epimeletic behaviours in three animal species. In the videos, an individual (a sparrow, an elephant and a macaque, respectively) displayed behaviours towards an inanimate conspecific that suddenly regained consciousness at the end of the footage. A fourth video showed a robot dog being kicked by an engineer to demonstrate its stability. Each video was followed by a series of questions designed to evaluate the degree of anthropomorphism of participants, from mentaphobia (no attribution of intentions and beliefs, whatever the animal species) to full anthropomorphism (full attribution of intentions and beliefs by animals, to the same extent as in humans) and to measure how far the participants had correctly assessed each situation in terms of biological reality (current scientific knowledge of each species). There is a negative correlation (about 61%) between the mental states attributed to animals by humans and the real capability of animals. The heterogeneity of responses proved that humans display different forms of anthropomorphism, from rejecting all emotional or intentional states in animals to considering animals to show the same intentions as humans. However, the scores participants attributed to animals differed according to the species shown in the video and to human socio-demographic characteristics. Understanding the potential usefulness of these factors can lead to better relationships with animals and encourage a positive view of human-robot interactions. Indeed, reflective or critical anthropomorphism can increase our humanity

    Data from: Performance and accuracy of lightweight and low-cost GPS data loggers according to antenna positions, fix intervals, habitats and animal movements

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    Recently developed low-cost Global Positioning System (GPS) data loggers are promising tools for wildlife research because of their affordability for low-budget projects and ability to simultaneously track a greater number of individuals compared with expensive built-in wildlife GPS. However, the reliability of these devices must be carefully examined because they were not developed to track wildlife. This study aimed to assess the performance and accuracy of commercially available GPS data loggers for the first time using the same methods applied to test built-in wildlife GPS. The effects of antenna position, fix interval and habitat on the fix-success rate (FSR) and location error (LE) of CatLog data loggers were investigated in stationary tests, whereas the effects of animal movements on these errors were investigated in motion tests. The units operated well and presented consistent performance and accuracy over time in stationary tests, and the FSR was good for all antenna positions and fix intervals. However, the LE was affected by the GPS antenna and fix interval. Furthermore, completely or partially obstructed habitats reduced the FSR by up to 80% in households and increased the LE. Movement across habitats had no effect on the FSR, whereas forest habitat influenced the LE. Finally, the mean FSR (0.90 ± 0.26) and LE (15.4 ± 10.1 m) values from low-cost GPS data loggers were comparable to those of built-in wildlife GPS collars (71.6% of fixes with LE < 10 m for motion tests), thus confirming their suitability for use in wildlife studies

    Spatiotemporal and Individual Patterns of Domestic Cat (<i>Felis catus</i>) Hunting Behaviour in France

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    Domestic cats (Felis catus), one of the most popular pets, are widespread worldwide. This medium-sized carnivore has well-known negative effects on biodiversity, but there is still a need to better understand the approximate causes of their predation. Based on a citizen science project, we assessed the role of spatiotemporal (i.e., latitude, longitude, and seasons), climatic (i.e., rainfall), anthropogenic (i.e., human footprint, HFI), and individual (i.e., sex and age) variables on the number of preys returned home by cats in metropolitan France. Over the 5048 cats monitored between 2015 and 2022, prey from 12 different classes (n = 36,568) were returned home: 68% mammals, 21% birds, and 8% squamates. Shrews brought home by cats peaked during summer, while rodents were recorded during summer–autumn. Birds brought home by cats peaked in spring–summer and in autumn, and lizards peaked in spring and in late summer. Lower HFI was associated with more voles and mice brought home, and the opposite trend was observed for lizards and birds. Younger cats were more prone to bring home shrews, birds, and reptiles. Although environmental factors play a minor role in prey brought home by cats, some geographical characteristics of prey species distribution partly explains the hunting behaviour of cats

    Detection of

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    Detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in cat feces is considered indicative of the presence of T. gondii oocysts. This study aims to demonstrate that the high sensitivity of qPCR can lead to T. gondii DNA detection in cat feces in the absence of oocysts. A cat immune to toxoplasmosis was fed with a mouse experimentally infected with T. gondii. Detection of DNA of this parasite was performed by qPCR on feces passed: (i) on the day the cat ingested the infected prey; (ii) during the three previous days; and (iii) during the three following days. The kinetics of qPCR results are clearly not linked to oocyst shedding and this result demonstrates that qPCR can detect T. gondii DNA related to bradyzoites from an infected prey, in the absence of oocysts. Caution is thus recommended when interpreting T. gondii qPCR results for samples of cat feces