336 research outputs found

    Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes

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    This paper illustrates the results obtained in the last phase of the NACIE-UP benchmark activity foreseen inside the EU SESAME Project. The purpose of this research activity, performed by system thermal–hydraulic (STH) codes, is finalized to the improvement, development and validation of existing STH codes for Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM) systems. All the participants improved their modelling of the NACIE-UP facility, respect to the initial blind simulation phase, adopting the actual experimental boundary conditions and reducing as much as possible sources of uncertainty in their numerical model. Four different STH codes were employed by the participants to the benchmark to model the NACIE-UP facility, namely: CATHARE for ENEA, ATHLET for GRS, RELAP5-3D© for the “Sapienza” University of Rome and RELAP5/Mod3.3(modified) for the University of Pisa. Three reference tests foreseen in the NACIE-UP benchmark and carried out at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre were analysed from four participants. The data from the post-test analyses, performed independently by the participant using different STH codes, were compared together and with the available experimental results and critically discussed

    Experimental characterization of leak detection systems in HLM pool using LIFUS5/Mod3 facility

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    In the framework of the European Union MAXSIMA project, the safety of the steam generator (SG) adopted in the primary loop of the Heavy Liquid Metal Fast Reactor has been studied investigating the consequences and damage propagation of a SG tube rupture event and characterizing leak rates from typical cracks. Instrumentation able to promptly detect the presence of a crack in the SG tubes may be used to prevent its further propagation, which would lead to a full rupture of the tube. Application of the leak-before-break concept is relevant for improving the safety of a reactor system and decreasing the probability of a pipe break event. In this framework, a new experimental campaign (Test Series C) has been carried out in the LIFUS5/Mod3 facility, installed at ENEA Centro Ricerche Brasimone, in order to characterize and to correlate the leak rate through typical cracks occurring in the pressurized tubes with signals detected by proper transducers. Test C1.3_60 was executed injecting water at about 20 bars and 200°C into lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. The injection was performed through a laser microholed plate 60 μm in diameter. Analysis of the thermohydraulic data permitted characterization of the leakage through typical cracks that can occur in the pressurized tubes of the SG. Analysis of the data acquired by microphones and accelerometers highlighted that it is possible to correlate the signals to the leakage and the rate of release

    Lithium-Lead/water interaction: LIFUS5/Mod3 series E tests analysed by SIMMER-III coupled with RELAP5

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    The Breeding Blanket is a necessary component to close the nuclear fusion reactor fuel cycle. amongst the most promising conceptual design, there is the Water Cooled Lithium Lead Breeding Blanket, with water as coolant and eutectic Lithium-Lead as neutron multiplier and breeder. The possible interaction between water and Lithium-Lead poses a main safety concern and prompted the scientific community to develop a numerical analysis tool able to simulate such a complex interaction. The SIMMER-III code was modified by UNIPI to simulate the chemical interaction between water and Lithium-Lead, furthermore also a coupling methodology between SIMMER-III and RELAP5/Mod3.3 was developed. The coupling tool employs SIMMER-III code to simulate the zone of Lithium-Lead interacting with water, whilst the RELAP5 code is used to simulate the water pipelines. The LIFUS5/Mod3 facility at the ENEA Brasimone Research Centre was designed to perform reliable experimental activities on the interaction between water and Lithium-Lead. In this facility water at high pressure is injected inside a reaction vessel, where the thermodynamic and chemical interaction between water and Lithium-Lead occurs. The experimental activities are divided in different tests matrix, the Series D and Series E tests. The two series differ in the amount of water injected during the transient. In series D the mass of water is predetermined whilst in series E water was injected continuously for a pre-fixed interval of time and the total injected mass was estimated a posteriori. This work shows the results of the coupling tool applied to Series E. The comparison between the experimental and numerical results is performed by identifying and characterizing the phenomena involved in the interaction. Furthermore, the overall performance of the coupled codes in the simulation of the phenomena is presented here

    Simulation of operational conditions of HX-HERO in the CIRCE facility with CFD/STH coupled codes

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    Abstract The paper describes the application of a coupled methodology between Fluent CFD code and RELAP5 System Thermal-Hydraulic code developed at the DICI (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale) of the University of Pisa. The methodology was applied specifically to the LBE-water heat exchanger HERO located inside the S100 vessel of the CIRCE facility, built at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre, to investigate the capabilities of this component. In the proposed methodology, the primary side of the HX-HERO, containing LBE, is simulated by the CFD code, while the secondary side, containing a two phase mixture of water and vapour, is reproduced by the System Thermal-Hydraulic code. During the calculation the two codes exchange, at the coupled boundaries: the bulk temperature and heat transfer coefficient of the ascending water (RELAP5 to Fluent) and the wall temperature at the water side surface of the pipes (Fluent to RELAP5). The coupling technique was tested by comparing the numerical results with the experimental data recently obtained by ENEA; the numerical results predicted well the qualitative trend of the temperature and provided an overall good prediction of the temperature also from a quantitative point of view. It is worth noticing that this good performance remained reliable for all the cases simulated, proving the general applicability of the methodology

    Coupled system thermal Hydraulics/CFD models: General guidelines and applications to heavy liquid metals

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    This work aims to review the general guidelines to be adopted to perform coupled System Thermal Hydraulics (STH)/CFD calculations. The coupled analysis is often required when complex phenomena characterized by different characteristic time and length scales are investigated. Indeed, by STH/CFD coupling the main drawbacks of both stand-alone codes are overcome, reducing the computational cost and providing more realistic solutions. A review of several works available in literature and involving different coupling approaches, codes, time-advancing schemes and application fields is given. Besides STH/CFD coupling techniques, spatial domains and numerical schemes are analysed in detail. A brief description of applications to heavy liquid metal systems is also reported; lessons drawn in the frame of these and other works are then considered in order to develop a set of good practice guidelines for coupled STH/CFD applications

    Cryogenic Applications of Commercial Electronic Components

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    We have developed a range of techniques useful for constructing analog and digital circuits for operation in a liquid Helium environment (4.2K), using commercially available low power components. The challenges encountered in designing cryogenic electronics include finding components that can function usefully in the cold and possess low enough power dissipation so as not to heat the systems they are designed to measure. From design, test, and integration perspectives it is useful for components to operate similarly at room and cryogenic temperatures; however this is not a necessity. Some of the circuits presented here have been used successfully in the MUSTANG and in the GISMO camera to build a complete digital to analog multiplexer (which will be referred to as the Cryogenic Address Driver board). Many of the circuit elements described are of a more general nature rather than specific to the Cryogenic Address Driver board, and were studied as a part of a more comprehensive approach to addressing a larger set of cryogenic electronic needs

    CFD analysis of coolant mixing in VVER-1000/V320 reactor pressure vessel

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    This study presents a code-to-code and model-to-model comparison of coolant mixing in the VVER-1000/V320 Kozloduy Unit 6 nuclear power plant using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Four different CFD codes were used to simulate coolant mixing in the reactor vessel, namely ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS CFX, TrioCFD, and STAR-CCM+. Two different approaches were used to model the upper plenum, while a single simplified model was used for the reactor pressure vessel. The simulations were performed for VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark (V1000CT-2) mixing exercise. The results were compared between the different CFD codes and models to assess the accuracy and consistency of the simulations with the available experimental data. Overall, the results showed good agreement between the different CFD codes and models, with minor differences observed in some cases. The simplified models were found to be sufficient for predicting the overall coolant mixing patterns observed in the reactor vessel, provided additional insights into the local flow structures and mixing characteristics. This study demonstrates the applicability and reliability of CFD simulations for coolant mixing analysis in VVER-1000/V320 nuclear power plants

    Long Term Safety Area Tracking (LT-SAT) with online failure detection and recovery for robotic minimally invasive surgery.

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    Despite the benefits introduced by robotic systems in abdominal Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), major complications can still affect the outcome of the procedure, such as intra-operative bleeding. One of the causes is attributed to accidental damages to arteries or veins by the surgical tools, and some of the possible risk factors are related to the lack of sub-surface visibilty. Assistive tools guiding the surgical gestures to prevent these kind of injuries would represent a relevant step towards safer clinical procedures. However, it is still challenging to develop computer vision systems able to fulfill the main requirements: (i) long term robustness, (ii) adaptation to environment/object variation and (iii) real time processing. The purpose of this paper is to develop computer vision algorithms to robustly track soft tissue areas (Safety Area, SA), defined intra-operatively by the surgeon based on the real-time endoscopic images, or registered from a pre-operative surgical plan. We propose a framework to combine an optical flow algorithm with a tracking-by-detection approach in order to be robust against failures caused by: (i) partial occlusion, (ii) total occlusion, (iii) SA out of the field of view, (iv) deformation, (v) illumination changes, (vi) abrupt camera motion, (vii), blur and (viii) smoke. A Bayesian inference-based approach is used to detect the failure of the tracker, based on online context information. A Model Update Strategy (MUpS) is also proposed to improve the SA re-detection after failures, taking into account the changes of appearance of the SA model due to contact with instruments or image noise. The performance of the algorithm was assessed on two datasets, representing ex-vivo organs and in-vivo surgical scenarios. Results show that the proposed framework, enhanced with MUpS, is capable of maintain high tracking performance for extended periods of time ( ≃ 4 min - containing the aforementioned events) with high precision (0.7) and recall (0.8) values, and with a recovery time after a failure between 1 and 8 frames in the worst case

    NIRVSS Aboard CLPS

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    NASA initiated the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program for flights to the lunar surface. Astrobotic was awarded a NASA contract to accommodate NASA payloads onto their Peregrine lander Astrobotic Mission One (ABM-1). ABM-1 is scheduled to land near Lacus Mortis, 44N 25E, in 2021. The Near-InfraRed Volatile Spectrometer System (NIRVSS) has evolved over time and was chosen as a NASA payload for ABM-1 and the flight model is scheduled to be delivered to Astrobotic at the end of March 2020