309 research outputs found

    Résultats des campagnes MUSORSTOM : volume 15

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    La campagne MUSORSTOM 8, réalisée à bord du N.O. "Alis", s'est déroulée dans les eaux de Vanuatu du 19 septembre au 14 octobre 1994. Cent quatre-vingt-six opération de dragages et de chalutages ont eu lieu dans la zone bathyale supérieure, sur les pentes des îles et sur le sommet du guyot Bougainville. De grandes superficies chalutables ont été découvertes entre 300 et 1000 m de profondeur. La faune benthique est riche, bien diversifiée, mais semble d'une composition très différente de celle de Nouvelle-Calédonie : les Spongiaires et les Stylastérides, en particulier, ne contribuent pas de façon significative à la physionomie des peuplements. (Résumé d'auteur

    Situating Sexual Violence in Rwanda (1990–2001): Sexual Agency, Sexual Consent, and the Political Economy of War

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    This article situates the sexual violence associated with the Rwandan civil war and 1994 genocide within a local cultural history and political economy in which institutionalized gender violence shaped the choices of Rwandan women and girls. Based on ethnographic research, it argues that Western notions of sexual consent are not applicable to a culture in which colonialism, government policy, war, and scarcity of resources have limited women’s access to land ownership, economic security, and other means of survival. It examines emic cultural models of sexual consent and female sexual agency and proposes that sexual slavery, forced marriage, prostitution, transactional sex, nonmarital sex, informal marriage or cohabitation, and customary (bridewealth) marriages exist on a continuum on which female sexual agency becomes more and more constrained by material circumstance. Even when women’s choices are limited, sometimes impossibly limited, they still exercise their agency to survive. Conflating all forms of sex in conflict zones under the rubric of harm undermines women’s and children’s rights because it reinforces gendered hierarchies and diverts attention from the structural conditions of poverty in postconflict societies


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    Pompa piston tunggal adalah pompa yang terdiri dari sebuah piston yang digunakan untuk memompa air, sehingga terjadi perbedaan tekanan dalam sistem pompa tersebut dan dapat dikonverter menjadi energi. Pompa piston tunggal ini difokuskan sebagai pembangkit listrik energi ombak. Penelitian ini berjudul pelacakan keluaran sistem linear pompa piston tunggal dengan kontrol reservoir pompa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merekonstruksi model sistem persamaan dari pompa piston tunggal dan membangun persamaan kontrol pompa piston tunggal terhadap reservoir-nya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode numerik Runge-Kutta dan tracking kontrol sistem persamaan linear. Berdasarkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai sebelumnya, penelitian ini berfokus pada perancangan kontrol terhadap reservoir atas dari pompa piston tunggal, sehingga diharapkan bahwa dengan kondisi tertentu yang optimal dari reservoir atas dapat menghasilkan perbedaan tekanan yang lebih optimal pula pada sistem, yang diharapkan juga berpengaruh dengan banyak energi yang dihasilkan dari sistem. Hasil yang didapat dari pengontrolan sistem ini adalah nilai dari variabel kontrol (A_u), yaitu 52 m^2. Nilai tersebut merupakan nilai rata-rata A_u dengan interval nilai 47 m^2 sampai 75 m^2. Didapat pula energi hidrolik yang dihasilkan sistem ini selama 100 detik adalah 5.500.175 J

    A novel c.-22T>C mutation in GALK1 promoter is associated with elevated galactokinase phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many genetic variations of <it>GALK1 </it>have been identified in the patients with galactokinase (GALK1) deficiency. However, the molecular characteristics of <it>GALK1 </it>in individuals with elevated GALK1 activity are relatively unknown.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the relationship between elevated GALK1 activity and the molecular <it>GALK1 </it>gene variations, and the molecular mechanism underlying elevated GALK1 activity. PCR products from 63 subjects, without any attenuation of galactose degradation enzymes, were sequenced to screen for nucleotide alterations in the <it>GALK1 </it>promoter.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three nucleotide substitutions were identified: c.-179A>G, c.-27A>C, and c.-22T>C. With respect to the c.-22T>C mutation, GALK1 activity in 13 subjects with the T/C or C/C genotype was significantly higher than those in 50 subjects with the T/T genotype (p < 0.001). The dual luciferase reporter assay in Hep3B cells showed that the luciferase activity with the <it>GALK1 </it>promoter with the c.-22C mutant allele increased approximately 2.5-fold, compared to that with the c.-22T. A specific DNA-protein complex was observed in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, with slightly higher affinity to c.-22C than to c.-22T.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The c.-22T>C mutation, which was observed frequently in individuals with elevated GALK1 activity, increased the expression of a reporter gene through enhanced binding of a currently unidentified nuclear protein. These results suggest that the elevated GALK1 activity resulted from enhanced gene expression, due to nucleotide variation within <it>GALK1 </it>promoter.</p

    Oceanic Sharks Clean at Coastal Seamount

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    Interactions between pelagic thresher sharks (Alopias pelagicus) and cleaner wrasse were investigated at a seamount in the Philippines. Cleaning associations between sharks and teleosts are poorly understood, but the observable interactions seen at this site may explain why these mainly oceanic sharks regularly venture into shallow coastal waters where they are vulnerable to disturbance from human activity. From 1,230 hours of observations recorded by remote video camera between July 2005 and December 2009, 97 cleaner-thresher shark events were analyzed, 19 of which were interrupted. Observations of pelagic thresher sharks interacting with cleaners at the seamount were recorded at all times of day but their frequency declined gradually from morning until evening. Cleaners showed preferences for foraging on specific areas of a thresher shark's body. For all events combined, cleaners were observed to conduct 2,757 inspections, of which 33.9% took place on the shark's pelvis, 23.3% on the pectoral fins, 22.3% on the caudal fin, 8.6% on the body, 8.3% on the head, 2.1% on the dorsal fin, and 1.5% on the gills respectively. Cleaners did not preferentially inspect thresher sharks by time of day or by shark sex, but there was a direct correlation between the amount of time a thresher shark spent at a cleaning station and the number of inspections it received. Thresher shark clients modified their behavior by “circular-stance-swimming,” presumably to facilitate cleaner inspections. The cleaner-thresher shark association reflected some of the known behavioral trends in the cleaner-reef teleost system since cleaners appeared to forage selectively on shark clients. Evidence is mounting that in addition to acting as social refuges and foraging grounds for large visiting marine predators, seamounts may also support pelagic ecology by functioning as cleaning stations for oceanic sharks and rays

    Understanding the political motivations that shape Rwanda’s emergent developmental state

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    Twenty years after its horrific genocide, Rwanda has become a model for economic development. At the same time, its government has been criticized for its authoritarian tactics and use of violence. Missing from the often-polarized debate are the connections between these two perspectives. Synthesizing existing literature on Rwanda in light of a combined year of fieldwork, we argue that the GoR is using the developmental infrastructure to deepen state power and expand political control. We first identify the historical pressures that have motivated the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) to re-imagine the political landscape. Sectarian unrest, political rivalry, wider regional insecurity, and aid withdrawal have all pressured the RPF to identify growth as strategic. However, the country’s political transformation extends beyond a prioritisation of growth and encompasses the reordering of the social and physical layout of the territory, the articulation of new ideologies and mindsets, and the provision of social services and surveillance infrastructure. Growth and social control go hand in hand. As such, the paper’s main contribution is to bring together the two sides of the Rwandan debate and place the country in a broader sociological literature about the parallel development of capitalist relations and transformations in state power

    Analyse écorégionale marine de Nouvelle-Calédonie : atelier d'identification des aires de conservation prioritaires

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    Dans le cadre de l'initiative pour les récifs coralliens du Pacifique sud (CRISP), le WWF-France a souhaité développer un projet pour la protection des récifs et des lagons néo-calédoniens. L'atelier, qui s'est déroulé les 10 et 11 août à Nouméa, avait pour objectif de rassembler les scientifiques et les experts du lagon néocalédonien pour identifier, sur la base de leur connaissance experte, les zones les plus remarquables du lagon (richesse, endémisme, originalité des faunes et flores, espèces emblématiques, zones d'intérêt fonctionnel) sur lesquelles doivent porter en priorité les efforts de conservation. Il a permis d'identifier 20 aires prioritaires pour la conservation, parmi lesquelles 6 ont un intérêt mondial, 4 ont un intérêt sur le plan régional, les autres ayant un intérêt local

    Association of the MTHFR A1298C Variant with Unexplained Severe Male Infertility

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    The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene is one of the main regulatory enzymes involved in folate metabolism, DNA synthesis and remethylation reactions. The influence of MTHFR variants on male infertility is not completely understood. The objective of this study was to analyze the distribution of the MTHFR C677T and A1298C variants using PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) in a case group consisting of 344 men with unexplained reduced sperm counts compared to 617 ancestry-matched fertile or normozoospermic controls. The Chi square test was used to analyze the genotype distributions of MTHFR polymorphisms. Our data indicated a lack of association of the C677T variant with infertility. However, the homozygous (C/C) A1298C polymorphism of the MTHFR gene was present at a statistically high significance in severe oligozoospermia group compared with controls (OR = 3.372, 95% confidence interval CI = 1.27–8.238; p = 0.01431). The genotype distribution of the A1298C variants showed significant deviation from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting that purifying selection may be acting on the 1298CC genotype. Further studies are necessary to determine the influence of the environment, especially the consumption of diet folate on sperm counts of men with different MTHFR variants