17 research outputs found

    A magyar gazdaság személyi tényezőinek minőségi reprodukciója = Quality reproduction of personal significants in the hungarian economy

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    A tudásgazdaságban megváltozik a technika és a munkaerő egymáshoz való viszonya. A gépesítés és az automatizálás kiszorítja a munkáskezeket. Az információs és kommunikációs technológiák azonban alapvetően munkamegőrző jellegűek, tömegesen igénylik a magasan képzett, érzelmileg motivált, úgynevezett kompetens munkaerőt. Ehhez társul az a demográfiai tényező, hogy a gazdasági növekedés csökkenő munkaképes korú népesség mellett megy végbe. Fordul a kocka: a fokozódó munkaerő-hiány inkább veszélyezteti a konjunktúrát, mint a fogyatkozó munkaerő-felesleg. | The relation between the technology and the manpower alters within the knowledge industry. Mechanization and automation supplant workers hands. Information and communication technologies are on the other hand of more working place saving characteristics. They need highly qualified, emotionally motivated people en mass, the so called competent manpower. This fact is accompanied by a demographic element, that the economic growth is followed by a declining number of population with working ability. Now the situation has completely changed: the business cycle is rather in danger of the growing shortage of manpower than the declining surplus of manpower

    Biologia futura: combinatorial stress responses in fungi

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    In the ever-changing fungal environment, fungi have to cope with a wide array of very different stresses. These stresses frequently act in combination rather than independently, i.e., they quickly follow one another or occur concomitantly. Combinatorial stress response studies revealed that the response of fungi to a stressor is highly dependent on the simultaneous action of other stressors or even on earlier stresses to which the fungi adapted. Several important phenomena were discovered, such as stress pathway interference, acquired stress tolerance, stress response memory or stress cross-protection/sensitization, which cannot be interpreted when we study the consequences of a single stressor alone. Due to the interactions between stressors and stress responses, a stress response that develops under a combined stress is not the simple summation of stress responses observed during single stress treatments. Based on the knowledge collected from single stress treatment experiments, we cannot predict how fungi will respond to a certain combination of stresses or even whether this combination will be more harmful than single stress treatments. This uncertainty warns us that if we want to understand how fungi adapt to a certain habitat (e.g., to the human body) to find a point of weakness in this adaptation, we must understand how the fungi cope with combinations of stresses, rather than with single stressors