32 research outputs found

    Criteria of Situational Efficiency in Top Level Handball : Doctoral Thesis

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    Glavni je cilj istraživanja utvrditi kvantitativne doprinose situacijske aktivnosti igrača, igračkih pozicija i faza igre rezultatskom uspjehu te na osnovi utvrđenih doprinosa konstruirati 2 zasebna modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti; temeljem zabilježenih parametara i temeljem subjektivne procjene eksperata. U tu je svrhu analizirana 101 utakmica odigrana na Svjetskom prvenstvu za rukometaše održanom u Hrvatskoj 2009. godine i anketirano 19 rukometnih eksperata iz 12 europskih zemalja. Bilježenje događaja izvršeno je pomoću softverskog paketa Match Analysis System. Učinkovitost igrača analizirana je u odnosu na sljedeće kriterijske parametre: faze igre, igračke pozicije i rezultatsku uspješnost. Set predikcijskih varijabli predstavlja ukupno 48 varijabli od koji se 9 odnosi na pozicijsku obranu, 11 na vratara, 16 na pozicijski napad, 5 na tranzicijsku obranu te 7 na tranzicijski napad. Obzirom na nepravilnu distribuciju rezultata kod većine varijabli za utvrđivanje razlika između faza igre, igračkih pozicija te za utvrđivanje kriterija važnosti koristila se neparametrijska ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test). Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike između pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada te između pozicijske i tranzicijske obrane. Razlike su utvrđene između svih igračkih pozicija u napadu i u obrani zasebno. Dobiveni koeficijenti važnosti za pojedine igračke pozicije bili su osnova za postavljanje modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti utemeljene na procjeni eksperata i na zabilježenim parametrima. Modeli su pokazali značajnu povezanost koja je bila jače izražena pri usporedbi igračkih pozicija obrane. Prema postavljenim modelima ukupna učinkovitost igrača izražava se kao relativna vrijednost zbroja ocjene učinka igrača u napadu i obrani, ponderiranih koeficijentom važnosti pojedine faze igre. Aplikativnost istraživanja potvrđena je evaluacijom postavljenih modela koji su pokazali visoku korelaciju sa ocjenama nezavisnog rukometnog eksperta. Rezultati istraživanja mogu koristiti ekspertnim trenerima u selekciji igrača, evaluaciji učinka igrača na utakmici, planiranju i programiranju trenažnog procesa i TE-TA pripremi ekipe za natjecanje. Ključne riječi:The main research goal of the study was to determine the quantitative contribution of situational activities of players, playing positions and game phases depending on the match result. Also, on those bases, to define two separate models for evaluating situational efficiency; based on the notational parameters and based on subjective assessments of experts. For this purpose, 101 matches, played at the World Championships held in the Croatia 2009th, were analyzed and 19 experts from 12 European countries were interviewed. Events notation was performed using Match Analysis System software. Efficiency of players was analyzed in relation to the following criterion parameters: phase of the game, playing positions and result successfulness. Set of predictive variables represents 48 variables of which 9 related to position defense, 11 on the goalkeeper position, 16 on position offence, 5 on transition defense and 7 on transition offence. Due to uneven distribution of results for most variables, for determining difference between the game phases, playing positions and for the importance criteria, nonparametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test) was used. The results showed statistically significant differences between the position and the transition offence and position and transition defense. Differences were found between all playing positions in attack and defense separately. Calculated coefficients of the importance for individual playing positions were the basis for setting the evaluation model of situational efficiency based on an assessment of the experts and on the notational parameters. The models showed a significant correlation that was more pronounced when comparing the defense playing positions. According to this model the overall efficiency of players is expressed as the relative value of the sum of defense and offense scores of players weighted with coefficient of importance of each phase of the game. Applicability of the study was confirmed by evaluating the models that have shown a high correlation with ratings of the independent handball expert. Research results can be used by expert coaches in player selection, evaluation of the player’s efficiency in the game, planning and programming training process, and during the team’s technical and tactical preparation for competition

    Criteria of Situational Efficiency in Top Level Handball : Doctoral Thesis

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    Glavni je cilj istraživanja utvrditi kvantitativne doprinose situacijske aktivnosti igrača, igračkih pozicija i faza igre rezultatskom uspjehu te na osnovi utvrđenih doprinosa konstruirati 2 zasebna modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti; temeljem zabilježenih parametara i temeljem subjektivne procjene eksperata. U tu je svrhu analizirana 101 utakmica odigrana na Svjetskom prvenstvu za rukometaše održanom u Hrvatskoj 2009. godine i anketirano 19 rukometnih eksperata iz 12 europskih zemalja. Bilježenje događaja izvršeno je pomoću softverskog paketa Match Analysis System. Učinkovitost igrača analizirana je u odnosu na sljedeće kriterijske parametre: faze igre, igračke pozicije i rezultatsku uspješnost. Set predikcijskih varijabli predstavlja ukupno 48 varijabli od koji se 9 odnosi na pozicijsku obranu, 11 na vratara, 16 na pozicijski napad, 5 na tranzicijsku obranu te 7 na tranzicijski napad. Obzirom na nepravilnu distribuciju rezultata kod većine varijabli za utvrđivanje razlika između faza igre, igračkih pozicija te za utvrđivanje kriterija važnosti koristila se neparametrijska ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test). Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike između pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada te između pozicijske i tranzicijske obrane. Razlike su utvrđene između svih igračkih pozicija u napadu i u obrani zasebno. Dobiveni koeficijenti važnosti za pojedine igračke pozicije bili su osnova za postavljanje modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti utemeljene na procjeni eksperata i na zabilježenim parametrima. Modeli su pokazali značajnu povezanost koja je bila jače izražena pri usporedbi igračkih pozicija obrane. Prema postavljenim modelima ukupna učinkovitost igrača izražava se kao relativna vrijednost zbroja ocjene učinka igrača u napadu i obrani, ponderiranih koeficijentom važnosti pojedine faze igre. Aplikativnost istraživanja potvrđena je evaluacijom postavljenih modela koji su pokazali visoku korelaciju sa ocjenama nezavisnog rukometnog eksperta. Rezultati istraživanja mogu koristiti ekspertnim trenerima u selekciji igrača, evaluaciji učinka igrača na utakmici, planiranju i programiranju trenažnog procesa i TE-TA pripremi ekipe za natjecanje. Ključne riječi:The main research goal of the study was to determine the quantitative contribution of situational activities of players, playing positions and game phases depending on the match result. Also, on those bases, to define two separate models for evaluating situational efficiency; based on the notational parameters and based on subjective assessments of experts. For this purpose, 101 matches, played at the World Championships held in the Croatia 2009th, were analyzed and 19 experts from 12 European countries were interviewed. Events notation was performed using Match Analysis System software. Efficiency of players was analyzed in relation to the following criterion parameters: phase of the game, playing positions and result successfulness. Set of predictive variables represents 48 variables of which 9 related to position defense, 11 on the goalkeeper position, 16 on position offence, 5 on transition defense and 7 on transition offence. Due to uneven distribution of results for most variables, for determining difference between the game phases, playing positions and for the importance criteria, nonparametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test) was used. The results showed statistically significant differences between the position and the transition offence and position and transition defense. Differences were found between all playing positions in attack and defense separately. Calculated coefficients of the importance for individual playing positions were the basis for setting the evaluation model of situational efficiency based on an assessment of the experts and on the notational parameters. The models showed a significant correlation that was more pronounced when comparing the defense playing positions. According to this model the overall efficiency of players is expressed as the relative value of the sum of defense and offense scores of players weighted with coefficient of importance of each phase of the game. Applicability of the study was confirmed by evaluating the models that have shown a high correlation with ratings of the independent handball expert. Research results can be used by expert coaches in player selection, evaluation of the player’s efficiency in the game, planning and programming training process, and during the team’s technical and tactical preparation for competition

    Criteria of Situational Efficiency in Top Level Handball : Doctoral Thesis

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    Glavni je cilj istraživanja utvrditi kvantitativne doprinose situacijske aktivnosti igrača, igračkih pozicija i faza igre rezultatskom uspjehu te na osnovi utvrđenih doprinosa konstruirati 2 zasebna modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti; temeljem zabilježenih parametara i temeljem subjektivne procjene eksperata. U tu je svrhu analizirana 101 utakmica odigrana na Svjetskom prvenstvu za rukometaše održanom u Hrvatskoj 2009. godine i anketirano 19 rukometnih eksperata iz 12 europskih zemalja. Bilježenje događaja izvršeno je pomoću softverskog paketa Match Analysis System. Učinkovitost igrača analizirana je u odnosu na sljedeće kriterijske parametre: faze igre, igračke pozicije i rezultatsku uspješnost. Set predikcijskih varijabli predstavlja ukupno 48 varijabli od koji se 9 odnosi na pozicijsku obranu, 11 na vratara, 16 na pozicijski napad, 5 na tranzicijsku obranu te 7 na tranzicijski napad. Obzirom na nepravilnu distribuciju rezultata kod većine varijabli za utvrđivanje razlika između faza igre, igračkih pozicija te za utvrđivanje kriterija važnosti koristila se neparametrijska ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test). Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike između pozicijskog i tranzicijskog napada te između pozicijske i tranzicijske obrane. Razlike su utvrđene između svih igračkih pozicija u napadu i u obrani zasebno. Dobiveni koeficijenti važnosti za pojedine igračke pozicije bili su osnova za postavljanje modela vrednovanja situacijske učinkovitosti utemeljene na procjeni eksperata i na zabilježenim parametrima. Modeli su pokazali značajnu povezanost koja je bila jače izražena pri usporedbi igračkih pozicija obrane. Prema postavljenim modelima ukupna učinkovitost igrača izražava se kao relativna vrijednost zbroja ocjene učinka igrača u napadu i obrani, ponderiranih koeficijentom važnosti pojedine faze igre. Aplikativnost istraživanja potvrđena je evaluacijom postavljenih modela koji su pokazali visoku korelaciju sa ocjenama nezavisnog rukometnog eksperta. Rezultati istraživanja mogu koristiti ekspertnim trenerima u selekciji igrača, evaluaciji učinka igrača na utakmici, planiranju i programiranju trenažnog procesa i TE-TA pripremi ekipe za natjecanje. Ključne riječi:The main research goal of the study was to determine the quantitative contribution of situational activities of players, playing positions and game phases depending on the match result. Also, on those bases, to define two separate models for evaluating situational efficiency; based on the notational parameters and based on subjective assessments of experts. For this purpose, 101 matches, played at the World Championships held in the Croatia 2009th, were analyzed and 19 experts from 12 European countries were interviewed. Events notation was performed using Match Analysis System software. Efficiency of players was analyzed in relation to the following criterion parameters: phase of the game, playing positions and result successfulness. Set of predictive variables represents 48 variables of which 9 related to position defense, 11 on the goalkeeper position, 16 on position offence, 5 on transition defense and 7 on transition offence. Due to uneven distribution of results for most variables, for determining difference between the game phases, playing positions and for the importance criteria, nonparametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test) was used. The results showed statistically significant differences between the position and the transition offence and position and transition defense. Differences were found between all playing positions in attack and defense separately. Calculated coefficients of the importance for individual playing positions were the basis for setting the evaluation model of situational efficiency based on an assessment of the experts and on the notational parameters. The models showed a significant correlation that was more pronounced when comparing the defense playing positions. According to this model the overall efficiency of players is expressed as the relative value of the sum of defense and offense scores of players weighted with coefficient of importance of each phase of the game. Applicability of the study was confirmed by evaluating the models that have shown a high correlation with ratings of the independent handball expert. Research results can be used by expert coaches in player selection, evaluation of the player’s efficiency in the game, planning and programming training process, and during the team’s technical and tactical preparation for competition

    The Association Between Morphology, Speed, Power and Agility in Young Tennis Players

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of anthropometric variables and motor abilities in change of direction speed and reactive agility performance in young tennis players. 50 tennis players (age 12.3 ± 1.2 years, height 156.7 ± 12.8 cm, body mass 45.9 ± 8.9 kg), who were ranked within the top 50 ranking places of the National Tennis Association, as well as within the top 300 on the international "Tennis Europe" rankings, participated in the study. The sample of anthropometric variables in this study comprised the measurement of participant height, body mass, body mass index and percentage of body fat. Also, participants performed tests assessing speed (5, 10, and 20 m sprints), agility (20 yards, 4x10 yards, T–test, TENCODS, and TENRAG), and explosive power (countermovement jump, single-leg countermovement jump, squat jump, standing long jump and single-leg triple jump). The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation of agility with anthropometric characteristics, running speed tests and horizontal explosive power variables, whereas there was no significant correlation with vertical explosive power variables. In conclusion, the results of this research confirmed the hypothesis that there is a significant correlation in almost all anthropometric variables and motor abilities in change of direction speed and reactive agility performance in young tennis players. Thus, our findings provide useful information for coaches to create a wide range of tennis-specific exercises to develop performance, especially in a players neuromuscular fitness

    Nonlinear Relationships between Anthropometric and Physical Fitness Variables in Untrained Pubescent Boys

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    Previous studies evidently actualized nonlinear regressions as a step forward in defining the true nature of the relationships between anthropometric and physical fitness (PF) variables in trained subjects. In this paper we have sampled 1176 nontrained boys aged 14–16 years and tested them on (1) five anthropometric predictors, including: body height, body weight, triceps skinfold, upper arm circumference, and body mass index (BMI); and (2) five PF criteria measuring: static (static strength) and dynamic muscle endurance (repetitive strength), aerobic endurance, explosive strength, and coordination. Linear (y = a + bx) and nonlinear (second-order polynomial: y = a + bx + cx2) regressions were calculated simultaneously. BMI is found to be the most significant anthropometric predictor of PF status. Although the calculation and interpretation of nonlinear regressions are far more complicated in comparison to those of linear regressions, the variance of the criteria are in some cases far better explained through a significant nonlinear model. Even more, we have found evidence that an exclusive discussion of the linear correlation model could lead to serious interpretative mistakes. This mostly relates to the fact that a linear regression model implies a continuous relationship (dependence) between the predictor and the criteria, while a nonlinear one effectively identifies possible breakpoints in the regression line and consequently highlights the real nature of the relationship between variables

    Parents’ attitudes towards sport in the sport initiation phase

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    Anketirano je devedeset dvoje (92) roditelja djece (u dobi od 9 do 11 godina) koja treniraju rukomet, sa ciljem da se defi niraju stavovi roditelja prema sportu u fazi sportske inicijacije. Kolika je važnost odgoja i obrazovanja, kakva je uloga trenera i percipiranje vrhunskog sporta kao moguće budućnosti djeteta, teme su koje su obrađene u anketnim pitanjima. U svim tvrdnjama frekvencijske razlike tražene su χ²-testom, a uzorak je dijeljen prema kriteriju stupnja obrazovanja. U dvjema tvrdnjama pronađena je značajna razlika između roditelja sa završenom srednjom školom i onih sa završenim fakultetom, pri čemu su oni s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja pokazali veće razumijevanje sporta u ovoj fazi. Moguće je zaključiti da većina roditelja ima ispravne stavove i da razumije ulogu sporta u fazi sportske inicijacije, ali i da postoje i oni roditelji koji na pogrešan način tumače ulogu sporta i zbog toga često pogrešno odgajaju i usmjeravaju svoju djecu.Ninety-two parents of nine to eleven-year-olds who train handball, have been polled, in order to defi ne parents’ attitudes towards sport in the sport initiation phase. The importance of upbringing and education, the role of a coach and the perception of a top sport as a possible child’s future; are the topics dealt with in the poll questions. Two statements reveal a signifi cant difference between parents with fi nished high-school and college graduates, in which those with a lower level of education display better understanding of sport in this phase. It is possible to conclude that most parents have the right attitudes and acknowledge the role of sport in the sport initiation phase, but also that there are parents who misinterpret the role of sport and due to this they miseducate and misdirect their children

    Parents’ attitudes towards sport in the sport initiation phase

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    Anketirano je devedeset dvoje (92) roditelja djece (u dobi od 9 do 11 godina) koja treniraju rukomet, sa ciljem da se defi niraju stavovi roditelja prema sportu u fazi sportske inicijacije. Kolika je važnost odgoja i obrazovanja, kakva je uloga trenera i percipiranje vrhunskog sporta kao moguće budućnosti djeteta, teme su koje su obrađene u anketnim pitanjima. U svim tvrdnjama frekvencijske razlike tražene su χ²-testom, a uzorak je dijeljen prema kriteriju stupnja obrazovanja. U dvjema tvrdnjama pronađena je značajna razlika između roditelja sa završenom srednjom školom i onih sa završenim fakultetom, pri čemu su oni s nižim stupnjem obrazovanja pokazali veće razumijevanje sporta u ovoj fazi. Moguće je zaključiti da većina roditelja ima ispravne stavove i da razumije ulogu sporta u fazi sportske inicijacije, ali i da postoje i oni roditelji koji na pogrešan način tumače ulogu sporta i zbog toga često pogrešno odgajaju i usmjeravaju svoju djecu.Ninety-two parents of nine to eleven-year-olds who train handball, have been polled, in order to defi ne parents’ attitudes towards sport in the sport initiation phase. The importance of upbringing and education, the role of a coach and the perception of a top sport as a possible child’s future; are the topics dealt with in the poll questions. Two statements reveal a signifi cant difference between parents with fi nished high-school and college graduates, in which those with a lower level of education display better understanding of sport in this phase. It is possible to conclude that most parents have the right attitudes and acknowledge the role of sport in the sport initiation phase, but also that there are parents who misinterpret the role of sport and due to this they miseducate and misdirect their children

    Efekti 5-tjednog funkcionalnoga i tradicionalnoga treninga s opterećenjem na antropometrijske karakteristike i motoričke sposobnosti

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    Functional training (FT) refers to exercise training programs designed to imitate the activities and movement patterns that occur in an athlete’s characteristic activity. Its purpose is to make training adaptations more specific and applicable. There is a lack of studies on the effects of FT in young and previously trained subjects. The aim of this study was to determine the training-specific effects of FT and traditional strength training (TRT) on a subset of anthropometric measures, explosive strength, agility, and sprint performance in young (22-25 years of age), previously trained male subjects (N=23) that were divided randomly into two groups (FT, n=11; TRT, n=12). The variables included anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, body fat percentage, lean body mass, and total body water), two agility tests (5-10-5 meter shuttle run and the hexagon test – HEXAGON), jumping ability (air time, peak power – PEAKPWR, jump height, ground contact time – GCT), throwing ability tests (standing overarm medicine ball throw (SMB) and lying medicine ball throw), and sprint variables (10m and 20m dash and 10-20m split time results). The training program consisted of tree either FT or TRT training sessions per week through 5 weeks. Pre- and post-training intragroup differences were established using the dependent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test was calculated to detect inter-group differences. Anthropometric variables did not change significantly during the training period. Intra-group comparisons revealed significant improvements in the SMB and HEXAGON values for FT group, whereas TRT significantly improved GCT, PEAKPWR, and HEXAGON performance but decreased achievement in SMB. In conclusion, FT and TRT influenced differently the explosive strength and agility variables. More precisely, the results demonstrated that TRT increased the energetic potential of trained musculature, which resulted in an overall increase in power qualities, while FT improved postural control and precise coordination. Certain limitations of the study are noted.Funkcionalni trening je trenažni program oblikovan tako da imitira aktivnosti i kretne strukture koje se pojavljuju u karakterističnoj sportskoj aktivnosti. Cilj mu je izazvati adaptaciju na trening što specifičniju za sport te zato primjenjiviju u konkretnom sportu. Evidentan je nedostatak znanstvenih studija koje su proučavale efekte funkcionalnoga treninga u mladih, treniranih ispitanika. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi specifične efekte funkcionalnoga treninga (FT) i tradicionalnoga treninga snage (TTS) na sklopu antropometrijskih varijabli, varijabli eksplozivne snage, agilnosti i na rezultatima sprinta mladih (22-25 godina), prethodno treniranih muških ispitanika (N=23) koji su nasumično bili podijeljeni u dvije grupe (FT, n=11; TTS, n=12). Uzorak varijabli je uključivao varijable antropometrijskih karakteristika (tjelesna visina, tjelesna težina, postotak masnoga tkiva, bezmasna masa i ukupna tjelesna voda), dvije varijable za procjenu agilnosti (5-10-5 metara shuttle run i heksagon test - HEXAGON), varijable za procjenu skakačkih sposobnosti (vrijeme leta, vršna snaga - PEAKPWR, visina skoka i vrijeme kontakta sa tlom - GCT), testove snage tipa bacanja (bacanje medicinske lopte jednom rukom stojeći - SMB, bacanje medicinske lopte iz ležanja) te varijable za procjenu eksplozivne snage tipa sprinta (sprint na 10m i 20m te međuvrijeme trčanja između 10. i 20. metra). Eksperimentalni program treninga trajao je 5 tjedana, a obje grupe provodile su 3 eksperimentalne trenažne jedinice tjedno. Razlike između inicijalnih i finalnih stanja unutar grupa utvrđene su t-testom za zavisne uzorke. Za utvrđivanje razlika između grupa korišten je t-test za nezavisne uzorke. Varijable antropometrijskih karakteristika nisu se statistički značajno promijenile tijekom primjene eksperimentalnog trenažnog programa. Značajni pozitivni efekti uočeni su unutar grupe FT za varijable SMB i HEXAGON, dok su unutar grupe TTS uočeni pozitivni efekti u varijablama GCT, PEAKPWR i HEXAGON, ali i negativni efekti za varijablu SMB. Zaključno, FT i TTS utječu diferencijalno na eksplozivnu snagu i agilnost. TTS povećava energetske potencijale trenirane muskulature, što rezultira ukupnim povećanjem parametara snage, dok FT trening pretežno djeluje na posturalnu kontrolu i poboljšanje koordinacije. Određena ograničenja ovoga istraživanja su zabilježena u članku

    Morphological Profi les of Playing Positions in Defense and Offense in Professional Men’s Handball

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    The main scope of the study is concerned with the morphological profi les of playing positions in defense, offense and the combinations of these two phases of the game. Furthermore, study attempted to identify the difference between the morphological profi les of the individual playing positions. Entity sample of the study consist of the 148 players that participated in 45 matches of the World Men’s Handball Championship which took place in Croatia in 2009. The study dealt with the differences between playing positions concerning basic morphological characteristics which are due to the selection based on roles and tasks that need to be carried out in each position. Moreover, morphological similarity of playing positions in offense and defense was noticed. It was determined that wing players play dominantly in the position of left back, external players in the position of right and center back whereas pivots participate in the positions of center, back and center forward positions in defense. Morphological profi les of playing positions in defense, offense and in the combination of these two phases of the game were determined. Identical positions on different sides in offense (left-right wing player, left-right back player) have shown that these positions are quite similar when it comes to morphological profi le and playing position in defense. It can be concluded that some playing positions in offense are accompanied by the respective positions in defense. All positions are characterized by one or two morphological profi les